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5425232 No.5425232 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most you lost on trading, /biz/? Hardmode: No cryptocurrencies.

>> No.5425255
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i shorted the USD when trump won. Ill never forget that day

>> No.5425274

I didnt sell high in the 2013 bubble. could have made 200k and rebought at 150

Instead I held until 3 days ago

>> No.5425283

Etheremon :/

>> No.5425302

i made 300 bucks but then lost 1.4k when I was in school on cfd's. was about 1/3th of my total bank account lol. also was the last time i ever margin traded.

>> No.5425307

Why didn't you expect the market to bounce back?

>> No.5425312

100% about 10 years ago. Started crypto with the experience gathered during that failure and a fresh slate.

Forex on curreny pairs

>> No.5425314

i actually lost 90% of the wallet because kraken is a laggy piece of shit exchange, i builted back to 60% original wallet following this group, so far so good they seem solid and i seriously consider donating to them because i almost did an hero


>> No.5425350

>how to spot a pajeet

>> No.5425361

when 9/11 hit I lost 50% or about $10k in the matter of days.

>> No.5425372

Bought a piano, dormant genetic disease flared up and fucked my hands, sold at -75% years later. % wise it was the single worst investment in my life.

>> No.5425404
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i drank the liberal kool-aid. Thought the fucker would destroy everything

>> No.5425417

How much did you lose?

>> No.5425439

Realized loss that i sold for: about 250 bucks (stock)

Unrealized loss that i hodled through: around $4000 (also stock)

>> No.5425469

Stop your shit now and just buy BZC

>> No.5425505

lost 6k in one day cause i had a 5x leveraged short on bitcoin on the day of the august fork.

I was 100% sure i was gonna make a killing.

>> No.5425569

I traded stocks between 2000 and 2004. Made only gains.

Unfortunately I had to take the money out in summer 2004 because I lost my job. I was a Google fan since 1999 and hence would have put everything into Google. That would be a fortune today.

>> No.5425716

I got scammed hard a Runescape a couple times. I think one time for 10 million.

>> No.5425722
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my entire portfolio my richfag uncle set me up with, $0.5M. Though I also shilled hil crypto and he thinks Im a god due to the ROI, if only he knew Im retarded

>> No.5425822

you lost half a mil betting against trump? lol

You're an idiot anon, browsing 4chan if theres one thing you should have learned its that.

I bet all my bitcoin on trump winning the election and got a nice 600% return in one day, thanks to /pol/ for making me understand how wrong the polls were

>> No.5425855


Mfw I thought oil prices would go back up

>> No.5425856


You just flatout lost 500k?

>> No.5425869
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read the entire thread fagot. and stop calling me a retard, it was an expensive lesson, i learnt from it, Im a better person now
about 486k

>> No.5425895

> i learnt from it
Always bet on Trump. And don't say he can't or won't, because he can and will.

>> No.5425947

Lost few thousands on the stockmarket, only buy highrisk stuff

>> No.5425996

$5k in that stupid hole in the ground northern dynasty minerals gold mine. Don’t buy options boys and girls.

>> No.5426125

>investing in gold mines

what is this, the 19th century?

>> No.5426153

13k leverage trading.

>> No.5426155

I traded money and time to get pussy.
Never again.
Now I know time is the most valuable thing we got. I waste time only to make money and I use that money to enjoy my free time

>> No.5426173


>> No.5426184

Supposedly trumps epa was gonna green light this mine. His epa pick openly supported it. Was up 300% and put it alll into options because “fuck it we will have epa approval by November right?!?!?” Wrong. I thought I was gonna make a million. Lost every penny.

>> No.5426609

So what happened? It just got delayed or canceled altogether?

>> No.5426638

Never lost anything, I'm not desperate enough to panic sell, I just wait until the price recovers.

>> No.5427111

Got liquidated on the GBP/USD pair during the flash crash of October 2016. $5k down the drain

>> No.5427160

0.22BTC @ 6000$ each BTC

Then jumped to 10k, then 20k.

>> No.5427172

I don't trade chickens and pigs and shit so you've made hard mode too hard for me.

>> No.5427196

I bought for 2000$ iraqi dinar in september 2011.

Imagine how rich I would be today if I instead bought btc

>> No.5427351

Lost 1.5 btc on stellar long, right before btc went from 7k to 19k

Fuck stellar

>> No.5427406

A’s far as I know they’re still trying to get the mine green light. It’s Northern Dynasty Minerals. Pebble mine.

>> No.5427471
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>500k couldn't buy a bigger brain

>> No.5427788

I just checked the news. Permitting has started. Price could easily run to $50+ if the mine opens. It’s a long term hold and I tried the short term options play. I was expecting the price to spike massively when the permitting started. I bought thousands and thousands of options with a $4 strike(more than 2x the current price). Was expecting all the profits on ($20-$4)*25,000 shares.

>> No.5428145

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

>> No.5428593

2k on AMLH. Got meme'd by bishop

>> No.5428764

So many forex losers here and so few crypto losers. Says a lot

>> No.5428773

HOLD.. its is just a meme..