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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5429822 No.5429822 [Reply] [Original]

All the fags wishing for the destruction of BTC are only causing the downfall of the entire crypto system. Good job anti BTC fags

>> No.5429873
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>People not liking a shitty coin is ruining crypto
Really makes you think, should we pretend to like it so we can keep the ponzi going?

>> No.5429909

BTC goes down, all other cryptos go down as well. You accept all alt currencies are basically vassals of BTC and it's best to respect it rather than backstab it

>> No.5429927

oh yeah, bunch of neets hoping that btc dies is going to determine what happens to it, idiot.

>> No.5429930

Its common knowledge that if BTC dies it'll take the alts with it, but for the sake of crypto in the long term it has to happen.

>> No.5429944
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Crypto will fail because core fucked up
Plain and simple

>> No.5429949

No, we're actually looking further than you for long-term sustainability. Fuck off newfag.

>> No.5430024

Explain to me fags what's your plan, wait for BTC to be worth $1? Why do you insist it's your enemy?

>> No.5430051

Just for it to lose market dominance, the price is irrelevant. Shit id rather have DOGE hold most market dominance at this point.

>> No.5430162

>Bitcoin's shittty network is holding the rest of crypto hostage

I don't negotiate with terrorists. Also
> too big to fail

>> No.5430202

>All the fags wishing for the destruction of BTC are only causing the downfall of the entire crypto system. Good job anti BTC fags

It won't happen. Cryptos are here for the long term. Bitcoin, at $ 13500 per coin? Downfall? Nonesense.

>> No.5430208

A shitty outdated coin with a value 20-1000 times higher than the value of much better coins is the enemy.

>> No.5430216

A shitty outdated coin with a value 20-1000 times higher than the value of much better coins is the enemy.

>> No.5430222
File: 46 KB, 510x768, 53c8352ed8cb34befc04c38a32336530--richard-stallman-le.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, why aren't we at $20k yet? I thought Bitcoin was shooting past the moon. Why is it dropping? Where's 20k by the end of the year?

>> No.5430269

>shillbot forgot to stop the proxy change
Just another day on /biz/

>> No.5430305


BTC should be able to take criticism without falling over like wet cardboard. If it can't, then it's not valuable as a financial instrument.

inb4 shill, I believe both BTC and BCH are awful and fundamentally flawed