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File: 213 KB, 662x818, godbank of mankind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54282040 No.54282040 [Reply] [Original]

Face it heretics, you were wrong about hex! You denied the legitimacy and the benevolence of the OA! You turned your back on the Godbank of Mankind! His genius of time staking technology allows Mankind for the first time in known history, the ability to print his own money out of thin air! Hex grants anyone who owns hex the power to turn time itself into money. Yet this breakthrough remains beyond your midwit grasp to appreciate! Your pathetic shitcoins fade away into the lolbertarian warp of decentralized pipe dreams and Jewish grifters! You dream of greater fools believing in a fantasy you yourself know is a narrative meme that will never happen.

An i know what you're thinking OA could dump on our heads, and RH could rug, and it wouldn't mean a thing... Yes, you're precisely right, everything that you thought had meaning, every hope, dream, or moment of happiness. None of it matters as you lie bleeding out on Uniswap. None of it changes what a panicked whale does to the order books. We all die, but does that mean our stakes are worthless? Does that mean that there was no point in not being staked? Would you say that of our slain EES comrades? What about their stakes? Were THEY worthless?.. They were not! Their memory serves as an example to us all!

The courageous fallen, the anguish fallen, their stakes have value because we the living refuse to forget them! As we stake to certain death, we trust our successors to do the same for us! Because our stakes dont buckle when faced with the cruelty of this world! Our stakes roll forward! Our gainz scream out! Our stakes fucking raaaaage!!

>> No.54282172
File: 186 KB, 1080x1080, _methode_sundaytimes_prod_web_bin_e8e1e854-ee52-11ec-a7ea-792e433452b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those without HEX will perish in the world to come.
We shall remember them always, when they are gone.

>> No.54282224

Die kike

>> No.54282239

Ran out of $ for 4chan advertisements?

>> No.54282269

Bitch I got that HEX

>> No.54282313

Lol hex is done already moneywise.. the new millions will born from plsx and pls bro

>> No.54283377
File: 36 KB, 976x549, _118257305_ce33056a-d3fc-4ba3-a302-c454ed819808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hex is done? We pumped +25% yestersay dumb faggot

>> No.54283617

HEX, the most pumped coin of this new bullrun. yet /biz/ will continue to call it a scam? I don't think we have the same definition of scam. It seems your definition is the highest APY asset that you control the private keys to and is totally safe to use

>> No.54284306
File: 509 KB, 1738x2040, 14324324232543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think we have the same definition of scam. It seems your definition is the highest APY asset that you control the private keys to and is totally safe to use
This is so funny. We have the best product on all the important metrics and they still fail to understand it.

>> No.54284396

Anyone and everyone knows that the Emperor is /pmg/ crew. He only collects gold, not the virtual tumor known as hex.

>> No.54285177
File: 5 KB, 300x168, download.jpeg-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is your 1.5x doing? Hex did a 10x since start of 2023. Stay poor.

>> No.54285634

From hexs website

> in many ways, BTC and HEX are analogous. Bitcoin and HEX are peer to peer networks that store and transmit value. HEX is like Bitcoin with a Proof of Work change. In Bitcoin, miners buy mining hardware and electricity from companies. In HEX, miners buy HEX from other HEX holders, then use time to mine

Whats the usecase of this ponsi scheme literally this piece of shit sells itself as worst than bitcoin, fuck all proof of stake coins literally fucking retarded ztards

>> No.54285890

This are their goals

>Replace gold as a store of value (8 trillion USD Market Cap). Replace credit card companies and payment companies like PayPal (around $770 billion in Visa, MasterCard and PayPal alone). Replace legacy Certificates of Deposit ($571 Billion in the USA alone on just those under $100,000, trillions of USD of value globally).×Replace middlemen with trustless yield

So replace the most valuable physical asset that man has ever known and has never lost its value, its still valuable after thousands of years and fuck its fucking gold and also has usecases like being used in quantum computers because gold is the best electrical conductor, and then replace that with a shitcoin thats proof of stake on a fucking shitty pozzed slow blockchain turned into proof of shit, hex is good for the low term however its fucking dogshit in the long term and reading the whitepaper it was written by a fucking retarded moonboy with no idea how blockchains work or why even bitcoin is proof of work.
Yes etherium is pozzed and will not last

>> No.54285932

I'm not a hex baggie but I'm waiting and kinda excited for pulsechain shitcoin season.
That being said, all of this and your method of shilling is extremely cringey. Please stop

>> No.54286088

Also its funny but cardano which is another shitcoin at least allows you to unstake your coins

>> No.54286140

When pulse reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.54286158

um yea and the yield and price increase isn't nearly as good...

>> No.54286370

You are never going to become rich by being a moonboy, the lucky traders have a better chance of making it out than you do, There are so many proof of stake shitcoins with a staking process what the fuck differs hex from all the other clones, hex is literally a fucking ponzi scheme and its on the website at least other shitcoins have usecases like filecoin but your shitty project was written by a low iq retard.
First the fact bitcoin makes climate activist and blackrock seethe thats not a negative, thats a fucking a selling point, also the logic of hex is

>i have this premined Internet money
>sell internet money that didn't require any effort to new sellers
>hope there are eventually new retards that feed the system

The definition of a ponzi but not even a smart ponzi literally fucking shitty shitcoin made for fucking retarded moonboys trying to profit from each other in the end only wrong thing and this shitcoin will meet its equivalent fate to all the gaming nft projects which are also shit

>> No.54286488

you sound angry kek

>> No.54286635

That doesn't matter i was waiting to see if the retarded hex moonboys had the iq to defend their coin, if they can't do it then i was right, but you are right i didn't need to invest time into this shitcoin literally there are only like 2 moonboys here while the other 10 posters literally called this shitcoin a shitcoin.

>> No.54286641

Kek what a KWAB

>> No.54286791

Also its so fucking sad to see the website using the logarithmic scale instead of the day to day xDDD this is how bad was the bear market for you, lord in some way its so fucking funny how ruined the dreams of everyone

>> No.54287799


You do put effort though. Your money is a representation of work. It doesn't have to be proof of waste to be valuable.

>> No.54287822
File: 17 KB, 730x360, richard-heart-hex-token-plummets-amid-more-ponzi-allegations-sec-investigation-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chart looks good without log what are u on about? The whole point of log chart is to get better resolution otherwise everything just looks like a flat line.

>> No.54287874


> a few kg of gold used for the 2 quantum computers that exists in the world is sure to pump my gols bags

Ok good luck baggie. Can't save stupid people.

>> No.54288564

Ok teach me what work do you put on, its not a joke when i say the guy that wrote hex websites is a retarded moonboy just look at this statement

>HEX has operated perfectly since its launch on December 2nd, 2019. It has 100% uptime with zero bugs while so many other things fail. The code of the HEX smart contract has been developed by expert developers; in fact, the same devs have already fixed bugs they discovered in Ethereum’s codebase. HEX’s code has passed two independent security audits with flying colors.

Bitcoin had 2 inflation bugs where anyone could have minted as many free coins as they wanted. Of course these exploits don't always get fixed before being exploited. Also Bitcoin's official website has been hacked and people lost thousands of USD as a result.

HEX operates perfectly. Not a single bug - ever. The website HEX.COM has never been hacked. HEX cannot be better.

First this fucking retard writes like a conman, claims truths that time could prove him wrong like hex cannot be hacked, no inflation ever possible, two securitys audits from companys we never heard off and like sure luna and other shitcoins didn't have security audits as well, Bitcoin was the first of its kind so it was still in development mistakes happened but bitcoin was pioneering, your retarded moonboy writer thinks bitcoin was written by a fucking company but no, it was open source and free since the very first moment and also he claims as victory that there hasn't been any bugs in hex which is stupid because its perfectly possible to find a hex bug at any point in time, bitcoin has survived the test of time and has more than 10 years and its open source so everyone can contribute to look for bugs and find inneficiencys, hex has been here only 3 years and relies on shitetherium.

>> No.54288650


>HEX is censorship resistant and robust by being truly decentralized on the Blockchain. Anyone can run the HEX code and the HEX community has released numerous open source tools which make it even easier. Many projects claim to be decentralized, but actually rely on administrators to not change the code. The HEX code is a single immutable smart contract on the Blockchain which cannot ever be changed. This is why many developers are so comfortable building on top of HEX.

This is fucking retarded, 60% of all etherium nodes run on amazon web servers, 70% of all etherium was premined to founders, it doesn't survive the howie test and its a fucking security, its not decentralized so it cannot survive a goverment crackdown unlike true decentralized coins, be a fucking retard, sell a ponzi and claim oh yeah security doesn't matter, your fucking shitcoin will go to 0 and while i applaud you if you can make quick money from other retarded moonboys this piece of shitcoin wont survive the test of time.

No thank you i read more about this piece of shitcoin and more how fucking shit etherium is, at least if you hold gold people will look at you with respect with this retarded coin people will look at you like a retard. Because its simple you are trying to scam other retards, gold has more usecases and you are fucking retarded if you think quantum computers are the only thing gold is needed or if you think we will not build more quantum computers. You are trully retarded

>> No.54290398

If HEX is so great then why did its creator remove it from his twitter bio?