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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5434768 No.5434768 [Reply] [Original]

Alright lets fucking settle this right now

What the fuck is with all the hate on Tron when its one of the few coins you guys shill that will actually make it?

Justin isnt some fucking chink

He's been on forbes 30 under 30 (3 fucking times) , worked for ripple before deciding to start tron, Personally selected by Jack Ma to attend Hupang university.

>The new partnership with OBIKE is fucking huge as not everyone outside of your rich country can afford to have 3 cars. OBIKE is found at every MRT station

>Plans to integrate it into PEIWO ( Chinas snapchat) which has over 10 million users

>Planned coin burn early in Q1 of 2018


>> No.5434815
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>> No.5434827

nocoiners and xrp/xvg shillers probably hate it

t. 40k tron holder

>> No.5434856

TRON will hits $1 1Q 2018

>> No.5434858
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You poor soul

>> No.5434865

Yeah after I read that article from about him I moved a big chunk into tron. He's a chosen son, it will succeed even if it's shit by the will of Jack ma

>> No.5434887

problem is we have no timeframe
how strong is the Jack Ma deal? was it just for publicity?
think I'll sell this one at the next high

>> No.5434896

30 under 30 forbes list?
why no 1?

>> No.5434911

He's one of Jack Ma's 30 students, the only millenial

>> No.5434924

It's /biz/ just fudding shit as usual and trusting no-namers instead of people with actual industry standing. Hodl through the storm. This will be $1 in 2018

>> No.5434973

You're buying solely because of the person behind it and partnerships. Who probably created it just to make money off idiots like you. This is what's wrong with the market, if these shitcoins have billion dollar valuations with no innovation or product. Hope retards lose all your money once the market wakes up.

>> No.5435037

this 'chink' or 'gook' as some would say is one of the most gifted, intelligent, and connected boys in mainland China. Let that sink in. This guy isn't a joke nor is he going away anytime soon. Ever been out of your NEET hive for more than 5 minutes into a big city? there are rentable bicycles every few blocks across the globe - all of which you will be able to rent with TRON tokens, and thats just the tip of the iceberg. Say it with me - 谢谢!

>> No.5435039

Every shitcoin starts off on hype though. It's literally all vision initially and gets coins through their launch phase. After that period, then it moves to actual dev and solidified partnerships. Tron is just starting to get shilled here which means it's early on.

>> No.5435129

How did NEO, ICX and cRipple start out as?

>> No.5435156

Im buying because i see a future with this coin through many implications. His reputation and partnerships are a bonus. Go back to BTC kiddo

>> No.5435293

You can’t buy the bikes with Tron tokens though. It’s just “based” off Tron, soooo still kinda shit and way overhyped. And I have 10k of them

>> No.5435389


They're on the tron network, you have to buy tron first transfer to ocoin and get bikes


I'm with you OP, I bought 55k, deleted blockfolio and binance and will come back December 29th to see public reaction to the code. From there on I'll see what to do, that's the biggest deciding factor for many at this point, that day will make or break this project.

>> No.5435677

Any chance we see over 275sat soon?

>> No.5435730

Once all coins stop dipping

>> No.5435865
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>implying there arent enough bikes for everyone
>needing to share
>needing to pay at all