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54302974 No.54302974 [Reply] [Original]

Matched with a girl on Tinder and she asked me out on a coffee date. I've never had a girl be the one to ask. Should I be suspicious? Is she a fed?

>> No.54302994

Yes be extremely suspicious, don't reply, immediately delete the app and never install it back again.

Got to stay safe bro.

>> No.54303017
File: 130 KB, 848x865, 1679563268490848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread was created by a janny to bait anons in and ban them for replying to off topic posts. they do it a lot lately.

>> No.54303055

>Should I be suspicious? Is she a fed?
how fat is she?

>> No.54303057
File: 204 KB, 1075x771, Screenshot_20230324-094049_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a janny or I wouldn't have receipts

>> No.54303069


>> No.54303079

>he doesnt know about the tinder screenshot notification
oh anon.

>> No.54303080

Probably a tranny

>> No.54303167

In my experience girls like that tend to be extremely obsessive and crazy. You can fool around but try to cut all ties asap once you get what you want

>> No.54303254

>girl asks guy to go on an incredibly boring 'coffee date'.
>anon, she's crazy

>> No.54303265

How fat is she and how many kids does she have?

>> No.54303282


she's a fed

>> No.54303355

That's a man, anon

>> No.54303379

Most likely a fat whore with a body count approaching the triple digits or disgusting stank roast beef pussy, get the fuck out dipshit or not idc hope your dick falls off

>> No.54303398

This girl is red flag slut, probably sucks off a new guy every single day

>> No.54303423

So far of the 2 girls who made the first move with me, both were crazy or boring losers. I wish a good woman would ask me out so i give them the benefit of the doubt, but it seems quality women arent desperate enough to make the first move.

>> No.54303458

more evidence frog posters are ugly autists

>> No.54303459
File: 328 KB, 990x950, Screenshot_20230324-100821_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a normal weight didn't mention any kids
I think I'm gonna go for it wish me luck bros

>> No.54303479

>both were crazy or boring losers.
That sentence doesn't make logical sense, disregarded rest of the post

>> No.54303548

lmao get a coffee with her
how ugly are you that you think this is a red flag? it happens. she may be ovulating or looking for a rebound

hope you didnt get rekt by >>54303079 and meet her


>> No.54303578

What do you do for fun and what makes a woman high quality? Most women ask you out by sending signals like adjusting their hair or staring at you. When i see that i know its a green light and is the same thing as them asking me out directly.

>> No.54303582

>or looking for a rebound
that's a red flag

>> No.54303590

glows harder than the sun. sever and disconnect

>> No.54303607

Obviously a massive whore. If you can’t get her into your bed on the first date give up and move on

>> No.54303630

looks good anon.
probably just a turbo slut.

>> No.54303682

>What do you do for fun
it's not about what he does for fun, just that is there anything, anything at all, that occupies HER life that could be construed as a hobby.
e.g. the best hobby is gardening.
but anything aside from tv/social media/travelling.
>what makes a woman high quality?
nice + looks good.

>> No.54303697
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>> No.54303698

>what makes a woman high quality?
>nice + looks good.
OOF, also low body count + no kids.
sucks have to qualify that as well now days.
oh, also, let's throw out, no multicolored hair/tattoos.

>> No.54303699

She's gonna ask you to suck her girl penis

>> No.54303719

depends whether you're pump & dumping
since OP is on tinder I assume he is looking to PnD

>> No.54303726

basically this

>> No.54303750
File: 846 KB, 750x1186, D5B23FEF-3B13-47E0-947F-80FC8EDF49E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/5 wait

>> No.54303769
File: 767 KB, 750x1199, AE63AC0C-A245-4986-81F4-555C414A25DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/5 and focus on yourself

>> No.54303779

Gotta be one of those femboys mate, sorry to say. It's just too good to be true otherwise.

>> No.54303782

You want to talk to a roastie?

>> No.54303786
File: 825 KB, 750x1200, AAEE9736-FBC6-4634-8497-1E79A543DB87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/5 you’ll find true love

>> No.54303808
File: 770 KB, 750x1209, 58000950-D793-4407-B75E-1AE13F237B8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/5 one day

Bitch is 33 and only thing she cares about is
>your looks
>your status (royal lmao)
>your job/wealth

This is what your loving mother told you is waiting for you if you’re a nice, gentle boy who follows rules

>> No.54303824
File: 4 KB, 246x205, caganer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey I'm American, I'll sell you an ebook to get laid faster, here's a preview
>talk about how great india is
>then hit them with 'the caganer'

>> No.54303856

nigga wtf is this conversation

>> No.54303861

I didn’t give a fuck about the broad mor am I Spanish or whatever. The point is how fast this hole went for the jugular. You’re not a human to females. You’re an object. A mindless golem. You are to serve and they can do what they want.


>> No.54303863

there shallow men who just want to crush innocent puss
there are shallow women who just want to bleed men dry

why do these facts disturb you? you've already proven you can dicern these people. just avoid them.

>> No.54303872

I mean as in fuck her hard, unless you can get away with some marital surprise sex time. Females are animals and they only understand threat of violence

>> No.54303877

Im happy you successfully noticed her intent, other simps don't and get fucked in the ass by these hungry women

>> No.54303892

>men are the same as women
You will never be a virgin again and you will never attract a high value male to have children with.

>> No.54303900

I'm a man you retard. But you're blinded by your own narcissistic pain if you can't see many men are just as predatory. Perhaps you are one of them?

>> No.54303907

yep she's a fed

>> No.54303927

he's just butthurt about 'the caganer'.
>nor am I Spanish or whatever.

>> No.54303939

>I’m a man
hoes mad

>> No.54303962

I said I’m not spanish dumbfuck, that wasn’t my photo either and none of this is part of the issue here you dumb cum dumpster

>> No.54304067
File: 1.32 MB, 1317x1948, F95092AB-4DB5-4DDD-9C1E-D44FB934046F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether she’s a fed or not, she’s clearly after your seed, or your seed phrase. Deny you have a seed phrase. And deny her your essence, or triple up on the condoms.

>> No.54304094

Do you have a conceal carry license OP? If she acts funny you might have to defend yourself.

>> No.54304103

if you're not spanish why are you so assblasted spanish santa takes a shit on the floor.
you can't explain that.

>> No.54304120

Drake pours hot sauce in his used condoms.

>> No.54304122

>I'm from Catalonia actually
>Barcelonia is full of radicals
So are you a pro-independence right winger, or what exactly is your politics? It seems to be pretty important for you since you were bringing it up a lot in some random tinder conversation.

>> No.54304189

Happened to me on PoF once. Married the girl and we have three kids together now. Go for it.

>> No.54304297

Obviously a fed informant. Your place is here with us anon, why abandoned us for some fake fed pussy, you should know better.

>> No.54304400
File: 339 KB, 828x465, 76852FD7-7FD0-457F-9234-8B98D66FC423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m getting myself back on dating apps next week, I’ll be in an apartment by then so hopefully points in my favour.

I just want to be a male slut while still in my 20s, I do not care for a long term relationship currently.

>> No.54304418

wait what is this real

>> No.54304543

Jesus there are anons that get matches with qts like this while I rot
I have never kissed a girl and I'm 27
I hate being an ugly mallet

>> No.54304548

Lmao is her name Beth?
Im telling you. You're gonna hit it easily but the girl seems crazy. Same thing happened with me several times. This kind of aggressiveness from a woman isn't normal. Expect to fuck right away but don't fool yourself thinking she gives a fuck about you.

>> No.54304610

Every dating app conversation is cringe. Get to the point.

>> No.54304678

IME every girl who approaches is crazy. Alas, not necessarily crazy in the sack kind of crazy. You can cut to the chase by asking her who her therapist is.

>> No.54304720

The last one that did that to me really fucked with me mentally and gave me permanent mouth sores that flare up every month, had to get tested so it's not a sexual disease i think, but she told me she had it too. Fucking whore

>> No.54304927
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>This is so much fun.