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54355504 No.54355504 [Reply] [Original]

everyone at work hates me

>> No.54355541

that's how office jobs are, there had to be a catch anon

>> No.54355548
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Same here

>> No.54355554

me too and i am proud of it

>> No.54355575

It’s probably all in your head.

>> No.54355593
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>Chuds life

>> No.54355632
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>> No.54355638

Line cook here. Same. Been here less than a month though, they might warm up to me. Or they might get even more annoyed by me. Either way, pay me faggot.

>> No.54355643

you just shot up a school, troon

>> No.54355654

I’m a dishwasher I’ll be your fren

>> No.54355660

let me guess, you work from home and you live alone

>> No.54355697

Dishwashers are always my fren, I don't fuck their shit up. Always respect.

>> No.54355699
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Stop working idk, or cope, I don't pay attention to my coworkers basically cuz I spend my time reading and learning stuff kek, or else checking pond charts to depress myself a little more

>> No.54355707
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Why do chudtards treat trans people like a borg when they're actually historically very accomplished despite the discrimination, and literally defying your biology is the least NPC thing imaginable

>> No.54355715


Have sex with one of them.

>> No.54355720

you just think that. they don't hate you. think about it. there's so many natural disincentives toward hating your coworkers. the only way they would truly hate you is if you're doing something to upset them personally.

>> No.54355765

Just become a sociopath, kiss the right asses, bottle your rage, become good at your job, friendly banter and tell lies about things you have done in the past to entertain your co-workers like me bro. There would be only one person who really hates you and you have to compete with that person for the affection of everyone else.

>> No.54355769

I'm a compulsive liar. I lie in order to fit in with normoids and have them view me favourably because I'm weird and autistic.

If everyone hates you, you must must either illustrate utility to them or prey on their compassion. The later is much easier.

You must let them know you are going through a tough personal problem. A friend has just committed suicide and you're not yourself, your grandmother who you looked after just died or you have a chronic health issue that impairs you.

You also have to lie about friends you have outside work and things you've done to appear normal and interesting.

Finally, you must appear to be making an effort. The easiest way is by providing small gifts that are more of a gesture than anything else. Bring in donuts, coffee, etc.

The important thing is to research your lies and keep track of them. I have about 4-5 different personalities all with unique memories and friend groups I portray to different people.

>> No.54355772

Just face the fact that you're unlikable

>> No.54355775

you ugly piece of shit stop lying to yourself

>> No.54355779

Based, I do the same with fridges, they're loyal as fuck

>> No.54355782

Huh, an anon that's worse than me in social interactions, I've seen it all

>> No.54355784

Lmao nigger kys

>> No.54355785

kys tranny


>> No.54355786

You need to find the alpha and kick their ass. Once that is done their subordinates will automatically warm up to you.

>> No.54355986
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You will always unwittingly be a shill for neo-conservatism

>> No.54355989

>everyone at work hates me
You're doing something right.

>> No.54356000

Or.... just be yourself at work? Really don't care what people think, i'm there to make money, and if people wanna assume in an asshole go ahead. Being the "asshole" at work can have its perks, such as people never bothering you to ask for shift changes. The boss can't do shit because I get my work done.

>> No.54356661

Same. I said I think sports like football and basketball are rigged because of betting now and they are a waste of time. Now all those boomers don't like talking to me or give me the cold shoulder. The only time I got noticed in the last year was when I won 10 grand on a scratch off at lunch. Suddenly everybody was wanting to talk to me. Fuck boomers and robots.

>> No.54356703

Nobody hates us by default, we’re all just schizoids. I’ve accepted it and just do my work then go home

>> No.54356802

Everyone irl hates me everyone on this board hates me the jannies hate me and discord trannys hate me and i get shadowbanned everywhere I go and I'm still going to keep pushing on

>> No.54356815
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we will eradicate trans humans and their supporters from society just you wait

>> No.54356826
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Quiet nafo glowie

>> No.54356874
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>go to happy hours after work at new job to try to be social
>stay mostly quiet
>coworkers are all shitting on unvaccinated people, right after our workplace asked us to report vaxx status
>"if you're unvaccinated, we can still be friends, but maybe less-good friends"
>I remain quiet on the topic and get away unscathed, barely
>no workplace mandates thank God
and now after 1.5 years of blowing them off, they still ask me what are my hobbies

>> No.54356877
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2 more weeks

>> No.54356904

pick one

>> No.54357080
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I was the ground floor IT person for my business
The people leading the Business think im rude every time i say no with a path way to solution using other people

The same people cant IT out of a bag

Im about to walk away and joining another M&A business, and laugh while my 4 years of knowledge is lost

>> No.54357113

The same losers that were alone at the loser lunch table in school are the same ones that are losers in the work world. The problem is that organizations are filled with people and those that excel manipulating people use that skill to their benefit

>> No.54357126
File: 46 KB, 902x473, Ee0wZL0WAAYdwiN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're still working as a baggie instead of investing wisely, just sold all my LINK, SHIB and funny dog coin to buy KOY since they're being trending on Twitter and literally burning all SHIB's cash
Going well as intended

>> No.54357131

IT is always the bad guy in the business world. You gotta tell the big wigs why some new tech won't work with existing systems or will burden the heck out of everything etc