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54266602 No.54266602 [Reply] [Original]

Should I stake ETH 2.0? Do you still need to have 32 ETH?

>> No.54266624
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>> No.54266789

If you have to ask the second question, then the anser to question 1 is: No

>> No.54266914

>Should I stake ETH 2.0?
No one else knows but you.
>Do you still need to have 32 ETH?
Yes, for a validator node. A rocketpool node is 8 ETH + 3.2 ETH worth of RPL. If you don't want to run a node a simpler option is just buying rETH or stETH. Staking through an exchange like Coinbase isn't recommended because you'll get raped with fees.

>> No.54267085

It must feel amazing to be so beautiful. I think ugly people are miserable and make to most problems for a reason.

>> No.54267119

its not b/c its fleeting. a beautiful person becming ugly sucks more than an ugly person staying ugly. duh

>> No.54267151

imagine getting bolt-on fake tits at the age of, what, 19? useless, a waste, such a shame.

>> No.54267602

Why does that goyslop feeding trough attract 10s?

>> No.54268951

Jim Jeffries bit on this is so fucking hilarious and spot on. 10s just walk around cooming.

>> No.54269126

It attracts balding women

>> No.54270655


It's not "goyslop".

It's Halal food.

>Halal is an Arabic word that simply means lawful or permitted, but generally refers to what’s allowed under Islamic law. It’s the opposite of haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Some things are very clear-cut halal or haram, however, as with a lot of religious law, other things can be open to interpretation.

>For meat to be certified halal, it must be slaughtered in a manner known as dhabiha. That means cutting through the jugular vein, carotid artery, and windpipe in order to drain all blood from the carcass. In Islam, the consumption of blood is considered haram. A Muslim must recite a dedication known as tasmiya or shahada during this process.

It is clean food; holy food.

>> No.54271082

Man… the doc that put on those stiff tits played a cruel joke on that girl

Those titties are basically where the girl’s armpits should be. I’m sure her boobas are smeared with deodorant

>> No.54271087

Those aren't fake, anon.
You're really that much of a virigin?
You never seen a young lass with huge tits?
Fuck when I was in Jr High.
There was a quasi-asian bitch which had milk trucks on her chest. Literal G cup titties as a young teenage girl. God damn I miss that lass.

>> No.54272001
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>It is clean food
It's made in a truck on a city street.
You goat fuckers are right about some things but you need to get your head out of the sand. I think its the heat that makes you this way.

>> No.54273603
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that goyslop is actually gonna go down her gullet and pass through her body wrecking absolute havoc upon it, and that bitch is still gonna think and feel that shes ((beautiful)). the absolute state of women.

>> No.54273675

no, ethereum failed, it's going unironically to $400

>> No.54273889

wtf are they doing

>> No.54275644

some sort of knife dance

>> No.54275677

Whatever existential problems beautiful people have can’t be taken particularly seriously.

>> No.54276164

I FUcking swear that bithc getting ALL the attenion and 4 WHAT?? YEAH fat tits fat ass skills???? NONE no fuckin welding no fuckin cookin no useles usless CUNT that flaps arund yeah sure whatver bitch

>> No.54276197
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>> No.54276235

unfortunately her other tiktoks are boring.

>> No.54276239

the one with the brush has the cuter face but holy fuck look at the tits on the other one fuck

>> No.54276254

Try $0

>> No.54276554
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>> No.54276604

I remember the girl in the green pants being REALLY HOT .. I mean that's why that video went viral In the first place .. is this a butterfly effect? Because that girl is now super ugly, she looks worse than the girl with the spatula

>> No.54276622

no, you're just learning to see past tits

>> No.54277088
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I wish this girl took off instead of Serena. Would love to have a self-loathing coom to her instagram page

>> No.54277570
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a challenger has appeared.

>> No.54277653

just hang on to it for now. You can always earn eth rewards without having 32 of them by staking Ehive instead.

>> No.54277660

i swaer man if she was riding me and looks me deep in the soul with that same eye and smirk ill fcking jizz my nuts out

>> No.54277754
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Nevermind, I saw some more pictures of her

>> No.54277796

it's just like my japanese animes

>> No.54277856

I hate to point this out but that sky-high hairline and thin hair is a serious concern. Sorry bros

>> No.54277926

Literally goyslop.

>> No.54277931
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Kek sauce?

>> No.54278036

Here you go brother

>> No.54278084

I'm ugly and I thoroughly enjoy it

>> No.54278103

The girl with the spatula looks way better than the other girl in that video.

>> No.54278104
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Oof well that's a black pill right there if I ever saw one

>> No.54278131

I swear to god its the look she gives you at 00:30. She looks directly into your soul and just instantly nut. I want her so badly bros.

>> No.54278797

it feels great knowing that you are desired by many different types of people. normally the problem really attractive people have is too many options and not being able to find the right person to settle down with and fall in love with. its funny how the bless ones are the most cursed.
usually if you are goodlooking you remain that way throughout your entire life. eg a 45 year old chad has a higher SMV than a 20 year old acne ridden normie. these type of genes you get to be the main character usually.

>> No.54279165

Uhhhhh look again sirs

>> No.54279206


You’re ngtmi

>> No.54279756

These dumb fuck flat chest no ass pretty from the neck up bitches are 10s to you guys?
I wish I could have standards so low that 6s are 10s.

>> No.54280413

>A rocketpool node
Obv looking it up myself as well, but want to get the straight /biz/ rather than whatever bullshit is out there if possible.
It's it like a babbys first node type of thing, or nodes for retards thing? If so I'm kind of down for that.
Or if it's just a regular node with slashing but cheaper then ehhh...maybe if I get my grade 10 or somethin before my 25th birthday

>> No.54280426

It's literally the opposite of that in two ways:
One it could literally be Israeli food since it's similar(probably not, but possible).
Or two: it's Arabic(much more likely). Do they even get called that, or is there a special named reserved for the natural enemy of Israel?

>> No.54280428
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>> No.54280446

>It's made in a truck on a city street.
You adapt to your environment.
Meats, rice, salads, sometimes bread is pretty solid food.
In fact I want to order some now. Lets hope a place is open at this time.

>> No.54280453
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>ask me how I know she installed Arch.

>> No.54280778

Node operators run rocketpool nodes that are slightly different than normal Ethereum validator nodes. They only stake a part of the needed 32 ETH and the rest is collected from stakers who exchange their ETH to rETH. This ETH goes to the node runners' validators to reach the 32 ETH limit to be allowed to validate on Ethereum. The staking rewards are then distributed to rETH holders and node runners.
Node runners benefit from getting access to ETH they don't have to run a big boy 32 ETH validator and stakers (rETH holders) benefit from getting staking return on their tiny/small ETH bags with no effort by providing node runners the ETH they need.
This is very simplified and I left out many parts but that's the essence.
>babbys first node, nodes for retards
No. It's a bit more complex than regular staking but it needs less capital (~80% less) so it's more accessible.
>regular node with slashing but cheaper
Kind of. You pool the 32 ETH from many people and one node runner gets the responsibility to run the node. If the node operator gets slashed only he has to lose collateral and the stakers' funds are always safe.
Just go read the docs:

>> No.54280788

>80% less
more like 60-70% less but whatever.

>> No.54280927

I hate this bitch so much go outside you fucking losers

>> No.54281192

Good shit. Thanks.
Was planning on buying around 10 eth or so on any kind of decent dip and was probably going to just put it in wstETH or rETH and leave it. But this sounds like an interesting alternative to that.
Don't know much about the tokenomics for RPL yet, but just the fact that I'd have to buy some makes me think there's a decent chance it does well.

>> No.54281665

She seems nice.

inb4 surfaced video of her with 4 big black dongs inside of her

>> No.54283296

No you don’t