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54332457 No.54332457 [Reply] [Original]

Normies don’t understand how dangerous Bitcoin is to the establishment do they?

>> No.54332474

normies aren't even aware that their savings are getting devalued over time lmao
tried to explain to one some day he became angry can you imagine

>> No.54332499

The real black pill is their ‘savings’ dont even exist. They are a digital number that doesn’t really exist. Work a whole life time time to have a digital number that means very little.

>> No.54332505

He would have been a legit chad if he wasn't a manlet. The heightpill is the final redpill.

>> No.54332513

>Normies don’t understand how dangerous Bitcoin is to the establishment do they?

bitcoin validates dollars because all bitcoin owners actually care about is dollars

>> No.54332535

How tall was he? I was going to say he looks chaddy.

>> No.54332546

imagin what happens when maxi dream finally comes true and banks collapse along with cexes and fiat on/off ramps.

>> No.54332557

Yep Bitcoin is a dollar blob

>> No.54332569

you can buy bitcoin with it so at one point it definitely exists

>> No.54332577
File: 14 KB, 572x260, Fj95qqVaAAAlUO4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he became angry
Many such cases.
Tried to explain why bitcoin wasn't "just that think criminals use to scam people on the internet". Met with anger.
Tried to explain why getting excited over their savings interest going from 3% to 3.5% means fuck all. Met with anger.
For some reason NPCs think they already have financial matters down to a T.

>> No.54332583
File: 53 KB, 496x640, 6B71FAE6-204D-470C-9337-B24258F46F11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normalized normie thinking is normalized for a reason. cattle is as cattle does.

>> No.54332584

Not true you can buy most anything in BTC already you can pay tax debts
Seeth more kike

>> No.54332602
File: 12 KB, 220x293, The smoking man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's a threat to the establishment, how long before the establishment shuts it down?

>> No.54332605

Being wrong doesn’t help you. What people think doesn’t matter. What matters is reality. Bitcoin can hold value and fiat can’t. The end game is inevitable.

>> No.54332614

If it were that dangerous, it would have been eliminated a long time ago.

>> No.54332632

what's better, owning the money printer, or owning secretely more bitcoins than anyone else?

>> No.54332642

Bitcoin doesn't exist either. At some eventual layer of abstraction, all money is fake and backed by nothing. Even the mighty "gold"

>> No.54332658

>Not true you can buy most anything in BTC already you can pay tax debts
>Seeth more kike

stop lying, you can't.

>> No.54332662

you don't know what the word exist mean

>> No.54332666

If they knew, they'd be FOMOing into it so rabidly they'd cease to be normies. The process would literally transform them.

>> No.54332667

>Being wrong doesn’t help you. What people think doesn’t matter. What matters is reality. Bitcoin can hold value and fiat can’t. The end game is inevitable.

and again you prove that all you care about is dollars. the value is measured in dollars and would be zero if bitcoin could not be sold for dollars.

>> No.54332689
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How can they eliminate it?
Hint: They can't

>inb4 ban cashing out
the endgoal isn't even to cash out

>> No.54332703

>"savings" in cash

>> No.54332704

kek new wagecuck NPC cope just dropped

>> No.54332709

Are u a bot? I didn’t mention cashing out at any point. As we would said on Bitcointalk many years ago. If you hold long enough you don’t ever need to cash out.

>> No.54332715

Imagine being this naive.

Not an argument.

>> No.54332728

kek I've tried to argue that the real inflation is way above 2% but I never managed to get any result, even now normies still think inflation is 4-5%. They're just lost.

>> No.54332774

I have 10.5btc.

It’s an annoying amount. It’s enough to know that in a few years I’ll be properly rich (in dollar terms) and it’s enough to know that if Hyperbitcoinisation becomes a reality I’ll be part the absolute elite.

However, right now it’s not even enough to buy half an average house in any developed country.

I kinda just want to go into a coma and wake up in a decade when 10btc is actually life changing wealth.

>> No.54332800

>Are u a bot? I didn’t mention cashing out at any point

there is no purpose to owning bitcoin if you dont cash out. it does nothing.

>> No.54332845

ok Sanjay. I think we are on different levels.

>> No.54332875

>ok Sanjay. I think we are on different levels.

yeah, i'm living in reality and you're living in some sort of web 3.0 fantasy. in the real world we use dollars son.

>> No.54332881

Focus on doubling it to join the 1 million club

>> No.54332907
File: 1.07 MB, 640x640, 6E6CB107-42DD-4A96-B19A-3604017CF299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No really. You aren’t on the same page. I have millions in Bitcoin I know I can move around the globe and give me perfect financial freedom and security.

You are into NFT’s and shit right? Have a good one son..

>> No.54332935

He was normie in looks. I think he was like 5’7 tho. And yea if ur < 5’10 its over.
>t. Chadlite whos 5’7 and a khv

>> No.54332967

>No really. You aren’t on the same page. I have millions in Bitcoin I know I can move around the globe and give me perfect financial freedom and security.
>You are into NFT’s and shit right? Have a good one son..

again its dollars you care about quite clearly. it makes no difference to you what crypto you own.

>> No.54333088

They don't see it as dangerous to the establishment. They see it as a scam, something like the Wolf of Wall Street would be operating (correctly).
They also think people who are into Bitcoin are "scary and weird" and "troubled loners" who "need to have sex."

>> No.54333091

He has no idea, just leave it. Everyone realizes at his own pace; this is always how energy/resources are delegated between all market participants.

>> No.54333093

All he had to do was lift and fuck a few prostitutes

>> No.54333108

>Normies don’t understand how dangerous Gold is to the establishment do they?
Gold bugs the last few decades

>> No.54333218

With Gold, the establishment took the “if you can’t beat them, join them” approach.

Major gold holders are Central Banks, so they can dictate the market. As such gold isn’t a threat because gold is the establishment.

Bitcoin on the other hand, as long as Satoshis coins aren’t actually owned by ZOG, it is a totally legitimate threat to them.

>> No.54333229

I think it's edited

>> No.54333275

>Bitcoin on the other hand, as long as Satoshis coins aren’t actually owned by ZOG, it is a totally legitimate threat to them.

except bitcoin is useless without on and off ramps to real dollars.

>> No.54333297

There is literally no danger to the Establishment. They control all the on and off ramps and we don't even know the NSA's true cryptographic capabilities. And those are just things off the top of my mind. I'm sure there's more glowie shit in there.

>> No.54333302

for those who think the dollar will go to zero (they're right) it's the opposite

>> No.54333352


>> No.54333399

why the fuck do people keep sharing this kid?
i swear he has the most annoying face

>> No.54333611

He’s a 40 year old with a growth deficiency

>> No.54334655

>Satoshi designed bitcoin to scale
Yep, you nailed it my dude. Bitcoin isn't created by Central Intelligence, we're gonna heckin crush the systemerino!!11