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54317283 No.54317283 [Reply] [Original]

>got pissmogged at the work urinal again

Guys, I can't do this shit anymore, I know you told me to be confident and just focus on the stream but I can't do it, everytime a co-worker is next to me there's just nothing going out, even worse they always start talking and it's pretty clear I'm not pissing and they finish and go wash their hands and I'm still standing dick out facing the urinal it is so humiliating. I have started going in the stalls and I'm pretty sure they can hear me piss in there and it is very humiliating when I get out of it and wash my hands and they start talking to me it's quite obvious they know and feel superior I can't stand it I can't stand this what should I do please help.

>> No.54317293

whenever you need to pee, drink a shit ton of water 2 minutes before you go in so you know DAMN WELL you are gonna explode a fountain of dominating piss as soon as you unleash that belt buckle holding back the kraken

>> No.54317302

Everyone seems to piss much harder than me, I can hear it like a fire hose on the urinal where mine is like a trickle. Do I have underdeveloped piss muscles?

>> No.54317310

just say "well shit bro guess i didn't have to pee, gotta take a shit", and sit in the stall. no shame is sitting down to pee faggot.

>> No.54317313

just stop going to the office lol lmao even do wagies really expose themselves and perform urination in the same room

>> No.54317319

get checked you might be a faggot

>> No.54317407

>bladder feels like it's going to explode
>dash to urinal
>only a thin stream gets out
>put dick back in
>full stream floods underwear and makes a stain on trousers

Wat the hell bros

>> No.54317412

I never use urinals, i just go to the toilet and piss standing up.

>> No.54317423

This exact thing happens to me! When there's anyone there I can't pee i'm worried they start thinking i'm whacking off into the urinal. Is this a mental disorder? Maybe it's natural from when we were cavemen.

>> No.54317443


What size is your penis?

>> No.54317450
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FeightyPiz in the id confirms.

>> No.54317452

Everyone pushes harder in public, it makes your dick sound girthy

>> No.54317475

It’s a mental thing unironically. You’re weak. Just go in the stall always. Or let go and be calm. You’re probably too stressed due to waging. Since I’m a neet that sometimes goes to college I piss in the urinal like chad. When I was a wagecuck like you I didn’t.

>> No.54317581

Do wagies unironically have pissing contests?? What is this, elementary school?

>> No.54317628

That's a rather gay question to ask openly

>> No.54317655

Maybe your prostate is too big

>> No.54317754

that won't pass the smell test

>> No.54318319

nice STDs bro

>> No.54318334

Get checked for urethral stricture
Don’t ask how I know

>> No.54318367

Power your pants a bit more. Your lower penis is being strangled by your pants and underwear while you try to piss that's why when pressure is released, by putting your dick back into said pants, a stream of hot piss floods your panties

>> No.54318371

*Lower your pants

>> No.54318385

Lol are you suggesting him to pull his pants down when pissing at the urinal?

>> No.54318414

how do i profit from this

>> No.54318485

If it takes you 5-10 seconds to start pissing, try pre-emptively pushing out the urine that long before while walking to the urinal. I also spit in the urinal, mainly to get rid of phlegm, but it's become like a mental trigger to start pissing for me now.

I've never had an issue with nervousness though, nearly everyone I know sees my dick on a regular basis, so I'm not sure if this would help if you're crippled by anxiety.

>> No.54318492

Feels good man

>> No.54318539

No, learn to read

>> No.54318578
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just carry a water bag with a straw in your pants
any coworker who looks is by default gay for looking ao you catch 2 flies with one slap

>> No.54318590

just shit in the urinal to assert dominance

>> No.54318924

Something like half of men end up having prostate problems in their life which causes issues like weak stream and you actually think other dudes give a shit about how weak your piss sounds? Grow up man, nobody gives a shit. The only people that care about your dick size are sluts and faggots.

>> No.54319122

Have you never pissed in the shared trough with strangers?

>> No.54319141

The reason why you cant pee is because you are starting to get an erection thinking about the exposed horsecock next to you and that blocks off your urethra. You need to stop being gay op then your problem will solve itself.

>> No.54319204

Those don't exist in the first world

>> No.54319278

i'm short with a fat long shower of a cock
i love pissmogging lanklets so much it's unreal

>> No.54319326
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>> No.54319463

I have the same problem he has, and I like vaginas and titties a lot. Especially smooth cunny and flat chests. I really don't care for other dudes' cocks.

>> No.54319482

My secret is that I hold my breath and refuse to allow myself to breathe until I start pissing. It works almost every time. I also think about the girl from high school with huge tits

>> No.54319549

bruh you just got shy bladder is all

t. shy bladder chad whose older sisters held him down and made him piss for them and their friends

once you find that underlying anxiety you'll be fine

>> No.54319670

A pro tip I discovered on my own is to think of someone you don't like and imagine their face in the urinal. Then just think about pissing on their face. Not even joking.

>> No.54319802

That's because you ejaculate too often. Go without ejaccing for 2 weeks and you'll notice a big difference.

>> No.54319812

Just imagine your male role model's hands on your shoulders, cheering you on as you let loose a stream

>> No.54319832

This is true. If I jerkoff alot my piss is like one of those water misters grocery stores have for vegetables. Also I'm positive my prostate is too big but don't want to go to the doctor. I'd rather just die of cancer.

>> No.54319840
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>t. shy bladder chad whose older sisters held him down and made him piss for them and their friends
some guys get all the luck

>> No.54319884

next time try visualizing one time you actually did manage to piss at the urinal