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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 1080x844, Fr5aO9dWwAA51H7.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54297548 No.54297548 [Reply] [Original]

And just like that, bitcoin is dead.

>> No.54297560


>> No.54297561

It's just to keep you safe anon.

>> No.54297570

More like your shit bank is dead, you fucking idiot.

>> No.54297601

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

>> No.54297612

bankrun cancelled

>> No.54297626

Looks like a British bank?

>> No.54297650

Stop the pump. Just STOP!! hggnnnn AHHHHHHHHH. They're trying to escape!!!!! Release everything hhhnng hhnngg hhhhhhnngh

>> No.54297679
File: 462 KB, 2824x1821, ceac738d8273e3a3158c929ea6bb23db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pound note
LMAO not my problem, limeyfags

>> No.54297811
File: 92 KB, 756x604, 1638663147720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NatWest group
>not even in the top 20 largest financial institutions.
>somehow single-handedly kills bitcoin.

>> No.54297831

OP is likely pointing out to a soon-to-be trend amongst big banks coming soon to yours

>> No.54297861

Yeah, well considering natwest is like somewhere in the 30’s, wake me up when it hits the top 10.

>> No.54297865

That's a great movie about a fish.
That and finding Nemo.
Also the UK banks cucking people really does vibe with that pic.

>> No.54297874

>trades p2p without kyc
>stablecoins go offshore

bullish as hell, daily reminder LIBOR is a rate that started due to offshore commie dollars.

>> No.54299838

Theres a lot of dollars just sat in stables tho

>> No.54300335

It started last year to anyone paying attention. Fiat liquidity is down 80% and dropping. This entire pump is just stablecoins frothing around and binance exit scamming busd

>> No.54300365
File: 497 KB, 850x2004, 23423432432432334234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nationwide did something similar a few weeks back, although not as strict
HSBC a couple weeks before that

>> No.54300367

I work in projects for a bank, we're looking to facilitate purchase and take fees. It just takes us 5 fucking years to finish anything here.

>> No.54300379

Oh no! Bitcoin died again!

>> No.54300769

>Send money to revolut then from there to exchange

Wow so hard.

>> No.54300784

Brexit means Brexit

>> No.54300819

find a new bank, can sign up for an online bank account in a few clicks

>> No.54300843

bullish as fuck, they know bitcoin will rally and dont want normies to buy in until the top

>> No.54300847

Don't know anybody putting more than £5k in 30 days into crypto. This isn't America where they get silly money, the average wage here is ~£30k a year.

Still yes, it sets a precedent, caps and fees for transferring fiat to a crypto exchange will be the norm for all banks eventually.

>> No.54300872

This is to avoid creditmaxxers and bad goys not paying back

>> No.54300923

NatWest Group used to be called RBS, massive at the time but they nearly went bankrupt in 2008 and had to be bailed out by the UK taxpayer, the government owned like 51% of shares for a long time and they only recent started becoming profitable. These guys simply don't want to be exposed to anything crypto, especially after seeing Signature Bank NY as an example.

>> No.54300946

Who buys £5k/m in crypto anyway, fair enough if you saved to buy le ebin dipperino but it doesn't really affect dcaing poor fags like me. Still no limit on withdrawals, just money into exchanges.
You could easily circumnavigate this by getting your gf/wife/patents/mates to deposit for you then send the coins to a non kyc wallet. GG fcsc, at least you tried :)

>> No.54301045


Not really - most UK banks are blocking Crypto transactions. Monzo and Chase are the only ones I know don't.

>He thinks it can't happen in USA
>He thinks less fiat onramps will help the price


>trades p2p without kyc
Good luck doing P2P trades without getting your bank account shut down. If you are doing it with cash, good luck not getting killed by a nigger

>> No.54301047

you're braindead. it's not crypto who is dead it's your money at that bank. they are limiting withdrawals cause they are short on cash. crypto is just an excuse

>> No.54301112

How is it dead? Banks hate crypto. That's not news

>> No.54301123

HODL mode activated

>> No.54301127

> not signing up on every exchange possible to stay below the thresholds and spend crypto using every debit card available too
> having only one bank account

>> No.54301137


>> No.54301144


>> No.54301169

> BTC is dead now that it's harder to get

The absolute state of bobotards

>> No.54301171

Honestly better than some of the "disruptor" banks like Starling who've said zero withdrawal or deposit for anything to do with crypto.

>> No.54301183

> What are Capital Controls?

>> No.54301323

Yes, fuck Starling. I need to open a Chase account.

>> No.54301362

>most UK banks are blocking Crypto transactions
so most UK banks are dead. should give you an idea of how bad the banking situation currently is.

>> No.54301435
File: 276 KB, 1080x749, Screenshot_20230324_113507_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RBS sent me the exact same message word for word, totally a coincidence goys

>> No.54301443

it's just capital controls for good goys, you can bypass it easily.

>> No.54301453
File: 609 KB, 936x1407, 1679605530724975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good luck doing P2P trades without getting your bank account shut down. If you are doing it with cash, good luck not getting killed by a nigger

Already do, cope seethe and dilate, here in Argentina it's been so normalized now they delivery bricks of usd to your home.

>> No.54301459

RBS and Natwest is the same company....

>> No.54302554

you have no idea how fast i'm funnelling all my fiat into crypto

>> No.54302595

bisq solves this

>> No.54303253

I got this. I actually opened RBS solely because people said they were crypto friendly online lmao. I have Halifax, Revolut, Monzo too. Probably gonna try and open another one thats crypto friendly.

>> No.54303346

bitshit isn't viable as a currency anyways

>> No.54303354

>F-f-f-f-f-f-f-fuck y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you!!!

>> No.54303418

Westoids are still stuck like 30 years in the past and think their dumb posturing can bend the world to their will just by virtue of them being “the western world”.
God the rude awakening is going up be so fucking hilarious when it all comes crashing down.

>> No.54303947


>> No.54304039

When are you going to behead your so-called king and free yourself, you roastbeef ?

>> No.54304136

Hey bankers spook the crowd and people will mass withdraw. No one is going to make business with you if you try to put a limit on THEIR OWN MONEY. Fuck around and find out.

>> No.54305126

despite all the posturing from the third world the dumb brown masses will always slaughter and betray each other over trivialities

maybe it's just an inherent weakness genetically

>> No.54305208

you're not very bright

>> No.54307605


>> No.54307629

Just wire it faggot.

>> No.54307800

There must be another way to get money into crypto.

>> No.54310252

cryptokeks blown the fuck out

>> No.54310275

this is how BTC will die
governments won't ban it
banks will just cut off the fiat onramp
have fun, crypto fags

>> No.54310442

Just open an account at 10+ banks. Send money through them all separately. Watch as bankers eject from 10th story windows.

>> No.54311368

RIP annon. BTC is not gonna die any time soon as the adoption of payments with it has increased. And LuganoPlanB is the perfect example ignorant faggot

>> No.54311936

NatWest is engaged in market manipulation this is like blocking people from doing business if they are black.

Its racist

>> No.54311954

Fiat onramp is just a convenience. You can't kill onramps, you can only make them less convenient. I will always be able to receive your btc and send you something in return - cash, gold, a code to a gift card or I can just send you money via a bank personally. It's impossible to stop this, you can only make this less convenient

>> No.54312020
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5k bong money / month
The fuck who cares? I was barely able to dca 2k a month with 90% of my check going into crypto. If you're some 6 figure salary (in bongland, lol. Lmfao even) you should easily be able to open multiple banks

>> No.54312764

At this rate, we might come to a point where the only banks that'll deal with crypto-related transactions are those Swiss ones that'll only deal with you if you deposit and hold a couple million dollars' worth of fiat with them (and you'll probably have to prove source of funds and all of that other bullshit)

>> No.54312772


>> No.54312812
File: 674 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-03-24-20-22-57-05_cbf47468f7ecfbd8ebcc46bf9cc626da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UK is such a joke. My God.