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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54236149 No.54236149 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here.

I just turned 30 and I usually have about $2,000 a month left over after all of my expenses.

I'm sitting on $67k right now. I did ok with BTC and ETH but when the bulls were running I didn't have as much to invest. What's the best bet for 2023

>> No.54236206

Icy piss. Dyor

>> No.54236219

WAIT until we CRASH. aka AFTER the Fed PIVOTS

>> No.54236324

listen to this guy and have a happier life anon..
ur a newfag so really I'm going to advise you to go seek financial advice somewhere else. trust me. most of the guys who "made it" on this board ended up getting round-tripped from 1m+ down to 100k lol. just go figure some shit out on your own.

>> No.54236385

That would be such a turn off body without the 8.5/10 face


>> No.54236392

What's the make it amount?

>> No.54236414


>> No.54236632

Everyone else off of this board just tells me to put it into an index fund and / or some stocks.

That's why I'm asking because the conventional methods all seem to be on thin ice along with the entire economy.

>> No.54236963

this is AI generated!

>> No.54236977

buy as many Avalanche tokens (ticker AVAX) as you can.
also dont listen to this guy >>54236206
icp is a known scam.

>> No.54237038

why isn't avax another scam

>> No.54237055

Avax is good because its IC3, but the emissions are not good. ICP is better long term because tokens will be burnt though computation.

You could do 50/50.

>> No.54237063

I am entitled to snu snu

>> No.54237094
File: 1.36 MB, 896x1344, BD7702ED-9F0E-4666-8F05-D2FE9C19DFAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its permissionless
>anyone can build on it or use it
>best staking mechanism in crypto
>uses a new consensus protocol which gives us sub second finality (no more waiting for confirmations)
>made by IC3 gigabrains, ETH and Link also came out of IC3
>IC3 funded by JPM, Fidelity and the NSF
>partnered with Amazon, Alibaba, Tencent, GREE, KKR, Deloitte, Mastercard and many more
>solved the Blockchain trilemma
>solved Subnet to Subnet communication through Avalanche Warp Messaging
>Subnets are fully customizable and can run any Virtual Machine not just the EVM
>token is hardcapped and deflationary
>no MEV
now go do your own research. this is the next 1000x.

some comfy videos to watch:
>Quick rundown how Avalanche works:
>Long Autismal Version:
>comfy Emin and Sergey/AVAX and LINK friendship video

godspeed my niggers

>> No.54237106

Most AVAX is staked or delegated to validators, more AVAX gets locked up every day. It also gets locked up in all kinds of DeFi.
Many Subnets will keep AVAX as their fee token.
basically token emissions are a nothingburger here.

>> No.54237143
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>> No.54237843
File: 65 KB, 381x400, hello and welcome to cryptosrus im george were all george lets see whats happening in the markets today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin. anything under $40k isn't bad, long term

>> No.54237899

you need to load up on some silver and gold right now, man. Food too. Lots of rice and beans that you can store a while. At least a years worth. Spend at least 8k on this before you throw anything into crypto

>> No.54237942

Buy Hex

>> No.54237967

>it’s permission-less
Runs on aws
>anyone can build on it
But no one is
>uses a new consensus model it’s really fast guys
Runs on permissionless aws servers
Made by a third party team like eos
Marketed by a third world retard assistant professor scum sucking weasel.

You. Are. A. Terrible. Shill. Don’t bother shitty out a response nigger

>> No.54237972

Its not a nothing burger. ICP is superior all things considered.

>> No.54238010
File: 173 KB, 1155x1200, ACFE1E73-F628-424C-80C1-16F1B461BBCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Runs on aws
you can run Avalanchego wherever you want. Even on your own computer in your basement.
>But no one is
everyone that matters is building on it or about to.
>Runs on permissionless aws servers
again, you can run it anywhere you want.
Hardware requirements for Avalanche Validators are low.
>a third world retard assistant professor
Emin Gün Sirer is next to Ari Juels the top Professor in this entire industry.

>Don’t bother shitty out a response nigger
too late, I already debunked all of your FUD. better luck next time.

ICP doesnt have 100% uptime, cant scale, is NOT permissionless (you cant run a validator yourself) and there is no DeFi, no Smart Contracts and about zero TVL. nobody is seriously working with it and its clear after all these years that the internet computer is not going anywhere.
also the ICP shitcoin is not needed and has never seen a Pump.

>> No.54238023

Buy my $FRC bags

>> No.54238450

Fed can't pivot

>> No.54238835

Wouldn't even hesitate to slurp in at this price
>buy as many Avalanche tokens
My sure bet as well, thou it hasn't offered so much stability so far.
Sylo could be another good players, kinda stable and gives incredibly yield on Huobi.

>> No.54239025

buy arb at 10 usd it is going to 100

>> No.54239027

Proven scam

>> No.54239043

Buy 50% ETH and 30% ONE (Harmony) and 20% Gala or Mana

>> No.54239049

All in LINK, it hasn't run yet

>> No.54239057

OHM bro

>> No.54239065


>> No.54239104

>Gala or Mana
Adding Ride to that mix won't hurt your bag, it's concept is unique, bridging VR to automobile, I bought it at the dip, gonna watch it go up.

>> No.54239191

>Everyone else off of this board just tells me to put it into an index fund and / or some stocks.

Because they are normie wage cucks. Do you want to be like 'everyone else'? If you are fine with like $500 at the end of the year then buy index funds. If you are young and don't have a family/mortgage etc I'd advise you to go all in and try to make it. If you fail you will have plenty of time till death to live like an average adult and scrape together pennies.

>> No.54239624

This made itself a meme.
She is beautiful but the way the photo caught her molars is really uncanny.
>Wood berrry, etc

>> No.54239824

Buy arbitrum memecoIns NOW. A million jeets are about to have thousands of dollars each on thursday where do you think that money will go?

>> No.54239853
File: 155 KB, 1080x1349, 1958688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep half as bitcoin
claim haircomb with the other half
dont fuck will alt trash

>> No.54239870 [DELETED] 

> posting an ugly gypsy

>> No.54241746

Buy RAIL before the bull market or die poor.

>> No.54241858

Any coin that is not privacy or AI is literal shit atm.

>> No.54241889




>> No.54242136
File: 7 KB, 250x236, 1655209610428s-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put them in real estate and use the remaining to fund your CryptMi card for shopping. Save your life first!

>> No.54242209

avax and icp were funded by the same vcs

>> No.54242252

>partnered with..
Into the trash it goes

>> No.54242576

I won't shill you SHIT, cope faggot, you don't deserve it kek, my pond and icp are too glorious for you

>> No.54242718

Why should we crash if the fed pivots? Doesn't make any sense

>> No.54242738

This. You can afford 5k ICP.
Up to you if you actually want to make it. Btc will turn a sick profit of ~100k, but icp might turn a million+ profit.

>> No.54242803

>I won't shill you shit
>Proceeds to shill

>> No.54243141

you literally just did

>> No.54243227

He's just being a retard throwing words he doesn't even understand

>> No.54243233
File: 12 KB, 217x232, 1649583468524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking idiotic fatfuck I swear to CHRIST I'm gonna murder you

>> No.54243236

checkd n kek'd

>> No.54243313

holy fuck that ugly face

>> No.54243493

Bitch looks like a jojo character

>> No.54243787
File: 3 KB, 180x250, 1677602301403251s (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep half as bitcoin
This is good advice. I swear I’ll do it.
And probably send it to the sylo wallet or Trustwallet, and wait for a good few years before selling.

>> No.54244573

ICP and AVAX are the only "make it" coins left on /biz/ and theyre both wildly fudded and mocked.

>> No.54244638

Buy ORE and retire

>> No.54244703

I'd just stick to DiDs.

>> No.54244754

Self-custody is gold.

>> No.54244771

Put it all in a treasury money market fund like VUSXX or SNSXX for now. That will yield ~4.5%. Then move it into stocks when the Fed pivots since that's a clear bottom signal. Any S&P500 fund will do: VFIAX, SWPPX, etc. You could do a leveraged fund like TQQQ if you don't mind a little risk.

>> No.54244776

Bagged this on MEXC. wagmi

>> No.54244849

because they broke something

>> No.54244923
File: 2.90 MB, 498x272, negger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she look like Schwarzenegger?

>> No.54244975

what are you talking about?
it's a man body with a man face

>> No.54245176


>> No.54245876

>WAIT until we CRASH. aka AFTER the Fed PIVOTS
What do u mean pivots :P

>> No.54245932

Gold and silver

>> No.54246032

we are obviously in a volatile and high risk environment. no one is going to give you a good answer. debt maxers look like they are winning. Regretfully. I have essentially no debt and I feel like a fool.

>> No.54246045

what about TIPS?

>> No.54246143

>Everyone else off of this board just tells me to put it into an index fund and / or some stocks.
Diversify. Put half into ETFs, and DCA half into BTC and maybe a few alts over the next half a year.

>> No.54246163

>named 'black nigger'
>is white

>> No.54246347

Don't fucking ask /biz/.

I was thinking about doing the same, and I'm accumulating cash in the meantime, but if the Fed finds itself bailing out the entire financial system again this may not be as clear-cut of a strategy.