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File: 461 KB, 828x985, 55CC6A14-6223-4F5C-8EBA-1D315EF7EFD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54279081 No.54279081 [Reply] [Original]

This is bad. This is really bad…

>> No.54279098

Not clicking that fucking link, Praveet

>> No.54279113

We’re heading to a massive downward spyral. They will keep lowering our standard of living rather than just letting go. The dollar is dead.

>> No.54279115

you bobos are getting desperate for your 10k meme
Im not selling my bitcoin. I am not buying your shitty alts and we will not see it below $15.4k ever again.

>> No.54279119
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>i am upset/worried because twitter told me to.

>> No.54279126

It’s Twitter idiot.

>> No.54279141

Why do people post like this
>pay attention
>very important
>look closely
Nigger just post your opinion on it. Not watching every fucking video with a cliffhanger speech because I HAVE SHIT TO DO

>> No.54279144

If he's truly worried why keep raising?

>> No.54279149

For what it's worth I did watch video, but only because it effects me financially. But really what the fuck is with every blue checkmark posting like this

>> No.54279153

Sorry, Chud. Banks are too big to fail. We know that these bailouts are inflationary, but ensuring the stability of the system is what a true Patriot does. You're gonna have to deal with inflation a little bit longer. Go donate plasma for money or something, while we make sure these bankers are well fed.

>> No.54279163

Youvhave nothing to so elaevyou wouldnt be posting hon biz. on ohome at work pardon the typos

>> No.54279171

The language used during conference and Jerome's body language said it all.
>if you know, you know

>> No.54279179

That wasnt even remotely the most interesting thing said. What a skin-deep reddıt take away

>> No.54279180

R u ok?

>> No.54279181

Do your own research (or DYOR for short) was a common saying here but pajeets took control of it to spam their shitcoins because they know no one does their own research

>> No.54279191

its just powell's pathetic attempt to spook the markets when literally nothing points towards 'muh economic collapse'
the worst is behind us...again
permabears on biz and pseudo wall street twitter fags are trying to play 4d chess for no reason.

S&P 500 is back at its 200day sma and we'll bounce tomorrow i bet

>> No.54279198

Did this nigger just tell me to read a book to understand a 47 second clip?

>> No.54279218

This is what I want to know but he does look worried.

>> No.54279226

WTF YOU MEAN EVERYTHING HES SAUING IS A LIE?? I have to read this fucking book man
Then I can go back and watch some old clips during the covid pandemic
Maybe I can tell they’re lying now!!
Or have any fucking common sense and know anytime people open their mouth it’s always 95% bullshit

>> No.54279238

Stopping now means introducing uncertainty to the markets.

>> No.54279250

It doesn't mean that it's a disaster he could just be expressing his own anxiety towards it. I would be concerned if he didn't take it seriously there's a lot riding on things.

>> No.54279268

Because the alternative is even worse. You want to pay 1million for a bottle of water?

>> No.54279289


Actually somewhat insightful, for Twitter.

>> No.54279290


Jerome Powell rubbing his nose doesn't mean the world is going to end but there is a lot of fear and uncertainty in the markets right now. I think a lot of people were betting on a bump thinking they were going to pause and then there was a dump when they didn't.

>> No.54279297
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a book.jpg
Nigger what? I'm mad about how clickbait phrasing has taken over everything including 45 second videos. It's clearly faggot tactic to produce discussions so retards can act big brained because they posted the correct take away
Also my ID rerolled because I'm that famous 4channel anon

>> No.54279302


Correct take. Hyperinflation means a failed state and the end of US as the world police. It would be a complete realignment of world power.

>> No.54279316

And that's a good thing (unironically)

>> No.54279321

Only made sense when interesting finds came on here. Now all that gets posted on here is /pol/ tier happening threads

>> No.54279324


dumb money is wrong again

>> No.54279339

>what every body is saying
Do I need to be into occult rituals and visit graveyards for this?

>> No.54279342


In the long term yes. In the short term there's a high chance I die in the violence. But globohomo is a runaway failure train for humanity.

>> No.54279346
File: 24 KB, 468x380, Exter's Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the Credit Suisse is DOA. Well, it going to get bumpy fast. Derivatives markets go boom!

>> No.54279350

>nothing has happened other than soaring inflation and weak growth
>worst is behind us
I see you’ve never lived through a recession. Retards back in 2008 were saying the same when the marked rallied after Lehman failed

>> No.54279356

you act like this would be permanent. every time hyperinflation has occurred, a new currency was created and all of the problems caused by hyperinflation were eliminated in weeks. all of this angst and nonsense is the result of a desperate distortion, propping up the value of something EVERYONE knows is worthless. EVERYONE knows its a lie. There is no way that Powell, or Yellen, or even Biden are unaware, and they know that people know it's a lie. And yet here we are, forced to keep pretending until it literally implodes, because the scam just can't admit publicly that it's a scam. You might just get your million dollar water because they just can't let go. But whenever that happens, the monetary solution isn't going to be fucking rate hikes, it's going to be a new monetary base entirely

>> No.54279358

I hate videos i just want text

>> No.54279363

There’s no better alternative to take the place of the United States and multi polar world is a meme, it always ALWAYS becomes war everywhere when there’s a power vacuum

>> No.54279386

Imagine loving niggers this much lmao, time for your hourly kneeling honey

>> No.54279387

Half the world is looking to dump the dollar. The Saudis are no longer going to recycle their petrodollars through the US Treasury. Higher inflation is inevitable. What the US should be doing reshoring itself on a wartime scale. Raising rates will not save the dollar or curb inflation long-term.

>> No.54279395

Either refute my point or post a worthy leader then

>> No.54279403


If you can't grasp the ramifications of the US becoming a failed state economy I think you shouldn't be talking in this conversation.

>> No.54279412

That book is complete bullshit.

>> No.54279427

>It's going well... so far
Guys I don't get it. Seriously help, I don't wanna read a book can you tell me what it means? PLEASE

>> No.54279449

>who else will be global police? Checkmate America wins
Maybe every country fucks off with other countries problems instead of having glownigger agents from 1 country fucking over every other country

>> No.54279460

spoken like a zoomer faggot with no life experience lmao

>> No.54279463

the US is not the dollar, if you can't comprehend the path we're on maybe you should wake the fuck up

>> No.54279467

do the goyim know?


>> No.54279474

hes trying to act calm but hes pulling his hair out off camera. people are beginning to understand. twitter moms are figuring out how fiat currency works.

>> No.54279483


Yeah you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.54279484

This. Do not care enough to watch. Everyone knows shit's fucked but it's a slow boring decline with no violence. The worst that will happen is the standard of living goes another tiny notch lower.

>> No.54279500

>t. doesn't understand that the US can still survive without the dollar if it acts now while it still has an advantage instead of bagholding into the abyss

>> No.54279504
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>when literally nothing points towards 'muh economic collapse'

>> No.54279523
File: 244 KB, 1080x1080, FbBaiLwWAAAHYrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wondered why the military was handing out $50k bonuses to any retard that would sign his name. It makes sense now. That $50k guarantee will essentially be the equivalent of $500.

>> No.54279526

That's what over a decade of QE and ZIRP does to a mf

>> No.54279551


It's a scam you have to make it several years to qualify and they take it away for any petty reason.

>> No.54279556

The correction we're seeing is a move from speculative assets as a whole, hard assets will be the main driving force behind economies again and because the west has built their economies on vaporware, we're about to get heemed

>> No.54279587

Nobody is selling, and if I see 15.4 again it all goes to bit. The new normal doesn't include returning to this shit.

>> No.54279588

Then why was it transitory in 2021? Why was it fucking transitory??
It was transitory until crypto arose as a genuine threat to the status of the dollar - around the time Biden labeled BTC a matter of national security.

>> No.54279617

Anon people rioted in chicago because their ebt cards were working for a few hours. If the entire country is hit with hyperinflation, expect some south africa tier breakdown of gov and violence

>> No.54279659

Yeah I'm not selling and if goes back to the low or lower, I'm a buyer

>> No.54279664

sure, Bizwigs

>> No.54279669


Correct. If the country spirals into virus because some nigger OD's on fentanyl with a cop sitting on him it will be apocalyptic if the niggers stop getting their food stamps.

>> No.54279674

do you not think I know that? I feel like people can't fucking read - it does not matter what Powell does, it does not matter how much we all play along with the imaginative larp that the system can be fixed, the consequences you're describing are going to happen, maybe not as devastatingly as you imagine, but things are breaking and they aren't going to be fixed by rate hikes. but contrary to the narratives people have been brainwashed, the world isn't going to end because we all finally collectively acknowledge that your shitty paper isn't actually worth anything. this exact scenario has happened many times before and civilization is still here - because the problems caused by hyperinflation are imaginary and dispelled as soon as a new currency replaces the previous

>> No.54279690

he seemed as jittery as he usually is to me.

>> No.54279692

I want everything to crash but that's retarded

>> No.54279699

I’m old enough to remember but young enough that I didn’t understand so I didn’t care. Is there a quick summary or video I could watch that is a redpilled take on 2008?

>> No.54279701

>the world isn't going to end
on the macro level, no of course not, but if you live in a country where the dollar is the currency, it might as well until order is restored. Look at haiti right now, its hell on earth. Imagine that on the scale of the american continent

>> No.54279705
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, Systemic+risk+New+ways+to+measure+systemic+risk..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So the Credit Suisse is DOA.
The Systemic risk between GSIBs.

>> No.54279711

>The idiots still have faith in the bank so they don't have to realize their loses
>aka I still have money in my account because my buddy didnt ask for the 20 bucks i owe him
There anon

>> No.54279716

it would be nowhere near as cataclysmic as you've been propagandized to believe, and ultimately the aftermath would be a major improvement over the current system. the only thing sustaining this current monetary paradigm is the extreme greed of bagholders

>> No.54279718

Did you watch it?
99.99% of people won't get it.
It's big.
This changes everything.
Are you ready?
Watch until the end.

>> No.54279719

New gibs will be paid in cbdc

>> No.54279783
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>> No.54279845

Holy cow, this is big. I hope you guys are ready, better pay attention

>> No.54280061

It gets better engagement. Same with all the Twitter threads on 4chan. They get more attention than everything else.

>> No.54280266

Poor JPow...

Jews ran the Fed since 1987... then they give it back to a goy as its collapsing

typical kike shit

>> No.54280268

Where can I buy bug and poo currency?

>> No.54280354

Muhammad Ali was the exact opposite of a zogbot, so using his quote is practically a slap in the face

>> No.54280373

Nothing will happen. Jews will print trillions to bail out their buddies. The system will never collapse. You will never be free.

>> No.54280432

Fix your bots, Mr. Glownigger

>> No.54280633

malls and airports have currency exchanges

>> No.54280721

influencers should be gassed

>> No.54280776

few understand

>> No.54280946


>> No.54280961

oh cool schizo shit

>> No.54280987

Is JP dropping hot partnership breadcrumbs for an erc20 alt-shit from last run? Do I need to roll trips to know how many basis points we're moving?

>> No.54281005

Huh? you mean you can just drop a currency and create a new one? Is this even possible nowadays?

>> No.54281006

There's a dark timeline where social media influencers are gassed to death and have their death streamed to their audience to dissuade the audience from hopping on the latest trend.

>> No.54281164

Yes, Russia did it twice in the 90s:

>On August 4, 1997, President Boris Yeltsin issued a presidential decree, "On change the face value of a currency and the scale of prices". Exchange began on January 1, 1998, with a new rouble being worth 1000 old roubles (1993 and 1995 series).

I imagine that the CBDCs that are coming out in the next few years are going to be the engine for the redenomination of the USD. Imagine your 1000 USD today being worth 1 USD(CBDC) in 2030.

>> No.54281208

Im not going to read a book for a little clip. Spell it out you fuck.
Quess: That nose rubbing meant he was lying right?

>> No.54281261

I see, but the value of the new currency is tied to the USD so the americans are still fucked no?

>> No.54281396

>body language
walk into traffic

>> No.54281713

Cassius Clay was a nigger.
Stop worshipping niggers mutt. Sick and tired of US faggots, seriously.

>> No.54281725

I don't get it, do you mean the "so far"?

>> No.54281746

>Not gone wrong ... so far

Wow what a controversial lie. Not a clickbait tweet at all.

>> No.54281997

All those words but didn't say anything of substance. Fucking twitter grifters

>> No.54282064

Muhammad Ali was based
You're a nigger
gorilla nigger

>> No.54282073

>up to 50k enlistment bonus
They still owe me half my 20k bonus from 15 years ago

>> No.54282132

Imagine making financial decisions because on a scratch of a nose. You people aren't just retarded but also completely delusional. This is why 99.99% of this board are subhumans that don't understand anything and laugh at the 0.01% that doesn't make trade deals based on a ducking nose scratch, wake up you dumbfucks that's not just irrational but it's an emotional femoid action. Get your shit together, stay logical on your trading edge and have better confluences.

>> No.54282175

old man scratches nose
twitter jeet predicts economic collapse

that's it, that's the thread

>> No.54282220

he literally just wiped his nose with his hand longer than normal, which the dude is saying is body language for "no hope its over"

>> No.54282484

This. Never going to use tik tok because I hate videos. I want a text to read.

>> No.54282501



>> No.54282539


Continuing the plan by raising the rates is the only way he can maintain the pretense of confidence in the system.

If he suddenly started flailing and reversing course, that would be an obvious signal that shit is starting to come apart at the seams. Which it is, but he obviously can't openly declare that.

>> No.54282580


Do you have any idea how many simultaneous crises we're facing all at once?

In most cities, the US justice system is going out of its way to protect and encourage violent minorities to attack Middle class white people.

Every day we roll the dice on WWIII in Ukraine, meanwhile China and Russia are getting closer than ever.

The vaxx is still dropping random people like flies.

If the monetary system collapses, the keg is going to fucking explode. It's not going to be as simple as swapping out the currency.

>> No.54282606

Two more weeks

>> No.54282700

i understand his reaction. the whole credit suisse merger ordeal is akin to transplanting an aggressive cancer from one vital organ to another hoping to buy more time because the patient believes the surgeons removed it completely

>> No.54282820


> nothing ever happens

Yeah I'm sure the US will just glide out of all of its problems and everything will be totally fine. New gilded age is right around the corner!

>> No.54282941

I doubt they would want to tie the value of the new currency to the old currency. Most likely they would try to peg the new currency to some sort of asset to start out with. It's not impossible to think that this would be a combined basket of assets including gold, especially since the new CBDCs can be programmed to expire to help keep the peg (and prevent you from gaining any real wealth).

For example they peg the new CBDC to be worth one gram of gold, which right now is trading at $63.66. This is just an example, a basket of assets would likely be closer to the 1000-to-1 ratio the Russians did.

Regardless, everyone is fucked.

>> No.54283095

Good to see the people born after 2005 are posting.

>> No.54283103

This thread has been a good reminder of how retarded people are in thinking that hyperinflation would be fine. There are multiple living examples of how that didn't work out in South America.

>> No.54283367

>every time hyperinflation has occurred, a new currency was created and all of the problems caused by hyperinflation were eliminated in weeks
you know jackshit about hyperinflation and I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your vomit. try studying SA hyperinflations, for one; especially brazil's in the 80s-90s, and try not to lose count of the many plans attempted and currencies created, most of which failed miserably

>> No.54283400

Anon it’s 2023. Completely different time period.

>> No.54283502

>living in a la la fantasy land where everyone minds their own business
I mean yeah you’re describing a utopia that doesn’t exist in real life

>> No.54283590

I doubt that matters much, and besides, it's on him for saying "every time" without a specific time frame
but if it has to be recent for whatever reason, then just look at argentina and their 100% inflation index. furthermore, they've adapted peso:dollar exchange into so many different values based on different events (shows, world cup, etc), well away from the "official" exchange rate which is heavily undervalued, that I doubt even the argentinians themselves know them all
I'd also cite venezuela, but even though I don't expect things to have gotten any better over there ever since they crossed 1000000%, I honestly have no idea how it's been

>> No.54283731

a beautiful dream
deep inside, that hasn't been the case ever since kingdoms and empires figured out diplomacy, thousands of years ago. it won't change now

>> No.54283768

How many people in the thread actually fell for the tweet? You glow faggot

>> No.54283770

Yes nigger everyone knows shit could have been really bad. Whats more important is Powell said he thinks the banking shit will get bad enough to fight inflation for him just as raising rates would have done, but no one seems to have digested this yet.

>> No.54283944

He touched his nose therefore he is lying?

>> No.54284452
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>I don't know

t. Jerome Powell

>> No.54284517

China will be the strongest power, but it won't chimp out invading and couping other countries because it doesn't have to. Mutual interest means countries trade with each other and no one powerful enough to attack shipping lanes has a reason to do so.
"The world is going to DIE and EVERYONE WILL START KILLING EACH OTHER if we don't keep fighting for Israel" is a pathetic cope. The sad fact is our interventionist foreign policy is not only stupid it has been unnecessary too.

>> No.54285173

>read this book and then consider this tweet

>> No.54285242

He's worried because he's being paraded out there to bullshit the American people and he deep down doesn't agree with it.

This is the uncomfortable position he's in. The elites keep dangling more money property and perks for him. But it's weighing down his soul. He's an Aryan and of good nature unlike his jew handlers

>> No.54285534

This is how they generate views with no actual content.
In some case push you off the website.
I mean seriously, it takes like 10 seconds to write "he did X at y:yy on this video."