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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54250129 No.54250129 [Reply] [Original]

How much money does /biz/ spend on food?

>> No.54250198

My parents do that for me.

>> No.54250211

I cook for myself and I can get by with maybe $100-150/month.

>> No.54250415
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I wageslave in kitchen at least there's free meals 3x per day

>> No.54250500

If you add groceries, gas station snacks/beer, food delivery, and going out to restaurants… $1,000/month

>> No.54250562


>> No.54250590

210-300 /week

>> No.54250614
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where my costco bros at

>> No.54250761

it depends upon where I am and how many clients I take out to dinner. last month I was in Hong Kong for a week and a half and dropped around 30,000 hkd

>> No.54250783

I get food stamps lel

>> No.54250889
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The poverty on a business and finance board is laughable

I spend around $1500-$2000 per month on food because I prefer not eating shit.

>> No.54250926

what do you cook? i cook for myself too and i spend about 300-350 a month

>> No.54250963

>I prefer not eating shit.
>posts the shittiest looking faux-crab slop
Good one anon, care to share photos of your basketball court and Ferrari

>> No.54251053

300 for the whole month of groceries give or take some, with some added supplies for the house. I try to only eat out on weekends, if I do. And most of the times my gf just pays it for me.

>> No.54251115
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>faux crab

t. Seething poorfag

>> No.54251189

Like $500 a month

>> No.54251239

Jeez, probably like $200 a week. Inflation is no joke.

>> No.54251249

That is clearly real crab Anon…

>> No.54251269

Projected much? I see the dollar store had beef fat filets and cutting boards on clearance. There is no way in hell you spent any more than five dollars on a cut of meat that is easily 70 percent fat
>inb4 "but..but...it's waygu'

>> No.54251270

$0. I became a titanium elite awards member with Marriott, and breakfast is included when I pay with points

>> No.54251278

247,15€ / month

>> No.54251319

about $100 a week
>ground beef
>ground lamb
hit the sale nights and you can eat great for cheap

>> No.54251357

Imagine being this much of a hungry, jealous faggot. You must be European.

>> No.54251377

$400-500/mo groceries only no eating out. Meat, fruits, veggies mostly. I tend to spend more on delicacies like $10 pomegranate juice or $10 medjool dates. Shit adds up. I don’t even buy chips or snacks anymore. Just bought a 50 lb bag of rice and that costed $100 but should last me a good while.

>> No.54251387
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anon i am sorry but that beef looks suspect

>> No.54251436
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>> No.54251437
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About $487 on restaurants on average

>> No.54251438

>hungry, jealous faggot
The one who smelt it dealt it

>> No.54251501

I'm downloading that fuckin picture dude lmaooo

>> No.54251533

>50 lb bag of rice and that costed $100
>$2/lb for rice
you got ripped off friendo, next time visit an indian grocery store and you'll get high-quality rice for $0.8/lb or so

>> No.54251580

$100 a week

>> No.54251639

About 200 a month now. Thanks to figuring out meal prep and Costco. Get a deep freezer anons, you'll be comfy.

>> No.54251664

The other option would’ve been drive 40-60 minutes to the next big city and try to find a deal there. I don’t think it would’ve been any cheaper in terms of gas and time.

>> No.54251667

Getting red meat at that price is pretty impressive TBQH. Are you in a LCOL area?

>> No.54251751

I fucking hate this word, like what isnt goyslop? Its used to describe literally anything thats not steak and potatoes

>> No.54251772

>steak and potatoes
Now that's some good chudchow.

>> No.54251775

first day here?

>> No.54251782

I just checked the price of the jasmine rice I bought and yeah you’re right. Paid about a 20% markup shopping at my local Asian store. Unfortunately it’s the only one in my town.

>> No.54251812

Literally anything that isn't fast food, uses preservatives or seed oils. You know you can buy whole ingredients from the store and cook them yourself.

>> No.54251818

I just get free shit at food banks to save on food

>> No.54251869

Congrats you're eating bugs and brown water

>> No.54251918

Typically around $250-300 (CAD) per month, but that does include buying things in bulk when on sale so I'm always at a bit of a surplus.

>> No.54252065

400CAD a month thanks to Costco

>> No.54252343
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this is my being a fat pig last year. but my groceries are inflated since i bought shit like new AC at costco which i don't separate on my spreadsheets since i long since lost the receipt and use statement data.

>> No.54253323


>> No.54253348
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That looks like absolute shit

>> No.54253376

it's safe and effective

>> No.54253427

Waygu is a meme.

>> No.54253697
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costco isn't much cheaper at all here in australia, i feel like people only shop there for frozen goyslop; i basically just have my membership for cheap gas.
beef and pork are cheaper at coles, and even cheaper at aldi. chicken is the same price/kg at aldi. only meat i'll buy are the rotisserie chickens (which are great, and great value)

i spend about ~$150-200 australian a month.
>herbs, fruits and vegetables from the local markets every weekend
>meat from aldi, unless i need a specifc cut they don't sell (beef short rib, pork ribs, etc) which i buy from coles
>spices, chillies, sauces etc from asian grocer
>everything else from coles (oatmeal, peanut butter, etc)

>> No.54254890
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Tonight’s steak

>> No.54254916
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>> No.54254919

I spend between around 300 a month just for me, but that includes shit like the rib eye cap in the fridge. I basically never eat out and make every meal from scratch. I eat once a day, so it's not as involved as it sounds.

>> No.54254923

Aside from rent, food is my next biggest cost. I buy A2 milk, good orange juice, good quality grass fed meat (or bison), etc. etc. No packaged foods except for hagen daz ice cream basic flavors. I don't eat anything with seed oils anymore. I'd say it's around 400/month. Started eating like this around a year ago. Don't get acne anymore.

>> No.54254931

Probably $500/month for my wife and I

>> No.54255128

This is the way to go, especially if you can cook well. I am an excellent cook, and have thousands of dollars in nice cookware, knives, and appliances that I've acquired over the years. I legitimately have to spend hundreds of dollars at a restaurant to have something that I can't make at home just as well.

>> No.54255156

Let's see the inside faggot

>> No.54255199

Jesus it looks like the steak has a zombie virus

>> No.54255316
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I spend $250 ebt on
Various other stuff based on if it's winter, like cheese/eggs etc
Instant coffee + flavoring (you can mix the flavoring in with grits/rice/cornmeal/oatmeal for flavor country)
If I'm in town for supplies I try to get 2 big macs with the mcdonalds app. You really can't beat 70g of protein for $5
Thanks for reading my blog, I included pic since the mcdonalds reference will make you chuds seethe
>muh goyslop
Yeah man my body is financially ruined
>stop posting your abs dude
Start lifting tranny

>> No.54255454

I am Canadian so I spend ~$7k on food a year just to feed myself and I am frugal. Buy meat in bulk, eat lots of eggs and lots of rice and pasta. Don’t go out much and mostly drink water

>> No.54255481

I will eat literally anything until it hurts or kills me or I don’t wanna eat it

>> No.54255496
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Pic related

>> No.54255506

100,000 dollars in virtual food.

>> No.54255518

I just be stealing. I spend like 10 bucks a week on food while walking out with a lil backpack full of food and a full belly from the hot bar. My rent is zero from squatting. Try living niggerly while going to a 9-5 pretending to be a well adjusted human you'll come up hard and probably retire in 3-5 years if you don't go to jail.

>> No.54255543

Are you eating T-virus infectef meat or something?

Cook your food better

>> No.54255565
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Lol … only 1 beef

Verification not required.

>> No.54255570

$500 month on groceries. Me, the Wife, plus 2 cats. Not counting the times we eat out.

>> No.54255631
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>brand new everything
Fucking urbanites I swear

>> No.54256154
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a lot

>> No.54256207

$350 a month

>> No.54256553


>> No.54256659

not the anon but $100-150/month as a third worlder is good enough for me

>> No.54256907

Like 400-500 a month between groceries and eating out. Not even fat just bad at managing money

>> No.54257108
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living the dream

>> No.54257131

500-1000 dollars a month. 400 bucks of that is groceries. The other 100-600 is eating out.

>> No.54257179

>He posted body

>> No.54257765

Most Americans live out of cafeterias from public school to college or prison depending on ethnicity and then chipotle or Panera or something.

It's all goyslop. Look up ingredients of a pastry or a cracker out of Sweden or Qatar compared to the same thing here. The American ingredient list reads like a Dr. Brimmer's bottle and has 4x the sugar despite having no actual "sugar" in the ingredient list. And this can be anything, sausage, bread, pasta sauce.

>> No.54258880

That's not bad. I spend like the same. Recently tried to buy some groceries with crypto using a web3 payment gateway it was fast and plus I got a cashback of 1.5% anon I am happy desu.

>> No.54259247

I have all of my food delivered to me by those food delivery apps. So probably about $1500-$2000 a month

>> No.54260657

I scavenge so $0, wasting money on food is stupid.

>> No.54262058

I cook as a hobby, so sometimes more than I should. But usually I just buy rice from Costco, and whatever meat I feel in the mood for then meal prep for the week.

This week I'm having sockeye salmon, with rice and spinach. It really isn't that hard to cook good meals for yourself, it just requires patience and discipline.