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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 180 KB, 1170x325, CEA0ECDA-1DE9-40A5-B309-17459B53C4A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54322688 No.54322688 [Reply] [Original]

How true is this?

>> No.54322717

it is remarkable how out of touch their executives are. it's like their singular mission is to acquire popular IP, make it actually extremely cool for ~1 year, then proceed to completely destroy it and make everyone hate them

>> No.54322726

/tg/ reporting in. Hasbro's recent fucking of their own flagship intellectual property for the sake of short term gain is a case study in how MBAs and C-suite executives try to grind out a short term profit at the expense of long term viability. Let me explain.

>> No.54322765

Nice, we're getting raided by a fun board instead of the usual transexual nigger obsessed losers from /pol/, and actual transsexual niggers from reddit.

Please proceed gentleman!

>> No.54322806

Season 2 is where the show ends for me. S3 is decent fanfiction but the rest can burn except kirins.

>> No.54322872
File: 115 KB, 488x680, oko-thief-of-crowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first inkling about what was going on was pic related. If you're not into /tg/ stuff let me give this some context.

MtG has a ton of formats. This card was printed in a set that made it playable in most formats. It was so broken that it became dominant across multiple formats in a very short period of time before it was banned. To this day you'll still hear MtG players joke about elk format and Oko format, unless they're fucking noobs who weren't around for it.

How and why did a card this overpowered get printed? It's simple. The design team used to also have the responsibility for balancing cards. In order to "insure that broken cards weren't being released" a separate team was created, the play test team. The design team was given the directive to lean towards producing powerful cards, and the playtest team was only given the finished products of the design team within a very tight schedule that made it very difficult to catch every single broken card. That made it functionally impossible for the playtest team to actually accomplish their directive because of the way that the new division of responsibilities worked and the impossible time table that they were given. As a consequence, since the playtest team was created and given the responsibility for balancing cards instead of leaving it as a responsibility for the design team, there have been more broken, format warping cards appearing in the meta at a much, much higher rate than ever before. Exponentially higher.

This is because the playtest team was quite literally designed to fail. Why would a corporation do this? It's simple really. To the people at corporate they're in the business of selling cardboard, and broken, format warping cards sell boxes and packs of cardboard at phenomenal levels. Players buy packs and boxes when the set that those packs and boxes come from contain busted cards.


>> No.54322983


It's not a happy accident that this happened and just happened to result in selling more boxes. It's a literal strategy of corporate deciding to structure their teams in a way that would let broken cards slide through. It's very rare that something rotating into standard is viable in formats outside of standard because a lot of old cards only legal in old formats are pretty busted. Yet Oko was so powerful that it dominated in metas that were filled with other busted cards. Most of my fellow ca/tg/irls and elegan/tg/entlemen didn't get what was happening. I did. When you look at the number of cards so busted that they were banned coming out of sets after the playtest team was established it's pretty clear that it was the result of the new design setup and division of responsibilities.

I've worked for big corporations before. I am a /biz/raeli after all. Sometimes teams are literally designed to fail at their responsibilities. That's textbook corporate logic. MBA shit 101. The idea is to cover their own asses by creating a team responsible for something, then set things up in a way that completely sabotages that team. When they get blowback they can duck responsibility by pointing to the team's existence and saying that they are taking measures to prevent things like that happening in the future, but the reality is that the team was set up to fail from the beginning.

What are the results of this? A bunch of chronically disgruntled, salty players getting more disgruntled and salty with the product, sure. In the long term having a salty, disgruntled customer base is a bad thing. Probably bad for your long term market share. They don't care though, because in the short term it means more product sold, record profits, bigger bonuses, larger profits, their stock options going up, and by the time that shit might actually hit the fan down the road they've jumped to another corporation to do the exact same thing.


>> No.54323017

>early history
oh, the usual, I see

>> No.54323119

This is corporate dickery 101. Set something up to fail in a profitable way and sabotage your own long term market share in exchange for short term profits. Major corporations, and the people that run them, are some of the only people who routinely take the piss, as the bongistanis put it, as part of their business cycle. So knowing all of this flash forward to the recent kerfuffle about the OGL. I'll give you a brief /tg/ summary on it.

Back in the day Dungeons and Dragons, a flagship WotC product, achieved market dominance in it's 3.X edition through the use of something called the Open Gaming License. You, a nerd in his basement rolling dice with his friends, could make products for D&D 3.X under this license. You could print your own materials using their base system. Write your own settings. Publish your own source books and sell them under the OGL. Why was this such a fucking brilliant strategy? It meant that everyone was playing D&D 3.X, effectively. It meant that all of the little entrepreneurs who wanted to get into the market were effectively selling your product. Sure they were selling their product, but it was using your system, and if someone was buying their shit they were also buying your shit. So under the OGL D&D just gobbled up the TTRPG market share. It became a goliath. A gigantic behemoth, to the point where it's the setup or the punchline to numerous /tg/ related jokes like "have you tried playing something that isn't D&D", or posting people's "how to play Cyberpunk in D&D" homebrews because Cyberpunk itself was originally a TTRPG before it got made into a video game and then an anime.

So, we're now in D&D 5e. Hasbro has since acquired WotC. The kerfuffle was caused when it came out that Hasbro was trying to retroactively fuck with the OGL that is still in effect for D&D 3.x. They were going to start charging royalties. Snatching up creative control.


>> No.54323237

Now this pissed a fuckton of people off. D&D's biggest rival is basically a 3.X cloned called Pathfinder, which was created under the OGL and is run by a company called Paizo. Not only was Hasbro coming after a big company like Paizo, but they were coming after everybody. You're a streamer running a homebrew setting and streaming your sessions or putting them on your podcast? Fuck you, pay me. It was shit like that. The way that their "new license" was going to retroactively replace the old one had them looking like they were coming after everybody's ass.

If you paid attention to what was already going on with MtG though it wasn't a surprise. The OGL is what rocketed D&D's marketshare up to where it was in the first place. Hasbro didn't see that it had been the key to their market dominance though, or maybe it did but just didn't care for the same reasons that high level corpos never care about anything that happens after their stock options become vested.

What the execs saw was a giant piggy bank full of money that they wanted to smash and grab, nevermind the inevitable backlash. They saw a bunch of people making money from their IP and they wanted a cut. I genuinely think that the leak of the new license, and the massive subsequent backlash, caught them off guard. People were canceling their subscriptions to online services, Paizo decided that it was time for a new edition of Pathfinder that wasn't a 3.X spin off, long time fans started looking to jump ship to other games. Instead of smashing open a piggy bank and filling their pockets with the contents the leak resulted in them losing money. So they went into full on damage control mode. Which momentarily placated the grognards, but everyone knows that more fuckery is inevitably coming.


>> No.54323307
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I already know most of this, but it's still a high quality summary for those not in the know.
Posting the card that made me quit MTG on the spot to bump the thread

>> No.54323345

See Hasbro, and extension WotC, is like every major company now. MBAs don't build businesses that compete and establish market share. Their brought into insure the bottom line for investors, and they have only one way of doing that. It's like when Annheiser Busch lost 3% marketshare because the cost cutting measures led to inferior beer even if in the short term it led to more money. Cost cutting and various other strategies that have consequences like fucking over marketshare or slowly eroding the credibility of their brand but that return short-term profits are the bread and butter of big corporations.

Why? Because they can't do anything else. Making a competitive product is hard. Competition is hard. It requires actually understanding the market and the product and the consumers. Cost cutting and pushing short term sales with shady tactics is easy. So that's what they do nine times out of ten. They don't need to be at Hasbro selling TTRPG products for 20 years. They only need to stick it out for a few years to collect their bonuses, vest their stock options, and then jump to another corporation before the jenga tower comes crashing down.

It's the same at every big company, but it's the most glaringly obvious with companies that deal in people's hobbies. I'm sure that /v/ could probably tell you some stories too, but this is a /tg/ colony thread. The number one way to understand the C-Suite, MBA aliens running everything is to check out a corporation that does business in something that you understand. Hasbro perpetually fucks itself over because fucking itself over to squeeze out some short term profit is all that these people CAN do.

>> No.54323367

What does food token do

>> No.54323376
File: 187 KB, 1000x688, 37F4AE33-E9A8-4BE4-8203-2E650E1CD1D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really really good summary thank you.

>> No.54323394

I bought put options on Hasbro last year that expire in december 2023, they're already up 300%

>> No.54323407

It gives some health. Food tokens aren't what makes this strong. It's the +1 ability that makes anything into something that is effectively worthless. This +1 ability should have been a -3 and should have only effected either artifacts or creatures.

To put this another way, this one card can make a powerful creature into a worthless one, and it can do it the moment it is played for only 3 mana. It is literally the most powerful card ever printed and, on its face, it was obvious that it was.

>> No.54323445

Ah I see. It's like spot removal that can be repeated. Sounds valuable as hell after rereading it
What about this? I quit mtg during thragtusk fun stuff days. Everyone splashing green just for 4 thragtusk and 4 land ramps.
I only played standard fwiw

>> No.54323490

I have an entire Legends set (most big cards graded), entire Arabian Nights set, entire collectors set, and an unlimited black lotus plus a bunch of other shit

I'm honestly more tempted to sell it than ever before with how evil Hasbro has become. I don't really need the $100k or whatever. Thoughts?

>> No.54323509

Excellent analysis, thanks for the write-up, anon.

>> No.54323585
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pretty clear signals in most cases even with volume obscured through trickery

>> No.54323599

Holy shit the Thragtusk era was when I started. I probably bought your commons in those 1000 random card mystery boxes you could buy from the LGS. The sad part is every one of those 1000 cards probably have a card printed since then that's strictly better

>> No.54323629

Thragtusk era / return to ravnika (sp?) Was imo MTG trying to simplify combos to bring in new players

>> No.54323748

I remember seeing tons of d&d and mtg hate back in January but now it looks like all of their fans forgave them.

>> No.54324951
File: 241 KB, 2139x620, 1F91D911-B1D5-4EC2-A40D-F74D8E2CBD17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the Ted talk /tg/ anon.

>> No.54325310

Because they can't help but consume a product monopolized by a single company, as the gameplay experience is far superior to other options on the market. Even if other games do things better than MTG/D&D, their ubiquity and rule basis ensures that other games will stay as niche as they are now. For instance, it's probably really hard to play horseback polo as it requires a lot of equipment and specific knowledge, but you can easily find anyone to play soccer or basketball as the rules are basic and the games are accessible. Card & board games need a baseline popularity to achieve growth as you need enough people who regularly play and understand the rules to draw newcomers in and continue playing at events, and this is why MTG and D&D dominate so hard, as EVERYONE plays that shit. It's a big feedback loop which ensures that only the most colossal of fuckups will actually damage wotc's reputation. All these ticky tack things do nothing as players were just going to continue playing anyway. The attrition may eventually accelerate, but there would need to be a serious competitor to both games that aims at the broad target audience of mtg/d&d to actually put wotc on the ropes.

Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon. Grognards have conditioned themselves into MTG/D&D rules habits, and those trends are hard to break. Hasbro will do all it can to fuck over players juuuuust enough to not get them to outright riot, as their shit will sell to lonely nerds no matter what.

>> No.54325326

chainlink solves this

>> No.54325354

Anyone remember Rifts, Shadow Run, and all the other awesome 90's rpgs, or am I the only geezer on /biz/?

>> No.54325392

Great essay anon! As you said, it's what happens when these behemoths take over any business. They suck the life out of it and milk it until the business/genre is dead as quickly as possible.

I watched this happen with MMO's. Particularly between 2006-2010. Absolutely NOTHING new or innovative came out, and SoE and EA gobbled up everything they could. Killing everything. It's one of the other reasons that WoW was so dominant for so long, before the same thing happened to Blizzard.

>> No.54325396

i'm not a bizraeli so is this just a meme or am i missing something

>> No.54325458
File: 101 KB, 720x1441, Screenshot_20230325-193052_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this just a meme
Basically. Chainlink bag holders are like if bronies and black dick posters had a baby raised Andy Sixx log posters for /biz/.

>> No.54325460

if you play a game that requires constant monetary investment to stay competitive, you are a retard.

>> No.54325473

tell that to miners and stakers

>> No.54325608

great writeup.
have you played newer TCGs? I'm eyeing Sorcery, FAB. According to covenant cast podcast, FAB designer banned a card from S2 because he had planned out 10 years of cards and realized he fucked up. Top players said it wasn't even the best card. I like the idea of card games designed to have a definite end date instead of senseless milking - MtG could have ended after a decade and the "wizards" of design turned loose on a new project.

>> No.54325620

tell that to professional sports players

>> No.54325625

You mean living on earth?

>> No.54325917 [DELETED] 

/tg/ here. I told ya'll fuckers months ago to invest. D&Dfags are brainless consoomers and will always buy it anyway, no matter how much they get bent over a table and reamed.


>> No.54325936

/tg/ here. I told ya'll fuckers months ago to invest. D&Dfags are brainless consoomers and will always buy it anyway, no matter how much they get bent over a table and reamed.


>> No.54325947


>> No.54326045

>as the gameplay experience is far superior to other options on the market
spoken like a true D&Dfag.

Unless you meant for MtG, then yeah, it is somehow despite the quality drops still the best TCG on the market. There's finally serious competitors other than YGO and Pokemon now. But MtG is still better made than all of them for an adult audience. Pokemon reigns supreme for gameplay for children, it's just a little simplistic for adults. Personally, I think it could really use something like YGO's traps to fill the role of MtG's instants. Cards that you can place facedown and then play on your opponents turns if a triggering circumstance occurs.

>> No.54327151

The mental retards threw Lauren Faust out of her project and proceeded to hire their imbecile jewish executive that ruined the show for 8 long years and holy fucking shit you'd think they'd fire the retard and at least hire a new creative vision every 2-3 years, but nope, the retard just kept going and going and going and going like a fucking retard.
G5 is boring, but at least it's not offensive like G4.5 after S1 ended.

Then we have Hanazuki and Littlest Pet Shop which they declared cancelled and "not a success" after it clearly had success, but the retards blamed it on the toy sales and other things.

Transformers is the only IP which they still treat like shit, but compared to the other IPs like Strawberry Shortcake they at least handle it on an acceptable level like Megaman.

>> No.54327175

HOLY FUCKING SHIT I JUST REMEMBERED Kaijudo Duel Masters is owned by Wizards of the Coast which is owned by Hasbro and Duel Masters is basically babby's MTG before you get into MTG.
Hasbro are so fucking incompetent they make me forget what IPs they actually own.

>> No.54327483

This is the gayest shit ive ever come across

>> No.54327831

It's a licensed property, like Pokemon was for them back in the day. They even tried to relaunch the game rebranded as Kaijudo, with their own show made in-house instead of licensed from japan. It was cancelled after 2 seasons.

WotC itself has never made a successful product from scratch. They bought MtG and Netrunner from Garfield Games. They bought TSR in its entirety and then only ever produced more D&D, their versions markedly different from the previous style of the game resulting in the OSR community. They acquired the license to produce the pokemon card game for 6 years because they held Richard Garfield's patent to the concept of a collectible card game, then tried to sue poekmon for theft of trade secrets when they didn't renew the contract, realized they couldn't win the case, and dropped it.
All the Avalon Hill games? Obviously purchased.
Hell even Legend of the Five Rings was a purchase not from scratch.

Not to mention that basically all D&D settings are purchases or licensed from authors as well. Zeb Cook. Keith Baker. Ed Greenwood. Tracy Hickman. It's literally only MtG planes other than Dominaria.

Everything they've made on their own flops. Even more embarrassingly, some of the things they've made that flopped Fantasy Flights asked to license from them, brought Richard Garfield back in, and made more successful.

>> No.54327839

>but the retards blamed it on the toy sales and other things.
Hasbo *IS* a toy company, not a media mogul like Disney. They're not living off ad money, they have partial ownership of Discovery Family to force it to play their shows which effectively act as 30 minute commercials. Their #1 metric is OF COURSE gonna be toy sales.
Hell, part of why they're having such a meltdown over their WotC IPs is because other than their main products and things directly related to playing the game, they basically had no other tie ins and merchandise.

Now there's Gideon Jura hotpockets and d20-shaped owlbear bakugan, not to mention multiple shitty board games... ABOUT the board game.

>> No.54327870

My puts fucking printed beautifully on Hasbro two weeks ago. Didnt even do any DD, just went off the charts, and I have no idea what this thread is about. Do with this information what you will.

>> No.54328001

is that really worth $100k?

>> No.54328034

There's actually a crucial bit of context missing on the OGL. While the OGL was introduced for 3.0, continued to apply to 3.5, and was used for 5E as well, you may already have noticed the gap in these numbers. 4E was not printed under the OGL, instead using the Games System License (GSL).

Now, I'm not going to get into all of the reasons that 4E wasn't as popular as either 3.X or 5E--that's more of an argument than a discussion, anyway. But one of the key issues with 4E's marketability was the move to the GSL. See, as was already noted, the OGL incentivized other publishers to effectively publish 3.X material instead of writing their own systems. The GSL, by contrast, was much more restrictive and much less attractive to other publishers. Paizo may have framed the publication of Pathfinder in terms of not abandoning their fans while Big Bad WotC introduced a new edition, but they were almost certainly more motivated by the fact that they couldn't continue to publish for 4E the way they had for 3.5.

When 5E came around, what did WotC do? They went right back to the OGL, and that decision allowed third-party content to flourish again, and D&D again took back the market share throne. Pathfinder, which had originally capitalized on the desire to not change editions, ended up having to release a new edition of their own to compete with 5E, and they still failed to take back the market share that returning to the OGL had allowed D&D to reclaim.

There was absolutely no excuse for them to be unaware of the importance of the OGL to the product's success, and yet they tried to rewrite it anyway. And let's not undersell the damage control: in under a month, fan outrage and online service cancellations were so impossible to ignore that they were running fireside chats, had completely walked back their attempt to rewrite the OGL, and had gone so far as to publish the core 5E rules under a Creative Commons license in addition to the OGL.

>> No.54328528

Another element of Magic that makes competition with it difficult is the absolute gigantic number of different cards they've printed over the years, in tandem with the fact that the most popular format is singleton (you can only have one copy of a given card in your deck) and in that format you can pull from almost any card in the game's history, creating an incredibly varied experience.

>> No.54328579

>Destroyed MLP
>Destroyed MtG
>On their way to destroy WotC
It seems their company mission is to slaughter as many golden geese as they can.

>> No.54328623
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I genuinely thought this was bullshit lmao

>> No.54328665

>Hasbro *IS* a toy company
More like a boomer company. They cannot recognize that now the world is digitalized and the real money is in videogames.

>> No.54328845

You’ve just raised the collective /biz/ IQ by 50 points; great write up, anon. I can’t really add much other than the fact I’m glad I play Pokémon—it can be a shitty TCG but it often feels like Japanese companies are successful because they place HUGE emphasis on longevity (though of course the American elements there are a cancer of sorts)

>> No.54329779
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God I fucking miss netrunner. Smothered when they realized it actually was cutting into mtg.

>> No.54330076
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>WotC created a team and designed it to fail just to take responsibility away from them for busted cards
Meanwhile Konami has been powercreeping YGO to hell and back and the players gladly eat that shit and even defend them. They are pic related: they think they're cool when they pull out a 10-minute long combo that has zero risk or restrictions and was designed and printed by Konami.

>> No.54330541
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>> No.54330662

Omg who the fuck cares. Fucking nerd.

>> No.54331815

If /biz/ can consistently make money off of your downfall that’s when you know you’re in a downward spiral

>> No.54332922

What happened? I stopped following dnd and mtg when they introduced wheelchair accessible dungeons.

>> No.54332936

Nta but if the condition is good (meaning NM-Mint) yeah it should be around 70-100k total, full sets are relatively hard to move though.

>> No.54333063
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Nm holy shit these crooks need to be put in prison. Shit like this is why the global economy is on the brink of implosion due to counterfeiting massive amounts of GME shares because of HUBRIS

>> No.54333077

We wuz dunedain an shieeet

>> No.54333349

I dont think anyone forgave them. After they doubled down and made it clear they don't care about players, I just adjusted my behaviour, I dont buy new products. They can't ruin playing kitchen table EDH with your friends.

>> No.54333624

You don’t need that, but it is the tg equivalent to DLCs.

>> No.54333793
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I've been saying on /tg/ for years that they've been sacrificing long-term health for short-term profits. When they kept announcing "Profits have never been higher!!! Record growth!!!!!" over and over again while paper play was fucking dying because of the pandemic and the gameplay was suffering because of set after set of hilariously overpowered bullshit (almost every set from 2019-2021 has prompted bannings across multiple formats), I knew it couldn't just be natural growth. The stupid fucks don't know what to do with a golden goose except strangle it.

>> No.54333849

TLDR: Pay to win. They intentionally make overpowered cards so they can sell more

>> No.54334396
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>We're taking meassures to ensure this never happens again
>And then companions happened

>> No.54334523

Lol this thread is still up

I'd say 80-120k for all the stuff I have which isn't realistically that much when I remind you a single bored ape nft is STILL after months of bear market $100k

>> No.54334975

Yep. That kind of lends itself to my main point though. The people who are brought in to run a company this big cannot resist trying to dip their claws into the piggybank of other people's money that the OGL creates. They just aren't the sort of people who can just ignore a potential revenue stream like squeezing a bunch of other people's products through licensing.

>> No.54335146

even back when i was a little kid with the pokemon cards i thought these things were a joke
you had to spend $$$ on the card packs and hope you get the ones you wanted, a ridiculous business model, its the coin equivalent of a dogjeet coin where the team prints another 100% of free float every year and market sells it for their own account
the stupidity clicked for me when i saw 3/4rds of cards being fakes at matches and the game still worked perfectly
dont forget these companies profit by selling ink and cardboard at 10.000% markup, now back before the internet this was possible because the monopoly on the means of production and distribution wasnt assailable
but now with the internet you can kill all this shit, the player base itself can make a game they like and create cards that live and die by popular demand

replacing the entirety of wotc is actually one of the few usecases nfts really have and like the poster somewhere up in this thread said chainlink solves this by keeping track of what cards are game approved by oraclelizing the outputs of the top gaming communities
all it takes to completely kill the profit farming and retake control by the community is a handful of catgirls making it with crypto so they can devote themselves to kickstarting this thing
now i dont know anything about this stuff but there have to be enough tg biz crossposters that will be in this position come 2025

here is my advice, find yourselves and link up here then go to discord so you can ban all the shills and corporate disruptors and become the change you want to see

>> No.54335200

and to add to this the only output from the big companies that isnt so easily self replicable
being the artwork and the books isnt even expensive, hiring these artists yourselves right now even before the ai revolution killed their prices was dirt cheap
getting these things done under your own control is cheap as fuck

after that the big company monopolies only have legacy and memories going for them, easily overtake able as your new card game doesnt require massive $ investment up front and thus will always attract more new players

>> No.54335239

are you on a raid from the reddit PiiDOoT board or something? are these the updoots you're always talking about?

>> No.54335575

I used to play mtg a lot in the 90s and these are my thoughts on whatever this is:
>stop posting fake cards you generated with some website
>you photoshopped a black border where a silver one was as it's probably a card from unglued or uncucked or whatever the fuck they call the joke sets now
>vigilance must be a keyword that means something like "remove your hand, deck, and every card you control from the game when this creature comes in to play. and apologize to your opponent for being a cunt as well."
>they stopped with the set logos and added a new modifier: M 21 means this card can only be played on the 21st day of the month...still too good

>> No.54335839
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I'm triggered

>> No.54336136

I seem to be browsing wrong boards, I virtually never visit /biz/ and I've just stumbled upon this brilliant chain of posts, great work anon

>> No.54337113

they're trying, they just can't seem to do it well. mtg arena is the closest they've gotten and even it could be a LOT more profitable if they'd just listen to the fucking community instead of the MBA dickheads they brought in from Xbox Live.

>replacing the entirety of wotc is actually one of the few usecases nfts really have
Andrew Garfield tried that with Keyforge.

>> No.54337127

Crossposters are always some of the better content on the website.
Broader knowledge base means you understand more about how things in the world interplay.

>> No.54337236

That's a good insight, anon. Funnily enough it also sort of mirrors that libturd "intersectionality" idea.

>> No.54337449
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Saved for posterity

>> No.54337723

bump for question and good thread

>> No.54338370
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I would include >>54328034 personally.
Context on how fucking stupid it was to try and undermind the OGL helps demonstrate the short-sighted no thoughts only greed nature of the execs making the decision.

They literally already tried something like this on a smaller scale and it shot them in the foot. But instead of learn from it, they doubled down and decided the issue was they didn't do it hard enough by leaving older editions still available to work from. A hole in their foot wasn't enough, they needed to take a saw to their whole-ass leg.

Worst part is, they only released 5e into CC-BY. The older editions very noticeably STILL haven't received anything but WotC's doe-eyed pinkie promise that they will Nevew Evew do something like this again uwu. Which means they left that intentionally available and are 100% still going to try this again in the future, still going to go after all the 3rd parties that make stuff for 3.5 and TSR editions, still haven't learned their goddamn lesson.

And it's very likely that 6e/5.5/One/whatever their marketing team is claiming it's going to be this week is going to have a license agreement almost exactly identical to the original altered terms, because they still want a total VTT monopoly with mobile integration and in-app microtransactions. You can't leech wallets through a pen and paper board game powered by imagination, one guy per table buys the rule books and maybe some dice and then peace out. You need something with subscriptions and cosmetics and pay-to-win. And if there's any competition at all, you have to worry about being quality sniped. They can't keep Roll20 and Foundry from not hosting the 5eSRD content because the community balked, but they can sure as shit make sure they can never use 6e. They just don't realize they're gonna kill their game killing the competition, because historically their competitors are just ascended fans filling niches wotc hasn't.

>> No.54338460

That and /tg/ just has more normal people with lives, skills, experience, and broader knowledge based to draw upon. ie. more well rounded functioning people who are there because it’s there hobby.

>> No.54338517

>/tg/ just has more normal people with lives, skills, experience, and broader knowledge based to draw upon. ie. more well rounded functioning people
I don't know if you've been to /tg/ before, but if that's true, then this place must be an absolute cesspit.

>> No.54338526

They really never stop huh

>> No.54338580

Imagine if making and shilling modules for your crap system you pinched off someone else was your "job" (you're actually unemployed and gambling that your system will make you the next Richard Garfield), and then all of tg was people just like you.

>> No.54338606

I don't even play mtg but sometimes I watch the response of the shop owner community on YouTube, it's pretty crazy. The guys responsible for actually moving their cards have a much better understanding of what they're doing to the supply side of the equation and they're terrified about longevity all of a sudden. This guy in particular I've enjoyed because he talks a lot about risk premium and discount and why he bulk buys the products he does.


>> No.54339136

>they're trying
That's the only thing they do - they "try".
Imagine having half of the Internet speaking about MLP in 2014, seeing hundreds of dedicated free Flash games and NOT shitting Steam with the official games. It's dozens or even hundreds of millions of lost profits.

>> No.54339462

>MtG could have ended after a decade
There are many franchises that should have ended after limited runs, but business is business

>> No.54339539

The fact that this makes literally no sense as Arwen and Elessar literally share ancestors makes this hilarious to me. It's literal we wuz kangs.

>> No.54339809

I have not actually. I'll give Sorcery and FAB a look.

>> No.54339968

MtG was dying after Khans block and the introduction of the Jacetice league, no more new things we will just keep revisiting the same planes over and over with planeswalkers everywhere...

I will not buy any product until they fix the damn pringles foiling