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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 600x424, 4AAF59F2-6804-4EE7-8701-5503F6DDA779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54266704 No.54266704 [Reply] [Original]

You are the head of a household with a wife, 4 kids and a dog.
In 2022 your combined incomes were $750k but this is the first time it had happened and it’s unclear (especially in the current climate) how long it will last.
You have about $50k by todays market prices in crypto 60/40 BTC/ETC split.
You “own” a house in a major US city that you rent out for $3k a month. The mortgage is $2900 and you have 5 years left on it (15 year mortgage).
You live in and “own” a $1.5M apartment in an expensive European city. 15 years left on a 20 year mortgage. Monthly payment is $3k.
Each kid had $50k in a 529 and you have about $500k in retirement/pension accounts.
You and your wife are in your late 30s.
What is the optimal strategy if your goals are early retirement and genuine financial safety?

>> No.54266859

Define retirement
Define genuine financial safety

>> No.54267037

Abducting toph like this is a good idea but I hate how it immediately goes from rape to her being basically mind-controlled by the powers of dick. Shit drives me crazy, its like if its rape to begin with FINISH with rape. Everyone is such a pussy.

>> No.54267065

Normalfags will crucify him if he stuck with the rape

>> No.54267095

Diversify investments. Make sure you have some gold and silver. Invest in some index funds. Also, invest in some local businesses like laundromats or car washes.

>> No.54267406

Congratulations on your impressive income and assets! Here are some suggestions for your optimal financial strategy:

Create an emergency fund: Given the current uncertainty in the economy, it's important to have a cash cushion to cover unexpected expenses or a job loss. Aim to have 6-12 months of living expenses in a high-yield savings account or money market fund.

Pay off high-interest debt: If you have any outstanding debts with high-interest rates, such as credit card balances or personal loans, focus on paying those off first. This will free up more cash flow to invest for retirement and other long-term goals.

Maximize retirement contributions: You and your wife should aim to contribute the maximum amount allowed by law to your 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). This will not only reduce your taxable income but also help build a substantial nest egg for early retirement.

Diversify investments: While cryptocurrency may be a good investment option, it's important to diversify your portfolio to manage risk. Consider investing in low-cost index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that provide exposure to a range of asset classes, including stocks, bonds, and real estate.

Consider refinancing your mortgages: Given the current low interest rates, it may be a good time to consider refinancing your mortgages to lower your monthly payments and save on interest charges. You can also consider paying off your mortgages early to free up cash flow for other goals.

Review college savings plans: With $50k already saved for each of your children in a 529 plan, you're off to a great start. However, it's important to review the investment options and fees associated with these plans to ensure they align with your long-term goals.

Consult with a financial advisor: Given your complex financial situation, it may be helpful to consult with a financial advisor who can provide personalized guidance on your investment strategy, and retirement planning.

>> No.54267836

Is it a good idea to pay off some of my mortgage for the European place?
I’m in tech. In fact I’m at coinbase. And I’m worried if I get laid off, my wife’s job alone will struggle to meet our expenses.
If I can bring the mortgage down to $1500 a month by just sinking in every spare penny I have, I could cover that even if I work bagging shit at the supermarket

>> No.54267867

Same question to chatgpt anon

>> No.54267989

It was never rape though.
It was rough consensual sex.

>> No.54268735
File: 80 KB, 268x249, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was never rape though.
>Abducts blind girl
>I can't see where we are going so I'll trust in you.
>What am I feeling ?! It is hard and throbs
>Makes pic-related face
Not sure what planet you're from but humans usually call this rape not whatever the fuck mental gymnastics you are thinking. Not that I would judge you if you were into rape, nobody cares, it's just drawings at the end of the day.

But, judging from your comment I can't tell if you are just genuinely clueless or just a coward taking the more conveniently moral reading of the comic. Self-delusion is definitely a possibility, people do it all the time about everything.

>> No.54268946

Did she say “no”?

>> No.54269135

Did she say "yes"?
Are you doubling down on it because you're embarrassed?

>> No.54269243
File: 95 KB, 1024x733, F7A89921-E949-4EF0-94A5-C296FE80A170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people still get embarrassed?
>did she say yes?
Fuck off back to your gender studies study group you massive faggot.
She’s blushing and playing dumb. She knows damn well what that throbbing thing is and she’s fine with it.
Bitch can bend fucking metal. If she wanted to say “no”, you’d hear about it.

>> No.54269261

This fucking guy has got me like the guy in the middle


>> No.54269542

No you're the faggot here. She can see with her feet and is in a metal box. She has all the power and is just doing the coy woman thing.

>> No.54269584

>Fuck off back to your gender studies study group you massive faggot.
>Do people still get embarrassed?
Apparently, they do.
>She’s blushing and playing dumb. She knows damn well what that throbbing thing is and she’s fine with it.
She's also crying and has a worried expression on her face. Also driving a blind underage girl away to fuck her is undeniably a rapey scenario.
>Bitch can bend fucking metal. If she wanted to say “no”, you’d hear about it.
Bitch is also a blind underage girl. Also, this guy's toph isn't the same as the TV show toph. This is fan pornographic fiction, you retard: Toph doesn't want to fuck an ugly old fuck like you, I'm sorry.

>> No.54269600

Couldn’t have said it any better
I can’t tell whether the idiots bleating about rape are some wayward redditors or just skilled anglers

>> No.54269657
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 90DD5558-4753-429F-A9CC-1A44737D7E6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the solution. Let’s just take a deep breath, realize that this is lovingly crafted bait, and get back to the topic at hand.
Thanks for your contributions, anon

>> No.54269796

>She has all the power and is just doing the coy woman thing.
Assuming this is a metal-bending toph and not totally powerless. Pornographic fiction can make up whatever they want with a character.


>> No.54269842


>> No.54269979

ah yes everyone knows there is no insulating buffers between the metal frame and body of the car. no carpets, cushions or leather, no nonmetal materials to speak of whatsoever.

>> No.54270096

like, fuck off you dumb motherfucker, everyone whose into porn comics has seen this shit a million times
>obviously rapey scenario
>mind controlled by the powers of dick
cowardice par excellence
like, its art, you can make it as rapey, immoral as you want with no consequence

>> No.54270193
File: 26 KB, 551x751, CADB806F-8721-4DBE-A03F-DD002A26C1E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefagging on his cell phone
It wasn’t rape because she didn’t say “no” and she didn’t resist.
No one believes in the woke definition of rape

>> No.54270420

It's a cheap premise described of the comic, whatever, let's just not be dumb. no one is "reading" these things for intellectual stimulation. You are making a lot of excuses to explain away how she fully consented because she "knows", what if she didn't? what if she called an uber because she's blind and needs to get somewhere, and the driver recognizes her as the blind earth loli who does not wear SHOES because it BLINDS her kinetic earth senses. She might enjoy it in the moment then regret it the next day to report what she now considers "rape".

>> No.54270457

>It wasn’t rape because she didn’t say “no” and she didn’t resist.
>Blind underage blind girl being driven away in a car
Why a car? Why in a modern context and not in-universe? So much ???
>No one believes in the woke definition of rape
No one believes in your mental gymnastic definition of rape either.
If it looks like rape, it is rape until magically mind controlled by the entrance of semen into the vagina (another cringe porn trope)
Also fuck off with the bullshit poltard faggotry, ever since this whole fed issue you freaks have been crapping up the place

>> No.54270711

>fully consented
Is this like “legitimate rape”? She didn’t say no. She didn’t resist. She was blushing and mumbling coy bullshit the whole time.
I don’t feel like the artist is conveying rape.
If it were rape she wouldn’t look shy and nervous, she would look fucking terrified.
It’s not rape. I’m sorry if this upsets you. There are other rape comics out there, you know.
They don’t all have to be rape. Shy reluctance giving way to willingness is a difference scenario that people enjoy.
I wish you luck in finding the rape comics you desire.

>> No.54270846

lots of this is your personal interpretation here, about a bad taxi-avatar-coomerverse comic. could she still report him after the fact? yes. end of.

>> No.54270881

>You live in and “own” a $1.5M apartment in an expensive European city. 15 years left on a 20 year mortgage. Monthly payment is $3k.
Fake and gay, 20 year mortgages just recently came out in Europe.

>> No.54271013

Admit you're a tranny and you never had sex.

>> No.54271022

It's rape for pussies like you, you just don't want to admit it because you're mad.
>Shy reluctance giving way to willingness is a difference scenario that people enjoy.
Why would she be reluctant if she's acting coy? Even if you are right, which you aren't, I see this bullshit so much in porn I refuse to not call it when I see it. Sorry, but you were just collateral damage from my indignation. Nothing personal, old man.

>> No.54271088

faggots, trannies, incels, jews, niggers; if you guys love them so much why don't you marry one?

>> No.54271104
File: 801 KB, 600x715, 96d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see this bullshit so much in porn I refuse to not call it when I see it

>> No.54271107
File: 262 KB, 828x902, F263438F-D3AF-465E-9C3F-C0BFD7F830FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have people baiting about consent, so we might as well have people baiting about the existence of 20 year mortgages.

>> No.54271134

Bad bait. Just leave.
>she didn’t sign a contract and affirm it throughout so it’s rape. I could tell by her cartoon expression.
No one believes this.

>> No.54271143

A lot of true rapefics drag on about the details like how meticulously they've prepared for the moment, and don't usually have a good artist if it is a comic.

>> No.54271183

the fact she ends up a brainless, eager slut without enough struggle to justify breaking her in such a way is the real issue for me here.

>> No.54271219

I thought the reversal was too much as well.
I enjoyed shy toph

>> No.54271336

It's rape for pussies like you.
Is it going to haunt your dreams if you admit you jerked off to a cartoon of raping a blind 12-year-old girl or something?

>> No.54271381

and that's alright, it's better that way. real rape is actually bad. I would prefer the story of like two close friends and she plays dumb when he starts to pursue her more intimately and then they progress from there. it's much nicer. actual rape is terrifying and hurtful beyond words

>> No.54271383

>early retirement and genuine financial safety
Insure the wife and kids for $5 million and $1.25 million each kid. Take sailing vacation to Mediterranean Sea. Put on life jacket. Scuttle boat in middle of the night. Wife and most kids don't make it out from below decks. Take least favorite/smallest child and life jacket. Drown child wearing life jacket. Always maintain that you have no idea what happened. You were just "in the water" and the boat was gone and your one child was dead floating near you. cry a lot.


>> No.54271461
File: 116 KB, 266x457, B6617F2B-ECA9-4F17-85B6-1193DFB7F72E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends if the artwork is any good. Do you have any comics of actual toph rape?
If you can throw in some bondage, anal and a plastic bag over her head as well that would be peachy.
Hard-to-get toph is cute but desperately-trying-to-get-you-to-cum-so-you’ll-let-her-breathe toph is a rare treat indeed.

>> No.54271517

I'm glad this thread turned out exactly like I thought it would.

>> No.54271576

The best financial advice I’ve ever seen on /biz/ was “fuck off and don’t come back”

>> No.54271579

>I would prefer the story of like two close friends and she plays dumb when he starts to pursue her more intimately and then they progress from there.
having trouble finding this?
>actual rape is terrifying and hurtful beyond words
if its done right its actually just as hot as good vanilla, see v-slash

>> No.54271696

Youre joking right? Id be retired with that much.

>withdraw all the crypto
>$50k usd
>sell that house in a major us city
>$348k usd
>sell the euro house
>$375k usd
>total $773k usd
>begin the super safe investment game (no i will not explain how it works)
>5% interest per year even in bear markets
>38k a year
>get a cheaper euro home, dont wage me or the wife
>if bull market or at least not a bear market or economic uncertainty i can do the other strat, 15%
>same as above but just put aside extra to give more cushioning
Its really that easy. Makes me wonder why others dont realize it

>> No.54271712

Do you think I'd be bitching about this if there was ANY good avatar rape? Or good avatar porn for that matter. Most avatar porn is amateurish dogshit. That anaxar guy or whatever his name was is kinda okay.

>> No.54271757

Follow the advice next time then.

>> No.54271821
File: 221 KB, 1107x725, BF6937FF-F4FB-473D-A7F6-35428ABD5350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy owes me a commission.
Maybe I can finally get some toph action.

>> No.54271973

Wtf is toph?

>> No.54271997
File: 124 KB, 329x298, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhh this is 'a little too far' by my standards. The ideal rape scenario is basically turning the bitch into a literal slave, mixed with the usual prisoner chains and locked away in your personal dungeon. obviously getting her pregnant too
i treat my personal property with care, violently harming them is ehhh
that idea would go perfectly with avatar, and I've only seen it done well with korra (dark skinned, tomboy goddess is perfect for this)

>> No.54272037

see avatar the last airbender
and this old man 100% wants to abduct and rape blind children

>> No.54272502

>he doesn't fap to enough porn to start seeing patterns
honey, I think our son is a faggot

>> No.54274741

I bet Tophs feet smell like fungus and the calluses on her sole is caked.

>> No.54275305

US House - 174k
Apartment - 540k

Retirement - 500k
Cropto - 50k
House equity - 348k
Apartment equity - 540k

750k. Significant chance of getting laid off. So maybe a downside to a possible 350k?

Did I get all that right?
And you're 38ish. Want to make it out by 50. Right? What's "early"? How much of that 750k did you actually save last year?

>> No.54275341

773k will get you jack fucking shit in a 50-year retirement. Keep in mind also that capital gains in Eurozone are often 20-25% locked.

I wouldn't retire my parents at 65 with anything less than 600k, forget 773 for half your entire life.

>> No.54275460

Based. The "but she ended up liking it" cope ruins so much porn.

I agree with you somewhat. Kidnapping a girl as a slave is way better than just raping a girl and leaving/killing her. I have the same mentality of not breaking my toys, but some non-traumatizing torture is still nice, even if it's just spanking.

>> No.54275603

ToT feeeeeet so erotic ToT bare feet <3 ooouuuhhhhh ToT

>> No.54275922

This , 100% it peaks with mind break and some mind control are ok but control aspect is dom.

I miss dofantasy like you wouldnt believe :(

>> No.54275983

God I'd sell my whole left nut just for ten minutes to worship Toph's sweaty ass soles.