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54262057 No.54262057 [Reply] [Original]

>hoard gold and silver for the collapse
>store food, weapons, medicine
>collapse happens, finally going to get laid
>local chad convict comes by
>chud fires warning shots
>feels safe
>a week later the local chad who formed a gang and became a warlord shows up
>all armed with guns
>chud stays a virgin at best, while being robbed, or is lashes and hung onto a pike at worst


>> No.54262093
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>> No.54262108

>be glownigger
>spam le chud force meme all day

>> No.54262128
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>> No.54262136

>provision enough goods for the warlord to leave you alone

>> No.54262141
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>> No.54262167


>> No.54262189

>leave you alone if you “share”. Kek

Chuds think they will be le hecking lone wandered against freking n00b raiders and fuck them all up then finally have sex.

You know what currency will be social enforced for chud? His virgin asshole which will be raped in exchange for his life and possessions.
They’ll laugh at your gold.

>> No.54262334
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The West has fallen

>> No.54262497

Fucked up with the warning shot. There are no warnings when you step on my property after SHTF. If I don't know you, you're fertilizer.

>> No.54262541


>faggot thinks he wont get his virginity taken by local warlord no matter what he does.

>> No.54262557

>chud stays a virgin at best, while being robbed, or is lashes and hung onto a pike at worst
what did anon mean by this

>> No.54262586

Chads are pussies tho. They recoil at conflict and violence. Most Chads I meet are a bunch of prissy faggots who care more about their hair then their honor

>> No.54262600


Collapse here doesn’t mean a Mad Max scenario like in your Goylywood entertainment, faggot.

There was still private property and law in 1940s Taiwan, Weimar Germany, Argentina and Turkey right now, etc.

>> No.54262618
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Chad in that environment isnt some zoomer metro cleaning up on tinder you retard

>> No.54262687

OK and low iq prison fags are too dumb to be a threat. That's why they end up in jail

>> No.54262737

This is why you want to join a small group of preppers and work together. Also, learn2 shoot to kill.

>> No.54262791


Thanks man. Keep getting really serious explaining to me what apocalypse Chad is gonna be.

>> No.54262865

Anyone who's serious about prepping isn't prepping alone. Also
>warning shots

>> No.54262908
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>chad convict was in the Aryan Brotherhood
>become frend with chud
>chad and chud carry out an ethnic cleansing campaign together
>meanwhile op sucks dicks for food scraps
the end

>> No.54262927

Yeah probably best to shoot the first trespasser and display his body for others to see

>> No.54262994

changing the environment doesnt matter, if you are a loser you are a loser.

>> No.54263022

Biology begs to differ lol