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54302130 No.54302130 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 23, and other than graduating high school I have done nothing with my life. I've been a cashier at 2 retail stores, and I dropped out of college. And right now I'm a NEET. If I hadn't made some money off crypto I would be fucked. My lease on my apartment is up in September, and I genuinely don't know what I'm gonna do. I used to be capable of caring about things, but these days I no longer care about anything at all. I just sleep my days away (14 hours+) and eat food. Literally just surviving right now. I know that I'll have to get a job at some point, but god I'd rather kill myself man. I just feel like everything is pointless in the grand scheme of things. The money doesn't matter. We all die. People have told me that if life is meaningless, I should just embrace it, but I don't know if I can. And this ChatGPT shit is gonna take all the jobs anyway. I've been reading up on it, and it's seemingly the next big things since the creation of the internet. I looked into communal living as an alternative to waging, but that's literally just joining a cult. I guess I really am fucked.

>> No.54302162

The answer is simple: kill yourself.

>> No.54302176

Nobody was made for industrial society. It’s unnatural living

>> No.54302218

Unironically just start working out, smoking weed (if you live somewhere Where it’s easily available and not that illegal) and get a server job (if youre american) lots of cute girls, less hours

Just calm down dude. Life gets way easier in like 2 years all the girls will want you just don’t let yourself be bitter or a democrat.

Girls hate democrats and bitter men

>> No.54302222

wow man you dont like working either? i thought i was the only one. tell me more.

>> No.54302232

>The money doesn't matter. We all die. People have told me that if life is meaningless
There is a difference between something being meaningless in the sense of "there is a determinable absence of it" and something being meaningless in the sense of "we have no empirical access to it". Meaning is a feeling you experience (hence it is not something empirical, just like how being sad is just there, it doesn't have to be justified), nobody else can tell you that "everything is meaningless". That's like me telling you "be sad!"

>> No.54302296

>Slave away for 3-5 years
>Buy land
>Buy RV/Yurt/Tiny cabin on land
>Live there as frugally as possible (I´m talking Ted K levels of frugal/simple)
>Only work 3-4 months a year driving for uber, or similar gig shit
>Rinse & Repeat

>> No.54302322

If you have no one in your family then kill yourself. It will be a sweet release. You can get rid of all your problems.

>> No.54302336

>dude just drive uber in the middle of nowhere, in a town with a population of 500 people, all of whom already own or have access to a vehicle
good morning mulattoe zoomer who, despite idealizing the HECKIN BASTE AND REDPILLED™ SMALL RURAL TOWN™, has never left the suburbs.

>> No.54302345


>> No.54302355

Or do seasonal work as a tradie.

Carpentry has peak season in the summer, pays way better than gig shit, and has massive turnover so no one bats an eye if you are at a different job every year.

>> No.54302383

I didn´t say do it where you live, did I, faggot?
What is it with niggers like you who are so eager to find faults in everything, to the point where they just talk retarded shit.
How about you drive into a bigger city, as there is one in every fucking state, and live out of your car/van/RV?

>> No.54302390


Get a job anon and invest in Tidecoin.

Good luck.

>> No.54302394

Yeah, that´s even better. Only mentioned gig-shit because I don´t know OP, or what he does professionally.

>> No.54302400

>What is it with niggers like you who are so eager to find faults in everything, to the point where they just talk retarded shit.
because you opened your big nigger lips to offer (in earnest) an impractical and retarded alternative to normal existence.

>> No.54302438

>normal existence.
Look what a good goyim you are.

>> No.54303986


Also read the King James Version of the Bible, best of luck OP

>> No.54304131
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>> No.54304152

are they in the room right now?

>> No.54304174

Just completely rip your brain into pieces and reconstruct the entire manner in which you think from the ground up hundreds of times a day.

>> No.54304276

What do your parents think?

>> No.54304378
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>> No.54304405

Surely it anon had to work for his food he wouldn't just sleep 14 hours per day

>> No.54304427
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>> No.54304555
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I'm same as you op. I think you should get a hobbu that makes you money like a sport or something like teaching anything you are interested in . That way you will not be bored.
I plan to make it into the acting or some shit like that.

>> No.54304591
File: 186 KB, 768x768, f1yxnt_2ca90ffb949fa11029ebfd7b28d5b96ced1223ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it. I made this trade and I'm actually doing good.

>> No.54304615

literal consooomer
or kys

>> No.54304635

buy HEX

>> No.54304649

I’m 23 and homeless because I couldn’t work full time as it conflicted with my school schedule. I can’t wait till the semester ends and I can go get a job for the summer to get a car.

Life could always be worse dude

>> No.54304689

Is carpentry retard proof?

>> No.54304706

>normal existence

>> No.54305635

And you're just going to teleport 150 miles to a big city from your rural land never mind spending $20 in gas and 3 hours of time just to get to your job that pays an unreliable $20 hour less gas and depreciation on your car?

Lmaoooooo just get on welfare at this point, you're mentally disabled enough for it

>> No.54305864

Take some LSD or mushrooms in a therapeutic setting. You need to reframe your outlook.

>> No.54306085

This is actually decent advice if done well. Smaller doses good setting. Classical music

>> No.54306693
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>I dropped out of college
Why would you do that in an era where 80% of jobs require a bare minimum degree?

>> No.54306727

Bullshit. Most Nazis were in their 40’s when their real life begun

>> No.54306913

Another great human destroyed by the Jews by their typical money supply manipulation

>> No.54306976


Computers, i.e. ChatGPT, cannot take LSD, cannot truly understand things humans do, it's a gimmick.

Humans think without being prompted to think, computers do not have any kind of self-drive or intelligent thought. These language models are purely models and they produce their answers by going for whatever "token" scores the highest in their logic.

Humans don't think this linearly, computers would produce nothing of significance if there wasn't a human behind it wanting something.

>> No.54306984
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>> No.54307010

Stop being a doomer and/or seek help for depression.

Simple as.

>> No.54307023

cool blog zoomer

>> No.54307242

Like 80% of zoomers are incels in uni. Only chad fucks. Girls at uni, are held by their hand by peers and administration, getting babied and spoonfed

Typical girl being dicked down at 15 and now in class at 20 is much more mature and knows what she wants
Than some kissless eunuch that can’t focus on class, and just wants to get his dick wet but miserably failes

>> No.54307638

its always young people posting these. in few years you will be a successful family man like every other doom/sad poster

>> No.54307664

Yeah, you're here aren't you?

>> No.54307686

I actually really needed to hear this today, anon. Thank you for brightening my day up.

>> No.54308906


>> No.54309216

if your life goal is to just put dick in hole that seems like a lot more effort than is necessary