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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5432689 No.5432689 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone else checked out?

>$300k saved
>no kids, cars, boats, houses, roasties
>easy job
>mostly play starcraft and drink beers with buds

I watch people spend their lives scrambling and I honestly just feel sorry for them.

>> No.5432711
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>be 85
>so ends your life

>> No.5432781

>You made no impression on anyone
>the world does not care that you ever existed

>> No.5432834

Sounds like a good life of you enjoy your job

>> No.5432856
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If you're happy I'm happy OP. To each their own, we all have our own version of lamboland

>> No.5432926

Yes yes!
Viddie games for me!
I want to play viddie games till I'm 80!

>> No.5433810

This is my goal

>> No.5433915
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>The average American male


>no one wants to fuck me cos im fat and ugly so i check out on life

>> No.5433964
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you shit on a street though, pajeet.

>> No.5433973

>this matters

>> No.5434012

sounds nice, how did you get the 300k, all from crypto?

>> No.5434042

I'm English you top fucking faggot
I'm richer, better looking, and my dick is bigger

>> No.5434053

what career field?

>> No.5434087

settle down pervert, this isn't craigslist. save your life story for your diary. maybe one day after you get sent to camp someone who cares will read it.

>> No.5434156

>needs social approval to validate existence
click like and subscribe right?

>> No.5434201


no crypto. just saved 40% of my income in indexes. never made more than $80k per year



>> No.5434284

If you didn't care about social approval you wouldn't be in this thread. You're no better than the rest of the attention seeking normalfags.

>> No.5434301

What's the deal with accounting? I'm an engineering major rn and in the long run it seems like a lot of work (albeit for pretty good money), but I'm honestly looking at other options now and accounting was one of the fields I am considering.

>> No.5434359
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>I'm English
Yeah he already said you're pajeet what's your point?

>> No.5434387

Have you those about anonymous sperm donation?

There are whites who sctually like the idea of scrambling if kids are involved.

>t. Donor

>> No.5434391

You just read it. And you cared enough to reply, no?

Try again cuckerican

>> No.5434419

you are doing it right anon congratz.
most people your age have a stupid woman and annoying kids that suck the life and the money out of them. dont fall for the marriage meme. the bachelor life is the best, i am older and can confirm this. look for money and success, love and relations are heavily overrated in reality and a hollywood jew invention. all the best !

>> No.5434450


Its far easier than anything you will encounter in engineering. The people that say its hard work are brainlets.

>> No.5434506

yeah the world is sure going to care you ever existed if you wage slave at an office for 50 years LUL

>> No.5434511

I'm interested in becoming a donor and not starting a family myself.

My seed will live on while I can focus on what I want to do.

How hard is it? Do you need a family health history? I rather not have to request such details from my parents.

>> No.5434662
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>mostly play starcraft and drink beers with buds
>feels sorry for others

yeah, nice life you got there brother

>> No.5434669
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Well in aussie only you need to know.

They need donors big time, theyll do a lot of the blood tests themselves in house.

The child will generally go to a quite wealthy family due to the cost of ivf, and the financial reqs for sperm recipients to be successful.

What you said is exactly why I did it. And if I find a girl eventually Ill have a child, but im in no rush and wont end up desperate like many men once their clock really starts to run out.

>> No.5434746


>muh seed will live on

Everyday 1000s of "seeds" are created and extinguished and no one gives a shit.


1v1 me

>> No.5434765

How's the pay?

>> No.5434776


Kek this

>> No.5434782

>1v1 me

You sound insecure anon, I hope you find some balls under the Christmas tree

>> No.5434790

How likely is it you get rejected for some odd reason or not being the ''best'' quality?

Sadly I travel too much at the moment to be able to frequent one donor location. But I'm still young at 25 so might start in a few years.

>> No.5434796

The absolute state of numales

>> No.5434839

No problem with your genetic line ending you cuck.

>> No.5434855

If its a hereditary genetic disease and they find you carry it, that wont fly.

If u have depression, anxiety etc, youll pass. Basically the recipients get to read everything about you after youve been accepted.

>> No.5434859


you can easily make $60k out of school and $80-$100k after a few years

>> No.5434862


>> No.5434886

I lied and said it was to help strangers and I had friends who couldnt conceive which saddened me.

Really I wanted to spread my seed like genghis kahn.

>> No.5434909
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>just about to finish college with my BS in Computer Science
>Decent paying job lined up
>will inherit $40k when I graduate
>$4,000 in savings right now
>not touching crypto cause shit seems to volatile, I still need to pay rent, and I want to take a nice vacation before work starts up
>expected to see people actually talking about business on this board

>> No.5434917

You're a fucking retard. Nothing more than an insect.

>> No.5434922
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That's quite a goal you have.

>> No.5434950


so you did all this just so you could tell yourself that you spread your seed? thats pretty pathetic

>> No.5435006

What kind of tasks/responsibilities do you have at the entry level? Is it 100% doing math and pushing paper? sorry to keep asking questions, I'm just genuinely curious.

>> No.5435007
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Lol genetic lineage is pathetic?

Im start to think you're a blank shooting beta or a troll.

>> No.5435305


I did it when I was a student and it was great. I only had to give blood samples they checked for diseases and genetics. A few questions about ancestry, but that's about it. It was very, very easy to get in, BUT over here (Germany) they are looking for certain. The psychologist there rold me that they are actually not taking niggers, kek.

And yes, I feel like I did my "duty". My seed is out there, I fathered 10 children already, my blood will live on. Feels very comfy.

>> No.5435565
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Nice work hanz.

>> No.5435601
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>Muh dick

>> No.5435635

Get a dog, and get your dog a dog and your life is good man

>> No.5435672

literally retarded logic

>> No.5435681

See you in five years when its too late

>> No.5435687

How long before you wonder what the hell is the point of your life?

Honestly, what you're describing sounds great to me. I enjoy being alone. I don't really desire relationships. I enjoy doing nothing. Despite this, I hope that when I die I won't regret my life and think what could have been.

>> No.5435703

and everything else

I'm more intelligent, better looking, richer, and got a bigger dick.

>> No.5435711
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>> No.5435728

see you in five years when you've lost everything in the crypto bubble burst

>> No.5435796

>Also 32, single
>six figure comfy job
>250k and expecting 500k in a few months
>No interest in house
>No interest in cars
>No interest in electronics
>No interest in travels (been there done that)
>No interest in hookers (been there done that)

I guess fantasy is to play PUBG, BF1, Witcher all day...drink n smoke...and never work again? What am I even trying to do? The only thing that excites me is making crypto money but have no interest in spending it. I can finally humblebrag complain about this shit with begging not allowed

>> No.5435919

I'm unironically extremely jealous that you have 10 kids.

I could die once I know I've fathered children, it would free up my life.

>> No.5435924

Cool story,but how big is our dick

>> No.5435953

i'm doing the same thing right now.

I already made it, had a 170k USD/annum career that was very draining.. bought a side business.. moving to south east asia where current business can support me and trade shitcoins/play vidya all day in a 400/month 2 bedroom nice condo


>> No.5435999

>muh blood will live on

what does this even do for you LMFAO

you sound like a tryhard faggot who's watched too many genghis documentaries and jerks off to his conquests

>> No.5436012

6.25" and girthy, had problems with bloody AirBnb sheets in Philippines/Vietnam

>> No.5436053

That's unironically a great idea if everything works out, your new side business becomes something to spend time on, feel accomplished.

>> No.5436294

why not a cheap city in the us?

>> No.5436303

>I need to leave some sort of mark or impression
Defense mechanism to help coping with the fear of death, that's all that is.

>> No.5436347
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22 years old
have 60k in crypto, need that to hit 600k so I can buy a house without taking a loan, would be max comfy

>> No.5436481


youre the one that cant be assed to start a family but is worried about "genetic lineage"

>> No.5436507


journal entries, financial statement preparation, variance analysis

>> No.5436561

What validates your existence?
Why do you even need that much money?

>> No.5436582
File: 214 KB, 792x1008, 706360b427ad905f91b092732533dd78--the-storm-sirens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


youre not going to wake up one day and suddenly be a normalfag. most guys fall into the cage because a woman pushed them in

>> No.5436652

Just use a hotel u degenerate fuck

>> No.5436842

Jealous as fuck and I am not kidding

My only dream is it to quit wagecucking completely or work part-time.

Full-time wagecucking is my worst nightmare.

Good on you OP that you made it

>> No.5437520

>if a life isnt valuable for me its not valuable for the person living the life

>> No.5437627

You do realise he could be Jamal, Muhammad, or Chong. This is an anonymous board. This is what makes this place great, no need for social validation, just exchange of information.

>> No.5438019

Doesn't accounting have the highest suicide rate?

>> No.5438127

>being happy without a roastie
I feel like I can't do this.

>> No.5438167

you are in a good position to get a girlfriend, why not then?

>> No.5438800
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>you have to be 5'9 to donate
Well I guess suicide is always an option.