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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54258103 No.54258103 [Reply] [Original]

Reading this thread, >>54257137, has made me realize /biz/ is actually just a bunch of transient normalfags and failed normalfags. Even the OP is nothing more than a slave drone. I am taking it upon myself to leave permanently, but before I do are the actual human beings really meant to be alone and isolated? Is society really just a filter to ensure psychopathic and narcissistic persons are validated and those who can truly upend or modify the system ostracized?

>> No.54258122


>> No.54258125

When thinking further for a moment, were there many hypothetical leaders and real movement makers snuffed out because they were going to change the trajectory of humanity to a high state? Was their potential discovered and blocked because the villains of humanity were too selfish to let genuine geniuses help better the world and its default state of function which is psychopathy?

>> No.54258159

This is the kind of post I am talking about. A thread asking about the discord of psychopaths in society and its current state which is completely relative to all things financial and economic due to the people who make up those systems in th first place, immediately attempts to injure and attack solely because the question is asked, as though it’s an affront to his own existence. If you may, for a moment, imagine the question was asked in a more suitable, non pseud way, what would your answer be then? “Pseud” is the only thing that is going to come out of your pigeon hole, and other low minded variety like it.

>> No.54258171
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High charisma everytime. You could be dumber than rocks but still live a good life if you're beautiful and charismatic. Humans are social creatures after all. "Looks matter" is one of the blackest pills to swallow. If life was an rpg CHR would be one of the best stats.

>> No.54258191

Yes, this is why I included charisma because I have spoken with very beautiful people and they seemingly arrive to similar conclusions as the absolute most ugly incels, albeit you need to get them to be very vulnerable and in a manner where they feel like they aren’t jeopardizing anything. Further, they won’t address it in the crassness the ugly will either, but will still talk about the same ideas which is all that matters.

>> No.54258249

I have very high charisma people tell me but I don't think I do. I'm just passionate when I talk and mildly attractive. I just really believe in the things I talk about but if I'm wrong somehow I "tricked" them into believing me. I don't get it, I didn't ask them to believe me in the first place? Why is it that when you believe in something and explain it well others tend to follow?

Do humans have an innate gene to worship/follow people? I don't think I do most the time because I don't really trust anyone but myself.

>> No.54258257

You sound very unattractive. Everything in life has to be given to you, and its only given to attractive people. You can be physically or mentally attractive. You seem to be neither

>> No.54258262

I barely graduated high school and can only read at a 9th grade level, but I do well in sales. People say I’m a straight shooter and like to buy from me

>> No.54258311

Life success and even financial success out side of the wagie framework (entrepreneur, business, freelance, etc.) depends a lot more on EQ than IQ. You are better off being highly charismatic, relatable and persuasive than particularly intelligent or creative. Most people on this site have low EQ which is, well, why they're here.

This desu.

>> No.54258428

>are the actual human beings really meant to be alone and isolated?
Very few can live isolated.
>Is society really just a filter to ensure psychopathic and narcissistic persons are validated and those who can truly upend or modify the system ostracized?
There will always be winners and losers in any society. Those that benefit from the current status quo are corrupt because our western society is collapsing.

>> No.54258446

I think society reinforces whatever is biologically there, I’ve seen reference that humans have been slaves for our entire existence but that goes more into the conspiracy of “what ifs” more so than anything I would know.

>> No.54258463

>Is society really just a filter to ensure psychopathic and narcissistic persons are validated and those who can truly upend or modify the system ostracized?
It's easiest and most true to adopt a biblical interpretation of this. Christ was put to death by people he had infinite love for. (the fucking jews btw)

Whether you're a Christian or not, there is still serious truth in that story and I think many people experience something similar.

If they can exploit you, they will until you die.
If they can't, they'll be threatened by your abilities.

It's not really a question of psychopaths and narcissists. Everyone is the same. It just depends who's around them. I can substantiate this but I think you get the idea. I think most psychopaths have someone they value a lot, and could feel the pain of loss even after a lifetime of shallow affect and fucking people over.

I had a similar experience with imageboards a long time ago. It was my only social outlet and it started to disappoint me and let me down so I left. But the real world was kind of infinitely more disappointing so now I'm back here for a bit.
I've lived in nearly complete solitude for all my life. Not because I failed at anything, I was just raised this way and I didn't care for any friendships or girls or stuff like that. I was always in my own world. But as I got older I was more fascinated by people and how they worked and the nature of love so I started to study it a lot.

The real value of people is the ability to realize their value by appreciating them.. basically the ability to make yourself more valuable by giving them a genuine recognition of their value, which raises your own. It's mutual and beautiful, like growing a fruit tree that feeds you.

I don't know where I'm going with this lol. But it's genuine. Have a nice night anon and God bless.

>> No.54258467

It’s a very childish and pseud-ish question, op.

>> No.54258471

Well I appreciate your experience. Genuine people are a good thing in an non-genuine system.

>> No.54258494

This is a really good post and affirms some of my sentiments. I think it’s important to still recognize people as real and not proxies for themselves, so be assured I am not dehumanizing these people upon more gender reflection, just that I want to escape this very violent and selfish world that is layered over non-definition. If you ever wish to speak more on your thoughts I will listen.

>> No.54258539

Then respond in a meaningful answer, not with a shallowness that parallels me. If I may, naivety is better found in a child than an adult - why? What’s wrong about an individual separated from yourself who does you no wrong and will not influence your day to day in any way but by an optional thread you do not have to participate in. In order for conversation/discussion to ever be propelled further than the same low mindedness you find everywhere, you must be able to pursue dialogue that will at times come from inexperienced, pretentious, and or disgruntled thought, as it almost always deviates from the herd mentality of how to behave acceptably in the first place. I only ask you to contribute, not adopt the same contempt and smugness every normalfag holds when he ever finds someone else to be “wrong”.