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File: 99 KB, 794x904, 2023-03-23_09-41-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54284305 No.54284305 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54284316

Oh just wait.
Its going below a dollar.

>> No.54284317

Listen about what nigger? getting your free tokens?

>> No.54284333

If you bought an airdrop you're a fucking idiot and that's your lesson to learn.

>> No.54284343
File: 83 KB, 640x764, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh just wait. [two more weeks]
>Its going below a dollar.
this same tranny seething in every thread kek

>> No.54284363

seethe harder faggot.

>> No.54284379

Free money is... le bad...

>> No.54284380
File: 261 KB, 660x664, 1679172221645156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you listen to 4chan about anything you're listening to children who larp as "500k a year software engineers" because they think it's like a fun game of highest number or some shit, and buckbroken neets holding onto hopium that their ARB stack will pay for their expenses in their mom's basement after she turned their room into a guestroom for the next year.

>> No.54284385

seethe about what? free money? sounds like you are projecting lol, let me guess
Thanks I'll take my free money lmao keep copeing.

>> No.54284446

literally a who token.

>> No.54284485

Always do the opposite of what this retarded board says

>> No.54284514

what the fuck was anyone even saying to do? claim your free airdrop? I don't get it, how can you fuck up free?

>> No.54284652

Fuck off. This shit project was always doomed.

>> No.54284663

>he didnt get free money
LOL cope

>> No.54284673
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>> No.54284796
File: 64 KB, 756x387, 2023-03-23_10-05-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it just dropped ANOTHER FUCKING 27%

You're all a bunch of fucking faggots here. Scamming faggots. What is even the point of this board if you aren't going to give good advice that helps other anons build wealth? You really get off on scamming people or what? Fuck all of you. >>54284363 especially you.

>> No.54284821

Yeah that's what I fucking learned today.

>> No.54284853

Why would I buy now when Coinbase will have it for -.05 cents? I will literally earn free money by taking the token off your hands.

>> No.54284856
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>> No.54284868

/biz/chads advised me to avoid buying until it hits .1 though, you only have yourself to blame for not listening to the RIGHT advice

>> No.54284869

who on this board told you to buy this shit?
I only read posts making fun of Arbitrum.

>> No.54284894

did you really buy an AIRDROP at the claim date?

>> No.54284906

man, its all your fault for falling for overshilled shitcoins

>> No.54284908

I took his initial statement at good faith but look at his post.
>reddit spacing
>fucking fucking fucking
he's clearly not from this board, he came here and read someone's joke and thought it was for real.
serves him right.

>> No.54284920

why did you buy that even ? Literally every thread about arbitrum was how people got free money and planning to flip it as soon as claim goes live. Why the fuck would you buy it overpriced the very 1st day beyond $1 is beyond me, you have no one else to blame but yourself. I didn't get the drop myself and I'm watching from the sidelines. $0.5 or less is probably the price I'm going to get in once the hype buying pressure is exhaused and panic selling kicks in. Which usually happens like a month after listing. In the long run I think it could go to $5+ or $10 even, but for now not even going to touch this hot potato.

>> No.54284930
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>> No.54284939

These fucks betrayed LINK, Ari Juels will make sure arb never goes above $0.05 EVER

>> No.54284944

>I heard that there's the new thing that a bunch of people just got a shitload for FREE! I should go buy some with money that I earned.

>> No.54284986

>he didn't short with 100x leverage
your loss LMAO

>> No.54285223

Where could you even short this shit today?

>> No.54285329

stop falling for retarded bait. you can barely trade atm let alone short

>> No.54285397

There is quite literally a /biz/ syndicate that thrives on scamming anons. They have the $ to make advertisements on /biz/ and even /pol/. The dbi , d0b0, red rabbit shit, pepePal, numerous dog coin shits. It’s a syndicate of most likely kikes who operate solely on scamming /biz/. Welcome to hell newfag. /biz/ hates Bsv by the way because they are kike scammers

>> No.54285444

I’d bet some of these syndicate scammers work for Richard heart of hex coin .

>> No.54285745 [DELETED] 

>/biz/ is full of scammers
Yeah we know
/biz/ hates BSV cause he's also a scammer
Yeah duh nobody here likes scammers because everyone here is trying to scam duh
Also BSV and HEX and ADA are all scam artists, so is that fat Daniele faggot and Roosh
Welcome newfaggot.

>> No.54285766

Are you retarded? Did you buy it or what? We're all dumping our free coins retard

>> No.54285775
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1679497066838534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing

>> No.54285778

Thanks for playing

>> No.54285791

Post your returns

>> No.54285806

>We're all dumping our free coins
And just a few days ago you cunts were shilling ARB price going up. Obviously OP is retarded but don't pretend you guys aren't cunts

>> No.54285825

Not me, they are always some fucking faggots shilling shit or advising newfags to do dumb stuff though

>> No.54285834

Lmao... what?

It's an airdrop, retards.

What exactly is OP on about? Listen about what kek

>> No.54285840

well OP did exactly the opposite
literally everyone was confident it is gonna dump, why the fuck retards like OP even exist

>> No.54285847

Go back to fucking Reddit and shut the fuck up. Fuck your money, you are a loser anyways.

>> No.54285857

>And just a few days ago you cunts were shilling ARB price going up

Bruh I'm pretty sure people mean it will go up EVENTUALLY, AFTER all the airdroppers sell and things stabilize. Not on the 1st fucking day.

What fucking retards dwell here.

>> No.54285885

lol everyone was fucking saying it's gonna dump on claim day no way you are THIS retarded

>> No.54285921

I just got $6k USD free from the arbybros because I was heavy into gmx.io leverage during the last bullrun
I'm not complaining, even if it goes below $1 its free money

>> No.54285934

Oh yes he did. I was looking at the chart sat on my fat stack of freshly airdropped tokens thinking to myself “I wonder who the fuck was buying at five dollars, man they must be having a shit day” and here he is

>> No.54285962

I will buy when it hits 0.05.

Simple as

>> No.54286180


what's the lowest target price i should aim to buy? should i throw $5k at this ? and what's the price prediction (ath) after like let's say 1 month?

>> No.54286218


>> No.54286234

how do you claim from the site its not working?

>> No.54286244

Nice scamcoin, pajeet.
Token not needed.

>> No.54286255

buy $2k now - spend the rest at strategic points when the price settles

>> No.54286256

I can't help but laugh at this gif

>> No.54286260

Literally 0. Governance tokens are the equivalent of rugpulls made by official entities.

>> No.54286274
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>> No.54286283

Yes. Throw $5k at it.

If it craters you only lose $5k. But it could end up 10xing bro. Win-win.

>> No.54286420
File: 47 KB, 570x487, 5959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it craters you only lose $5k. But it could end up 10xing bro. Win-win

lmao i admit i'm a brainlet because i just want a quick "x" but not THAT dumb to risk such ammount of money... mostly because he has a point >>54286260

I mean, I already knew everybody was going to sell their airdrops but at some point the price has to stabilize and number has to go up...

Thanks for your replies
but still undecided /don't know when to buy

>> No.54286436


>> No.54286456

Fuck all of you. I should have just bought Bitcoin FUCK And now it's too fucking late.

>> No.54286470

kek i dont understand, did you buy ARB as soon as it launched

>> No.54286472
File: 55 KB, 601x655, 1565038011927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such ammount of money

>> No.54286546 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 860x963, 48393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poor and I made some money swinging shitcoins

>> No.54286553

Those are in USD, not rupshits, jeet.

>> No.54286606
File: 1.83 MB, 4096x2565, FcrlDweaEAAja1I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIR i am getting job na?

>> No.54286638

>that FDV

It's over.

>> No.54286691
File: 272 KB, 1214x634, 1657625960411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone made out like a king, at least.

>> No.54286722
File: 25 KB, 480x640, images (58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buy the top when it listed anon?
Rule number 1: never buy anything immediately on listing.
I claimed my airdrop and sold at $1.5
Now I have $3k to go shopping for low cap alts on arbitrum
vela vra gns or ride, what should I bag bobros? Red pill me on your best

>> No.54286729

You are just retarded for buying airdrops man. Why do you think every Discord and TG is full of jeets asking wen airdrop?

>> No.54286742
File: 13 KB, 414x415, 1593549391385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK why didn't I fucking do this. You fucking faggots said it was going to $25 at LEAST

>> No.54286763
File: 67 KB, 864x1152, Arbidogee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arbidoge. Doge on arbitrum literally. Out for 2 years. Legit play on arbitrum growth not a jeet scam.

>> No.54286766

lol, who said that?

>> No.54286785

who was retarded enough to LP that deep at $10

>> No.54286818

Damn okay, might sink a few grand into it, who knows

>> No.54286819
File: 17 KB, 357x405, kekrobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>serves him right
>he trusted /biz/

>> No.54286829

So it will go below a dollar right
I should drop my stack for eleven grand now right and buy back later

>> No.54286864

You are supposed to buy it in ICO for cents. If you buy it on an exchange then wait until it gets dumped to its low after the ICO chads dump their bags.

>> No.54286964
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>> No.54287067


>> No.54287142

Well the bottom was called by my schizo arab friend (who always makes good calls) at 1.10, which has passed
He's expecting it to hit at least $2 within a few days to weeks presuming there isn't a gigantic market crash
I'm risk averse personally, but that's probably why I'm not rich

>> No.54287159

when did holoride become an arb based project? kek
don't tell me they're planning to switch

>> No.54287175

the d0bo obsession on this board has gone on for too long to be one of their tricks i think. they like quick turn arounds

>> No.54287199

Getting an internal json error when trying to claim on metamask mobile
Anyone have a fix for this?

>> No.54287246

Usually their stupid gas estimation routine that fails.

If that happens then you can always invoke the claim method directly on Etherscan.

>> No.54287270

post hand of your schizo arab friend or I don't believe you

>> No.54287276
File: 69 KB, 339x572, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta increase the max base fee to around 14, priority fee to 1 and gas to 50k

>> No.54287287

>my returns: infinite
even if arb is 10 cents my return on investment is infinity (i invested 0)

>> No.54287325

ARB is about to have an ICP run. You look and act like your pic btw.

>> No.54287335

Thanks. This worked.

>> No.54287425
File: 355 KB, 1532x2038, well-done-rajeev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries fren

>> No.54287478
File: 130 KB, 1280x1077, 1638148320834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any day now......... I believe

>> No.54287483

He is just tryna feel among with the arbitrum hype.
I bet everyone wishes their favorite project is also on the chain right now

>> No.54287499

Yes, Pajeet and Rakesh used you as liquidity, nice one dumbass.

>> No.54287551

If you come here and lurk for a month and cant identify out the very obvious scams then you deserved to be filtered out
But on the other hand swimming with the scammers also happens here biz was first on the rubic and shib scams preparabola

But still op nobody here told you to buy

>> No.54287684

This 100%. There are constant scammers on here, endless threads about coins nobody cares about like jasmy or some inu shit. Threads full of nothing but bots.

>> No.54287749
File: 281 KB, 1206x696, sani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk shit about Inus
If I held my Sanin Inu instead of dumping it during the big crash of 2022, I'd be a millionaire rn

>> No.54287762
File: 198 KB, 1280x1077, the crypto l-curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like

>> No.54287764

I will trade Arb for random shitcoins

Do so at your own risk


>> No.54287840
File: 39 KB, 409x409, 1624299848746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't move away from multiversx last time I checked

>> No.54287870

>wait until it gets dumped to its low after the ICO chads dump their bags.

so in two weeks? or when?

>> No.54287957

I will NEVER redeem

>> No.54288095

how did you manage to lose money on an airdrop

>> No.54288122

Is anyone surprised a token that airdropped 6 gorillion dumped 90%?

>> No.54288410

It just fucking crated 90% you stupid retard.

>> No.54288433

>random retard makes a 10 ETH LP pricing the token at $10 apiece
>gets dumped on

>> No.54288469

Focus on DiD and AI. They are the trendy.

>> No.54288543

Well, you don't really have that much. But enough for a jackpot 10% try on LOTTO.

>> No.54288556

What is DiD and why is it trendy?

>> No.54288611

i actually told you that IOUs were a scam but you didnt listened. Plus 1 anon dropped a chart of how much % of ARB was airdropped and it was obvisouly that the price was going to do this. Also expect Arb at 10 cents

>> No.54288612

Fuck I should have woken up early. Only made like 5300 off my 4k tokens

>> No.54288620

Best reason to stick to DiD management.

>> No.54288721

Buy low caps and wait for a while, cash out and buy BTC

>> No.54288779

What was the ICO price? Typically these coins will have an early low buy in like a 1 cent buy in price for VCs only then retail gets to to buy in a 3 to 6 cents range before the exchange listing. Typically the coins dump to 1 cent on a few weeks after a listing then return for launch price or hover around mid ICO prices. D2T did that recently. There is always the fear that the coin was massively pumped before listing like ICP and will go down forever.

>> No.54288873

I made some juicy gains from Arbitrum, hopefully I'll make more from ORE and QANX

>> No.54288957

how could something that costs nothing to make and can be handed out like a video game token for free in an 'airdrop' have any real value?

>> No.54289056

>costs nothing to make
Arbitrum predates Ethereum, is one of the most technologically advanced projects in all of crypto, and is backed by hundreds of millions of dollars in investment. to get a large airdrop you needed to regularly use the chain for over a year and a half, which cost money and time for every user

>> No.54289285

>Arbitrum predates Ethereum, is one of the most technologically advanced projects in all of crypto, and is backed by hundreds of millions of dollars in investment.

that doesnt really answer my question. these are just Monopoly money tokens arent they like World of Warcraft gold pieces.

>> No.54289335

>If you bought an airdrop you're a fucking idiot and that's your lesson to learn.

Checked. Nigga its like who buys something with "air" in the name, nigga its free WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

>> No.54289342

>Arbitrum predates Ethereum
kek what

>> No.54289437

And to protect us they made it illegal for retail to join in on the 1 cent vc offerings
Its mych more safe to be allowed to be dumped on, this whole system deserves guillotines
Also never touch a coin that has had a peanuts on the dollar vc round till after a major crash

>> No.54289496

i don't think that word means what you think it means, congoid

>> No.54289516


>> No.54289530
File: 64 KB, 651x429, Screenshot_20230323-111340~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ did this with dont buy inu. Cmon man... These guys on /biz/ arnt trustworthy. Thats why I filter them out. Simple as.

>> No.54289568

They still do it too. I've told them multiple times that whales are selling and then rebuking from separate wallets. It's to fake volume and holder count

>> No.54289579

I spent tens of thousands in perpetuals via GMX.io and also some other uses on arbitrum
Anyone who got an airdrop of substantial value put much more into the ecosystem than we're receiving

>> No.54289581

Rebuying* lmao rebuking works too I guess

>> No.54289673

I can find better projects that have better ROI by filtering out anons who are not only shitting up the catalog with rugpulls. They also get filtered when they try to derail and destroy the reputation of good and well minded projects. Thats right im on to you scammers... Coming into other threads of well minded well return on investment projects and trying to derail them.

>> No.54289689
File: 156 KB, 680x679, indian monopoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neverending scams on here. They just jeet from one piece of shit inufuck to another.

>> No.54289691
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>> No.54289713

I had high five low six figs stakes on arb for years. Same amount on optimism and those cocksuckers weren’t near as nice to me. Well, go where the love is!

T 10,250 arbies

>> No.54289722

Ill be straight with all you here. We need to ban all IP addresses in India.

>> No.54289748

it now has millions in liquidity, the baby pool created at the $10 price point is irrelevant to overall price action

>> No.54289792

Wow, top receiver
I got 5000 and my friend got 6000
He managed to long 10x at the bottom (1.10), if this breaks $2 he will have 40k and if it breaks $10 he'll be in the millions
I'm not nearly as adventurous

>> No.54289893

Country flags wen

>> No.54289924

Someone help me with gas for the airdrop, I get this shit [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '{"value":{"code":-32603,"data":{"code":-32000,"message":"intrinsic gas too low"}}}' everytime

>> No.54289968


>> No.54290047

Keep getting the same error

>> No.54290103


>> No.54290116


>> No.54290222

I guess you were right again. Please give me your last 100x ser

>> No.54290264

Metamask? You should be able to force it through anyway even if the UI shows an error. Just make sure your gas limit is high enough

But another reason it could be throwing that error is because the transaction is expected to revert (MM and some other wallets do a pre-simulation based on current Ethereum state). Make sure you really are eligible and are connected with the right wallet.

If it's the website throwing that error before it gets to your wallet, and you are absolutely sure you're eligible, well there's always manual calling on Etherscan instead. Not sure if you'd need to generate a merkle proof on your own though, hopefully the contract call is simple enough

Mistakes will waste gas so be careful

>> No.54291158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54291400

Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you man

>> No.54291435

Don't buy air drops ffs they gave biztards 50k usd for free and you are buying?

The hell is wrong with you

>> No.54291591
File: 151 KB, 860x602, image_2023-03-23_165929242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't get by freebies, you niggers never told me how to buy, i hate you /biz

>> No.54291912

everyone has been talking about an arb airdrop for months. this kind of laziness is astounding to me. ngmi.

>> No.54291953

Its common sense if someone is dumping their free bags on you its cause they're fucking worthless

>> No.54291979

Anyone thinking ARB could be worth $10 is fucking retarded and should look up what marketcap is

It was a bait for tards like you

>> No.54292068

This, sub 10 cents incoming. Checked.

>> No.54292092

I fucking believe it at this point.

>> No.54292235

I didn't qualify for the airdrop so I just bought it now at $1 and I got GMX and SPOOL

>> No.54292410

>Free money and some how still loses


>> No.54292422

How much effort did it take to farm 1000 token?

>> No.54292466


>> No.54292486

Uniswap was an airdrop and it skyrocketed

>> No.54292594

Damn I missed out on free money, what was the prerequisite to receiving an airdrop?

>> No.54292641

All you had to do was use Arbitrum in a few common ways

>> No.54292653



>> No.54292671
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>> No.54292721

UNI was the king of DEXes back then, what is ARB? I have seen this airdrop chart few times before: it's another -90% after an another.

>> No.54292757
File: 84 KB, 1012x473, arbvol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is ARB

arb is much bigger than uniswap lol

>> No.54292772


>> No.54292813
File: 25 KB, 500x508, 1595896186428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, it's already that big!?

Should I have stayed in ARB instead of fucking selling at $1.15? FUCK.

Is it sustainable though?

>> No.54292837
File: 229 KB, 600x685, 1656590779598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't you forgotten that biz belongs to us bobos? We're here to take your money, not allow you to make any.

>> No.54292847

uniswap airdrop did ~10x, different time, different market but still. BLUR, a recent shitcoin that was farmed specifically for the airdrop, no other reason, did a 3x.

>> No.54292970

Digital Identity Management. Heard that's the latest narrative after AI and Prifi.

>> No.54293043
File: 1.12 MB, 894x894, 1640148543364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIWE + ENS + DID record..

>> No.54293170

Wise move there, I also did something similar but didn't add GMX to mine

>> No.54293184
File: 396 KB, 630x440, 393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunkertranny frothing at the mouth after losing all his money on a shitcoin again. lmfaoo

>> No.54293281

Best picks, ENS ORE are best deals

>> No.54293320
File: 2.91 MB, 576x1024, 1679105762675080.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell who's jewing who anymore

>> No.54293354

The gays

>> No.54293387

Next time don't let Defi Web3 project miss out. Good luck

>> No.54293393

why is it going to 1.5 again? i want to buy FUCK

>> No.54293456

UTK ORE OGN LINK, buy and thank me later.

>> No.54293951
File: 430 KB, 1080x1097, 1668237218952602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I'm feeling greedy

>> No.54293966
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>He bought the ICO

>> No.54294006

been in development since 2014

>> No.54294070

i think i fucked up trying to get arb
was i supposed to bridge eth to one or nova?

>> No.54294148
File: 204 KB, 876x996, points.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like both, if you wanted maximum points

>> No.54294170

i mean i wanted to buy now but i sent to nova

>> No.54294384

As far as I understand it's a token native to Arbitrum One. However (and I could be wrong) I assume the token can be bridged to Nova as well. But whether there are currently LPs or whatever for it on Nova I don't know. In short, probably yeah you needed to be on One

>> No.54294478

based /biz/ posters scamming dweebs

>> No.54294838
File: 1.25 MB, 1904x9632, 200 IQ scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gets old

>> No.54295586

I never really gave a shit about arb during the shilling days, where can a guy take a peek at the chart from back then?

>> No.54296152
File: 85 KB, 294x313, 1571984988143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54296162

Thanks for playing

>> No.54296406

These lines are cool kinda like a surfboard feeling

>> No.54297314

Do all those fucking squiggly lines and colors even mean anything or help at all?

>> No.54297458

Calling bullshit on this.