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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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54338553 No.54338553 [Reply] [Original]

Actual insider here. A rather large number of coins will be removed from Coinbase and Coinbase Pro over the coming months due to an agreement with the SEC. Chainlink is one of them. This is because Chainlink held an ICO. The SEC was also considering the banning of Ethereum altogether on Coinbase but the exception is that Ethereum is considered framework or a “launchpad” for other projects. Chainlink being removed from Coinbase, along with 20+ others, will be announced sometime before the summer. This is my only warning. Feel free to ignore.

>> No.54338569


>> No.54338584

…are you saying that chainlink bad? If so, go shit in the street

>> No.54338585

>Feel free to ignore.

>> No.54338590

Ok, name all the others.

>> No.54338595
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>Feel free to ignore.
Sounds good.

>> No.54338603

jesus dude from sunrise to sunset you are in every link thread fighting an imaginary pajeet in your head. get mental help.

>> No.54338615

thank you for letting us know fren!!!

>> No.54338618

SEC is bad and will potentially cause a black swan event
Any token that has ever had an ICO between 2017 and 2019 that is trading on Coinbase right now is in danger

>> No.54338627

>said the fat brown incel

>> No.54338643
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The ICO was not available in the US, tard.

>> No.54338656

NOTE: The silver lining to all of this is that any tokens affected have a chance to register with the SEC. There have been talks of the SEC allowing certain ERC20 tokens for registration. This will take time though. A lot of time.

Rufus is out. Good luck.

>> No.54338666
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A launchpad for other projects. Now that is interesting.

>> No.54338679

Lawyer anon here. SEC can not ban shit. They have no power to ban things instantly. Senate can do that with a proposed bill. Otherwise the best they can do is sue coinbase. Even if they sue coinbase it is a publicly traded company there is no legal bases for ethereum based coins being securities.

>> No.54338681
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t. juan carlos diaz master of the white race

>> No.54338686

Yeah it was kek
>american ico holder who sold the top
Enjoy going back to pennies newfaggots.

>> No.54338688

still not registered with the SEC, retard.
An ICO is an ICO regardless of where it took place. Looks like they didn’t break US law when it came to running an ICO but being available to US consumers and investors in 2023 is illegal.

>> No.54338693

Not a lawyer here
>t. lawyer
Nice try though.
you link baggies are becoming schizophrenic.

>> No.54338694

Remember, you’re brown. Cute meme though. But you’re brown. You will never be white.

>> No.54338701

this level of fud is embarrassing, go brainstorm on your discord server some more.

>> No.54338709

>everything not praising Chainlink is FUD
kill yourself

>> No.54338713

outsider here. i dunno anything

>> No.54338731

Sec does not have the powers you guys think they have. There is no reason to fear from the sec glowies.

>> No.54338770

They got their ass kicked by fucking Ripple. Coinbase legal team is way more of a force. No one is scared of the SEC here. But this fud is super obnoxious.

>> No.54338865


>> No.54338907

it would make more sense for coinbase to simply leave the united states entirely than to gut its entire market.

>> No.54338940

Show proof you kycd with your American details and got ico. 100% bet you can't and are just too much of a typical fat fuck retard American to remember you got some allocation group to illegally give 8t to you. Fuck I hate you stupid fat fuck retards.

>> No.54338983

>angry brown noise intensifies

>> No.54338986

>anyone that is giving an opinion on anything that could even remotely be a positive to Chainlink is a LINK shill

I don't know who's more mentally ill anymore: you or the LINK shills. This issue would definitely encompass way more tokens than LINK.

>> No.54338995

this would be devastating

>> No.54339049

If true, the US government is adamant to get left behind.

>> No.54339076

>left behind from ponzi scheme money grab bullshit tokens
yeah i think we’ll survive

>> No.54339112

What part of I can't physically sell any of my 50k staked tokens don't you get Pakith? Back to your shitting street now.

>> No.54339166

RLC gets around this by not icoing in the USA and seeking SEC approval before listing in the US markets lmao.

>> No.54339167

OP is for sure full of shit.

Coinbase isn't going to make any agreement, they will fight it in court. SEC also will not completely destroy the largest exchange in US, a publicly traded company. They might try and prevent shitcoins from being listed in the future but LINK has been out for too long for them to do anything

>> No.54339240


>> No.54339309

RLC is a pajeet scam lol

>> No.54339361

It's a french scam.

>> No.54339396

Just a scam is fine.

>> No.54339409

>Guys quick, the third largest crypto is getting banned
>Source: my gaping rectum
Yeah, well my dad works at Nintendo and he says LTC is getting banned first

>> No.54339419

chainlink is still trading at $7.. $7

>> No.54339424

touch grass

>> No.54339447

>said the incel street shitter
Lol you’re brown, and poor

>> No.54339544

Please let this include ETH faggot 60% premine shitcoin.

>> No.54339665

>Any token that has ever had an ICO between 2017 and 2019 that is trading on Coinbase right now is in danger
SEC considers proof of stake a security, so by your logic, ETH is also screwed and if ETH is screwed then all of DeFi is fucked.

>> No.54339675

have sec incel

>> No.54339705

>brown hands can’t even type

>> No.54339727

8 pbtid chaincuck is just getting started
another 20 on the way lol

>> No.54339733

have SEC incel

>> No.54339740

>chaincuck too stupid to understand the reference

>> No.54339794

Didn't Coinbase Pro get discontinued months ago and all the assets were forced to migrate to regular Coinbase? Kek

>> No.54339839


Doubt this. Chainlink was listed on Coinbase back when they were extremely picky. There were less than 10 coins listed, in fact i think there were only 7 at the time. “Coinbase listing pump” was a thing back then and Chainlink got a huge one due to it.
Now they listed hundreds and lowered standards dramatically since.

>> No.54339850

>better cover it up
lol brown people are ez

>> No.54339860

have sex incel

>> No.54339869

We are witnesses to the Legend of the Phantom Punjabi Pooper.... He is in every thread, always fudding LINK (which makes sense desu), and impossible to pin down due to his ghee bath every morning

>> No.54339885

>finally learns how to spell
I see the street shitter patrol is waking up. lol remember you’re brown. look at your hand

>> No.54339893

>there is no legal bases for ethereum based coins being securities
There is no legal basis for most of what the SEC does, which luckily for us has never stopped them in the past.

>> No.54339895

have sex incel

>> No.54339939

>LINK has been out for too long for them to do anything
So fair notice defense?

>> No.54340644

I think this is why Sergey looks so depressed these days