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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5425628 No.5425628 [Reply] [Original]

Is anybody else here concerned with all of the recent mainstream media attention that crypto has been getting these past few months? I feel like we're on the verge or the cusp of the normie flood in. It's not even begun yet, but I fear that this year will see a massive influx of stupid money in crypto.

I'm worried that the beauty of crypto up to this point is wearing off.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, that the market itself is going to be destroyed by the normies, the (((banks))), and the media/government.

It was a fun ride while it lasted.

>> No.5425784

surely more money coming into the market increases the chances of you HODL's becoming worth something.

>> No.5426305

If you're American you're fucked. Have to pay taxes on profitable trades now. New tax bill effectively kills day trading.

>> No.5426377


I could care less what the government says. I'm cashing out in a foreign country to USD. They want to tax me they can kiss my ass. I'm not paying taxes on digital money.

>> No.5426401

i'll never understand these people who cry about normies

>> No.5426409

hope you don't mind going to jail

>> No.5426417

I can tell you this: when obvious conmen start scraping the bottom (mcafee literally organizing pump n dumps), it's winding down, yeah.

>> No.5426450
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It's best to assume this all the time and operate under that assumption.

>> No.5426723

>unstable emotional /pol/fags get scared away
>normies forget about it in a few weeks, or got scared from all the horror crash stories
>soft hands crash and burn out
The future never looked better

>> No.5426991

It. Hasn't. Even. Started.

>> No.5427215
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Ahahaha do you realize government still taxes you even overseas? do you know what FATCA is?? here in Panama our official currency is the USD and banks report to your taxing bureau every single penny you own.

>> No.5427508

You've had to pay taxes on profitable trades since 2014. Muh like-kind never applied to crypto. The new law clarifies that like-kind only applies to real estate. Regardless, you have to get your like-kind trades approved if you want to test this grey area. If you get audited, you'll spend more on a tax attorney and penalties than if you just paid your proper taxes. However, most people will probably fly under the radar until they cash out. Hopefully some crypto reform laws are in place by then.

>> No.5427547

When normies panicsell and give us 1 year of bearmarkets, thats when you can accumulate and make it big time in the next bubble cycle

>> No.5427672

Normans buy when it is a bull market. They are scared of a bear market and enough of them bought in at ATH to spread the fud.
This can turn into a desert quickly which will be good for the environment in the long term (only the strong will survive - those with good fundamentals).