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File: 1.23 MB, 708x1280, selfie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54340641 No.54340641 [Reply] [Original]

would you rather be a 5'3 indian software engineer making $300k a year or be a bartender making $60k a year and look like this?

>> No.54340668

Smoking is disgusting. Smoked for 10 years. He can’t pull off the suave smoker look anyway

>> No.54340673

he looks cringe

>> No.54340685
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Whichever one that has the higher IQ and is introspective.

>> No.54340688

I don't give a fuck soifaggot. Go guzzle your fag homosexual juice and shut the fuck up.
Neither but if I was forced to chose I'd be the white guy over some street shitter manlet

>> No.54340693

Looking chad and being White is worth more than 300k per year. The answer is obvious

>> No.54340695
File: 219 KB, 483x470, 6f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw meme-tier Chad records selfie smoking with his airpods in

This guy must be 5'8" or something. I don't know how else to explain this.

>> No.54340699

Neither please

>> No.54340734

Do people really?

>> No.54340753

Neither I would rather be schizophrenic and talk to God than some vapid cunt

>> No.54340838

Good morning, sir!

>> No.54340863
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Second option easily

>> No.54340878

Indian. Just go back home and fuck your own people, it's that easy.

>> No.54340897

the bartender, high eq = high iq. humans weren't built for bot work. befriend a crypto nerd and like family, he's in charge of finances, Chad's in charge of social planning, and your other bro should be a chef highly recommended those chef bros.

>> No.54341000

>both wage slaving
White no contest there

>> No.54341011

Indians control tech, soon they will governments and all white women will belong to Indian chads

>> No.54341063

I'm not a faggot, I don't find that man attractive like you do. Obviously the $300k.

>> No.54341119

Crisick is a fraud

>> No.54341149
File: 98 KB, 519x544, 1679893399062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high eq = high iq
Wrong, IQ is inversely proportional to EQ. So it would be high EQ = low IQ, feel free to cope though lol.

>> No.54341299

Pajeet doesn't need to court anyone on his own. He'll already have a cute pajeeta arranged by his parents. Height is irrelevant.

>> No.54341330
File: 98 KB, 964x912, 167925271432215589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait other bartenders make 60k a year???

>> No.54341381

>source: I’m retarded

>> No.54341392

all the disconnected fucking in the world won't make you happy, it might even make you question your sexuality.

Unironically rather be an indian prooovider in the West because they do get some stacies

>> No.54341486
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>t. inferior subhuman

>> No.54341573

I'd rather not be gay. This guy gives flaming faggot vibes.

>> No.54341703

>t. Indian manlet

>> No.54341731

only ugly people obsess over money

>> No.54341744

>t cucked wyboi

>> No.54341773

>I don't know how else to explain this.
Follows = more women = more pussy = more followers = more sponsors = more money = more women = more pussy
He hacked life. Doesn't even need to work anymore, but does it to continue meeting even more women.

>> No.54341774

money exploits just like hypergamy

>> No.54341805


>> No.54341889
File: 43 KB, 657x527, 255A13B6-DEB3-4990-AD4B-AA558297CF75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being brown

>> No.54342350

even this study is nonsense
sorry, if you're a short, ugly guy, you'll literally never illicit the same attraction as a tall handsome man, no matter how big the number is in your bank account

>> No.54342357

300k is not a lot

>> No.54342369

I'd rather be homeless and white (don't even have to be good looking) than be a poojeet.

>> No.54342413

Who the fuck is looking for 5' women and 6'10" men?

>> No.54342446

Rosaries are retarded and don’t know about height

>> No.54342490

Fucking attractive young women of all races while living in a Western country is not the same as having to live in India and fuck Indians.

>> No.54342511

I'd rather be a 5'3 indian doing what I love, making beautiful art and going hunting on weekends.
Focus on appearances is Asmodeussian ethos.
Focus on money is Mammonite delusion.
True appreciation for life's gifts and values lies beyond the temporal materialist traps.

>> No.54342560

doesn't matter what i choose - i'll win anyway, as i am already indian engineer making €60k a year in europe

>> No.54342578

I’m 6’4 and I don’t think earning $11,500 per year would be feasible.

>> No.54342610
File: 124 KB, 695x816, 1653674877685398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bartenders make approx £49k sterling??
you burgers don't know how lucky you are

>> No.54343294

Hes 6'3

>> No.54343337

good bartenders make closer to 100k, and by good I mean bartenders who work at the right place.

>> No.54343554

>be pajeet
>go to yurop
>undercut local wages
>fuck over locals, to the benefit of mr. shelberg
>brag about it online
fuck off no one wants you here

>> No.54344944

I already look better than the dude. Now, all I need is my money to be up. Like all based bros, I have a lot of chestnuts in the fire, including a huge amount of MyS staked in magicyearn. patiently waiting for it to hit a 100x.

>> No.54344974

I'm pretty sure the countless Pajeets making 300k wishing they could trade their entire fortune to be a 6+foot giga Chad swimming in pussy all day

>> No.54346194

The first one. With 300k a year in India you can buy bitches.

>> No.54346343

Yeah, you can buy bitches, but you would never get to have validation sex with a hot white woman in your entire life if you were a short pajeet. Validation sex when her hindbrain wants your genes is a heady experience.

>> No.54346420
File: 22 KB, 645x770, 1677491949681210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he looks cringe

>> No.54346870

It doesn't matter what you look like if your income is just $60k a year

>> No.54346889

With these looks you can be broke as shit and you'll never run out of girls to fuck. Plus they'll worship you for you and for some cash. You coping nigger

>> No.54346897

>look like that
>quit job
>start making tiktok and other shit about how to become a chad
>make millions

>> No.54346960

He's already a millionaire according to his own words

>> No.54346980

>travel and pay for top exotic escorts that mog your white masculine women

>> No.54347058

>Follows = more women = more pussy
in 2023 the moment you sleep with a fan/follower you will be cancelled and accused of sexual abuse. You can't sleep with fans because of "power dynamics" or some dumb shit

>> No.54347075

oh yeah? from dropshipping? and you could do the same if you buy his course? fucking sick dude

>> No.54347170


>> No.54347201

look at his head next to the door. he looks 5'9''

>> No.54347224

Hope you can find some that can do GFE well and pretend they want to have sex with you.

>> No.54347350

Somewhere in between, vanity, greed are a sin.

>> No.54349442
File: 37 KB, 600x400, cc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can get some Stacies

>> No.54350101

I'd rather be the street shitter. This dude looks too good and I don't think I can handle that. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I'd rather masturbate to cute anime girls.

>> No.54351676

I would rather pay 300k a year than be indian of any sort