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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54229507 No.54229507 [Reply] [Original]

What are the biggest financial gains goblins people you know fall for?

>> No.54229534

rn its used cars

>> No.54229550

goyslop, literally any food that is not cooked by your own hands

>> No.54229570

About 10% of my paycheck goes to weed which sucks but picrel is dumb. I'd spend more in 1 night out when I used to go out drinking.

>> No.54229586
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Fast food = scam
Dining in restaurant = scam
Delivery = giga scam

>> No.54229595

marriage + kids
>inb4 someone w/ ball and chain tries to convince me of the prisoner's dilemma

>> No.54229597

At this point would it even be worth it to buy used? Hondas and Toyotas getting close to new prices

>> No.54229692
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>About 10% of my paycheck goes to weed which sucks but picrel is dumb. I'd spend more in 1 night out when I used to go out drinking.

>> No.54229752

there are legitimately no societal upsides to allowing gig delivery apps
>destroy working conditions and security for wagies
>destroy disposable income of retards dumb enough to buy it
>destroy health of retards dumb enough to eat too much of it
>disgusting crap that's spent half an hour cooling in some immigrant's car before you get it
a sensible society would ban this shit on sight and imprison the people profiteering off it

>> No.54229762


>> No.54229836

I heard that like half the food on that shit comes from "ghost kitchens" where it's literally some warehouse of cooks making goyslop and sending it right out thru gig delivery nigs with no actual restaurant. Crazy shit.

>> No.54229876

It'll be shit like "Greg's Breakfast Bowls" but what you're really ordering from is the Denny's kitchen

>> No.54229914

Yeah, I saw some IG post about it and was actually blown away. Who the fuck would even staff these except immigrants and/or excons and druggies?

>> No.54229946
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>> No.54229959

WRONG - unless it is actually GROWN by your own hands then it is what you zoomers call "goyslop"

>> No.54229992
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why live?

I think the Jews have psyop'd you out of the meaning of life.

It's okay, they got me too. I just got a girl an abortion. I have a big sense of looming regret.

When you are near death, nothing will make you happier than seeing generations of your offspring full of life.

>> No.54230007

Restaurants. Rideshares. New cars. Subscriptions. If braindead millenials and zoomers stopped spending on just these categories, they could invest enough to retire comfortably. Instead, they will spend $1.5k a month on take out and delivery, and work until 85, and die with only debt.

>> No.54230015

You’re arbitraging marketing, it’s genius. People who only care what the food looks like will buy a $20 grand slam from “Cheese explosion plus” and rave about it, but will bash on it when they go to Denny's. Fuck man make a restaurant selling McDonald’s at 100% markup and list yourself on DoorDash, see how much business you get.

>> No.54230033


I have to buy dinner, booze, dinner or else she'll have the ick and talk about me on twitter

>> No.54230048

Yeah people don't even keep track of how many subscriptions the are subbed to

>> No.54230077

Credit card

>> No.54230185

Also, though it's not a specific spending category, I'll additionally add, "mass online buying as a replacement for having meaning in life." In the modern world of the ultra individualized, and ultra isolated, family, romance, community, even friends, are absent. Despite this, people still work and still live. They thus fill the void by buying "the next thing." Each purpose triggers a pleasure rush. The hapiness comes not even so much from the goods themselves, as much the buying and hoarding of the goods. As such, in order to keep the happiness train going, there must always be some new purchase on the horizon or package in the mail. If the buying stops, then the emptiness sets in, with the realization your whole life is nothing but purchasing and wage slaving.

>> No.54230532

I used to be a dudeweed and picrel is proper accurate. As for other money sinks for goys it seems like just about everything... paying for customer service of any kind, goyslop, going to malls, alcohol, taking out a loan of any kind, "credit" cards, barista coffee, buying cafe food like scones and paninis for $10 a pop, movie theatres past the age of 20, social media, public school

Youre an idiot. The price gap between new and used cars is still huge. Did your rich parents not buy you a brand new car or something?

>> No.54230727

>Did your rich parents not buy you a brand new car or something?
they seriously keep offering to since I do all of their investing for them, but I've made all my own money so I always decline.

and its funny cuz anybody who knows about money can tell you're poor just by the upper half of your post lol. learn how to use loans you impoverished nigger.

>> No.54230792

this, its alcoholics trying to cope.

>> No.54230875

>paying for customer service of any kind
>taking out a loan of any kind, "credit" cards

>> No.54230898

>why live?
uh... because there's more to life than the satisfaction of my apebrain and reproduction?
>meaning of life
Propagating the species, sure I guess that's meaningful in its own right. But it's not worth the tradeoff, to my mind - the >50% likelihood of getting financially, mentally and emotionally destroyed and being a slave to an agent of the demiurge for the rest of your days. Bad risk/reward 'gnome sayin? Coming from someone who's marriage collapsed into oblivion 2 years ago.
>When you are near death
I'm surprised to say I'm glad to be alive as it is. And I'm proud of who I am. I've had many near death experiences in the past, some intentional, and in some way related to being betrayed by "the one I love", whoever that was at the time. It's happened so many times at this point, that I'm completely numb to the concept of love. The jews didn't have to psyop me away from women - women did that just fine themselves.

"Love" seems to me more a jewish, hollywood-esque conspiracy than refusing to propagate the species. "Love" has been turned into a weapon of the state, and I'm done pulling the trigger on that gun that's been pointed right at my head. I no longer wish for self destruction. I don't need to procreate to feel or experience love.

>> No.54230904

services with no customer service use that as an excuse to deliver a shitty service by saving costs on their side

>> No.54231034
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>weed (I'm not even opposed to weed because it helps in /fit/ gains in moderation. But dude, delta-9 vape is 30 bucks and that lasts me three months.
>the industrial medical complex (unless you're getting it for free, those happy pills ain't cheap)
>Fast food
>Dinning out
>Subscription services
>Paying for vidya
>Paying for animus
>clothes that are fashionable
>latest toys and normie gimmick shit

You also have things that don't cost immediate money, but add up in gas/time and other hidden expenses.

I you want to be truly based. Train your body to live on it's caloric minimum. Find and eat cheap quality protein and carb foods (they exists). Maybe get some cheap whey isolate and have all your hobbies be beneficial to yourself. Lifting, cycling, learning to repair your car, hunting, etc. Don't learn a skill or hobby based on a friendship. Actually, the sooner you get that out of your mind, the better chance you have at making it. In this world, there are no 'friends'. It's just you against the world. If you are extremely lucky, you may find someone you can stand to be around for more than an hour at a time. This is the sacrifice, the trade off for WAGMI. It is truly lonely at the top, no one will understand you're sacrifice or mentality, and even when you are at the bottom, people will be jealous of you because you have what they don't. The dedication and mentality to succeed.

>> No.54231270

the guy two guys that seem happiest to me is this rich guy with tons of kids, 1 loving wife, now he's getting very rich.

other guy has kids with several different women and refuses to re-marry because system is so broken and rapes you so hard.

Second one has a strategy to "live poor" and have hard income to trace where government can't touch it. He never mentions love. Just creating life.

>"Love" seems to me more a jewish, hollywood-esque conspiracy

Pretty much agree with this, but holding out hope I can pull it off. I think church girl from conservative part of the country, or something to this effect is the only way. All the women around me seem like ticking time bombs. That or move to country with more traditional values to find wife. I have roots in Czechia, so maybe there.

>> No.54231317

Also I've had at least 2 girls willing to have my kids without marrying them so far.
I am 23 so that route seems promising if nothing else.
Child support probably isn't that bad, and I like motivation to stop being a lazy faggot and make more moeny.

>> No.54231367
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checked, worse is when they invite their friends, i hate women its unreal
thread, America made it impossible not to use these. now apple pay has buy now pay later. its all just a scam

>> No.54231395

why not do neither?

>> No.54231402

>taking out a loan of any kind
Are you a midwit who thinks buying a house in cash is saving money?

>> No.54231457

You can always spot weed heads with fried brains because they'll bring up alcohol. In their mind everyone needs to be abusing a substance and they can't imagine people not spending money on either. They imagine it's one or the other

>> No.54231858

paying for a personal army is a subscription service and a good one

>> No.54232355

It is ridiculous that a 2020 Toyota is going for the price of a new 2023 Toyota. Now that does not count the dealer markup or the package upgrades but still, a 3 year old car should not be anywhere close to a new car.

>> No.54232382

Shit like Spotify and Netflix.

>> No.54232519

Happy endings while high on edibles. That feeling when an Asian milf pulls your cock behind you and sucks it while rubbing your balls... Yeah I already made it

>> No.54232593

>2020 Camry LE $21,590

>2023 Camry LE $21,550

Once again the deal is going to do their marks ups and other bullshit... But still, that is at worst they are going to raise the price by $1500 on a baseline model. I don't understand how the used car market is maintaining these prices.

>> No.54232726

Its almost as if you shouldn't spend 10% of your paycheck on either. Fucking retard addict

>> No.54232782

Jesus, that's sickening

>> No.54232822

I have one cartridge that I'm not even halfway through after a month that costs $15. I actively made $2k today. Just be responsible and productive and you can do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.54232834

OP changed his filename on Feb 28 because he was caught spamming so badly
This thread has been made now over 1650 times in 150 days.

>> No.54232841

Dont do this to me man, im on no porn and nofap

>> No.54232964
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>> No.54232989

Protip: you can post whatever dumb infographic you want but alcohol is an extremely basic substance (just a form of fermentation) that humans have been ingesting for thousands of years. This means our bodies have efficient ways of processing it in moderate quantities (it gets upregulated above all other energy sources, for instance).

We have NOT been consuming weed on a societal basis for long at all, especially at the THC levels of modern marijuana. The body has not evolved efficient detoxing methods for this chemical, which is why you need to wait for much longer to pass a drug test if you smoke versus drinking. There is absolutely no way that weed is "safer" than alcohol assuming equivalent levels of dosage.

>> No.54233008
File: 156 KB, 515x802, morecontainmentspam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next CME containment thread, same op nigger spammer.
Caught you faggot how am I not surprised you're a god damn containment board nigger.

>> No.54233116
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Thanks Schizo Anon

>> No.54233150

Fuck off spammer samefaggot.
Every single reply ITT is the same fucking nigger.
These are why their containment threads hit 300 replies when nobody is posting it's just these stupid fat niggerspammers who just load bots onto this site until it crashes.

>> No.54233208

>Every single reply ITT is the same fucking nigger.

>> No.54233279

I'm not sure if this is the case everywhere, but I live in NYC and the amount people spend on clothes is shocking. Especially in the 21-30 y/o downtown/north brooklyn scene. People who barely bring in more than minimum wage are spending 20% of their income on arcteryx and other fashion-victim brands. And just being around it, I found myself developing an interest in trends and increasing my spending. Have been actively trying to reduce such purchases lately and deleting instagram has helped a lot. Didn't realize how much that app was influencing my online shopping habits

>> No.54233316

Lol, lmao even

>> No.54233365

you're worse than them. Alcoholics don't try and tell me liquor cures cancer

>> No.54233450

I'm a weed farmer. I'm high every day while spending only a dozen bucks in farming tools and fertilizer every year. 6 plants per year. If you are gonna be a dedicated stoner you should at least make the smart financial choice that is growing your own weed

>> No.54233478

I only spend like 1/3 of my salary and that's accounting for eating out on weekends and traveling every now and then
Guess it's because i don't do much of anything besides those 2 things, just eating pasta with cheap canned tuna and eggs every day, skipping dinner, not buying clothes or shoes because what i get for birthday/christmas is enough, no gf, work from home so no car or transportation costs, don't drink, smoke or do any drugs, hang out with friends maybe once or twice a month, etc

>> No.54233508

>liquor cures cancer
It does if you make the correct herbal infusion it can obliterate cancer. Also you can even made cannabis liquor, the best of both worlds

>> No.54233594

You are spending money on buying internet access, which is like abusing a virtual substance of your spend more than 4 hours online, in fact your electronic drug has done far more damage than cannabis ever did

>> No.54233658

>You are spending money on buying internet access, which is like abusing a virtual substance
I work from home it's my livelihood and stipend by my company. What at terrible false equivalence. Why are wood bros so retarded