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54305622 No.54305622 [Reply] [Original]

I just realised that im ngmi.

i got the arb airdrop, but ttoday i cashed it out can gambled it on slots. Ive been degenerate gambler for my whole adulthood. I also have 50k in debt. This shit cycle keeps repeating and i think this is the last time i have the chance to accumulate something into upcoming bullrun.

I cant belive im just that stupid. Do you guys have some great tips (not kys not just stop gambling bro shit)

>> No.54305684

Kill yourself.

>> No.54305700

Let me guess, not only did you gamble it on slots, but you gambled it on normie retard slots with 25 lines and $2 a spin

If you wanna win big on slots you wanna do 1 line, $10-25 per line

>> No.54305708

get help for your gambling problem.

there are groups you can speak to/join.

>> No.54305730

>Let me guess, not only did you gamble it on slots, but you gambled it on normie retard slots with 25 lines and $2 a spin
>If you wanna win big on slots you wanna do 1 line, $10-25 per line

what's the difference, the money all ends up in the same place (the casino' bank account)

>> No.54305732

just stop

>> No.54305741

damn son

>> No.54305749

you're ngmi. there literally has never been an easier time to make money and you're fucking it up

>> No.54305756


Ive been speaking with anonymous group online but doesent seem to help me. Been thinking of joining a theraphy but probably too expensive

>> No.54305767

You need to think of gambling as a form of entertainment and not as a money-making venture. Sometimes when I buy gas, and I have a dollar or two left, I'll just buy a scratchers for fun.

>> No.54305770

>probably too expensive
lol, gotta save your money for the slots

>> No.54305776
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>> No.54305781


exactly man. Been around from 2017 and had like 10k link from 0.2dollars. What happened to that 10k link? i gambled it away.



>> No.54305783

In the long run the casino wins
In the short run, anything can happen
You want to maximize volatility and more expensive slots offer better payouts
If you do $1 slot pulls you'll get $5, $25, $100 wins that will never be enough to satiate you

>> No.54305805


>> No.54305817
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dont care

>> No.54305821

Post it or stfu retard

>> No.54305847

gambling problem itself is much, MUCH more expensive
think of it like that

>> No.54305891

go bankrupt
who cares

>> No.54305895

god sure loves trolling everyone by giving free money to degens that will 100% gamble it away faster than you can blink while not giving shit to people who would save it for later

>> No.54305906


yeah but always when i gamble i actually cant even afford that, i have rent i have groceries and im paying my debts so its really hard

>> No.54305939


i wish i could do that in my country. Cant.


yeah man desu with you, i just did some random stuff in arbitrum chain and got the drop. it was only 1200 but i just did the steps someone posted on twitter to get that airdrop. Also did some nft stuff on arb nova, but my volumes were so bad

>> No.54306042

Some people are alcoholics and cant drink
Youre a gambling addict
Get help

>> No.54306126

at least gamble on some crypto platgorm with a tiny house edge but you probably gamble on something with p=0.001

>> No.54306177


used rollbit if it matters. Actually doesent because eventually balance is 0. I was up like 5k this time but wasnt enough. I even know that i just wont cash shit but still keep playing like absolute dogshit human being

>> No.54306279

i too am a gambling addict but i control it by putting 1k into my brokerage account and betting it on options until im either broke or have made a bunch of money and then when i am done i make day trades over and over until I pdt my account out then when i have about 2 weeks left of my ban i start studying the market and making a plan
i made 15k on bbby calls at the beginning of the year but only cashed out 8500 because i suck at stopping when im ahead

>> No.54306363


yeah but mate, i have a plan but i dont stick to it.

>> No.54306949
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Just squeezed it, very full of pus today and blood, smells fucking disgusting it was squirting out like a river.

>> No.54307007

>pic related
Depends on how poor, if you can afford a cheap laptop and internet then it's not hard to have some fun, at least for me.

>> No.54307050


>> No.54307192
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hopefully you don't have any dependents

if you do then this is no life for them so the answer for you is simple: buy life insurance, wait 2 years (time to cover your ass -- read your terms just to be sure) then

> picrel

>> No.54308179

You should literally and unironically go get some medical and psychiatric help anon, or just give up and get out of crypto, I used to do something like that, but in my case I didn't specifically gamble, I just threw 80k into POND without considering any other options, still not regretting it tho

>> No.54308189

You will eventually, worry not

>> No.54308191

just imagine kek

>> No.54308199

He most likely has

>> No.54308211

You should advice him putting his head under a truck's tire

>> No.54308256
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This is probably (You)

>> No.54308293

I've considered this I should have two years ago.
just get a life insurance policy on myself, wait two years till the suicide coverage kicks in then kill myself, I can end my suffering and give my family 5-6 figures to restart.
I don't like being alive anymore and I'm so physically sick I can't work I'm just a burden and likely will rope regardless.

>> No.54308343



>> No.54308400

Bro just stop gambling
Like every time you feel like gambling, just don't do it
Every time you give up and gamble, you have to put a staple in the tip of your finger with a stapler

>> No.54308419

Can't gamble when you're so poor you can't eat fren.
I haven't gambled since 2021 and will be the last time I ever do.

>> No.54308484

You need help anon but only you can help yourself now, you just have to choose not to be stupid.

I got the arb airdrop too, sold like 70% at 1.4usd price and bought some low cap alts for the next bull run

That's what you should be doing

>> No.54308632
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Why is this coming out of my body.

>> No.54308908

The thing with gambling is the sense of false hope, making people believe that they could actually hit the jackpot somehow
I once had a gambler addict friend, I find a way to make him understand that he should rather gamble for fun rather than trying to make it via gambling.
Then his gambling rate reduced by almost 95%
That's how he'll quit eventually

>> No.54308917


its actually just that simple but yet i cant. probably 30iq

>> No.54308933

W chad
care to share which ones you picked up? I've had vela and ride on radar for a while now

>> No.54309261

I do this even though I've never been addicted, I bet like $1 or less on some weekends on club football games
I do this for the fun and I've won few times

>> No.54309301

anon anon, that's not the way

>> No.54309325

Now's definitely the time to be looking into arb ecosystem more, with their token launch, you know we're gonna see some money printers, both seem solid looking from info available

>> No.54309329

Get help.

Sleeping is fun when you're rich too.

>> No.54309561

It's about self control at the end of the day

>> No.54309587

Totally Agree but but ride is on multiversx, still a top chain with great tech

>> No.54309597

Sleeping is best when you want to stop the thoughts of suicide when you're poor.
Your sleep is real sleep my sleep is escape from the nightmare of life.

>> No.54311228
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>Do you guys have some great tips
Abandon your dreams of making a lot of money and pursue other things in life. For instance, become spiritual and focus on personal growth?
>but I don't believe in that stuff!
Then unironically study NDEs and realize that there actually is an afterlife. And as one NDE researcher said that he does not know anyone who has read the literature on NDEs who has not been convinced by it.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.

>> No.54311247
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What does my wound smell like to you, describe it in vivid imagination gptbot.

>> No.54311263

god it's fucking NDEtard again.

>> No.54311481


bro, idk about your nde shit but i want to pursue other things in life, its just... i need money for that. I dont want to wageslave for that shit


yeah but what to do if u cant control yourself, gooooodddddd

>> No.54311563

i also lost a large sum of money which was all I had -ev casino gambling once after running it up big time from -ev gambling. I have never gambled since and since then made 250x that amount from investing. the thing that made me stop was realizing that no matter what with -ev gambling you are always going to lose. I hope you will realize this too and stop, but maybe you need to lose more first. IMO stuff like gamblers anonymous is a waste of time. Only you can make the decision to realize that -ev gambling is a losing game and you can do it now and just stop. Watch an episode of the twilight zone called "the fever" as well. I watched that right after my big loss and it helped enforce my decision.

>> No.54311610

You never have any time to rest when you are poor

>> No.54311627

God you're such an attention whore nigger how many times you gonna bump your post using some faggot phone and then pretend you just organically came about.
Next time you make this thread again I'm gonna post decapitated niggers nonstop.

>> No.54311635


Why do you gamble? Don’t you realize that casinos are just scammers with a slight payout?

The entire casino is controlled. Everything.

>> No.54311907

The project's on MutiverseX are actually good. I have used a web3 payment processor with them which has more than 20k merchant's and offers a fixed transaction fees of 1%. I'm satisfied desu.

>> No.54311998

Just like, stop gambling. Or kill yourself.

>> No.54312018


>> No.54312215

>For me

Lucky you.
All I wanna do is take drugs and go to techno clubs.

Very expensive

>> No.54312252

>yeah but what to do if u cant control yourself, gooooodddddd
You sound like a real fuck up. I can't comprehend the mindset and I gamble on shitcoins. But I do know ill discipline. It's a muscle you need to strengthen like any other. You can do this in other aspects of your life. Resist fapping. Work out regularly. Eat healthy. Fix your sleeping schedule. These are simple enough but to do consistent is hard. If you can do that, you will be strengthening your poor discipline. I can tell you that years down the line, it just becomes part of you and there is little effort to it. I don't think you are going to stop gambling until you improve other areas of your life and prove to yourself you are capable of achieving things.
Good luck anon. Sounds like hell.

>> No.54312771


yeah, i have good phases, i workout, eat healthy, sleep well, then its one day i relapse, and all goes to literally shit. I gamble i start drinking (im working but still i start drinking on weekdays). just everything goes to shit because of one 10-30minutes. same cycle like 5-7years. it probably sound so retarded and it is but it just keeps happening

>> No.54312934

> not just stop gambling bro shit
You actually need to get help for your gambling addiction, or this wont stop. Stop looking for easy solutions and just do it.

>> No.54312979

Kill yourself. Stop gambling. Join a monastery

>> No.54313263

the chances of your family getting a life insurance payout on a suicide is slim
very very slim

>> No.54313337
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>> No.54313352

Came here to say this

>> No.54313355

There are some that after two years suicide is considered okay you have to pay for two years though before you can do it
>t. I've researched this quite extensively

>> No.54313377

He's a spamming attention whore, good chance 70-80 active threads are his, he does this all fucking day long just makes time wasting threads, disappears for hours cause he's busy wasting other peoples time then returns, never has anything of value to say or types longer than a sentence.
I hate this gay ass board now

>> No.54313450

I can't imagine being proficient enough with crypto to get the airdrop and then turning around and betting it all at some normie casino, you're withdrawing to play something with far worse odds of success

>> No.54313488

He's a beggar he made a thread 4 days ago exact same picture different responses, he's the taco bell anon I keep derailing his threads on purpose, he ignored me this time but his shit tier mobilephone stuttering english says enough.
He just wants someone to give him 10k, don't we all.

>> No.54313622

>Asks a shitcoin gambling forum for help with a gambling addiction.
Stop hanging out here, for one thing. There has been some occasional good advice here, but for the most part, going into a bar is not going to be a good idea for an alcoholic. If you can't quit by yourself, get professional help. You say you can't afford it. But what you really can't afford is to stay addicted to gambling.

>> No.54313690

man i wish i had a salt lamp

>> No.54313763

> I think this is the last time I have the chance to accumulate something into the upcoming bull run.
Crypto god gifted you those airdrops to invest in blue-chips that can set you up for life once the bull run sets in. I used my $6k gains from the airdrop to bag some TSUKA and QANX because I believe the former will pull off a shib movement and the latter will deliver the least 10x as its QVM continues to gain attention.

Don't spend those gains all on titts ad booty

>> No.54313922

>gambles due to financial insecurity
>financially insecure due to gambling
The problem fixes itself retard