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54246088 No.54246088 [Reply] [Original]

I've got the idea from /g/'s /sqt/ and /fit/'s QTDDTOT. Everyone is welcome to post their bizness related questions here. Please keep them well writen and argumented if you list different possible outcomes. Fresh and funny trolling is welcome, but try not to make this the focus of the thread.

Some rules:
1. No blatant shilling of any coins,tokens,stocks,precious metals, whatever
2. Before posting consider whether your question can be answered with a 4 words google search and clicking the first result. If this is the case don't post it
3. Keep insults to a minimum unless someone is systematically breaking the rules
4. Trolling is allowed but keep it fresh and funny and not make that the focus of the thread

Here is my question if anyone wants to answer:

If any anon knows some publicly traded companies which have high exposure to physical security and surveilance please share some tickers. I think we can see lots of chaos in the upcoming months and security companies will be profitable.
OP is faggot and breaking his own rules, just google wtf

I want opinions from anons who have traded security companies before, not some AI article.

>> No.54246334
File: 165 KB, 885x890, DD4A43E3-2299-46F6-8CF9-82AAA20466B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i have sex

>> No.54246426
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put peepee into female vagin

>> No.54246427

How are there projects releasing on arbitrum? I thought it wasn’t out yet? I’d like to buy some to participate in the arb shitcoin casino but idk how
Just get a gf fren

>> No.54246520

I will give this thread a bump because qtddtot comes in handy

>> No.54247377

I never research arbitrum myself I only head about it on /biz/ and today I got some news it will be listed on binance. So not sure about the coins in their network
thanks fellow /fit/izen I hope big gains bestow you

>> No.54247416

I don't have any question, but it's nice to see something different from the usual bobo and mums spam or the retarded /pol/ take on current events. Good job anon!

>> No.54247450

Is this a troll general? I usually have most of the generals blocked, this one somehow got through my filters. Anyway, Arbitrum is live for almost 2 years. It's using ETH for gas and they didn't have a token until now. Now they are releasing the token ($ARB) which will be used for governance, while the gas will continue to be paid in ETH.

>> No.54247456

You need to get ETH into a self custody wallet like metamask then bridge it to arbitrum

>> No.54247480

Most CEXs allow withdrawals directly to Arbitrum now as well

>> No.54247499

Here's a dumb question. I know that the FED controls the interest rates, but what that actually means? When JPow raises rates, is that the interest rate for all new bonds sold by the FED? What else if affected by FED's interest rate?

>> No.54247509

can someone give me the rundown on debtmaxxing?

>> No.54247579

what are the best indicators for bitcoin and where do i find them? till now i have been going on just "number go up" but there has to be a better way.

>> No.54248013

banks themselves need to borrow money all of the time, whether from the federal reserve, or from other banks. the central bank (FED) will change the "discount rate", plainly known as the interest rate, making it more or less expensive for the banks to borrow, thus increasing or decreasing the interest rates they charge in return.

>> No.54248542

not a troll I decided to start this because I think it might be helpful and fun. Here is a link to the 1st thread where there is a bit of a pre-story plus the template:
What I understand is that with higher rates the big shots have better incentive to put their cash into government bonds, so they do that and lock the money for 10 or 30 years. That way they fight inflation because its an instrument to lure money back to the issuer. I saw some anon post this video a while back and I think it could make things clear although it is not entirely about the rates:

>> No.54248851
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Actually >>54248013 was a lot closer. I subsequently googled it and asked the chatbot about it. After being obviously wrong about it for a few messages, I managed to figure it out.

The thing is: the FED does not determine the bond interest rates. They determine their interest rates which banks use for lending/borrowing. When the FED rates are higher, the investors can get better returns from the banks, so the bonds yields have to rise to match that. Since the bonds have fixed coupons (interest rates), the only way for a bond to have increased yield is to buy it for less, so when yields rise, the bond values fall.

However, I can't find the data anywere on how much the value of the bond actually falls. Let's say there is a 1.5% 10Y bond for $1000. If the yield rises to 4%, what will be the new price for that bond?

>> No.54249144

This is my math on the question:
1.5% of 1000 = 15
4% of 1000 = 40
so after 10Y one bond value is 1015 the other 1040 from here
40-15 = 25
so now when the rates are 4$ the 1.5% bond will be 1000-25 = 975, so -2.5% drop

However you will have to consider the maturity of the bond i.e if you have bought the 1.5% 5 years ago it only has 5 years to mature, not 10. This can also be calculated but I am too high to think about it now

>> No.54249230

answering to this anon btw I forgot to put the #

>> No.54249250

What's the best way to monitor land prices in my area

>> No.54249567

I'm an ideas guy that finally found a couple of good ideas of things to sell (some relatively complex mech/chem engineering stuff that I'm not specialized on at all (I'm a college dropout, didn't even finish 3rd semester lel, currently working as a pentester), but I guess could work in some parts of my country, easily).
what the fuck am I supposed to do now? is it really as easy as people say, that I should shill the idea to rich people? if so, what comes next? how the f do I hire competent people and do the rest of the stuff a big ass engineering company has to do?

>> No.54249756

>Let's say there is a 1.5% 10Y bond for $1000. If the yield rises to 4%, what will be the new price for that bond?
the new price of that bond will be dictated by the secondary bond market. new bonds issued at 4% are more attractive, so those holding bonds under par value might sell them at a discount if their money is better spent elsewhere.

>> No.54249870

i don't believer the maturity matters. the bond holder will still receive the face value of the bond and whatever coupon payments are owed to him until it matures.

>> No.54249970

well if the maturity doesn't matter why would I want to sell 1.5% bond @ 975 if it has 1Y to maturity and I will get 1015?

>> No.54249972

>i don't believer the maturity matters
How much would you be willing to pay for a $1000 bond with a coupon of 2% that:
- matures in a year, which means you get $20 coupon and $1000 face value in a year
- matures in 8 years, which means you get $20 per year for 8 years, but your money is locked for 8 years.

There is no way you would be willing to pay the same.

>> No.54250054

What does scalping mean

>> No.54250359

>matures in a year, which means you get $20 coupon and $1000 face value in a year
that's 2% ROI
>matures in 8 years, which means you get $20 per year for 8 years, but your money is locked for 8 years.
that's also 2% ROI. Also, your money isn't locked if you can sell the bond.
>well if the maturity doesn't matter why would I want to sell 1.5% bond @ 975 if it has 1Y to maturity and I will get 1015?
I believe you'll be getting $990. You might want to sell at a low enough discount to attract an investor. If you have to sell at such a steep discount, then there's higher yield bonds available, and you might want to secure a better investment.

>> No.54250406
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>Take as many loans /credit cards as possible,
>spend all your money (i hope on crypto) and never pay back

if you want to raise a family,be a wagie or owning a home..Then don't do it because it will put a "bad goy" sign on your forehead and Mr sheckelstein/banks won't let you participate in society because your goyscore (Maybe in America...because in Europe and Latam is different)
the people that debtmaxx always makes sure to not own anything (deeds or cars) before so the bank don't take anything from them..

If you do, just pass your stuff to your parents or brother etc....

>> No.54250446

how to make money?

>> No.54250464

sorry anon but that does not compute
>Also, your money isn't locked if you can sell the bond.
Then someone else will be in a situation where their money is locked for 8 years. They will want a better ROI in that case. Which means, you will have to sell the bond lower. Which means, your money *is* locked for 8 years *unless* you're willing to eat a loss by getting rid of the bond.
Same as SVB

>> No.54250480

>well if the maturity doesn't matter why would I want to sell 1.5% bond @ 975 if it has 1Y to maturity and I will get 1015?
oh nevermind, i see what you were saying. excuse me.

>> No.54250557
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why hasnt btc pulled back yet?
would it be dump to dump my boomer etfs for bitcoin? the upside seems better

>> No.54250719

>good ideas of things to sell
meant to say, good things to actually implement

>is it really as easy as people say
meant to say "as SIMPLE as people say"

>> No.54250812

what am i missing? 2% ROI is 2% ROI. Whether it matures in 1 year or 20 years. maturity doesn't necessarily affect the bond's resale price, rather other available bonds in the market.
>hey will want a better ROI in that case. Which means, you will have to sell the bond lower. Which means, your money *is* locked for 8 years *unless* you're willing to eat a loss by getting rid of the bond.
yea, i suppose you're locking in your money, unless newer have lower yields.

>> No.54250952

>rather other available bonds in the market.
Exactly right. I have a $1000 8y 2% bond. You want to buy a bond. Someone else comes in and says: I have a 2y 2% bond.
You are going to choose his bond instead of mine, since its maturity is sooner and you will get the full face value.
If I want to make my bond competitive, I have to sell my bond for less. Which means that maturity does affect the resale price, precisely because there are other bonds on the market with lower maturity.

>> No.54251346
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I see. i didn't think there was a higher demand for shorter term bonds with all else equal.

>> No.54251487

Bee urself. Tell yourself your entire life story and see if it’s true or if those things that you dread in your past are worth the pain.
They have a bunch of levers to try and tame the markets based on what “should” happen.
Small trades, drinking beer foam
provide value to another human
things will always happen that you will not anticipate. Our brain hasn’t evolved much but everything around us has.

I don’t have a question but I’m thankful to have learned what I learned here. Thanks op you’re still a faggot tho.

>> No.54254039

is a coin with a high liquidity pool and low mc good? even if the coin is low volume? i'm not looking for insane casino style gains i'm just looking for a 'safe' bet.