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54321305 No.54321305 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw all my friends and acquaintances are starting to get married

>> No.54321327

Wish them luck, healthy children and not to get divorce raped.

>> No.54321433
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I know that feeling
Isnt it nice?
They are trapped and i can work remote from any place in the world
The next crypto wave will push my networth in high 6 figures at least

Good time to be alive

>> No.54321463
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>friends from high school got married early to girls their age
>their wives now look like haggard 50 year olds
>I'm banging girls in their 20s

>> No.54321478

>Shamed for not being in a relationship or married in my 20's
>Fast forward, everyone who got married ended up divorced, broke and miserable
>Bring it up every chance I get to rub everyone's nose in it
>Always met with awkward silence and "yeah.....well..."

Millennials fucked up, so will the zoomers

>> No.54321533


>> No.54321570

if they're under 30 don't feel bad. the new trend for anyone living in the real world (no free house or trust fund from mommy) is dual income homes and kids after 30.

>> No.54321586

then just get married as well? I don't see the problem

>> No.54321587
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I’ll marry you

>> No.54321685

So are mine. I'm literally in Mexico right now for my best friend's stag but I see how neutered these men have become with their 5/10 fiancees and how much vitality they've lost and all it does is affirm for me that I'm gonna continue into my 30s living like I'm in my 20s. There's no way I'm settling just bc friends are doing it

>> No.54321718

Not married, have not seen, spoke, or touched a foid other than slapping them in over 11 years. Currently at 6 figs NW and loving life. You're the winner OP for not being a beta cuckold slave to both your body, and a hole.

>> No.54321751

This. Seeing a lot of friends settling and pretending they are happy, getting married to fat tattooed girls they met at the taco shop

>> No.54321833

based, never settle

>> No.54321917

Not sure I can find an unvaxxed girl to get married.

>> No.54321935
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Imagine having friends

>> No.54321963
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OP in 20 years be like:
>tfw all my friends and acquaintances are starting to get divorce raped and I'm still here with my 6-7 figure networth

>> No.54321985

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.54322017

why would you feel bad about dodging bullets?

everyone i know who had kids or got married dont seem all that happy. also most ppl get married just for appearances, they have shit lives and shit personalities so they get married and make it a whole thing to try and feel superior. ive had girlfriends for longer than most people stay married. why tf do u need a piece of paper and a ring, its all outdated trash.

>> No.54322035

>tfw I'm the only guy among my friends that's married with kids
They're all incels or otherwise deranged. Weird realization.

>> No.54322059

Never ever get married. Over 10 of my colleagues have been divorce raped and treated like ATMs over the past 14 years. Women bounce back quickly since there will always be a simp.

>> No.54322102

this, but nonironically
delay marriage ; both of my grandfathers did it in their late 30s and enjoyed their single life up until then

>> No.54322157
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Fuck man, always makes me sad to read these kind of posts. Imo every man should have a loving relationship and some kids. I'm married with a lovely wife and got 4 kids, grateful for it everyday. Don't get me wrong, I see some perks of being single. But going to work and being waved bye by your kids and wife. Or eating the food your wife cooked while the kids tell all the things that happened that day never get old.

>> No.54322551

Zoom zooms can't even get laid, no chance of being babylocked

>> No.54322595

you really dont have to share this fact in every single thread

>> No.54322609

I'm 28 and I have kissed many women on the mouth, sometimes open, sometimes tongue

>> No.54322626

yeah but consider waving goodbye to your wife and kids as they smile and wish you a good day only to then wake up and feel the dream fade away like dispersing fog to really feel the ones you love most slipping away through your fingers as you're powerless to stop it
that probably doesn't happen if you wake up and they're actually beside you IRL

>> No.54322646

extraordinarily based, sir.

>> No.54322675

The real sad part is that statistically speaking, a large portion of the guys who want this life will have it ripped away from them, along with a significant sum of their money and mental health. All by the person they wanted to create this dream with. My parents are still together and happily married, I think I know one or two other couples like this. Just doesn't seem possible anymore these days when you combine the current culture and government incentives for women to break marriage.

>> No.54322678

I do

>> No.54322738

marriages is a scam

>> No.54322756


Married over 20 years. AMA. Married a girl my age when I was young and didn't know shit. Had two health kids. They are now grown and out of the house. Family is fine, but my wife got fat and is eternally bitchy. She is is the literal femoid meme. Has every subscription service. Loves TV and Hollywood movies. Consooomer. Sex might happen a once or twice a month. He health is shit so we haven't had sex in a couple of months. I give zero fucks about sleeping around. Currently looking for a new side piece right now.

>> No.54322768

you'll have the last laugh when the egomanic feminist whores they are marrying divorce them and take half

>> No.54322796

Your situation is the ideal, but the problem is that people get married to the wrong person or for the wrong reasons. I speak for myself as someone who has watched their friends get married in their late 20s after what could only be described as a mediocre love life. So much so that it's hard not see them as just settling for whatever they could get. They never learned how to attract high quality women and more generally they never learned how to be really successful. I see them now as lacking ambition, lacking drive and vitality, basically settling into the NPC slave existence. It also doesn't help that their wives flirt with me all the time; me who now in my mid 30s is still not married but figured out women and got a few hot gfs, got /fit/, built a much more lucrative career, etc. I know I'm flexing, but I honestly see the path they chose as a mistake, but you know, maybe they were always betacuck NPCs bound for divorce rape. After all, they all kneel for niggers and took the vaxx. I'm still figuring my own situation out, but I want to have kids, probably before I'm 40. Not sure about marriage though with the financial risk desu.

>> No.54322899

>Sex might happen a once or twice a month. He health is shit so we haven't had sex in a couple of months. I give zero fucks about sleeping around. Currently looking for a new side piece right now.
Ngl, I think you have the right idea. It needs to be tolerated again for successful men to have a mistress, especially when the wife is a useless slob ignoring her marital duties. Well, that's feminized, judaized "society" for you.

>> No.54322925

what would you tell me to stop worrying about my utter failure in terms of getting a partner, purely from your pov

>> No.54322953


>> No.54323020

Best post ITT
Don't get married unless it's for business/tax reasons.

>> No.54323059

Well, do you want a partner? How important is sex to you? How much effort do you put into it?

>> No.54323288
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Women are demons, I hope to god I never get married
t.30yr old wizard

>> No.54323356
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Same here. Im 34 dating a 26yo girl right now.
My friends wives are ALL fucking MAD about it for some reason.
Don't worry, like my best boomer friend says, In your 30s all your friends get married. In your 40s most of your friends get a divorce.

>> No.54323419

I'll marry you anon ;) just for the tax benefits of course

>> No.54323624

Lmao give it 5 years and you'll see why you're the smart one. Marriage is a scam.

Learn to retain semen and after awhile you find a nirvana free from temptation.

>> No.54323704

>not asking how to profit from this situation

>> No.54323725
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Fuck that sounds harsh, take care fren

So the chance is around 50% you will get divorced, still I would take the chance. Most of the shitty marriages I know already had red flags before they got married. If your girl is bossy, still wants to party, doesn't like children or is working hard in the gym or on her career then don't get married. Still stay positive, it's possible I'm the living proof kek and know some other happily married dudes.

Don't hate them for living the NPC life, nothing wrong with just working and having a family. I agree with with attracting high quality women, that is key. Having a wife that is attracted to you, looks up to you and allows you to be a man is key.

Nothing wrong with having kids and not being married as long as you try to be a decent dad.

>> No.54323863

one of my friends just divorced last year. they were married for 12 years (married age 18), have 2 kids and shared a house. she immediately got a new dude and he really is one the verge doing the hero. I feel fucking sorry for him

>> No.54323909

34 yo dating 22, and side piece is 25
Women over 30 do not exist for me
And I am a goddamn fucking manlet, but even if 47 out of 50 teens reject (their bar is set about 5x lower than that of old hags) I'm good to never ever consider 30yo roasties as a female species

>> No.54324201


>> No.54324204

Same here except 30 year old virgin.

>> No.54324301

Stick around, kid. It only gets worse. My frens are getting divorced and dying

>> No.54324377

>nephew is getting his first gf hes like 10 years old
>I'm 36 and a kissless hugless virgin

>> No.54324540


Remember when I was a kid I looked forward to the future, having a family of my own and a house.

I have a kid, but the family it seems was not meant to be and I gave up looking for someone else after my last partner left me with our child because they didn't understand me, my approach to saving for a mortgage and my lack of planning any special things for us together (to save money) which caused disagreements, this eventually lead to unhappiness in her and then arguments.

I managed to get the house and a decent job, but it seems like I can do nothing to fix what once was. I got a new job before she left me, and wanted better still, I felt like I could earn more. She belittled those ideas saying "you just got a new job!!!", she also belittled my plans with crypto "you won't get rich!" - yet here I am in my castle, owned by me.

It seems there's a lot of hostility to men these days, an apparent "patriarchy" and desire to view men as worth less than women. I've watched plenty of talk shows in which all the woman on the show described themselves or other women (even if they were obese) as 10 out of 10 while describing men (some also obese) as less than this (3 out of 10), and with simultaneous contradictory tones where women think it is acceptable to go out partying while with a partner but that it's not OK for their man to do the same.

I'm not saying all women are like this, but I've always been the one who wanted something long term and have been left dumped by the end of it, while the same cannot be said for women. Perhaps I've just met the wrong ones, but I've all but given up on it.

Times felt much more hopeful in the past seeing my own parents stick through thick and thin, and they've been married for a very long time. But it seems nowadays the go-to way to deal with relationship issues is to walk away even if the problems are trivial.

All I have now is my daughter, at least I get to see her several times per week.

>> No.54324665

Damn bro well how old are you? You don't have to give up on finding a partner just because the first woman you married turned out to be trash. IMO if you are under 45 you are young enough to find another wife and have more kids if you want to. You're in a much better financial situation now which you planned for. Either way, at least you have your daughter and your sanity

>> No.54324733

>But it seems nowadays the go-to way to deal with relationship issues is to walk away even if the problems are trivial.
Man this is the worst part. I'm 27, was talking to this 21 year old for a few months. We met working together at a restaurant. We had awesome chemistry, other people would even mention how we were together. Really liked her and I have every reason to think she liked me too. We hit ONE FUCKING issue that rightfully pissed me off (blew me off on a date we had talked about for weeks a couple hours before) and she ghosts me completely. Didn't even cuss her out or call her names or anything, just talked about how it wasn't cool and I wasn't going to put up with being treated that way going forward. Months of building up chemistry and rapport gone just like that. I grew up with 4 sisters, so most women annoy the shit out of me and I know what I want in one I date. I don't find ones I like at this level very often. Wasn't in love with her but definitely could have seen something like that forming with more time together.

The whole situation has made me more cynical towards women and dating in general, which sucks because a part of me wants that relationship I see my parents have. As much as I hate to see it the juice just seems less and less worth the squeeze.

>> No.54324815
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Can relate dude. It's over

>> No.54324822

I didn't marry her but she was the first one who "seemed" to be genuine enough and "said" she wanted to marry me.

I'm 35, just turned.

I live about 200-300 meters from my ex who now lives in a rented flat, and has a car that was given to her by family.

I own my car, my house, and got the job and dreams I was told was "ridiculous".

She also said I was a shit partner, but I was trying my best to provide, and I am a very determined person. Hearing this made me feel very dissociated to the idea of getting back into a relationship. I figured I would be better off alone.

It's good hearing you be hopeful, for the moment though I am still quite negative to the whole idea. I keep thinking the next person will try to fuck me over and thus maintain a defensive position, because I'll have to potentially concede my house if we ever split up and have kids.

Thanks bro, it seems there are some good people on here after all.

>> No.54324848

Yup it seems women are quite quick to dissociate to their partners but men hang on for longer and are more dedicated, at least for the ones who aren't just out to get their dicks wet but talk about marriage and kids...

>> No.54324885


bro’s don’t an hero over a woman..

glad I outgrew that shit

>> No.54324947
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going to fall for the jones effect + biological drive to offer more sacrifices to the demiurge and its archons?

>> No.54325044

Honestly might just go back to that grug mindset of smashing and passing. No more emotions or effort. Every girl that I've fucked and just wanted to get rid of has always just clung on for dear life. Im really starting to believe they get off on being mistreated, I just feel slimy doing it.

>> No.54325126

fuck man this is all ive ever wanted but will most likely never achieve

>> No.54325337

Seems that way here too... They want what they can't have and they throw away what's good for them, even if it stares them right in the face.

>> No.54325435

Good luck out there bro. Other than what we're talking about it sounds like you're in a good place and somewhere I'd like to be. Hope the work your putting in is rightfully rewarded soon.