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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54312732 No.54312732 [Reply] [Original]

SBF looks so sad he got arrested. But do you know why? Look closely at this face. It's more of a "I'm sorry I used Mommy and Daddy's game in crypto space, now I have to get time out, right?" sort of face rather than sad about being put into jail.

What's happening with banks now is happening because all of the big, trusted banks are connected to a chain of other, lesser known, less trusted banks that are doing shady shit with money like rather than putting the money into bonds, the money is put into risky stocks. The big banks don't do this directly, but indirectly through lending from one bank to another to another to try to hide their trail.

SBF, The fucking BANKMAN, pulled off the BANKMAN's game in crypto. CZ knew exactly where he got this from and called out his bullshit. Banks, seeing that CZ could call SBF out on his bullshit and get him caught, started SHITTING THEMSELVES and pulling out of their risky investments.

>> No.54312958

>Banks, seeing that CZ could call SBF out on his bullshit and get him caught, started SHITTING THEMSELVES and pulling out of their risky investments.
I haven’t seen any competing banks calling each other out yet, but hopefully that’s coming soon.

>> No.54313276

Oh I'm sure they're calling each other out offline with lots of swearing. In person, verbal agreements only are how these banks really fuck around with people's money.

>> No.54313556

>bank collapse
Which banks?

>> No.54313684
File: 472 KB, 1489x1011, winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great picture, made me remember his tweets. He still thought it's all fun and games then

>> No.54313708

All of the ones in the news. No, he did not directly cause them. But he indirectly caused them, by making these shady banks realize "oh shit, all it takes is one person to call us out on our bullshit and we'd have to show our fake balance sheets too". The collapses are happening because shady banks, similar to SBF's shady business, are now "playing safe" and "cashing out" and then "collapsing", oh my! At least SBF could blame it on being hacked. What a coincidence that SFB's site got hacked! Banks can't just say they got hacked to explain holes in their balance sheets.

>> No.54313741

Which banks have actually collapsed?

>> No.54313777

Are you trying to pull the ummmm technically they didn't collapse they were just provided extra liquidity via newly created emergency programs? Is this what you do, argue semantics?

>> No.54314121

Blessed trips. Yeah, ignore that poster you replied to. Nothing to see here guys, banks just collapse by accident sometimes! Oopsie, a little calculation error! The accountant fat fingered, teehehee! Definitely nobody could be, trying to PROFIT, on everyone's money in those banks! How dare you suggest such a thing, you un-American 4channer.

>> No.54314205

>all by design
>use crypto to crash the financial system
>use crypto and claim to have fixed all the prior issues
Pure Hegelian dialect

>> No.54314483

Yes. Which banks have collapsed? Name them faggot.

>> No.54314501
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>But do you know why?
No one nose.
Must be a cohencidence.

>> No.54314517
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>green ID

>> No.54314540
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you cant fail when daddy biden and the fed bails you out
but you know who they don't bail out and take the money from?
hint: you see them every time you look in the mirror and get upset when you realize you still look like a man.

>> No.54314794

>The banks failed
>No I won't name any
>Ok so no banks failed but they used your tax dollars on it
Ok. Anything else?

>> No.54315404

retards on this board are unironically happy about (((zhao)))s monopoly

>> No.54315540

you my man can not read faces

>> No.54316352
File: 17 KB, 519x452, 1656413417308446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monsieur Banquehomme, crash it with no survivors
>Yes master, it shall be done

>> No.54316395

delusional retard

>> No.54316414

We all knew what he meant, except you - retard

>> No.54317093

CZ was just as surprised at how rapidly FTX collapsed as anyone. Especially since FTX was modeled exactly after Binance, even using a US domain to skirt regulations.
CZ sure as fuck didn’t intend to highlight this and bring the US government prying into his business.
CZ isn’t a hero. He just inadvertently knocked out a smaller criminal enterprise and is still running his own.

>> No.54317111

>Especially since FTX was modeled exactly after Binance
clearly not, since Binance hasn't gone under. FTX was modeled more on eurodollar banks that keep no reserves, gamble away their depositors' money, and rely on obscene low float / high FDV ratios to create the illusion of wealth

>> No.54319197

He meant "please panic I'm a faggot bear getting heemed because the banks didn't fail"

>> No.54319267


defund the police

>> No.54319336
File: 38 KB, 512x512, photo_2023-03-12_20-29-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defund the police

>> No.54319353



This was for you

>> No.54319488

You sound salty

>> No.54319824


>> No.54319974

CZ has integrity. Everything he does is fully collateralized.
He did cause it. Sure there were older startups in their bag, but those banks were processing the VC money of the dApps pumped by the FTX conspiracy. VCs wanted that money off the books, so many of them are going to go under - what a great way to renegotiate your commitments. And besides, CZ will eventually compete with the titans, he’ll by his own US bank. Screencap this.