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54316955 No.54316955 [Reply] [Original]

is being a showoff a bad thing?

>> No.54316964

kek why did he remove it?

>> No.54316982

can't show off your shit when you tell your population to wage for 3 more years

>> No.54316992

Because he's an hypocritical cunt. He got rich when while working for Rothschild (by making a deal between Pfizer and Nestle) and he supposedly lost all his money before becoming president. On top of that he managed to be (((reelected))) while being the most hated French president ever.

>> No.54317015

kek about faggots whether the "retirement age" should be at this or that age
how about you stop forcing me participating in your retarded ponzi scheme

>> No.54317017

pathetic eurofag

>> No.54317033

because it triggered the poorfags who think they don't need to work as much as literally everyone else in the first world.

>> No.54317041

was his marriage to the granny a humiliation ritual?

>> No.54317044

Europoors want faggots like this in office. Fuck 'em

>> No.54317078

Macron is France's Blair. He will fuck the place up beyond recognition, and he will do it for a tiny bag of gold.

He's even got the same mean looking eyebrows

>> No.54317118
File: 5 KB, 692x84, ss+(2023-03-25+at+05.07.20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silence chuds, he just wanted to take it off at the exact moment he was telling people they needed to pay more taxes

>> No.54317146

because it was making too much sound when he was speaking
but triggered bunker trannies pretend it was "showing off"

>> No.54317157

No, you absolute 3rd worlder... Although I know you low-borns salivate at the slightest mention of #eattherich, the guy was banging his watch on the table which was causing the distraction, so he removed it. Don't get me wrong, I hate him more than you do, but for wholly different reasons.

>> No.54317179

If macron really did care about the watch and the view people might have on it, he would have took it off before the program and there would have been no hoopla. My opinion is the elites do these things on purpose to mock people. They enjoy it and the uproar it causes. Simple trolling and they know they can get away with it. That's just my assumption but considering everything that's happened in the past 5 years, it feels that way.

>> No.54317200

that makes sense, thanks. the thread can die now, nothing more to see here

>> No.54317226

He’s clearly overpaid if he can afford mega expensive watches while his county’s economy is collapsing

>> No.54317485

>tell your population to wage for 3 more years
He's raising the retirement age to be the same as in nearly all western Euro countries, and look at the absolute reaction of the Frenchies.

France is a socialist scuzzhole lmao

>> No.54317507

If you watch the interview with sound, you can hear him smash the watch on the table. This being a €80.000 luxury item, smashing it on the table is not the way to go. He subsequently removes it. All the anons claiming this chump is self aware enough to not Sport such luxury items while telling the popes to work longer, overestimate him by a huge margin. If he would have no handlers he would sit on a throne with a golden crown and still call the people who Finanzen all that lazy peasants. He has 0 self awareness.

>> No.54317520

>Oh no I didn't do it to hide my wealth
>I was simply banging my watch on the table and I didn't want to cause a disturbance to the fine people at home listening
>In fact I find your accusations quite offensive
>Cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.54317526

>you should become a slave like everyone else, dont you see allcthse brown countries where people just work all day?

>> No.54317534

So you're a slave if you're NOT on socialist welfare pensions?
What the fuck kind of logic is that lmao, the very existence of socialist welfare turns you into a slave.

Let people keep their fucking money and decide for themselves how and when they have enough to stop working.

>> No.54317553

>He will fuck the place up beyond recognition, and he will do it for a tiny bag of gold
That's all our presidents since De Gaulle. Greedy little goblins with zero stature and zero convictions. The kind of scheming egomaniacs ready to sell their mothers for few extra shekels.
The perfect (((globalists)))' puppets, as they were designed for.

>> No.54317639

a lot of (((watch))) companies and luxury brands hand out free shit
also you only make 400k as president of the US despite being in charge of a global hegemonic superpower that can print money whenever it wants

>> No.54317664

Are all neoliberals this retarded? Slavery is when you get to retire?

>> No.54317678

Slavery is when you have to pay your entire life to a government that instaspends your money on immigrants, and hope that same government will have enough money thirty years later to give you back a fraction of what you've been paying them.

>> No.54317727

it's scripted. He remove it because that's the joke. They love to poke at their slaves so much.

>> No.54317756


>> No.54317854

women love wealth and status so no

>> No.54317889

exactly, hence the reaction. why WOULDN'T you protest if your government just up and decides that you should wage for a couple more years just to feed niggers?

>> No.54317946

pol has rotted your mind

>> No.54317950
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Modern politicians (read banks' spokepersons) don't give a shit about protests. Especially when said protests have to be registered to administrative offices to be legal, and their itinerary as well as their duration is to be set by police forces.
It's a fucking joke.
Only thing who could change this clownshow is ultraviolence targeting corrupt officials. Instill fear of the people they are supposed to serve once again.

>> No.54317961

You never had a mind, hylic goylem.

>> No.54318020

This is far more likely the reason than just semantics.

>> No.54318046

>the government can magically allow me to not work by enslaving everyone else

>> No.54318050

Why do workers in neoliberal countries like Switzerland and Ireland work less hours than socialist ones?

>> No.54318058

Why the hell does government control pensions in the first place?