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File: 53 KB, 300x300, dogecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5433238 No.5433238 [Reply] [Original]

What the actual fuck is up with this thing? It never fucking goes down anymore.

>> No.5433264

Its a good doggo, why would it go down?

>> No.5433288

it's gonna have to be put down then

>> No.5433300
File: 258 KB, 1920x1080, LS1YGvh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5433393
File: 55 KB, 599x401, 1F23DD4C-1028-43D9-9FFF-9F2CDB649D07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard Microsoft was going to support this as a payment option.

>> No.5433493

Amazon first choice

>> No.5433558
File: 10 KB, 274x184, 1513513730058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shaking
My whole profile is red except this
Do I sell now

>> No.5433623

It's so worthless it actually can't physically go any lower

Which makes me wonder should I buy 2k just because why not?

>> No.5433743

It's becoming the real store of value.

>> No.5433790

doge signifies that alts are back

>> No.5433831
File: 23 KB, 385x386, 1437216357148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2018 is going to be the year of the dog.

It's dogecoin's turn to moon now

>> No.5433856

>cant go any lower
>trippled in a week
>just hit USD ATH
what did anonymous poster mean by this

>> No.5433857

buy it, mcafee will announce it with sia tomorrow

>> No.5433865

Doge is one cent CAD as of today

>> No.5433877

Mega doge holder here from 17-19 sats.

I could sell out that entire 99 BTC wall at 64 sats. Bet that would fuck up his Christmas kek.

>> No.5433892

What does this coin offer again? Anyone? Why should anyone hold it?

>> No.5433918

it's really cheap for transferring between exchanges.

>> No.5433925

It's the comfiest coin. It has a Doge as the logo and transfer fees are only 1 Doge.

>> No.5433966
File: 274 KB, 1920x1080, IDWOGas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very moon wow

>> No.5434056

why do people still ask this. It has low tx fees and short block times, that in itself makes it a better currency than BTC. It is backed by the litecoin network so there's never an issue with mempool clog or any of that nonsense. Its paired for fuck sakes, if a coin trades below satoshi value it gets a doge pairing.

>> No.5434075

fees are cheap

>> No.5434138

Misleading because NEO can't be divided. Doge should be number 3 on there.

>> No.5434211

dogecoin is the real bitcoin

>> No.5434283

I understand all this but I just fucking hate this coin. Have done since I was first aware of it with all the /b/ shilling back in 2014.
I know I'm gonna have to include it in my portfolio, just for trading. Maybe even hold a whole heap of it in case it ever moons (lol as if that will happen). But id prefer to not have to.

>> No.5434356

Is it too late to buy doge?

>> No.5434527

Wo. long.

>> No.5434613

He hasn't said shit about doge yet though

>> No.5434757

>its already been 4 years

>> No.5434807

Is this seriously going to the moon in 2018 lads?

>> No.5434814

He's shilling some random binance shitcoin

>> No.5434968

You don't deserve to buy Doge. You should be sent to prison so you can't buy a single one.

>> No.5435811
File: 28 KB, 170x218, ChinaChristmas_SantaMao_051206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k sat soon, best coin, such moon, Chinese good luck charm, binance volume shut down, never fucking sell, do not sell Doge, 2018 year of dog, Chinese come after you

>> No.5436769

So how the fuck do I even buy doge and how do I sell it when I want to cash out?

>> No.5436857

1 billion dollar dog meme.

>> No.5436968

Bought $100 of these back in 2014. How much would it be worth now? Lost that hard-drive though...

>> No.5437034

100 grand

>> No.5437076
File: 301 KB, 450x437, 1512057595300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold mine at 42. God damn it

>> No.5437077

You're joking right? Please be joking. I'm already mentally fragile.

>> No.5437139 [DELETED] 

It's a PnD, pure and simple. Stay the fuck away senpai...https://discord.gg/USV36RY

>> No.5437199

well duh, doge is always a pnd. but its been happening long enough that most people know how to ride it.

>> No.5437272

bout tree fiddy.

but seriously it depends on your buy price, but probably about 2k$

>> No.5437353

Cool I have 20 bucks cad then in a dead wallet kek

>> No.5437378

Easy way... Changelly > Coinbase > Your bank

Or any exchange where you have a BTC BCH ETH pay address where you can cash out to your bank.

>> No.5437512


>> No.5438431


>> No.5438545

>It's the comfiest coin. It has a Doge as the logo and transfer fees are only 1 Doge.
The first point is the fucking reason i have doge. It has the god damn DOGE as logo. There are no questions to ask.

>> No.5438607

The large number of Dogecoins makes it very stable and useful to store gains from other cryptos. I trust Dogecoin a lot more than Tether to store my gains.

>> No.5438642
File: 62 KB, 550x599, shiba-inus-shiba-inu-puppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cannot keep a good pupper down, op.

>> No.5439006
File: 20 KB, 153x191, 1438370953684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does doge never move when I'm awake

>> No.5439054

I sold 500k doge two weeks ago. I still have 100k left from 2013 tho.

It was all from an ancient wallet I had. I am regreti

>> No.5439083

This. I got 2k from my 2013 coins

>> No.5439123

>fast transactions
>incredibly liquid
>2018 year of the dog
>wolong back

if you didnt buy sub 20 sats you're a fucking retard who doesn't want money.

>> No.5439163

>>wolong back
that chink kike almost killed doge along with his ugly gf

>> No.5439169

I had around 300k in my wallet from 2014, but I threw out the USB drive that I kept them on because I completely forgot about them.

>> No.5439253
File: 120 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171223-020752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We going to the moon, that's what's the fuck up with it.

Much gainz.

>> No.5439288

Just bought 23k doges for 60satoshi.
Iets pump this pupper

>> No.5439409

Here's some charts.

>> No.5439513

nice larp

>> No.5439618
File: 70 KB, 556x430, 1513578898114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it about to drop below 60?
I really want to sell a rebuy the dip aaaaaaaaa

>> No.5439660
File: 305 KB, 320x180, ToTheMoon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally mooning for real.

>> No.5439779

It finally stopped mooning for real.

>> No.5440154
File: 310 KB, 728x724, 1513735099147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5440414


Why the fuck is this happening? 500% in 2 weeks. We can't just buy everything and wait to see what happens. This shit needs predictability.

>> No.5440434

Get out while you still can. Follow these guys, been killing it all week


>> No.5440450

these scam groups just dump on the regular users

fuck off pajeet

>> No.5440514


LOL do it

I've always wanted to be able to JUST a whale like that

>> No.5440556

how do i buy dogecoin ??

>> No.5440576

>mom please make those fuckin hax0rs get banned please! I just log in and they headshot me, can't be possible. WHYYYYY do i keep getting rekt !!"! ! "#$%"#$%"#!°#"

>mom pls help i want to win too

>> No.5440665
File: 71 KB, 634x567, bizdoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im grown up now
u cant hurt me

>> No.5440673

buy litecoin on coinbase and then trade it for doge on changelly.com or something similar.

>> No.5440787


Not an argument. This is not organic growth and reeks of a pump. Manipulated markets are unpopular markets. Crypto will never see mass adoption without cleaning house of this bullshit.

>> No.5440817

how many sats is this piece of shit going up to tonight? 75, 80?

>> No.5440880
File: 45 KB, 500x276, santashibe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry dogemas. Hope you were all good little boys who bought

Enjoy year of the doge too

>> No.5440895

cup and handle on the daily

big moves ahead, above 100 sats if the past is any reflection

c u kidz on mars