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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54255493 No.54255493 [Reply] [Original]

How buck broken are American engineers? 15 fucking years, NO wage growth, 60k starting salary since 2008.

What the fuck happened?

>> No.54255513

Mass import of cheap labor.

>> No.54255521

women and shitskins

>> No.54255555

why did you make this thread again were the first 10 times not enough?

>> No.54255595

anyone who makes more than the average fast food wage should be thrown in a hard labor camp for labor theft.

>> No.54255644
File: 174 KB, 367x321, 075249EF-05CA-4301-BB95-CAAC3B5300B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2008 was 15 years ago

>> No.54255683

The FED actively discourages companies from paying a fair wage. You think its an accident you need two incomes to survive and have no time or means to start a family? This is just an ongoing campaign to beggar the middle class and soft genocide the people.

>> No.54256743

we got replaced with jeets
>t. jeet wrangler

>> No.54256793

Don't trust these job boards for actual salaries. All of these linked head hunters never approach my current salary.

Know what you are worth. lol.

>> No.54256871

It’s depressing, I make 280k TC and every head hunter is trying to get me to apply for some 120k/yr shit

>> No.54257026
File: 31 KB, 488x497, FB24F672-2483-4189-9DC1-766522C211DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the newfags not saying fpbp
>all the newfags who didn’t check that bases get

This board is dead, nuke it

>> No.54257029

Yep making 300 and I got bombarded on LinkedIn with 140k analyst jobs. They just spam the shit

>> No.54257316

What do yall do to clear that

>> No.54257352

imagine it in their head same way as they imagine they’re actually women. Why are you replying to larping retards and ignoring the best post in the thread, also checking his get?

>> No.54257368

Kek please tell me what the fuck you actually learned at college that should guarantee you even 60k/year. No really, do share, because everyone I meet who has graduated can barely do basic tasks like send emails, read documents, form meetings, let alone do the actual work required like apply the correct solutions to the specific problems they face. Maybe they can code, even then it’s extremely doubtful they can apply their niche coding to actual business problems.

Apply normie solutions and you get normie problems fucker.

>> No.54257401

Don't you guys ever get tired of mentally blaming everything on scapegoats, rather than accepting a series of complex answers

>> No.54257633

Leafs get $55k in leaf funny money for this position.
At least for Mechanical Engineer. And my sample size is just one. So it's not necessarily always true(probably not).
But $55k CAD means you will never be able to afford a house, and you live paycheque to paycheque in the GTA. Probably with roommates or maybe a studio apartment if you're lucky.
Add on costs of a car with insurance costing hundreds per month on top of it all and it gets grim with this inflation level.

>> No.54257651

Shutup faggot. You're just over complicating things cause you're a nigger loving simp.

>> No.54257660

This is $40k USD btw.
PLUS you have to pay tax on that.

>> No.54257680

Oh fuck

>> No.54257708
File: 214 KB, 412x382, CDF8FE71-28AB-49D9-8FCE-3F1FEE6374D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I make $75k in the US as a structural engineer and feel like I’m falling behind. It’s barely enough in most metro areas where most of the firms are located. Even in “low cost of living” states which don’t seem to exist anymore kek.

>> No.54257744

60k is a great starting pay, you should be happy to get that out of college zoomie

>> No.54257756

quints of truth
stop making these fucking threads, OP

>> No.54257787

260k TC here. We're not all larping, but I honest to God have no idea how I ended up here. Pure unadulterated luck, right skills, right place, right time. I'm curious how other anons pulled it off. Surely there's a method to the madness.


>> No.54257797


>> No.54257798

Checked and based

>> No.54257917

I make 50k doing trigonometry and clearing details on steel. Sure I'm engineer's CAD/BIM bitch, but I'm doing far less work than when I was a pure autocad technician for a smallass family firm unironically.