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54288101 No.54288101 [Reply] [Original]

UK to lower capital gains tax threshold from 12,300 to 6000 next tax year, then 3000 the year after that.

What the actual fuck

>> No.54288129

Oy m9 you go' a capital gains loicense?

>> No.54288261

source please?

>> No.54288297

honestly just google it, it'll be on the .gov website by now - binance sent me an email today stating this, needless to say I'm freakin mad

>> No.54288316


dunno if i'm gonna get banned for posting this link

>> No.54288420

>can't leave to the EU
>trade cut off from the EU
>protesting literally illegal
>economy tanking
>Taxes, immigration, housing prices as fucked as ever
>Distracting the populace with trannymania
How did Brexit go so wrong?

>> No.54288441



>> No.54288458

This is the same thing that has happened everywhere else in the world

>> No.54288477

That's the usual trick

1) We're going to tax the rich!
2) (you too but we aren't publicizing that part)
3) (also the rich aren't really all that subject to these taxes they keep their wealth in the Caymans aha)

>> No.54288509

Not really anon, GDP shrunk by 11%
Also the trannymania is way more powerful, the US will not reach such levels of obsession until the next recession

>> No.54288526

I made the most of the current allowance by selling 100k of eth.

Unfortunately I immediately purchased chainlink so I am paying hmrc £1000 monthly for 2 years.

>> No.54288944


>> No.54288965
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How do we evade capital gains taxes, for research purposes, of course.

Explain in detail.

>> No.54289096

A DAO might be able to do it. It wouldn't necessarily be tied to any single countries' jurisdiction, which is what would make it work. The book The Sovereign Individual briefly mentions how Iridium and the Knights of Malta have international sovereignty. Maybe a DAO could serve as a vehicle to do the same, a virtual country, in a sense.

>> No.54289161

>prime minister pays 22% tax on £1.5m income (and that's just what's on the books)
>I pay 35% on £70k
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.54289248

I fail to believe this is actually happening
I woke up wrong, I'm going back to sleep - this will all be fixed by tomorrow.

>> No.54289266

Kek, that's the middle class shredded. The rich already put their wealth offshore.

>> No.54289348
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Not taking the piss or anything, mate, but I am fucking off to Dubai. Fuck this gay island. I love it, but I can't afford it anymore.

>> No.54289353

Its honestly pretty bullish that they're preparing for people to make money off of crypto/metals.

>> No.54289392
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Chainlink corrupts the soul. You deserve it you WEF supporting traitor to humanity

>> No.54289408

what i was thinking

>> No.54289419

Then £1500 year after that.
Then you don't have to be a genius to work out it will be removed altogether after that.

>> No.54289424

Welcome to Switzerland (0% capital gains tax until you are labelled a "professional trader")

>> No.54289580

>£1000 misc income tax allowance for airdrops
>ARB airdrop total is looking at being £2000

I guess I can cash in some of it now and some of it in a couple of weeks for the new tax year but I don't think I can get away without paying some tax next year.

I have no idea how I go about doing a one off tax declaration for this. Coinbase and the like grass you up if you withdraw too much.

>> No.54290822

i don't blame you, however dubai is full of cunts

>> No.54290866
File: 2.10 MB, 896x1315, 1652182563927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are about to get tax raped for "our NHS", "our pakis" and "our heroin addicts". How is this place not full of cunts too?

>> No.54290872

just never sell anything

>> No.54290915

Sorry to hear you're an uneducated racist. The government running the NHS into the ground is all part of their plan to privatize it all.
maybe you'll fit in well in dubai after all.

>> No.54290927

Found out today, spent the following hour shaking my head and laughing in disbelief

£3k! Per year! It’s equal parts disgusting and funny

>> No.54290942

UK CGT is 10% for bitcoin trades
28% for shitcoin trades
Yanks and shitcoiners BTFO

>> No.54291031
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>you're an uneducated racist
Is this bait or are you an 85 iq nigger? It's hard to tell these days.
The NHS cannot succeed at anything, you fucking nonce, because, like all other government services, it lacks something called "price discovery", which is basically the only way to figure out what you need in any free system.
In other words, what do you prioritise paying for? Equipment? More doctors? More nurses? Do you need specialists? There's no way to know without a free market. But you know what, you enjoy your early meat suit eviction while paying through the nose for the privilege of being ignored by sub-par doctors.

>> No.54291077

immigrants ain't gonna pay for themselves m8

>> No.54291134

Uk gdp grew 14% since brexit
London is cancer but brussels is even worse

>> No.54291290

>Equipment? More doctors? More nurses? Do you need specialists? There's no way to know without a free market.

>> No.54291308

UK? more like Joo.K

>> No.54291463

>How did Brexit go so wrong?
the original brexit didn't go much better
freedom is dead

>> No.54291496

every legit website i can find on american taxes suggests I open a corporation in some foreign shithole and then trade with that.

you still get taxed on your foreign corporation profits but it's less of a headache, no tracking every single transaction's cost basis you can just do raw profit/loss

>> No.54291607

>imagine not taking advantage of ISAs

>> No.54292054

immigrants aren't the ones sponging off the rest of us, numbnuts - they're not exploiting us of the corporation taxes that those fuckers owe us

>> No.54292077

crypto ISAs?

>> No.54292191

The average "right winger" in the UK falls for the immigration scapegoat yet simultaneously supports the government bringing them in.
>b-but muh labour is worse
If you unironically make this argument you are the reason for this country's collapse. Fuck you and the acceptance of the constant lowering of standards.

>> No.54292277
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I'm sorry but I'm disenfranchised with British politics with Sir Keith leading the establishment to """free"""""dumb"""

>> No.54292336

IBKR has crypto ETFs, not sure if they have ISAs

>> No.54292387

UK was leeching us yuros. It's not sustainable on it's own. Even when it was White, was dependent on external resources.
Now add all the imported shitskins into the equation.
Going to sink deeper into the abyss.

>> No.54292432

how the fuck are we in 2023 and people STILL don't understand why price discovery is an excellent mechanism for the decentralised transmission of economic intension

>> No.54292522

Crypto stocks such as COIN, MARA, RIOT, ARB

>> No.54292569

Labour are shit too but too many people in this country think that they'll make a difference by switching votes between the big two parties.

>> No.54292576
File: 1 KB, 92x125, ABFB9885-172B-4E4A-BC2E-77499330C0C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>U vill sell us btc goy

>> No.54292669

You mean capital gains will be made illegal

>> No.54292711

I fuckin hate this country