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File: 89 KB, 1125x894, china foreign treasuries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54335091 No.54335091 [Reply] [Original]

>Entirety of the world is dumping the dollar
>For some reason Euro and American goys continue to buy up the dollar

Get rid of your dollars or get stuck holding the bag

>> No.54335138

They sold treasuries because they needed dollars retard. The dollar has been mogging all other currencies for the last 3 years.

>> No.54335145
File: 54 KB, 571x527, pepe camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They sold treasuries because they needed dollars retard

>> No.54335151

But this is racist and transphobic!

>> No.54335163

current treasuries are more lucrative and more expensive than prior ones, meaning their balance sheet is being consolidated all things being equal

>> No.54335167

RIP Federal Reserve Notes (Ticker: USD)
1913 - 2023

It was good while it lasted.

>> No.54335174

rather be bagholding american dollars than some eurocuckrency thats likely to disappear within 4 years

>> No.54335204

>do what shitskins do

>> No.54335211
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What about neither?

>> No.54335224

What do you think they did with the dollars, burned them? They bought hard assets like gold and land. And they put those dollars into circulation. Additionally, because the US government no longer has use of those dollars, the Fed must create more than it would if China and others were still willing to lend. This is highly inflationary and is going to get worse.

>> No.54335374

The Euro seems inherently unstable, the fact that Greece during the GFC threatened to debase their currency (which happend to be almost all other European countries currency) to pay of their debt, should tell you something about how fragile the system is, it's basically an honour system as any one member country can debase the currency at will and the cost being allocated to other countries.
CHF and NOK are not tethered to the EUR, but given the CS debacle.. and Norway being a tiny country, there really are no alternative.
GBP is also trash, if i had to wager on which country i think is most likely to relegate it's position as a first world country, deindustrializing and becoming an emerging country on pair with Vietnam and Thailand, i would put my money on GB.

USA suck so much, it's unfathomable, the risk of dollar plummeting seems to be less "explosive" and more a thing that will take decades to unfold.
The dollar is the winning horse amongst the derby for "special" horses.

>> No.54335998

>retards who don’t understand the Eurodollar
Kek fucking retards

>> No.54336081

The rest of the world is retarded and keeps forgetting that the USD is still the best option, for all of its problems.
You'll see them remember it shortly.

>> No.54336207

Just converted all my USD to yuan

>> No.54336247

>the fact that Greece during the GFC threatened to debase their currency
that never happened
>it's basically an honour system as any one member country can debase the currency at will and the cost being allocated to other countries.
stop talking out of your nigger ass

>> No.54336381

Seems like your version of reality is slightly more factual based than mine, doesn't make me wrong though.

>> No.54336409

Buy as much yuan and ruble as you can.

>> No.54336421
File: 191 KB, 720x630, israel dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll see them remember it shortly.
Someone getting a little nervous?

>> No.54336432

The answer is that the USA choosing to divest from china will destroy their economy. The petrodollar likewise assumes use of Saudi oil, when the US has its own oil. All of these countries exist because of US control of the seas and organization/construction of their infrastructure and factories. The USA pulls out and suddenly none of them will be viable.

The game is Xi the retard assuming Xiden will do nothing (which is true) and that americans will fold. Chinese are known pussies so when Americans institute the tranny removal regime, the chinks will blink. Taiwan will be a state and I will sex all their women inshallah.

>> No.54336463

>it was good while it lasted
[citation needed]

>> No.54336479

Post 1 (one) currency that is doing good against the USD/Euro
I am waiting

>> No.54336487

bitcoin ($BTC)

>> No.54336499
File: 112 KB, 562x630, china collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The answer is that the USA choosing to divest from china will destroy their economy.

Which video is yours?

>> No.54336503
File: 442 KB, 780x439, image_2023-03-26_162521333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54336519
File: 104 KB, 1043x615, rubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Pesos

>> No.54336532

>t. seething canadian zhang
If the US removes its factories and technology from china and returns to the status of 1967, the Chinese economy has no future. It produces nothing anyone wants without an American hand puppeting them. Their environment is toxic and ruined, their women are barren and their birthrate will fall to only 6 million a year in the next 7 years. It's over for them.

>> No.54336562
File: 54 KB, 1170x627, russia chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the US removes its factories and technology from china and returns to the status of 1967, the Chinese economy has no future.

Didn't I hear this exact same argument against Russia almost 2 years ago now?
Retards were kvetching that somehow Russians can't even make tractors or build infrastructure without American big rigs or how all of their electronics will fail overnight?

>> No.54336568

I've been looking at middle eastern currencies DESU

>> No.54336649
File: 79 KB, 1200x675, vllkyt76vbd3sq2nb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordanian and Kuwaiti dinars seem based

>> No.54336674

I would be more worried about China holding so many US treasuries

>> No.54336942

BOJ and BOC are still loaded with this garbage to the fucking brim
don't let this graph fool you
there is still a loooong way down

>> No.54337138

That's assuming there's still going to be a bid once everyone is trying to sell at the same time

>> No.54337372
File: 53 KB, 273x186, 40753987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been dead since the 70s

>> No.54337527

>anyone can debase at will

My guy, remember when the Greeks overwhelmingly voted no on austerity which basically meant leaving the Eurozone? They made it clear to Varoufakis and Zyrica that they are going to kill each and everyone of them if they leave the EU. They then agreed to all the conditions set by the Troika.

People still think that this is like a game, where you can just quit anytime and nothing happens. It’s trillions we are talking about, fucking trillions. If you sit in front of the big red button that crashes the world financial system, not only the US will make it unmistakably clear that you trying to push that button will lead to the extended suicide of you and your family by you raping your sons and daughters and then burning them together with your wife, after which you mutilated and tortured yourself for hours, poured acid in your eyes and shot yourself in the back of your head twice after suffering an episode of an undiagnosed mental disorder.

>> No.54337687

Mutts trying to understand Europe is a pathetic sight to behold.

On topic: there is no alternative to USD and we all know it, some just larp more than others

>> No.54337720

>>For some reason Euro and American goys continue to buy up the dollar
Same noose, different neck.

>> No.54337724

>why do they need dollars?
Dollar Milkshake baby. DXY to the moon end of decade

>> No.54337780

After Russia's money got confiscated China isn't willing to lose their money when they invade Taiwan

>> No.54337810

>Jordanian dinars
My friend is Jordanian. He says his countrymen pray that the king wins at the casino so their money retains its value. Do with this information what you will.

>> No.54338332

One is based on obscure math and pyramid scheme manipulation and the other one is crypto. Comes down to whether you trust the jew or autistic ideologues more.

>> No.54340642

>there is no alternative to the usd
lol. even the Fed doesn't agree with this. CBDC isn't just a shiny upgrade to the dollar, it's a replacement

>> No.54341304

Are you retarded? The ECB controls the amount of euros. Member states do not print euros, the best they can do is to print government debt and hope nobody asks for more interest than the ECB would pay. I fucking hate you retarded little niggers who spout off this absolute BS. Shitcoiners like you trying to "explain" the world are the most fraudulent idiots.

>> No.54341314

>Needs dollars

Lol, lmao. Didn't you see Russia just agreed to use the Yuan? Also, BRICS is creating a gold backed currency, because they're sick of USA having monopoly over the reserve currency.

>> No.54341592


you never go full Zeihan

>> No.54341633

Shiny rocks