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54355020 No.54355020 [Reply] [Original]

i have to make it before the internet gets mass retroactively de-anonymized

>> No.54355048

Soon you'll realize they'll just take your money too.

>> No.54355070

but only i know my seed phrase

>> No.54355126
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>> No.54355692
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>> No.54355714

your crypto is priced in fiat. when there is no fiat, your crypto will be priced in nothing, and it will be worth nothing. it’s only not worth nothing now because you were retarded enough to buy it. one day all the people retarded enough to buy will need to sell, and there will be no retards left, and then all hell breaks loose. I expect to kill several

>> No.54355729

my btc will be priced in gold

>> No.54355768

you only think that because you own bitcoin and not gold. you can only buy gold with bitcoin now because it is instantly converted to fiat. bitcoin will never be gold. 21 million digital coins will never have a real value in the real world, and blockchain technology is only appealing to retards and authoritarians

>> No.54355778

i might own both faggot

>> No.54355809

you don’t. you think you will time the market, along with every other schmuck in crypto. I would advise you to correct your mistake of not owning gold or silver before it’s too late, because the moment shit pops off, every exchange will be closed and you will have only what you have. the same goes for food and guns.

>> No.54355830


>> No.54355860

r*ddit is for faggots who think they will buy their way out of hell. I wouldn’t mock them if I were you. you’re in the same boat as them. I however get to mock both of you, because they are faggots and you spend your money on digital money and think people will sell you real things for it once the banks fail.

>> No.54355870


>> No.54355923

yes you’ll be hearing that statement a lot in your future.

>> No.54355953
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good one kek

>> No.54356114

Gold will never be money again, it will never be digital. Goldbugs are among the biggest cucks. They're tech illiterate and gold will lose its monetary value, taken by bitcoin which will become money. It's already saving value over time pretty damn well compared to gold.

>> No.54356679

Good try rabbi ,you won't stop us

>> No.54356689

If they internet get de-anonymoized, im just not gonna use the internet anymore, the fuck are they gonna do, force me to make a subscription or make accounts? fuck off.

>> No.54356701

>bitcoin will be used as money
>Monero already conquered the only marketplace it was widely used as money

>> No.54356715

I hope they do, faggots like OP know they are fucked.
people like me never gave a shit in the first place but never pulled any fraud, lotta faggots on this board know they are absolutely fucked and everyones on the blockchain.

>> No.54356718


>> No.54356729

as in, there will be database services where you can search for anyone's history for a small fee. even on 4channel.

>> No.54356742

lol im so fucked if thats the case
oh well life of homelessness for me if it comes down to it

>> No.54356760

Just gonna be about 17 years of me calling out jews.
I think they would just keep my history locked up too educating.
Oh and I watched 50 days of palestine vs israel so that would be logged as well which most of that shits been whitewashed.

>> No.54357380
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I'm slowly giving up, the fact that I'm still here means I haven't sold my vinu bags yet, I'm going to wait a while longer before we go up to 30k, I have a good feeling, I think