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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54261107 No.54261107 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly don't trust the Banks anymore as more banks keep crashing, and I don't know where to save my money.
Could cryptocurrencies or stocks be an alternative?

>> No.54261148

>I honestly don't trust the Banks anymore as more banks keep crashing,

Your $50 is insured so if the banks fail you get your money, there's no need to make a fuss about it.

>> No.54261154

>what is bitcoin: the thread

>> No.54261176

Bitcoin is too energy dependent. It's a more sophisticated gold hoarding.

>> No.54261177

Btc, dumbass

The maxis were right

>> No.54261180

Buy a CD, how about bonds?

>> No.54261188

Eat your fiat. Once banks die, everything else follow!

>> No.54261201

Do you just want to store your cash or invest it to tackle inflation losses?

>> No.54261208

You're assuming the FDIC has enough to cover every collapsed bank, which it doesn't.

>> No.54261229

Nice toilet paper you got there OP

>> No.54261415

Gold is less energy dependent! Get lost from this board faggot. Bitcoin rules your generation whether you consent or not.

>> No.54261463

Real estate
T bills
Bitcoin is about to crash forever. This is the final exit liquidity. White house is about to ban it forever.

>> No.54261470

except gold, conveniently ignoring thousands of years of history as it being money

>> No.54261499

Banks always shielded from the federal reserve. No one sheds Bitcoin and yet it continues to soar. The world needs decentralization.

>> No.54261814

Just sold more because of your insecurity

>> No.54262217

If you’re concerned about a national banking crisis, your first concern should be stocking enough non-perishable food to last a few months for everyone in your household.

To preserve your wealth, gold is the safe bet. You’ll probably lose ~5% of the value of your cash immediately upon trading it for gold, but if the banks go under you’ve preserved and likely increased that value significantly. Silver is right behind it as a safe bet and silverchads swear the price of silver is so manipulated that the value of silver will skyrocket compared even to gold if shtf. The premium is closer to 8-10% though.

Then you’ve got cryptocurrency. I personally don’t own any, but it’s the only thing that I would consider putting my money into besides precious metals and basic necessities. I would suggest not buying it through an exchange so you actually own it and sticking to the well known coins unless you’re a degenerate gambler who wants to throw away his life savings on shitcoins.

>> No.54262229
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>> No.54262516

STFU dumbass. Crypto bank will soon begin to erupt. BTC and some Alts is the way forward.

>> No.54262692

Crypto Bank? How do one Achieve that?
If we can get one I believe cryptocurrencies is the mainstream future.

>> No.54262722

I've been using only cash from the $3k I keep since I lost my debit card last week and I feel like I'm losing money from all these goddamn coins I keep getting for change.

>> No.54262743

gold and silver can’t go to zero. cash is less likely to go to zero than banks or crypto, but only gold and silver are truly safe stores of value. they even survive a house fire. just gotta find the melted blob of metal in the ashes

>> No.54262970
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what are crypto ATMs and cash load partners? you might scoff at the fees now but as it gets more competitive we all will benefit.

>> No.54263919

What about project bridging decentralized finance and traditional institution together? Could they play any role?

>> No.54263930

Gold is for retards... Never gonna make you rich... Blockchain is the future. That's why traditional institutions are embracing DeFi through gateway projects ....

>> No.54263998

just secure the economy with LINK
and watch all the debted niggers collapse into the life conditions they actually are.
and the anti-debtors rise up as theyre the only truly productive members of the civilization.

if you have never been in debt.
you are not the problem.

every single homo ner you see stacked with debt has that because they stole from you.
feel no remorse when the time comes to cut throats and bbq these swine hunds.

>> No.54264029

BTC. Physical Gold. Physical Silver. In that order.

>> No.54264066

A role in what? The purpose is to eliminate banks.

>> No.54264075

Buy a steel box, put a weight inside and put a chain outside

>> No.54264153

You sold and bought your ticket to poverty anon. Plan to live in regret when BTC hit $100k, BNB to $1k, DOT to $100, NXRA to $10.

>> No.54264370

the thread is about saving money not getting rich you retarded nigger

>> No.54264430

I have seen the products of NXRA and I can say for sure it's a solid one. The Fundrs, the DeFi terminal and the Data Tunnel are all Solid products.

>> No.54264569

Btc will crash and then bounce back, stronger than ever, within six months. All the signs are there.

>> No.54265289

The Fundrs is the one launching FLUUS project on the 3rd of April for presales right?

>> No.54265306

you're right on this but I think they would literally just print more for them. We're in peak clown empire now

>> No.54265307

I opened a new bank account now I can’t get into my bofa to transfer funds. My assets are frozen.

>> No.54265520
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BTC and most coins have the benefit of being out of the current control of banks which is impressive in and of itself, but also have the benefit that hoarding them is better than hoarding USD.
>T. I have 20k on SHIB and KOY tokens alike and my bags are safe and growing
Plus, you can get the money out and into the next coin you want with ease and without any sort of bureaucratic problem

>> No.54265662

What about those with $250K on SVB, is it also insured?

>> No.54265702

Go all in crypto. Buy pancake coin. Sushi coin and dog bat. If you don't do this you're a fucking retard because Elon sez these are all going to TEN BILLION.

>> No.54265705

That's correct dumbass. I'm more interested in the Data Tunnel as it would ensure monetization of data.

>> No.54265715


Bitcoin is literally gold. All the smart meme people sed so. We have GROUP CONSENSUS on the INTERNET you dumb faggot. It's as simple as that.

>> No.54265746

Yes that's right. This is what we're talking about!

You stupid niggers don't get it. You're talking about interest rates and bonds and dumb shit.

We're gonna SECURE THE ECONOMY with link crypto. Dumb. It's as simple as that and you're dumb.

If you're not all in on crypto then you're dumb. You're entire thought should be buying crypto. Don't bother learning about the economy or stocks or anything. You don't need to know that shit to invest in crypto you dumb nigger! TOKENIZED BLOCKCHAIN.

>> No.54265828
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BTC is a good store of value but it won't give me the type of return that I'll get on alts.
Just when BTC did a few percentage move, NXRA gave me more

>> No.54265898

I wish real estate and other real world assets can be tokenized so that we can all easily invest in them

>> No.54265955

>government guarantees all bank deposits, of any type and any amount
>frees up unlimited liquidity just to keep you comfortable instead of taking a tiny sliver of risk
>you literally have zero risk

“Big Guv Get OUT, I’ll take my rooting’ tootin assault rifle 15 to my cabin full of beans and a shoebox of dirty cash, ain’t no BIG GUV dun gon TReAD ON MEeeeee”

Why are Chuds like this?

>> No.54266059

Because we can do what we want even if that means you get pissed off enough to post on the evil nazi site.
>but ur poltard i was here this site isnt urs
Shut the fuck up faggot
You drown with this ship. You can't brag that you browse here without getting sideways looks.

>> No.54266091

apparently they decided to cover all deposits over $250k in their entirety as well for SVB, despite the fact above 250k was not actually insured. its crazy how you can have enough money to leave over 250k in a bank(afaik uninvested) and not be smart enough to spread it across banks for guaranteed insurance coverage

>> No.54266114

I just cashed out my very meager 401k because I will never be able to let it mature/it will be gone if I make it to retirement, and my fin adv brother and dad both think it’s foolish while also stating how uneasy they are with the market/banks at this time. I think I made the right call going all in on rlc boys

>> No.54266224
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>Diversifying across banks! that's really funny because I thought y'all claim that banks are better off crypto, but now we see that they are not.
I would rather load my money on BTC and diversify into several alts like GLMR, NXRA, QNT, and many others where at least I should expect some amount of return.

>> No.54266285

if you have money, the best thing to buy is gold. crypto crash and burn, paper money keeps being inflated.

but gold will never fade away. you know that even if your $100 right now will give you a buying power of $70 in 5 years, your gold will be at least 50% more expensive

>> No.54266435

well you'd be lucky not to do that with your several accounts worth over 250k each in a similar situation to late 2021. you see a lot of threads of people getting up to a couple million and are now down to a few thousand. at such a high amount of money, you should be more concerned with wealth preservation than high risk high reward

>> No.54266486

How much do you have In the bank?

>> No.54266627

Well now I know for sure that wealth preservation isn't by keeping money in banks

>> No.54266639
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there's a simple solution, but you'd have to transition gradually or else it would destabilize the banking sector.

>> No.54266780


>> No.54267199

Stocks repacing banks? are you retarded? crypto is the only option here and don't even talk about exchanges

>> No.54267234

>Bitcoin is about to crash forever. This is the final exit liquidity. White house is about to ban it forever.
Let's see how they track me as I use ZKP based platforms to do my transactions.

>> No.54267254

DeFi is enough, not your keys, not your coins.

>> No.54267274

I was all in into crypto and my wallet got hacked, now I'm broke and have to start all over again

>> No.54267306

NXRA is bulling some strings and I don't know how they are doing it.

>> No.54267464

I wish all projects can integrate Allianceblock NexeraID into their system which will help prevent wallet hack

>> No.54267675

This is why you should use privacy powered wallets to transact.

>> No.54267950

MEXC optioned in for this already. Might be what every project will adopt IMO

>> No.54268164

Imagine credit suisse partnering with Allianceblock. What do you expect will happen when JPMorgan joins crypto big time...

>> No.54268179

Laughs in Bitcoin, surprised you are not aware.

>> No.54268252

Are you looking to speculate or store wealth? Different things for different purposes.

>> No.54268268

you seem to think anyone who has anything wants crypto. it is only accepted now because it can instantly be converted to fiat, which they do when you buy something using it. when fiat dies, crypto goes with it. you’re either a shill or a fucking retard if you preach that the future is crypto.

>> No.54268340

It's the data economy that will affect the whole DeFi space once it's live. About to revolutionize what data oracles have been flaunting before

>> No.54268377

Research and get enlightened desu.

>> No.54268623

How about making money from data?

>> No.54268650

God-damn it, you guys must enjoy being broke. Why buy bonds when you can buy crypto?

>> No.54268848

Handling Data has not been so easy. i hope this changes that to improve data management in web3

>> No.54268853

Two projects have integrated it into their system, and I believe that several others too will do the same because they all need it

>> No.54269003

I am seeing more Traditional finance integration since they face compliance issues more.

>> No.54269016
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How can I believe in a future for crypto? None of this seems safe. Stocks, crypto, fiat, etc. If you really understand anything about the power/financial structure then you realize that you come to a logical fork in the road where either the powers that be are retarded or evil. The system always puts you between a rock and a hard place where they can win or they can win. I just don't see anything useful except being self sufficient and having land and supplies with precious metals but I'd rather not be all doom and gloom. It's embarrassing to explain this position to normies even if it is true.

>Tldr: how can you guys have faith in crypto when it can just be shut down? And if you think they won't you're kidding yourself.

>> No.54269056

Yeah fucking right

>> No.54269133
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imagine that

>> No.54269203

Haha yeah!. Let's STABLE COIN TOKENIZE water. We are CLEARLY the superior investors and the most informed! We have GROUO CONSENSUS you dumb faggots.

Now let's go cuss out Warren buffet on Twitter and call him a moron!.

>> No.54269241

You must be oblivious to the fact that you can buy things with crypto, such a pity

>> No.54269306
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Die, commie

>> No.54269325

Haha well that's YOUR fault for not staking stable pancake inu.

You dumb fuck lol. You just don't get it. Oil is worthless!. We're not gonna need it next year when ELON directly hooks up the anal onions injections to our ass and we can merge onto the blockchain.


You're worried about food and water like a gay faggot! Hahaha ha.

Max kaiser says bitcoin is going to TEN TRILLION. THEREFORE IT IS FACT AND WILL HAPPEN.



>> No.54269336

Why are there crypto cards if we can't?

>> No.54269964

ISO20022 projects are some of the good ones to be focusing on

>> No.54269967

>it is only accepted now because it can instantly be converted to fiat, which they do when you buy something using it
you must be some street-shitting pajeet if you don’t understand the meaning of my statement. faggot

>> No.54270051

you don’t buy with crypto. your crypto is converted to fiat and you buy with that. how fucking financially illiterate are you people? fuck me, this has to be the lowest iq board on 4chan. /ck/ knows more about cooking than you faggots know about finance, and all they do is argue about what goyslop shop has the best hamburgers

>> No.54270123

crypto is a giant pump and dump scam. don't let these retards on here try to tell you otherwise

>> No.54270280

You all will ditch banks and look for Defi solutions soon. Need not worry about compliance. Polygon and AllianceBlock got us covered.

>> No.54270905

More like seeing governments allowing Defi? is this even possible?

>> No.54270941

Don't be a retard. Banks and their employees are community members and you can trust them like friends. They want the best for you and to provide excellent customer service. My GF signed up for a new account and now she walks around our apartment in a bathrobe drinking coffee and smiling/laughing all day. It's the best thing to happen to our relationship.

>> No.54271384

Buy btc and eth and self custody, you are welcome

>> No.54271425

DiDs are based.

>> No.54271487

OreID already integrated with Allianceblock

>> No.54271512

I think it will be since compliance is the main issue hindering defi participation.

>> No.54271562

I did not see this coming. Both are working on IDs so I think it is a good collaboration.

>> No.54271669

Crypto, gold, silver, and gemstones.

>> No.54272642

The most they can do is to force KYC on DeFi, and we can find our way around it with allianceblock TIDV which encrypts KYC data

>> No.54272932
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Banks are a scam. They aren't even fractional reserve anymore they are now required to hold 0% of your deposits. Instead of safeguarding your money you're basically feeding a gambling addict with cash to lose all of it instead.

>> No.54272945

They can't ban DeFi, and they have no choice than to embrace it

>> No.54272947

There are people still waiting on their FDIC checks from 2008 kek. Good lack with the FDIC you might get your money in 20 years.

>> No.54272967

Look at LRC their tagline is be your own bank. Defi is the future.

>> No.54273074

Most of the ISO20022 standard tokens dumped after its launch, only NXRA gained a little bit

>> No.54273154

Just diversify, there’s nothing completely risk free. Physical assets can be burned in a fire or stolen.

Real estate
Physical cash
Cash bank/bonds
Precious metals

Just buy everything and change allocation based on time horizon/risk tolerance. The best investment you can make is in yourself when you’re young. You need to income max

>> No.54273203

I keep my money in a fireproof safe in my closet, in the form of cash and various metals. I only keep enough money in the bank to pay bills with.

>> No.54273209

>and self custody,
Retards are now buying Self-custody?? Who is selling this to you because I am sure you are about to be scammed.

>> No.54273255

>if you don’t understand the meaning of my statement. faggot
It is not my fault that you are so retarded and unable to express yourself properly in words.

>> No.54273353

This. I would only add at least one decent gun and ammo if possible.

>> No.54273359

There seems to be a significant development as far as data management is concerned, quite intrigued by AllianceBlock Data Tunnel product.

>> No.54273495

You literally can't diversify in crypto because they're all tied together.
They go down together and go up together.
Just dump it all into BTC

>> No.54273642


Most of these are not liquid assets and that's where crypto comes into play and covers all of them.

There are projects focusing on RWA tokenisation and as long as you trust the project, that's the best way to go imo

I saw people talking about NXRA here and that's a good starting point