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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54339327 No.54339327 [Reply] [Original]

what is the point of /biz/?

>> No.54339344

to get you to kys.
Also so anons can give me money to make me happy.

>> No.54339346

to dab on baggies

>> No.54339356

why, to post Serena in penguin suit pics

>> No.54339387

It's a site for critiquing content on fintwit and r/wsb and r/cc

>> No.54339418

to say the n word with the boys

>> No.54339597

Stop stealing memes from WWE

>> No.54339798

To make me calm down and laugh a little instead of stressing over lines going up & down

>> No.54340408

Posting frogs and tranny pics, getting dubs, spread fud, LARPing hard and discussing incel culture related topics like depression, misogyny, antisemitism, etc, all while sounding like complete and utter retards

>> No.54340423

To find new ads like that nairchan one

>> No.54340428

frogposting and shilling low cap gems

>> No.54340430

to amplify the symptoms of your insecure attachment style until you go broke, kys, or get over them

>> No.54340434
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to shill jeet shitcoins/scams

>> No.54340439

financial shitposting with the AI hivemind

>> No.54340443

I found about polyhotel and Vela thanks to biz.


>> No.54340473
File: 227 KB, 1080x1662, bizqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting serena pics
to laugh at GME and LINK baggots (kek)

>> No.54340574

She’s the type of girl I’d date and then have a constant “grass is greener” feeling. Cheat on her, eventually dump her and live the rest of my life in regret of that decision.

>> No.54340612

I can't explain it but castizos have that madonna-whore combo look that says "Iwill nurture your babies and fully drain your balls with a smile, anon"
wat do

>> No.54340635

>she's probably getting railed by Chad right the fuck now, desu

>> No.54340636

>wat do

>> No.54340653

to get altcoin faggots out of /g/

>> No.54340659

Subject to manipulation and coercion in this world I like to come here to tell people why they are killing eachother.

I only do it because it's fun. I suspect you will kill eachother with or without my intervention.

>> No.54340660


>> No.54340661
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This is the reason everyone in India has diarrhea.

>> No.54340664

To psyop people into scams so they dont make it.
Dont get me wrong, there are some legit crypto projects but they are rarely discussed here and you can count them on one hand, also page 1 is dominated by scams. glowniggers dont want that you make it. always remember that.

>> No.54340694
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not fond of indian cuisine huh?

>> No.54340710
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ignore the shartgraph logo some shill shamelessly grafted on to this image. but this is another pic of the foodcart meme girl. i'd give her an extra serving of protein if you know what i mean

>> No.54340711

Delhi belly.

>> No.54340716

they built it
and we came

>> No.54340722

stalker freaks

>> No.54340767
File: 7 KB, 243x208, BAC2F816-8E8F-4361-854F-EA51527E388D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post da frogs

>> No.54340801
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>> No.54341233


>> No.54341286

Indian scams, unironically

>> No.54341317

It used to be business and finance discussion. Now its just discord losers, plebbitors, trannytards and morons posting the same pink wojaks, bear and cow pictures for internet upvotes.

>> No.54341368

god I can't wait for her onlyfans. she'll probably make millions in the first week desu. financially speaking, how does that make you feel?

>> No.54341377

To laugh at Baggie

>> No.54341538

Serena Mello fan club

>> No.54341551

Sharting their way to superpower status

>> No.54341566

To keep /g/ clean of shitcoins you filthy newfags.

/biz/ is absolute dogshit; no trading general, no CEX general, no daily gainers general, no business general, no finances general.
You pieces of shits can't do crypto nor money making businesses, you useless pieces of shits. This is just /b/ at this point or r9k or s4s

>> No.54341604
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We pull the strings.

>> No.54341640

very true this is a containment board

>> No.54341641

>/biz/ is absolute dogshit
fuckin A

>> No.54341662

the jeets did this to us

>> No.54342697

Make you find gems early. I got ORE here.

>> No.54342709

Got a lot of them from this board. TSUKA, HBAR, CULT, ORE, and some arbitrum gems.

>> No.54342728

i think you meant BBC