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54306382 No.54306382 [Reply] [Original]

We havent had pic related yet at any low this cycle

This means we havent hit the actual bottom yet

>> No.54306398

So as long as I keep my 5 mumu threads up we can never bottom?

>> No.54306438

If you have the mental energy to do this we havent hit the bottom for this cycle yet

>> No.54306482

The mumus logically know this, but they won't admit it. Assuming they aren't all 2020 newfags.

>> No.54306497

You're never going to see anything like this again, crypto has already proven itself and will never ever see the risk of going to literal zero ever again.

>> No.54306521
File: 562 KB, 732x1010, june122022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are retarded.

>> No.54306554

I always wonder why posters like OP are OK with the top in the last cycle being different than usual and pathetic but they aren't OK with the bottom being different than usual and pathetic as well.

>> No.54306602
File: 3.34 MB, 450x506, 04040392-8A6B-48E1-85B8-788BDD00C104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one

>> No.54306606
File: 46 KB, 1390x804, stoooopid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually fucking retarded?

Just because Bitcoin didn't go crazy high doesn't mean the Total Crypto Market didn't go parabolic as fuck.

The difference was is all the money went into altcoins, shitcoins and NFTs

Man, if you're my competition, no wonder I made it.

>> No.54306648

>Uses market cap as a metric
>Thinks the "money" that went into NFTs is organic
>Calls others retarded and thinks he's special
Still short and strong, am I right?

>> No.54309065

yes we have lmao

>> No.54309115

>if we don't reuse le epic pink maymay from 2018 it's not the bottom because I didn't buy BTC at 17k okay PLEASE GOD I SWEAR I'LL BUY THIS TIME

>> No.54309151

uh yes we have. like 50 times

>> No.54309199

2017fag here. Under normal circumstances, you know you're at the bottom when there's nobody left to pinkwojakpost, and the most catastrophic news no longer causes the price of an asset to drop. With respect t othe latter, the January 2019 ETC double spend attack was how I accidentally called the bottom perfectly.

Of course, these are not normal circumstances. Macro has yet to see the bottom, and it's taking everything else with it, regardless of where they currently stand.

>> No.54309203
File: 29 KB, 640x586, 1645013017873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SVB collapsed not even a month ago. That weekend was the most schizo doomerposting since 2020.

>> No.54309299

Doomposting is not the bottom. To offer an allegory, if you're a business with shitty customer service and lots of customers angrily complain, you're not a failing business. When customers stop complaining and just quietly leave in large numbers, leaving a ghost town of a shop, that's when you truly become a failed business.

>> No.54309316
File: 746 KB, 1080x1931, 1628542872805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when things were better
claim haircomb
ive fucked a baldwoman

>> No.54309369

you realize that the spam is made by literally 2 guys, one of them being a bulgarian NEET who doesn't trade anything, just shitposts with passion

>> No.54309388

and the other dude I suspect being Randy the Raccoon
but no evidence other than my gut and sometimes writing style

>> No.54309395

yes we did. this happens on the way down. the bottom hits when you search the catalog and get zero matches for "btc" "bitcoin"

>> No.54309630

>Macro has yet to see the bottom
do you really think you are gonna buy big tech at a lower low than what was seen in oct
i aint falling for that and was very happy to dca in over the range we have seen
remember assets bottom almosta year before earnings if macro is such a big concern to you

>> No.54309840
File: 14 KB, 219x230, 1655414870376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will never be any pink fields even if everything goes to zero right this moment. The few pink wojak threads you see at certain dumps now is just a few select bored anons who are eager to use their reaction folder, but no one else cares to save it and use it themselves.

Multi year scamdemics, WW3, global recession, banks failing left and right, zero hope or optimism anywhere of any kind. There is no mental energy to even panic at this point, everyone is so beyond demoralized that even if aliens started invading most people would just say get it over with already.

>> No.54310217

things will get much worse, that's why we should do whatever we have to do right now, I'll just get my sora card and get as much juice out of it as possible, and then leave, my paranoia wins this time