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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54240039 No.54240039 [Reply] [Original]

Next meeting he might hike still to keep appearances up, but the cost will be more banks going under. The more this happens, the higher and higher the likelihood of the pivot before the 2% target is reached (fucking fantasy land bullshit).
Why do dumbasses not understand more rate hikes = squeezes banks?

>> No.54240055

why can’t you understand that a pivot can only lead to the death of the dollar through hyperinflation

>> No.54240065

When did I say otherwise, dumb nigger? Point is the pivot will trigger a massive bullrun and THEN after that we'd see armageddon/Great Depression.
It's already too late. They can't fix shit. That's not being a doomer. That's me having a brain.

>> No.54240078

this is akin to believing you can jump a moment before a falling elevator smashes into the ground

>> No.54240088

Back to R*ddit you massive faggot

>> No.54240093

Rescuing banks vs. lowering inflation
They can't have both

>> No.54240104

You don't know shit about assets, huh? Why the FUCK do you even think bitcoin pumped when banks started failing? "Mub randomness"? The main reason is because it signals that the FED can't keep this up hence a pivot around the corner. People will lose even more faith in the dollar and run to assets. Clockwork. Shit is so fucking obvious. Idk why you normies struggle so much to grasp this.

>> No.54240117

Shut up, stupid nigger. What they said here was true regardless of your panties getting twisted
Pretty much

>> No.54240131
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Before: he'll pivot when the economy falters
Now: if enough banks collapse he'll pivot.
The pivot gang misjudged shit a little.

>> No.54240153

>buys bitcoin
>thinks he’s not the normie
kek every time

>> No.54240161
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>normie trying to play the ol switcharoo

>> No.54240166

Why are we pretending the pivot hasn't happened yet? BTFP is just YCC with a new name and a bit of fuckery so it's not too obvious. The fed HAS already started the money printers again (4.4 trillion USD in one go) and all of this fake discussion is just to obfuscate the fact that the western monetary system is going down the drain and the rats are leaving the ship right now.

>> No.54240176

There is no difference between those situations. You misjudged just a little.

>> No.54240186

Just shut up you retard

>> No.54240188

"We" were waiting for something to break. That something happens to be banks. But sure, nigger. Let's pretend that's a nothing burger LMAO. Nocoiners missed the bottom. Deal with it.

>> No.54240205

boomers at work use apps that give them daily satoshis. imagine thinking this shit will be the future of finance

>> No.54240217

>Look adoption! This means it won't be the future
The absolute state of jeet brownoid dogs

>> No.54240220

You're an idiot for trying to play the contrarian for anything that enters the mainstream. You're more of a normie than you realize, kek

>> No.54240238

jeets love crypto. they create most of it. that is the company you keep
fuck off back to r*ddit fatty

>> No.54240257
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There will be no pivot. The Fed will raise rates, AND bail out banks. They are going to be doing a back door QE and call it something else.

>> No.54240258

>you absolutely destroyed me therefore.. THEREFORE REDDIT REDDIT REDDIT

>> No.54240260

>boomers at work use apps that give them daily satoshis
Didn't all that shit shut down years ago? When was the last time you were at work?

>> No.54240266

telltale sign of a low IQ

>> No.54240284

>back door QE
is called BTFP and already going on. see >>54240166

>> No.54240303

The fed could dump a few trillion into the global markets and the dollar could easily stay stable or normalise.
Hyperinflation isnt a possibility for the dollar when there's such a strong global demand for it. Fucking Pakistan is struggling to feed itself because it can't find enough dollars on the market. JPY is down 20%, Turkish lira has runaway inflation, euro and gbp is down. Know why? Because they're converting their currencies into dollars hand over fist, in a desperate attempt to raise funds to operate.

>> No.54240310
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>> No.54240333

>tfw no quonset hut
>No face edition

>> No.54240353
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I think this is the play. Circle is now in BNY Mellon, a GISB. USDC is now too big to fail and the Fed is going to make the USD the de facto global currency. XRP fits in here somewhere. Now, I need to go find my meds.

>> No.54240354

>it's YCC
Well YC looks anything but C for now so whatever they're doing it's not working

>> No.54240371

looks like I upset the trannies
the dollar is dead. if you don’t know that already, you will lose everything when it all goes tits-up. when you do, you will look back and say “no one could have predicted this” the same as the jabbies do today. your predictions for the future are based entirely on what you want to happen and have no actual basis in reality. I’m not here to change your mind. I just want you to feel even worse later when you think back to this thread, because unlike me, you will remember this thread in the coming future. we live in exciting times.

>> No.54240380

just get off the elevator by buying eth/bitcoin

>> No.54240387

>trannies reddit fatties
Meds. This is /biz/ sir, use arguments or go back

>> No.54240391


This anon is correct, while we're struggling the rest of the world that depends on us is struggling and on the brink of blowing up. People think we're going back to 1980's level of inflation which is just not happening.

>soft landing v hard landing

even though yoy inflation is low (4%) it looks like if anything we're angling towards 'no landing' and this is just the new normal.

>> No.54240427

You clearly have no idea how banks are getting squeezed rn and think we're in a stalemate. Unironically NGMI

>> No.54240435

>jeets love crypto. they create most of it. that is the company you keep

of course they do. it costs them nothing and can be marketed for nothing to wealthy people in the US and Europe with no legal consequences.

>> No.54240437

sneed and dilate faggot
the world is very rapidly moving away from dollars. you would know this if you got your news from anywhere but tv or r*ddit, but you don’t. enjoy your jewish propaganda goyim.

>> No.54240445

It can't work because it's just a fake word used instead of excessive money printing.

>> No.54240453

>This anon is correct, while we're struggling the rest of the world that depends on us is struggling and on the brink of blowing up

the world does not depend on you, you depend on the world. the USA is a consumer not a producer.

>> No.54240467

>Fucking Pakistan is struggling to feed itself because it can't find enough dollars on the market.

it's struggling to feed itself because of energy shortages

>> No.54240469

>usa produces dollars
>you can’t just go ahead and survive without dollars
>how will you buy your goyslop and netflix subscriptions

>> No.54240470

>the world is very rapidly moving away from dollars
>Muh BRICS...

You're living in a dying empire but don't kid yourself if you think a eurasian economic sphere is any serious contender. The Saud talks involving the yuan is just a bunch of zerohedge doomer alarmism.

>> No.54240472

No, the US dollar is not stabilized by other currencies. It's more like the bronze age collapse where everyone goes down and maybe there's a survivor here and there.

>> No.54240491

so in other words you will be financially ruined if the world moved away from the dollar so rather than prepare for the eventuality you choose to believe it cannot happen. nice

>> No.54240510

>don't kid yourself if you think a eurasian economic sphere is any serious contender

China produces 10 times as much steel as the USA. It produces 30 times as much concrete. 41 times as much aluminium.

China has 40,000 kilometres of high speed rail. The USA has 0 kilometres.

In the real world China's economy is multiple times larger than America's.

>> No.54240543

>n-no u

>> No.54240556

>buying bitcoin makes me special
I wholeheartedly agree

>> No.54240566

If you wanna get off the USD enjoy getting Gaddafi'd

Enjoy waiting a lifetime for your imaginary revenge scenario thats really just eurasian despotism.

>In the real world China's economy is multiple times larger than America's.

Feel free to pickup everything, learn mandarin/cantonese and live there then - I'm sure it'll be great

>> No.54240608

Let me guess. You're a retarded gold bug?

>> No.54240636

did you forget how far the american leadership has fallen in recent years? they have a body double pretending to be president after a stolen election with an endless parade of women, faggots, niggers, and trannies in leadership roles. the army can’t get a strong white male to enlist to save their lives. most people hope for a national divorce, and an alarming number hope for an all-out civil war. america has changed and you have to be willfully ignorant to not see that. I don’t hold some fantasy about some other country taking over. I hope that the type of men who built america into the greatest nation the world has ever known regain control. they never needed the american dollar to be both worthless and the dominant global currency to be powerful leaders.

>> No.54240824

> enjoy getting Gaddafi'd
actually supporting my point. The west as a whole is going down with the US maybe with a survivor here or there.

>> No.54240972

>pivot is just like heckin weimar germany bro. It’s OVER

Kys poltard

>> No.54241023

day of the rope soon kike

>> No.54242982

I'm only here for the tedshed