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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54270285 No.54270285 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the printer is on and the bull market is right in front of us, it's time to load up before it's too late.
>$10k on AVAX
>$8k on BTC
>$5k on ETH
I have $5k left, and I'm looking forward to splitting it like this:
>$4k in any reliable AI token (I don't really believe in AI tokens but I won't miss out the AI run)
>$4k in any shitcoin that isn't an obvious scam (e.g. Aptos)
Shill me. Suggestions are also received.

>> No.54270326

What a sad attempt to shill that avax crap
Go BTC and that's all. Ignore obvious pajeet shills like OP

>> No.54270328

how about JOE?

>> No.54270329

But the printer isn't on friend, the opposite actually

>> No.54270332
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Fuck I meant $1k in any shitcoin, sorry

>> No.54270370
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I thought the printer was on in order to save all these cucked banks, what happened?
I don't like DEX tokens
>"your biggest bag is AVAX so you must be a shiller"
kys nigger faggot

>> No.54270543

Trader Joe is the best DEX tho

>> No.54270554
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>25% BTC
>55% ETH
>20% LINK

>> No.54270558
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>Go BTC and that's all
are you shilling btc, anon?

>> No.54270561

You're gonna make it.

>> No.54270598
File: 122 KB, 557x603, 2022-07-26_17.34.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are good with those bags anon

>> No.54270654

Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOSETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating.

Inflation numbers:
Circulating supply Jan 27 2022: 244,852,769

Circulating supply Jan 27 2023: 314,771,897

(314,771,897 - 244,852,769) / 244,852,769 = 0.2856 = 29%


>> No.54270660

Gmx, joe, arb, link, cvx, crv

>> No.54270789

>55% ETH
AVAX has way more potential than Ethereum tho.
ETH had its run now its AVAX time.

>> No.54271985

Both of them are fine tough, but I don't think ETH ends its run. Despite all the things that ETH has, it's still a blue chip to have in mind. However, I have to agree that AVAX clearly has way more potential for the upcoming years

>> No.54272815

well it has always seemed to me that ethereum has better dev teams, however, we must accept that avalanche did a good blow by launching subnets

>> No.54272874

Basically anything that hasn't mooned yet should move, the lagging coins always do. VRA, VELAS, XRP, should all 5x at least

>> No.54274260

>no $KOY
>no $BNB
>no $DOGE
You are in for a lot of disappointment. Why people STILL buy Avax in its ghost town state is beyond me.

>> No.54274281

>Dogcoins in the year of our lord Jesus Christ 2023

>> No.54274282
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forgot my related picture

>> No.54274297

>i have 5k left
>4k on X
>4k on Y
First go back to preschool and learn how to sum.

>> No.54274312

oh my god who fucking cares you autistic fucks everything is a shill to you nowadays. unironically have fucking sex so your mind fog goes away and you stop being paranoid of every little thing.

daily reminder d0b0 threads are still allowed.