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54270998 No.54270998 [Reply] [Original]

Tax payer bros, we just can't stop winning

>> No.54271376
File: 20 KB, 593x153, poors fscked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor bros, they won't help us...

>> No.54271419


It's so fucking over

>> No.54272916


>> No.54273440
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x1334, aptopix_harvard_yellen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54275626

I am ready.

>> No.54275790

You really have to wonder if they are legitimately retarded or this is all some big gay plan.

>> No.54275800

was that expected or did it deviate?

>> No.54275815
File: 170 KB, 284x335, 1655472287461682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So inflation is gonna be over now, right?

>> No.54275854
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>> No.54275880

Bond holders more like bag holders amirite

>> No.54275900

The big gay plan is legitimately retarded.

>> No.54275927

>money I transfered to my broker won't be useable until monday
wtf is this gay shit? I fucking missed out on easy money today.

>> No.54276046

I mean, if they crash the dollar to 0 then any rate of inflation is 0, no?

>> No.54276054

I think the legitimate plan is retardedly gay, actually.

>> No.54276138

yeah, like... totally bro

>> No.54276154

Technically is the best type of winning.

>> No.54276354
File: 98 KB, 1036x1087, 1666890825130266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god, I can't wait until prices only rise 2% every year and the grocery store isn't expensive as fuck :)

>> No.54276609

That Biden fella is such a rascal. I think he forgot to say "just kidding" at the end there but other that he really got us the absolute madman.

>> No.54277189

"crashing the dollar to 0" would mean inflation = infinity

>> No.54277409

"Eat the bugs, live in the pods. You think you and the other workers deserve better? I think your wages are too high; here, have a recession to change your mind"
- Powell

>> No.54277835
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I fail to see how the interest on $30T in debt going from 1% to 5% is you getting more wealth.

>> No.54277884

yeah the headline makes no sense, taxpayers are getting assfucked alongside bondholders just the same

>> No.54277903

only their friends

>> No.54277904

Actually, the retarded plan is legitimately gay.

>> No.54277909



>> No.54277918

nigger cut that shit out

>> No.54278085

they need to raise interest rates to combat the inflation from bailing out the banks, you brainlets just dont understand

>> No.54278163

taxpayers will still pay the same amount of tax and the us government will still raise its debt ceiling whenever they finally stop delaying it. barrons is just coping trying to spin the collapse of the monetary system is somehow positive for plebs at the expense of poor downtrodden banks

>> No.54278228

Money go BRRRRRRRRR til there aint nothing left

>> No.54278285

pfffft, I'm gonna spend my tax payer windfall at mcdonalds.

>> No.54278292

I've already dumped $100k in SPY this year. The pivot pump will be glorious

>> No.54278356

It’s because it’s designed to bankrupt the poor but the media will lie to all the normies about it

>> No.54278373

You don't need to design anything to bankrupt the poor, they do it themselves

>> No.54278380

it's designed to bankrupt the middleclass

>> No.54278533

do taxpayers get dividends now?

>> No.54278584

Might as well make the future currency whatever the fuck you can find on the ground at any given moment of any transaction.

>> No.54278678

we are going to be rich bros

>> No.54278728
File: 131 KB, 782x720, 20230321_124403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gringotts insolvent you say?
>25 more points for slurpindor!

>> No.54280133


>> No.54280160

no, this faggot is very serious and jumps through mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance to the point I don't even think he knows what 'taxpayer' even is.

>> No.54280513

this proves nothing, retard

>> No.54280568

no, it was a wealthyfag invested in bonds coping and seething and being irrational, I posted it for your catharsis, fren,

>> No.54280622

appreciated fren

>> No.54280842

When inflation dives to 1.5% for 1 quarter we can pump up our stonk sales massively by rejoicing that the fiat god is righteous with massive media rejoicing before the stagflation period is fully recognized. We should make a hedge style option that the world doesn't end and have the hobbitx market it viciously immensely.

>> No.54280881

doomsayers can buy bullets and shit, but fiat isn't gonna just disappear any time soon. if your devalued currency isn't as devalued as the person that didn't hedge you make it out on top of them.

>> No.54281551
File: 45 KB, 697x500, TIMESAND___COVID2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fed has overseen a remarkable transfer to itself.

>> No.54281571

But JPOW said yesterday they are insuring every deposit and banks are strong

>> No.54281607

they are insuring everyone that funded democrat politicians campaigns and fuck everyone else. idiot.

>> No.54281753

What? The whole of the federal reserve is worth 8 million bucks?

>t. America and it's on going problem with suffixes and labelling graphs.

>> No.54282863

>realize it can't cut
No dumbass it was because when it started raising rates the stock market reacted and made Trump angry so he shat on the Fed constantly until they were forced to stop

>> No.54283203

For a little while during covid, bulk FMJ 9mm was over a dollar a round.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see it again same with other ‘cheap’ ammo.
The real value isn’t in trade, though. It’s just logical to prep.

>> No.54285155

Because they spent all the mobey bailing out bad banking practices. Sorry 401kers, should've diversified

>> No.54285171


>> No.54285221

>Onset of hyperinflation due to printing
lol, yes anon it has absolutely nothing to do with global markets dumping the dollar. The USD losing its status as the global reserve currency has no impact, the Fed literally controls the global economy and the value of the dollar with a 1950s Ed Wood laboratory control panel

>> No.54285254

this. Reminder just before covid trump was trying to brrrrrrrrrr his way out of a recession

>> No.54285606

I fucking hate this market

t. Only invest in bonds

>> No.54285715

but i thought he was gonna heckin pivoterino!

>> No.54285850

>billionaires pay 50% of all US taxes
it's all so tiresome

>> No.54287112

>billionaires pay taxes