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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54241925 No.54241925 [Reply] [Original]

When did this dude become so cringe? Before going to jail, he lived up to his name, but now the dude lives in some run down apartment coping and writing shitty Python code.

Seriously wtf went wrong?

>in b4 dude shkreli is so based dude

>> No.54241948

he was always a faggot

>> No.54241963

Reminder that we have hit the paradigm switch and the current coming of age adults:

-Dont know who he is
-Dont know why he's hated
-Once they read about who he is, won't care
-Wont understand what's so important about the various topics around him
-Are programmed to have forgotten this by now

>> No.54242308

Your perception of whats cool changed. You matured, unlike many on this board.

>> No.54242336

I'm 29 and have no idea who this man is.

>> No.54242585

I mean... He got humbled pretty hard.

>> No.54244437

What happened to this man? I remember when he wanted to acquire 4chan.

>> No.54244458

He's literally a criminal, moron.

>> No.54244466

hes a jew who overcharged people for prescriptions so they threw him in a minimal security prison so they didn't dig deeper into big pharma faggots.
tldr he's a jewish shill.

>> No.54244487

>Before going to jail, he lived up to his name
Martin does sound like what a spineless internet troll would be named.

>> No.54244489

He's worse than jewish, he's albanian

>> No.54244494

The matrix destroyed him. Greedy and intelligent but not the part of the narrative.

>> No.54244522

He was cringe the moment he stepped out, so sometime while in the pen. His simps tried so hard to hype him and his attempted shitcoins, but failed as faggots tend to

>> No.54244557

I'd dickride him if he gave me 10k but the reality I don't think that nigger has 10k left to his name.

>> No.54244749
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approximately ten years ago when r/wallstreetbets and /biz/ were young, there was this guy Martin Shkreli who somehow became the CEO of a pharmaceutical company at 30 years old and his strategy was to increase the price of all its medicine by 10x to make more money at the expense of sick people who were forced to pay whatever price Martin Shkreli set for their life-saving medicine.

A lot of people on /biz/ and WSB thought he was cool because he was a 30-year-old CEO who was willing to do horrible things to get rich. He started livestreaming and sharing his financial and business knowledge, which made him more popular.

However, even though Shkreli was just doing the exact same thing that every other pharmaceutical company does, he was bragging about it instead of doing it quietly, so the US government decided to make an example out of him. They brought him in front of Congress for a hearing and he was a smug asshole to them. That made them even more mad so they made up some bullshit and put him in jail for 5 years or so.

Now he's out of jail and he still livestreams for anyone who wants to learn more about finance, business, etc.

>> No.54244967
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>> No.54245041

>10x to make more money at the expense of sick people who were forced to pay whatever price Martin Shkreli set for their life-saving medicine.
He pretty much gave the meds for free for uninsured people but those with insurance were charged x50. So he just fucked big companies instead of the common folk, but they had to do something with him so (((they))) reached out to the (((media))) and made a devil of him

>> No.54245078

>pretty much
No he didn't stop promoting jews he isn't a "cool guy"
he's a spastic nigger who can't have a conversation without interrupting people and not making sense.

>> No.54245082
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So 4chan hates (((them))) but even they fallen to the psyop and everyone is still portraying him over the (((media story)))

Thats a hard lesson for you bizraelis. You can never win with them

>> No.54245112

>No he didn't stop promoting jews he isn't a "cool guy"
I think he just fucked with the wrong clique because of his ego kek

>> No.54245155

he is notorious for making EpiPen's prohibitively expensive.
he went to jail though because he ran a hedgefund, which, in the short term performed poorly, and he took money from his epipen investments to prop up his underperforming hedgefund.
now the thing is, misappropriating money from one company to another is illegal.
However, although he was essentially operating as a ponzi scheme for a little bit, he fixed it by investing better and no one bared any losses.
but he spiked epipen prices to support his failing hedgefund.

>> No.54245184

I thought he was really smart because he was using fancy words and told other how stupid they are

>> No.54245215

I'm interpreting the dot wants me to interpret what significant event happened in 1948 that is tangentially related to Martin's career and profiteering. What could it be?

>> No.54246833

Overcharged because insurance would cover most of the cost, and if I recall there were low cost options for people in poverty. His main “crime” was not giving a fuck about public opinion and basically telling all his critics to fuck off. He could have explained everything away in a calm way that made sense, but that wasn’t his style. This was all back when liberals hated the pharmaceutical industry btw, not in current year where they love the pharmaceutical industry.

>> No.54246881

This is more or less it. The onus was on the insurance companies to cover most of the cost due to their policies and he knew this. It wasn’t some effort to fuck over the the little guy so much as it was the pharmaceutical jew. Doesn’t make him a saint because he was eventually brought in on something semi related to penny stock manipulation or some shit.

>> No.54247085

Literally this

>> No.54247111

Fuck off Martin how did Tyrone's cock taste?

>> No.54247149

He paid investors out of his own pocket telling them the company and returns are fine. He also made a tweet about stealing hillary clintons hair which a judge considered to be a threat so that added fuel to the fire so they jailed him. Wonder how many feds are on here spreading misinformation because he gives out financial information for free.

>> No.54247197

He's an autist but without the runaway success like Elon Musk had. Thus low IQ people hate him.

>> No.54247249
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>What went wrong?
Time in the pen changes a man

>> No.54247290

Plot twist -> He always was a faggot

>> No.54247295


>Before going to jail, he lived up to his name

cocaine decisions

>> No.54247319

He exposed congress and the pharmaceutical industry as complete frauds making money off of the backs of impoverished Americans. That's the only reason he was behind bars.

>> No.54247354

This is the dumbest shit ive read yet. he had and has absolutely nothing to do with epi pens.

Get out of here fed

>> No.54247380

Shalom, how many baby cocks did you have in your mouth today, Levy?

>> No.54247415

Sorry OP you got psyopped

>> No.54247471
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bro he got his asshole pounded by unwashed nigger dick for several years
just look at him if you dont think he was someones bitch on the inside then youre fucking delusional

>> No.54247491
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I dunno faggot what color is your bugatti?
Fucking personality niggers I swear
No he made money off screwing people with life or death allergies when he could have been based and stayed out of prison, helped the poor and been a man of honor and integrity
Instead he's a weasel who scams and grifts and got caught and hires armies of fuckbois like yourself to defend him.
I should make a new hustlers university and make people pay a one time fee of $5k
The tip and trick to life?
Kill yourself because you got duped into following a grifter, take it as a lesson

>> No.54248416

>made money off screwing people with life or death allergies
Thanks big pharma rep!

The truth is is this nigga is /ournigga/. He didn't screw over people with "life and death" allergies, he found a loophole and FUCKED OVER big pharma. If you couldn't afford the drug, you could apply to GET IT FREE.

Do you naïve, dumb fuckers really think they would have gone after him for screwing over "average people?" Fuck no. He gauged big pharma at their own sleazy game and they hit back, pushing the "average people" narrative... without mentioning that "average people" could apply to get it free.

Don't worry, I though he was bad too when I was a NPC.

>> No.54248451
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Oops forgot pick. Martin is a danger to our democracy.

>> No.54248823

>He pretty much gave the meds for free for uninsured people but those with insurance were charged x50. So he just fucked big companies instead of the common folk, but they had to do something with him so (((they))) reached out to the (((media))) and made a devil of him
This is the truth.
Also, back when he was arrested for joking about Hillary being involved in killing people (Clinton murders) the democratic party as a whole and Hill's faction in particular were looking for an easy win after getting btfo by Trump.

Btw his financials class is excellent.

>> No.54249346
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>Seriously wtf went wrong?

for some reason youtube decided to start feeding me "shkreli pill" videos. i find his perspective refreshing and interesting. where does he stream? is that his official youtube channel?

>> No.54249400

>but now the dude lives in some run down apartment coping and writing shitty Python code.

He was doing this before jail retard

>> No.54249435

he is the good guy.
our guy.
NPC's jailed becuase they want "free" money and things, which means the get nothing

So something was found somewhere to get him caramelised.

>> No.54249462

who care if it was at the expense of sick people.
It wasn't.

It was a way to ass rape the government.

>> No.54249582

>NPC's jailed becuase they want "free" money and things, which means the get nothing

NPCs didn't jail him. They just went along with the tyrants making him a political prisoner. The tyrants jailed him because he had the audacity to insult them to their face, and made pharma jews look bad.

>> No.54249653

I don't like what Shkrelli did, but I don't think what happened to him was fair either. He did what every broker on Wallstreet was doing, and he did what ever pharma exec was doing. It's just that he worked his way up from having parents who were janitors so his Senator daddy or whatever couldn't protect him from getting prosecuted for what everybody else was doing.

>> No.54249659

before jail I made 35k profits after tax with his research on biotech stocks.
Thank you Martin!

>> No.54249867

He proved the pharma business is scummy as fuck by increasing medicine prices by a ton to make a point and then giving a 99% discount. Kikes were threatened by this so conspired to send him to the can by saying that he was "overcharging" for the stuff.

>> No.54250010

you're a fucking retarded nigger monkey.

>> No.54250011
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BBC made him right. He doesnt act up for attention anymore. Hes fully submissive now

>> No.54250351

I think jews had something to do with it, or was he just as evil as they say? I remember he raised the price of some cancer medicine or something sky high. If he's the evil, i wouldn't mind he getting a torture chamber.

>> No.54250452

No, i think he raised the price so high for a drug that had been selling much much less, it's unhuman. If i raise a price of a burger 100x, that's okay, no one have to buy it, but if it's a drug of a life saving, you see the point?

>> No.54250907


>> No.54250968

>Expose the medical industry for the fucking assholes they are
>Get sent to actual jail for real for years.
>Get out and go, "Man, fuck that. I just want to chill."
I'd do the same.
After prison I'm sure sitting in a quiet room and reading after eating not slop would be the high life.
Desu I think he got a pretty good deal in life.
Got to be a memester, a rich memester, a prisoner of the system, and now just a guy.
One of God's favorites.

>> No.54251022

both are just products

>> No.54251719

long story short he tried to out jew jews and got jewed

>> No.54251927

This. He had livestreams going for a long time where he asked anyone that knew anyone that couldn't pay for the drug to personally call him live on air and every time someone called they never actually knew anyone that couldn't afford it, they were just jumping on the hate train because they didn't get that the government footed the bill.

>> No.54251991

It's also worth nothing that the drug was fucking shit and literally kills people, and that it needs a replacement, and keeping the price low just so insurance companies can save a few dollars (who pay the cost) would just be perpetuating this shitty drug even more. I also think that less than 1000 people even used it.

>> No.54252041

The hospital/pharmacy buys it and insurance pays for it. Really they're fighting over who gets what slice of the pie of the pool of insurance money. Shkreli just failed to explain that adequately.

>> No.54252432

>what went wrong
uhhhh going to prison??

>> No.54253137

You might as well suck his dick while you're at it faggot.

>> No.54253220

>have passion for investing
>now banned from doing it ever again
>wasted 6+ years of your prime life in prison when you could have just enjoyed your time as a millionaire

>> No.54253686
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hahah. tribe too