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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54338042 No.54338042 [Reply] [Original]



>From the ycombinator link

CNBC just deleted 5 pages showing the current and historical 5 year Credit Default Swaps for:

- JPMorgan, deleted URL: https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/JPMCD5

- Bank of America, deleted URL: https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/BACCD5

- PNC, deleted URL: https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/PNCCD5

- Truist Financial, deleted URL: https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/TFCCD5

- Wells Fargo, deleted URL: https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/WFCCD5

>> No.54338057

ok cool, where else can i view them? more importantly, can normal wagies buy CDS?

>> No.54338066

It's over

>> No.54338070
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>> No.54338115

This means the debts have changed hands.

Possibly the sign of a bank run? or sweeping debts under rugs. We'll see I guess.

>> No.54338143

whats a credit default swap

>> No.54338157

surely if you can't see the price you can't panic over the price, and if you think you need to see the price then you're part of the problem. banks are safe

>> No.54338171

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.54338184

Funds are safu.

>> No.54338185
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In Short, BUY $GME

>> No.54338188
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Another (ANOTHER) $gme post

take it back to the general

>> No.54338189
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Oh fugg is the illegal counterfeiting of GME by financial terrorists killing all the banks?

>> No.54338194

ANSWER THEM >>54338143

>> No.54338199

Basically a bet that the bank will fail.

>> No.54338214
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From Baggies to billionaires.

It was worth holding 2 years. And i did so relatively painlessly.

>> No.54338233

When a business fails but is useful to the exonomy they perform a credit default swap.

Basically, they take all the assets of the business and put it in a new umbrella corporation so the assets don't get sold to pay the debt.

The debt remains in the old company and sort of just sits there, waiting for us to do something about it. Someone still holds the debt, but I imagibe that's just finance voodoo, the government owns it and is sweeping potential inflation under the rug.

>> No.54338257

insurance against the banks dying
the fact that CDS are spiking means that people are saying the odds of those banks dying (defaulting) has increased considerably

>> No.54338263

What does it mean

>> No.54338295

spoon feeding time is over

>> No.54338296
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>> No.54338300

It just means that you have to find the data elsewhere. But of course you'll need to pay money to see it. Or rely on others who have access.

>> No.54338304

That the banking system is sound and resilient.

>> No.54338323
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It means the mainstream media is hiding information and data that would indicate shits fucked from you, because they want you holding the bag.

>> No.54338391

(((They))) don't want normies to see that credit default swaps are exploding. Friday the market tanked because of DB's CDS. This is not good.

>> No.54338400
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>> No.54338437

There used to be TYTE and WYDE by proshares but I just went looking for them to find they discontinued in 2019, how the fuck do I get CDS exposure?

>> No.54338463

>/gme/ was right
I kneel. I guess you really will have stories to tell your wife's grandkids.

>> No.54338503

Equity futs are green, interest rates and forex stable, OP is a fag as usual

>> No.54338555


> Futs are green
> Text is green

Futs don't matter

>> No.54338589

Just been pondering, SKF is the only thing I can think of for some sort of related exposure.

>> No.54338629


I don't think that's good enough.

>> No.54338658

But that information is up

>> No.54338725

What the fuck does this have to do with GME? Joe Biden could reveal a toupee and people would relate it to GME.

>> No.54338740

What would happen if all those banks went belly up?
Theoretically speaking

>> No.54338749

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.54338775



>> No.54338852
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You're NGMI, this could of been avoided if you would of seen the writing on the wall that's been in plain sight for the last two years.

>> No.54338867

Then I hope GME dumps along with the broad market you fucking fags

>> No.54338884

How do I make money off of this?

>> No.54338916
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Buy $GME, Direct register that shit because brokers are going to be dumpster fires.

>> No.54338929


Why would DRS be superior to a broker?

>> No.54338944

Simple, just start selling CDSs

>> No.54338991

they can't force you to sell for one. By direct registering your shares you are taking them out of the hands of the DTCC and placing them in your name, it's true ownership.

>> No.54339007
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for you.

>> No.54339035

>they can't force you to sell for one.
Brokers can't either idiot.

>> No.54339048
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>> No.54339183


But brokers can't force you to sell either unless it's in a margin call.

>> No.54339190

Check your broker's Terms of Service. They have the ability to sell your shares to protect themselves.

>> No.54339284

>They have the ability to sell your shares to protect themselves.
They don't, except in the event of you failing to meet margin requirements.

>> No.54339522

Not true, they can sell your shares even if you meet margin requirements. This is exactly what happened with GME in 2021 and it's one of the things Sergey puts in his slides about tradfi being a scam.

>> No.54339540

>This is exactly what happened with GME in 2021
No it didn't, this is why no one takes you idiots seriously.

>> No.54339553
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>> No.54339554
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green futes are nothing but kikes' psyops trying to inject hopium in the normiesphere. This is just talmudic cope, the minute the market open we will witness giant red dildos assfucking all the banks. Nothing can save them, and that was done by design.

>> No.54339642

>On Wednesday, Robinhood warned some investors with options in GameStop and AMC that it may automatically sell off their stakes to reduce risk, the spokesperson said. But these investors told The Verge they didn’t have options in GameStop or AMC and hadn’t purchased the stocks on margin. They had purchased the shares outright, they said, and were planning to hold onto them.

>> No.54339669
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IE margin.

>> No.54339681

Can you look up Barclays CDS prices for me?

>> No.54339696 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54339699

>calls others illiterate
>is actually illiterate himself

>> No.54339706

>The screenshots don’t indicate how the purchases were funded or how the sales were initiated, but in several of them the app displays a message saying, “We’ve received your order to sell [#] shares of [stock] at the best available price.”
Also you're saying that it was only 12 people for a few hundred dollar accounts? Imagine believing it's that and not them being retarded.

>> No.54339715

No, I'm saying the idiot with 500 in RH probably was retarded enough to buy options and think he got shares.

>> No.54339751

If you weren't around to see it, I can see why it would be hard to believe. Robinhood did in fact forcibly 'sell' people's purportedly purchased shares (they never really bought them in the first place, it's all arbitrage fuckery on RH backend which was part of the problem causing the squeeze in the first place) Time to humble up though, you're wrong.

>> No.54339774

>Time to humble up though, you're wrong.
I'm not, even in the article you linked there's no proof that happened and it's all based on conjecture with no proof. Purportedly to steal a few hundred dollars off of 12 people was all they could find. Which makes no sense if that their ToS that affects all clients.

>> No.54339832

I had 17 shares on Robinhood during that shenanigan and not one were sold. I didn't have options enabled though and bought with my own money

>> No.54339833

I didn't link the article, another anon did, and anyone around at that time knows what really happened. You trust the media that much? Did you also get vaxxed?

>> No.54339858

Who the fuck uses cnbc.com for anything?

>> No.54339927

I desire nothing less than the great multigenerational economic shittening of our epoch. I hope every bank rips ass simultaneously and dies.

>> No.54339999

I don't remember the forced selling but I do remember the disabling of the buy button in Robinhood during the squeeze. They tried to do everything they could to coax retail to sell and not hold, because that squeeze would have seriously fucked over bigger institutions than just Melvin. This caused a panic and a massive retail sell wall. It came up in congressional hearings. That's how the 1st squeeze was stopped.

>> No.54340039

checked and this shit is ongoing, hence the banks failing. Basically just buy GME

>> No.54340061
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Nice Digits, WAGMI.

Buy $GME, end of discussion.

>> No.54340121

It might not be too late.

>> No.54340791

that post is 2 years old, I don't have a Bloomberg terminal anon.

>> No.54340815

kek but dont be gay look it up for him

>> No.54340847


>> No.54340857
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its pretty simple guys


>> No.54340885


>> No.54340886

They will simply print it all. Simple as

>> No.54340927

>more importantly, can normal wagies buy CDS?
>Typically, credit default swaps are the domain of institutional investors, such as hedge funds or banks. However, retail investors can also invest in swaps through exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds. There are a handful of funds that include credit default swaps and other credit derivatives in their basket of investments.

>> No.54340948

You can buy GME which is basically a CDS against the banks

>> No.54340971

>You can buy GME which is basically a CDS against the banks

what? no it became a short squeeze against hedge funds. what's the new schizo theory on GME and commercial banks? because commercial banks and investment banks are completely different animals and industries.

>> No.54340985

>used video game retailer stock priced in fiat currency is going to be the new money after the financial collapse

>> No.54340989

This is why they have their own general.

>> No.54341206
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Whale here.

According to my calculations, the banking system is sound and all depositor funds are secure.


>> No.54341249
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Investment banks invest in commercial banks, and when commercial banks fail and get only half-bailouts like SVB, Investment banks will be lucky to get pennies on the dollar for what they had, as only the depositors get insured. not the investors.
Institutional investors such as Archegos also use swaps to do unreported shorting, this is what killed Credit Suisse since they were the counter party to these swaps and were forced to acquire Archegos when they went bust. And now UBS is trying to back out of the part where they are forced to acquire CS's swaps

>> No.54341318

>GME fags trying to insert themselves into this

You are not relevant
Not as an investor
Not as a poster
Not as a human being

Fuck off.

>> No.54341344

Take meds schizo

>> No.54341401

>he doesn’t have a BBG and ICE subscription
Big oof

This thread has caused me to consider going back to school and becoming a paleo-anthropologist though, as it sounds fun and like it wouldn’t be an industry full of headless chickens. So thanks I guess OP

>> No.54341778

Just buy nibba it's not joever yet.

>> No.54341795

I have $100 in Schwab common equity, is my investment fucked?

>> No.54341819

Everything is fine, stop being a chud

>> No.54341826

token not needed

>> No.54342089

>whats a credit default swap

it's essentially a bet that a company will default on its debt

>> No.54342117
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Your better off shorting with leverage, same effect and 100 times simpler. -a kleros juror

>> No.54343077

PNC and Truist are back on the site now.

>> No.54343137

Chainlink solves this

>> No.54343306

Is this seriously a conspiracy thread about how buying GameStop stock will somehow get me ahead in an absolute economic collapse? I’m admittedly a former /pol/ and GameStop era biz user but come on. Why would I buy GameStop stock that’s based on a currency tightrope walking a single thread? Why would I not trade crypto futures and gamble on shitcoins as well as invest in food, guns and gold and silver?

>> No.54343532

Yeah but how to get the CDS equivalent data.
Percentage of Shares Shorted is a bit more indirect no?

>> No.54343552
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Nothing will happen. Get back to work, goy.

>> No.54343584

This is what happens when your executive board is too boomer to know what the fuck a streisand effect is

>> No.54344082

Why not do all of that at the same time?

>> No.54344095

does no one on this board have a bloomberg?

>> No.54344183

Yeah, reading faces is like horoscope but I sure as hell regret parking my fiat in banks now

>> No.54344202

L e v e r a g e

>> No.54345352
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Go figure