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54309488 No.54309488 [Reply] [Original]

Is med school the best past to riches and job security??

>> No.54309497

>Job security

>> No.54309509

you just know

>> No.54309534

link the original

>> No.54309574
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>> No.54309776

Compared to any other W-2 job, yes
>job security
There is probably no country in the world where doctors are chronically unemployed and/or paid less than upper-middle-class income.

>> No.54310029

Sauce before jannied

>> No.54310903

sauce because none of the google/sauce nao worked

>> No.54311109
File: 1.00 MB, 500x281, fb4a1512b45102eed779fdf648e022e2b68d65d7_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the original dog and little girl combo.

>> No.54311120

Too soon.

>> No.54311214

A good friend of mine has a hilariously high income and lives with extreme financial modesty citing the astronomical amount of student debt she has from her studies, and she's very established in her career.

So yeah, the student debt is definitely something to factor into your decision.

>> No.54311253

I need the sauce of this bitch getting railed by a dog before I have to go BACK to r34 under the beastiality tag again, I hate foids.

>> No.54311680

these days it's the best path to middle class status for minorities and immigrants. a great lay off will come for doctors once society realizes 90% of them are just following protocols and algorithms (don't get me started on the "evidence" these are based off). if you're smart enough to become a useful doctor you're smart enough to do something else.
>t. jaded fellow

>> No.54311727

how do I marry a doctor?
>t. 30khv dyel neet

>> No.54311817

it's actually pretty easy once you find one. they're mostly incredibly lonely and have low self-esteem outside of their work persona. most of the single doctors i know are on dating apps and show at least one clue about their profession. don't be afraid to reveal your "vulnerable" side, they usually have something of a savior complex / dependency issue.

>> No.54311890

not gonna lie this was the copium I legitimately needed.
>Dated QT 3.14 grad student doctor
>Ends things because too busy
>realized the real reason I was just too clingy/desperate
bros...it still hurts. I could of made it but spilled spaghet hard and fast.

>> No.54312032
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>> No.54312050


No shit they're gaming the system

>> No.54312063

Can confirm. I know lots of average joes dating doctors and one of them is was a total loser in high school and college, incel and nerd type.

>> No.54312084

posts like this make me glad I was rejected and instead went into project management where I work from home and bought a house @ 25 doing so

>> No.54312086
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>> No.54312114

MD here, Im paid 2800 euro per month before taxes.
Hospitals doctors age paid betterz but they suffer more stress.

>> No.54312372

Md is a scam.. 10 years of school all that loan debt… youll be old before u get anything. Nursing is ez. Im a chiropractor doing car accidents ez pz. Used to be a medic getting paid nothing i dont really give a shit about titles i just do it for the money

>> No.54312434

>job security

>> No.54312469

Also the most optimal path isn't even doctor/surgeon if you want money. Most likely the most optimal path is an associates to be an RN nurse in a metropolis city (outside of that you might need BSN). Maybe there's another field lore optimal, but nurses make 6 figs in certain locations year 1 with little to no debt. That in turn, with a financially smart person, = guaranteed retirement money in the markets within 5 years if you are even half decent in determining when bull and bear markets are at play (and you dca heavy in the bear).

>> No.54312542

What the dog doin?

>> No.54312611

she looks like an elf angel god damn it fucking disgusting woman

>> No.54312624


>> No.54312626

Im a 1st soon to be 2nd year IM resident.

Yes you can definitely become rich doing medicine. It will largely depend on your specialty and where you practice in the country. Some of my attendings who are IM hospitalists (3 years post medical school training) make 400k and if you also do administration you can make closer to 800k in some instances. A classmate of mine's dad was a private practice cardiologist and made 3m a year. For gastroenterology in my city, 1M a year is the typical starting salary.

Yes once you make it through you have excellent job security. You are an irreplaceable piece of a big big business and the perks are very nice.

is it the best path: No, not for most people. I started when I was 18 and im finally making a sliver of money at 29. So, youre already 10 years behind, then add the debt on top of that. I have co-residents with twice to 3x as much debt as I have and I have nearly 200k in debt. I plan to pay if off as fast as possible and live frugally, but once you have that kind of debt youre kind of fucked, you're almost forced to be a doctor at that point.

Medical school is no vacation either. Think of all the smartest, most high-achieving people you know. Thats your competition. Every day felt like I was craming. It was unhealthy. Several people drop out due to mental health issues and a couple people ended up killing themselves. So, it isnt something I would recommend to just anyone. This shit really sucks for a long time but if you make it through, yes you will be rich. might not be worth it for everyone though.

>> No.54312699

I'll also add that getting into med school (at least a US MD school) requires at least about a 3.8 in undergrad and at least a 80th percentile MCAT score. My school interviewed nearly 4000 people for 200 spots and that is right about average (6%) acceptance.

>> No.54312721

I second this. With a 2 year degree ive seen people make 4k a week and that isnt even doing travel nursing.

>> No.54312738

nursing is ok but there's usually a lot of politics on wards and there's obviously a lot of female energy. optimal nursing path is probably to start as a nursing assistant and do your degree while you're getting paid, then specialise in ICU or similar high-demand field and temp for massive bonus rates. even better is to choose a para-medical field like echo-tech where there's regions that will pay you mega bux to relocate and offer plenty of call-out pay. or if you have charisma just do >>54312372 and scam people for natural health and massages (no judgement here)
>Medical school is no vacation either. Think of all the smartest, most high-achieving people you know. Thats your competition
it's actually not that bad, everyone just gets FOMO and thinks their classmates is doing more than them. this attitude persists through residency unfortunately

>> No.54312750

And whites will get passed up for muhnorities

>> No.54314229

artist is Tsurugi

>> No.54314251


>> No.54314265

public images on pixiv are only the first ones, the rest are paid but you can find them on kemono.party

>> No.54314320

yeah was checking it out on kemono right now , thanks again

>> No.54314372

Fantazi AOZ

>> No.54314376

Only post in this thread that knows anything about medicine.
Medicine is a one way ticket to a guaranteed high income, but it's a long road. You also have to know what to do to make it.
As a yuropoor it's not as lucrative as in the US, but I am still looking at around 200k/year average as an attending in private practice (which is very easy to do in certain fields). Nobody here makes even 100k, so 200k is a shitload.

>> No.54314394

the worse things have gotten the more i have come to realise you cant really get ahead in life now without sacrificing your youth in some way.

>> No.54314429
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I’m a psych nurse that makes $39 an hour after night shift differential. That’s considered low for my area (Tennessee) but I love my job, I sit on my phone in the nurse’s station practicing kanji or playing OSRS (was training slayer all last week). As a psych nurse sometimes patients act up so I give them a shot of Benadryl/Thorazine or Ativan IM as per their agitation protocol. All my patients come in with a +UDS of meth, it’s a shame. So many methheads in the south.

Travel nurses that work with me make between $70-$90 an hour, that’s where the money’s at. They file taxes under “crisis pay” and pay basically nothing in taxes. Still, doing ICU or med surge sucks, it’s like running around like a chicken without a head. I recommend becoming a nurse, but it’s not easy. Out of 300+ applicants only 75 make it in every semester based on GPA. Less than half make it where I went to school and that’s true for most universities (as it should be).

>> No.54314505

>Is med school the best past to riches and job security??

Kinda, last years families got so angry because doctors couldn't save their diabetic morbid obese Granma than they started to kill doctors out of angry. This is happening all across third world, so imagine than it's around 5 years until this trend reach US and Europe. Be careful about only looking for security because things are ugly out there

>> No.54314506


>> No.54314572

its the path to being surrounded by morbidly obese niggers all day

>> No.54314600

Half of physicians in the US are midwit immigrants who can't even speak fluent English

>> No.54314718

Its not that hard

>> No.54315024

Good stuff ty

>> No.54315027

I've lost my erection, thanks to picrel you full metal retard

>> No.54315070

yooo add me on osrs: jad smacker