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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54276373 No.54276373 [Reply] [Original]

If Jeff Bezos sold all of his possessions, his $500 million dollar yacht, his mansions etc. he would be able to provide his workers a one time payment of 937.5 DOLLARS!! That works out to 1.8 dollars every weekly paycheck if we assumed Bezos spends 1.5 billion over the past 10 years.
If he gave this to every single american instead it would be a one time payment of $4 for each american! Imagine how many funkopops and onlyfans subscriptions we could buy!

This is an outrage! This is certainly the most important issue of our time. The government should get involved and tax him so we can solve poverty and climate change.
We could totally abolish all wageslaving by doing this!
NOBODY would have to work EVER!

Jeff Bezos not giving me $1.8 dollars every week is the REASON I am poor and my life sucks.
Don't blame the government and central banks for completely raping the economy, that has nothing to do with this and we should give them more power. I love federal reserve notes!

>> No.54276391

>jeff bezos
>i'm poor wah wahh
>I love federal reserve notes!
absolute state of biz

>> No.54276449

based, /thread

>> No.54276476
File: 348 KB, 1200x598, EA7A1F55-09F5-4830-B55B-FCC2FEB39814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever get the feeling that he’s the Giga-Coomer? That his unlimited wealth has given him unholy access to perversions beyond your wildest dreams? Jeff Bezos can buy anything he wants and then some, don’t think this is somehow absent from his cooming. He could order a semi-truck full of teenage braps with an airlock entrance so he could go in there for hours at a time. He could literally order a harem of 10/10 brazilian tranny personal chefs on cocaine and have them all cum from into eachothers butts in a human centipede formation. He could feed a 10/10 ukranian model bitch the rarest most expensive steak finished off with a bowl of 100,000 dollar almonds and force her to shit herself by donkey punching her in the back of the head with a nuclear warhead during doggy anal and have his army of brazilian tranny personal chefs collect the shit mush and extract all the undigested nut pieces from the almonds and bake them into a gourmet cake to be eaten at his leisure. He could find a hot bitch on the street and pay her to have her pussy and anus and feet soles and booba skin surgically cut out and turned into fleshlights and replaced with a quilt of foreskins and she’d do it with no regrets. He could pay for entire thirdworld countries to enforce laws banning deodorant for women and corral them into a farm siphoning all the armpit sweat pee and breastmilk they could produce in a week in a giant vat he could swim in for cardio(and go poopoopeepee himself) or shower with or drink.

You have no idea what this man is capable of.

>> No.54276498

How's your portfolio anon?

>> No.54276503

No he should be forced to market sell all of his Amazon stock too!

>> No.54276521

I like the Chad bezos wagie wagie memes. One of the few bright spots on nu/biz/

>> No.54276544

Could be better if I had that man’s wealth. It’s lol worthy, lmao even

>> No.54276581

>Don't blame the government and central banks for completely raping the economy

Could you expand on this maybe? Its my opinion you dont have the instruments or grasp to interpret correctly

>> No.54276800

If Bezos sold his yachts and mansions he would be able to give every american a one time payment of 2.89 DOLLARS.
If it was given to every person on earth, it would be 0.1375 DOLLARS EACH!!

He could HECKIN' solve WORLD HUNGER if he never spent his money for selfish reasons, but he refuses to do so.

>> No.54276859
File: 113 KB, 850x687, 1674602778949830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commies get the rope. KYS OP. Unless this is bait if so then you are based.

>> No.54276914
File: 48 KB, 750x678, evv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im mocking them, read the post friend
there's some good material here you can use against them

btw pic related is literally how retarded communists are

>> No.54276944


>> No.54276953

you're an idiot. Inflation+high supply of workers = lower buying power because employers have more leverage which contributes to poverty. The other main thing is real estate being treated like a speculative asset. You're a bootlicker that doesn't understand basic econ.

>> No.54276979

Also retard op is retarded so I should probably mention wages needed to 4x since the mid 90s JUST to have the SAME buying power. Nigger op has never heard of inflation LMAO

>> No.54276984
File: 175 KB, 1200x1200, HELLO IRS PEPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54276985

consider suicide

>> No.54276999
File: 212 KB, 1138x1022, fed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's jeff bezos fault the federal reserve prints money
Now that's a new one lol

>Also retard op is retarded so I should probably mention wages needed to 4x since the mid 90s JUST to have the SAME buying power.
Then stop defending the fucking money printer.
Holy shit. What the hell is wrong with you retards blaming others for the bullshit YOU caused.

>> No.54277009


>> No.54277079
File: 169 KB, 642x656, 1677270941521613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54277081

>Now that's a new one lol
Nigger IQ. I never said that. What I'm saying is you implying people's failure is JUST on them = you're a retard with 0 understanding of economics.
>Then stop defending the fucking money printer.
Holy shit. What the hell is wrong with you retards blaming others for the bullshit YOU caused.
I don't control the FED, nigger LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO this guy. Fucking idiot. Regardless this system is a scam hence why I am all in assets.

>> No.54277173

People her legit sucking corpo dick lmao dark times indeed

>> No.54277174

Go to bed geoff, it is late, your wife is ugly, and you look like a colonoscopy scope.
>Taxes are going to 90%+ on billionaires and zero working class people are going to waste a second of their lives defending you.