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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54252780 No.54252780 [Reply] [Original]

.50 bps guaranteed
Shiny earth rocks skyrocket
Hoeflation is tamed
Chuds make it

>> No.54252802
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>/biz/ - Business & Finance
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>File: 1678898348590632.png (84 KB, 640x764)
> /chud/ Chud General Anonymous (ID: fTrBWWP8) 03/22/23(Wed)07:02:37 No.54252780▶
>.50 bps guaranteed
>Shiny earth rocks skyrocket
>Hoeflation is tamed
>Chuds make it
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>> No.54252804

literally me

>> No.54253007

Chudchads assemble.
Thanks OP.
Literally me

>> No.54253031
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Hey chuds, the only thing happening in your life is dying alone

>> No.54253061

the west has fallen

>> No.54253142
File: 331 KB, 1206x2390, 22918AF7-AF22-4B6F-B55A-7218F104CE83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
