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54227319 No.54227319 [Reply] [Original]

Would admitting 5 million immigrants per year bring prices down faster?

>> No.54227348

If you don't import 13% of your population annually, you're a racist bigot.

>> No.54227356

Third worlders are better off staying in their countries than moving to the West now.

>> No.54227376

Keeps prices up because the poo jeets buy up all the real estate. Even if they have min wage jobs, they live 10 people in one house and combine their income. they are literally waging economic warfare on us and it’s all sponsored by the Jewish elite in government

>> No.54227388

Why doesn't Canada help their immigrant population with that inflation problem?
If that was in Europe we would help our immigrants however we could

>> No.54227390

Is this the strategy?

>> No.54227421

The west is going to become the 3rd world, just a question of when the balance hits 0

>> No.54227423

Canada bro here. I'm so tired of all these newcomer Indians man... it is actually fucking insane how many there are now. I need to move the USA asap. Somewhere white like the mid west

>> No.54227431

Effort should be to improve the lives of people in their own country and increasing birth rates in those with low ones.

>> No.54227442

If you pump enough niggers into your country, everything becomes free

>> No.54227455

Did they rub shit on a canadian flag wtf is that

>> No.54227465
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>> No.54227500

This is the place that Reddit insists is a flawless utopia

>> No.54227509

Just watch the huge fuck ton of reverse migration of these sub-humans back to the stone age when the crash happens and theres no free money for them and the ethnic population turns on them and they realise they were had.

Just watch.

>> No.54227521

this place is hell.
I'm a 0.1%er and I don't even look at prices when i am in Canada but fuck me it is depressing now. Straight up communism.

>> No.54227541

they will leave, many already are. There's some crazy stats about the number of people who leave in their first 24 months in country.

>> No.54227555

That's actully impossible because of the industrious country folk.
Cities will be 3rd world for sure.
But like 30% of the houses on my street have gardens and chickens.
In the 3rd world they eat the chickens.

>> No.54227585

why should i feel bad for immigrants that feel entitled to live in toronto when regular citizens cant even afford to live there?

>> No.54227607

Why am I not at all surprised by all the north american racism ITT?
go back to pol losers

>> No.54227611

Rural areas are 90% Boomers with one foot in the grave.

>> No.54227646

post hand deepak

>> No.54227660

people are polite when they have money and are not stressed.
They will turn into fucking monsters after they skip a few meals.
If you believe you may be one of the people who will be targeted by anger surrounding immigration/racism, you should anticipate the economic trouble that is coming and think about how many more people will show their true colours.

>> No.54227695
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>> No.54227752

Racism isn't a thing. People are rightfully criticizing other groups you stupid faggot.

>> No.54227754

Maybe 25-30% max retard.
And their children will inherit their land and equipment anyway because rural boomers are fucktards They all have net assets and long ago paid off their homes.
City folk are pathetic, scum and deserve whatever happens.

>> No.54227763

Literally lmfao

>> No.54227771

Taking a dump is going to be extremely uncomfortable lad.

>> No.54227782
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Actually westernes will have a better time in 3rd world nations than in the west

Once my Net Worth hits $500k in savings I'm fucking out of the country as soon as I can and converting dollars into whatever local currency I need

I'm not getting my net worth drained in popsicle stick houses and (((Taxes)))

>> No.54227785

Already is mate. Takes me 7 hours just to take a shit.

>> No.54227894

This. Very very few people on this planet are racist

>> No.54228166

The only solution is TID (Total Indian Death)

>> No.54228174

>local currency will maintain value as well as a dollar
People have been saying since the 70s and very few third world nations have even managed to not lose 50% of their value against the USD since then.

>> No.54228406

From what I've seen as people get older they tend to move from rural to urban areas to make their lives easier

>> No.54228532
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Past performance is not an indication of future performance

>> No.54228679

I bet you say Y'all you hick ;)

>> No.54228934

>Allah Ackbar i go to West, get 100k BMW ack ack ack habibi
>Arrives to west
>What i only get 1.3k dollaroos a month as a burger flipper ALLAH HABIBI!
>Even my rent is 1k a month

>> No.54228966

it will bring the salaries down because these guys are willing to work for way less than your average european lad

and the employers love that shit : they pay less for even more work hours and less benefit

immigration is slavery 2.0

>> No.54228991

The migrants get free gibs, why would they care about inflation?

>> No.54229006

Can I get those stats?

>> No.54229029
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She should've gone on benefits and started raping children. Our stupid government loves that.

>> No.54229039

5 million is not nearly enough, you need to bring that in every month at the very least. Canada NEEDS more color.

>> No.54229047

>Canada bro here. I'm so tired of all these newcomer Indians man... it is actually fucking insane how many there are now. I need to move the USA asap. Somewhere white like the mid west
We are being actively genocided by our own government, fleeing here will not save you

>> No.54229113

In Canada if you aren’t advocating volunteering in some way to help refugees, you’re suspected to be a racist. It’s that bad

>> No.54229197

I can only hope.

>> No.54229289

>Many people from India or China move here with degrees
>Govt says they won't recognize their degree and the only job they can get is for $15/hr

The Leaf govt is basically just importing a slave class to keep the economy afloat and fill low paying jobs. I think Australia is doing the same

>> No.54229319

It's okay, they'll be 'gently encouraged' into Canadian health care and the problem will solve itself :^)

>> No.54229375

>they live 10 people in one house and combine their income. they are literally waging economic warfare on us
Nothing is stopping White people and White families from doing the same. You're just a pampered baby. Most of the world has always lived like that "outrageous" setup you accuse the Indians of doing.

I'm a Croat mind you, and that's how we've been living since forever. And nothing has changed or will change. You only have your own stupidity to blame for being poor.

Canada however is a mousetrap. Without drawing in masses of worthless immigrants to prop itself up it will collapse. It's simply an economic zone.

>> No.54229390

It took 13 years of unproductive diplomatic bickering for the American colonies to finally clue in that a distant uncaring monarchical government has no incentive to operate in "it's" territory's best interest. Justin has been around for 8 and he's already into Boston Massacre territory. Just a little bit longer.

>> No.54229504

>race to the bottom is le good
no wonder croatia is an irrelevant shithole made of buckbroken slavshits

>> No.54230108

Yes it is retard.
It's not a guarantee. But it is sure as hell is an "indication."
Michael Jordan was more likely to score 30 than 8.

>> No.54230126

I'm in southern IL so a few people say that, but not really.
Cope post though regardless.

>> No.54230160

It's worse here.

>> No.54230165

Aren't Canadians just as pummeled by them?
Why are they more concerned about invaders brought in to lower wages and raise prices than the real victims?

>> No.54230371

Because you only need 30% of the vote to "win" a Canadian election and the Canadian electorate will accept literally any retarded self-sabotaging policy thrown at them so long as it tickles the but-look-what-America-is-doing endorphin release.

>> No.54230474

i could have saved her

>> No.54230635

Because Canadians are expected to just shut up and die. Browns need more gibs, however.

>> No.54230682
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yes and other companies and businesses are seeing that there is an influx of workers who are being forced to work for minimum wage, so rather than paying Canadians more for work that has traditionally paid more, they are getting indians to do this work for minimum wage. Rather than businesses competing for better wages, immigrants are competing for lower wages. Why would they pay a white guy $35.00 for auto manufacturing when they can pay a guy from Lahore $15.00 for the same work but he's on an indefinite contract so they don't have to pay his benefits and pension as well? It's destroying this country

>> No.54230731

>we need infinite growth
What happens if we decide to not import millions of immigrants?

>> No.54230793

Old people and single moms and retards don't get a free lunch and that would be bad because then working people would realize how badly they're being milked

>> No.54230798

there would be 0 demand for boomer houses and their net worth would be wiped out over night

>> No.54230859

Well I mean you are in that instance, no need to deny it. Doesn't make you a bad person or whatever, just own up to it,

>> No.54230883

>I will form a union and demand ever higher wages until my employer goes out of business

T. Clueless westerner whose job is busy work

>> No.54230927
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>.t subservient scum who is happy to eat ze bugs and own nothing

>> No.54231089

If more population=more wealth, then India should be the wealthiest country.

>> No.54231728

Imagine actually believing this

>> No.54231886

I have no stats but I have seen it a lot anecdotally from trucking claims - a lot of them that come here maintain their bonds back home and return yearly. It used to be a running joke in the insurance claims industry that Indian truck drivers would be involved in a fatality and the next morning they'd be on a plane to India. I saw it personally at least a dozen times, I had a trucker running an insurance scam and the second he realize he was caught he texted me back "plz cancel my inserence claim - I live in India now".
I meet personally with the Indians that own these trucking companies regularly and they constantly lament how Indians are ruining the trucking industry and how there are too many Indian people in Canada.

>> No.54232067
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What net worth do I need to marry a woman that looks like this?

>> No.54232139

Ok tough guy

>> No.54232193

People might call us racist!

>> No.54232278

We're attached to america. Businesses are not leaving america, ever, in the next 200 years. They are only just beginning to flee here as the debt crisis worsens

>> No.54232398

Be black and have a 9" cock.

>> No.54232972
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>> No.54233079

ahahahaha thats what traitors get.
hopefully they deport all ang*o worshiping cucks outta hongkong

>> No.54233845

They want 1.5 million, i read that on my ttok

>> No.54233948

UK, but explains this well:


>> No.54233982

>Would admitting 5 million immigrants per year bring prices down faster?

shit holers are only good for voting in central planning faggots and lowering national IQ. the future of the U.S. looks like brazil.

>> No.54234153

> come expecting gullivers travels
> end up on Amistad

gotcha bitch

>> No.54234166

You have no idea how bad Africa is. They literally breathe lead; Canada has a ways to fall before people stop coming

Immigration will not stop until the entire world is a steaming pile of Indian Gravel

>> No.54234515
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Arriving at Toronto airport, I thought I had landed in India. The security guard was a poojeeta who greeted me. The immigration officer was a poojeet. The taxi driver who solicited a ride was a... poojeet. I went to Tim Hortons, a coffee store, and the cashier was a poojeeta. Her brown feces-coated hands made my coffee and brought my donuts. I wonder if the poo I had stepped on came from a poojeet's anus. This country is a sea of brown people. If you want the Indian experience without visiting Mumbai, just take the TTC to downtown Toronto.

The poojeets are everywhere. White people hide their kids from them.

>> No.54234534
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You are absolutely right about everything. There is an unbelievable amount of poojeets living in Canada - I would guess the country is at LEAST 25% poojeet at this point. You have no idea - there are towns of a million people that are 90%+ poojeet and they are in every small town. Go to Timiskaming Shores in Northern Ontario - town of 12,000, 300 miles away from ANYTHING - you will find families of poojeets. You can go to Golden, BC, a mountain town a days drive from anywhere - poojeets own all the hotels and franchises. It is simply unbelievable just how many there are, and at least a half million more arrive every year. It's o v e r for the white man, and this is coming from a man as white as anyone.

Having said that, poojeets are ok, they're just stupider dirtier whites but very kind and friendly, I honestly prefer them over the passive aggressive/beta/lazy/degenerate/liberal whites (which comprise the majority of them sadly)

>> No.54234552
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>Canada bro here. I'm so tired of all these newcomer Indians man... it is actually fucking insane how many there are now.

Causes leading up to communist Canada:

1980s time line

- Anglo boomers and liberal whites in the 80s voted pro-immigration policies so they can benefit from cheap labour

1990s time line

- Poojeets slowly trickling into Canada and breed like crazy
- Poojeets and Changs start accumulating wealth, whatever means necessary

2000s timeline:

- Nouveau rich Changs do money laundry. They buy up homes around Canada and wash their money in Vancouver's casinos
- Canadian economy is unproductive, they get money from Changs and poojeets by investment visas

2010s timeline:

- Canadian govs import more Changs and poojeets to prop up the housing bubble, since all immigrants need a place to live
- Whites becoming increasingly homeless


- By late 2020s, Poojeets become a visible MAJORITY
- Poojeets vote for more pro-proojet migration policy


- Canada's first poojeet Prime Mininster, Jagmeet
- His long term plan is 100 million poojeets into Canada by 2100


- Canadian economy collapses into 3rd world
- Whites demand more socialism and free gibs
- Blacks and poojeets happy to get free gibs


- Canada population reaches 70 million, majority poojeets and Changs. Whites become a visible minority.
- Poojeets creampie all the white women
- Poojeet man and white woman dating is now trendy

The root cause of the problem: greedy Anglo boomers and white liberals.

>> No.54234567
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I have respect for international Chinese students but no respect for 2nd generation Changs and Poojeet Canadians. Chinese international students are quiet, they study, they drive around in their expensive cars.

2nd generation Changs and Poojeet Canadians mimicry white people.

Changs and Poojeets think they can banter like white (but fail miserably) Some Chang and Poojeetas will try to desperately fit in a white society by only having white friends, adopt anglo names, have white hobbies such as camping, wearing ugly sweaters, and activism (BLM, animal rights, women rights)

>> No.54234606
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>Early 2000s, York University (York Campus) was 95% white students
>Early 2020s, York University is 95% poojeet students.

>> No.54234641

Checked, kek'd, and fpbp

>> No.54234645

Why do I have to put up with migrants waging economic warfare on us anyways? Pajeets wouldn’t tolerate if a bunch of whites started taking over their country so why should a I? Canada should be for Europeans like how it was set out to be by John A McDonald

>> No.54234658
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100%. It's neo-slavery.

Anyone here fear white Canadian cops? They're aggressive, psychopathic and adopt an holier-than-thou attitude. White cops are authoritarian and don't hesitate to use violence on people. There is a large number of neo nazi and alt right wing cops in Canada.

I feel safe around poojeet and chink cops. They're friendly and passive. I can't wait until 80% of cops in Canada are poojeets and chinks.

Canadian police is the last bastion for whites. Average and dumb whites can get a high paying job with the Canadian police force. There is a large neo Nazi and alt right wing groups inside the police that keep the Changs and poojeets out. Riddle me this: why is Toronto full of white cops? Where is the poojeet and chink cops?

>> No.54234662

My knee hurts

>> No.54234678
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A white Anglo society is unhealthy. Have you seen white Canadians walking aound? They dress like shit, in their sweat pants and sweater. They're fat but not jolly. They are passive aggressive, snotty and entited. Anglo whites pass off being rude as "banter". I can't wait until this country is 90% poojeets. Poojeets are friendly and they always greet you with "hullo sir!"

>> No.54234687

This is true. My gf is from Nicaragua and she says it wasn’t worth coming here, biggest mistake of her life, wish she stayed etc only stays for me. If I died and she inherited my wallet ($120k) I know she’d go right back and live like a queen

>> No.54234719
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Other Canadian problems:

3. Too many poojeets. The poojeets do not use toilet paper when they take a shit. The poojeets own Pizza Pizza, Tim Hortons and Subway sandwhiches. They make your coffee and sandwhiches with feces coated hands. Poojeets are nice, humble people and I would rather have them than passive aggressive liberal whites.

4. Importing millions of poojeets and Changs to sustain the government and prop the housing ponzi. Canada's real economy is propping up the housing price so white Anglo boomers can retire comfy and fuck everyone else.

5. Shit weather 8 months out of the year. Snow, freezing rain, mushy snow, dark and gloomy weather. 50% of the popuation lives near the CAN/USA border.

6. "Canadian food" is just borrowed cuisine from America. Canadian food is bland and boring therefore white people love eating "ethic food" ... this includes visiting an Indian restaurant and eating curry and naan bread coated with poojeet feces.

>> No.54234743

I applaud the (You) count. Extra points from chuds

>> No.54234746
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>Canada should be for Europeans like how it was set out to be by John A McDonald

Dude, you are the OG NPC invasive species.

The only reason Whites managed to gain a foothold in the Americas was simply via the diseases they carried, against which Indigenous North, Central, and South Americans had no immunity, such immunity being destroyed after crossing through the land of ice & snow, Beringia, tens of thousands of years ago.

White hominids did not evolve in the Americas. Whites in the Americas have no right to complain, occupying territory that contributed little to nothing to their genetic code/phenotype.

We call plants and animals living outside of their genetic homelands/evolutionary environments "invasive species." Whites were the first hominid invasive species to go global. Had the Indigenous not died off due to disease, the Americas would be more like Africa and Asia in terms of Indigenous hominids gaining back their genetic homelands, with Whites having little to no political power.

Whites just got lucky in the Americas and Australia, where there were very little Indigenous to fight against European invasive species.

t. Canadian poojeet

>> No.54234760
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I'm a Canadian in early 20s and haven’t quite made it yet but made it up to $300k at peak and took a little bit in profits and have traveled pretty extensively around Europe, Latin America, Asia and spent ~2.5 years total in my life abroad.

But my God, Canada is a scam and a trainwreck. The CRA taxes you out the ass, Canadan women are incredibly fat and put no effort yet they’re the most entitled bitches on the planet.

You can get so many high quality Tinder matches in Zurich or Milan or Stockholm (and Asia and Latin Canada it’s honestly obscene) compared to the average Canadian city.

Canadian woman is a sick, entitled, bitchy, entitled, perverted, almost psychopathic attitude that permeates all Canada. The amount of SJWs and poojeets in this country is sickening, Canada is truly, deeply sick. But the worst part is the normalization and acceptance and even glorification of poojeets - it’s beyond sick.

The name of the game is to make it in the Canada before you’re 35, leave for country of your choice (europe, latam, asia all have pros and cons), and to get the fuck out. You haven’t made it if you still live in the Canada and have to look at poojeets people on a daily basis. Do your business, make your money, and get the fuck out. There’s plenty of material wealth in this country, but spiritually and mentally and physically Canadian are beyond fucked.

>> No.54234771

Have you even been out of the country in 2023 anon? Kek. Everywhere is fucked

>> No.54234786
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Anyone else is tired of white entitlement, especially white Canadian waitresses?

Entitled little shits demand that you pay 15-20% tip for the bill. The bill is $200 and they THINK the deserve $40 for clearing some plates and asking "is everything okay?" (in their shrilly voice). You don't tip them? They shame you on social media or SPIT on your food. Canadian white culture is based on entitlement.

Female bartenders make $300 - $500 during a good night. They make more than a labourious UPS driver or studious accountant for POURING drinks. White males have enabled snarky, entitled white females through rules and social norms.

>> No.54234791

It is Allah who snackbars. Ba dum tss

>> No.54234796

Isn't it so insane that the (((article))) is only sad about invaders facing inflation, but do not give a shit about real canadians facing said inflation? After all, the invader can still fuck off back to his shithole, the canadian do not have this luxury.

This is a trend i noticed an awful lot in the (((media))) the past few years : anytime something bad happen, it's only sad if it impact either shitskins or women. Everything is seen through this lens. The white men are literally inexistant in western nations if you read their propaganda vomit. Only time they are mentioned it's to insult and belittle them. Then they wonder why everything turn to complete shit lol..

>> No.54234823
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Not true.

Rural white towns are getting flooded with Indians, and if it's somewhere up north too cold for Indians, the government will literally offer full citizenship to anyone who can prove they have lived there two years. Our housing market is out of control and our economy is built around hyperinflated real estate (like 20% of our gdp is in real estate). If immigrants stop coming in and buying houses the whole pyramid scheme collapses and the economy goes tits up. So the government FURIOUSLY ramps up immigration by any means. If you have $50,000 to invest, you are a Canadian citizen and can bring your family over to work in your gas stations and Subway franchises. The end result: at the bottom there's increased competition for low paying jobs (you're competing against half the planet) and at the top theres swarms of goyim to buy your goyslop and paper houses for top dollar. The average income is like $100,000 but the average wage is like $22/hr - you're either a multi millionaire or you're gonna be eating the bugs and living in the pod. Anyone who isn't a wealthy immigrant is sleeping 2 to a room and shopping at dollarama, living paycheck to paycheck a few thousand bucks in debt with maxed out credit cards, owning nothing and being happy.

The Indians themselves arent the bad guys, they're just trying to make a few bucks and move out of the disease infested shithole they're from. A lot of times they're kinder, more genuine and more down to earth than the whites. But fuck... You just have no idea how many there are here right now. The census results are going to be released in October and I honestly predict 30-40% Indian and whites around the same.

Trust me you don't want to live here anon

>> No.54234847

You VILL own nothing and you VILL be happy

>> No.54234851
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If you ONLY you knew how bad life in Canada is. Most retards don't know, since they don't travel.

Canadian whites are snarky little shits. Poojeets are nice. Poojeets serve white people coffee every day with feces coated hands.

A poojeeta that looks straight outta Mumbai recently served me french fries with her feces coated hands.

White Canadian women are fat and ugly. This country has gone to shit.

Freedom? That's just a marketing slogan. Canadian government FROZE bank accounts of people who donated money to the trucking convey. You expect this shit to happen in China, not Canada.

>> No.54234866

my tapeworm is very nice to me too

>> No.54234873

Tipping is a sign of white entitlement. Whites EXPECT you to tip them just for doing their jobs.

If you don't tip a white waitress, she will publicly shame you or SPIT on your food. But she'll pretend to be nice with her fake bullshit smile. She'll ask you "need anything else you need?" so you can tip her 30%.

White waitresses are beggers, they ask if you "would like your change back". Why don't you do your fucking job and stop expecting handouts? Fuck white people in the restaurant business.

>> No.54234882

Which, really isn't that bad. What do you have against Brazil?

>> No.54234909

Your nose literally poked through my screen shlomo

>> No.54234912

Stay mad, chudkin

>> No.54234929

You forgot about one thing poojeet. The industrial revolution, culture, and most things your filthy poo hands touch is created by whites and is the cause of population explosion and advancement of society. Without the whites, the native Americans and poos in pooland would still be wearing diapers and and fucking their cousins.

>> No.54234962

Kek, yup this. Even had a white waitress steal my cash at a drive in restaurant. Whites are scum of the earth with zero morals.

>> No.54234981

>30-40% Indian
might even be higher, in the 2017-8 numbers, foreign born immigrants made up about 25% of Canada's population

>> No.54235000

I've done it it's shit

>> No.54235003
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White people are degenerate bullies, it's BAKED in their culture. Look at the "tipping" culture in Canada. White waiters will spit, shit and throw your food on the floor if you don't tip them. They're simultaneously begging and demanding a tip. WTF IS WRONG WITH WHITE CANADIAN CULTURE, SERIOUSLY.

>> No.54235022
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Honestly, white Canadians are so fucking annoying to work with. They have this "pretend nice", yet act very passive aggressive. They like to whinge, whine and complain about small things. Think of your entitled Anlgo boomer, that's the white personality summarized. Your typical Canadian isn't ''friendly,,, he's passive aggressive. He likes to insult, yet pass it off as ''banter,,. DO NOT FALL FOR THE MARKETING CAMPAIGN THAT CANADIANS ARE NICE.

>> No.54235033
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We need to talk about Canada's marketing campaign. You know, THE MARKETING CAMPAIGN that is tricking poojeets and chinks into investing their live savings in order to migrate over to Canada. You can buy a Canadian passport for $2.5 million dollars via real estate investment. The poojeet spent all his monies and come to Canada. It's cold and desolate.

>> No.54235045

>t. lived in Venezuela before Chavez

>> No.54235048
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White Canadians are assholes, cultural traits that they had inherited from the Anglos. They pass off insults as "bantering". They like to be passive aggressive at the work place, home and school. White Canadians don't lend each other a helping hand, hence the massive white homeless population in and around Toronto and Vancouver. At least the poojeets have souls and lend a helping hand to their own kind. I don't recall seeing homeless chinks, poojeets and blacks.

>> No.54235066
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Dining in Toronto is a stressful and unpleasant experience.

The 45 year old white bartender with the permanent scowl on his face DOES NOT want to be there. The white Karen waitress gives you a fake bullshit smile and interrupts your meal with "is everything okay?".

She stares into your soul as you pay the bill. You tipped 10%. She gives you a passive aggressive "Thank you very much!" in her shrilly voice.

Later that night she complains and whinges to her friends on social media that you only tipped her $20 (10% of the bill) for carrying a plate of food.

What the fuck is wrong with white Canadians, seriously.

>> No.54235071

There's only one way to find out, goy!

>> No.54235079
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To be honest, I had no idea how toxic and rude Canadian culture is until I lived in Mexico.

White Canadians are aggressive, passive jerks. Or they insert a phony chirpy personality. Their sense of humor is sarcastic and irritating. They make crude remarks to each other while passing it off as banter.

White Canadians advertise themselves as "friendliest," but they never invite each other to dinner. When they run into you, they may say "sorry," but that's it.

>> No.54235100
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White Canadian men are pathetic passive aggressive "people". They bend the knee for blacks. These people are toxic to work with. White men make stupid snide "sarcastic" comments and they act like blacks in the bar, fighting people. At this point, I'll rather befriend a poojeet or Chinese... at least they're nice humble people

>> No.54235147
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White Anglos are incapable of genuine conversations. Their culture revolves around sarcasm and insults which they pass off as bantering. I have yet to meet a healthy minded Anglo that is a real bro. They're always passive aggressive, neurotic and weird (not in a good way)

There's why 4channel HATES Canadians, Brits and Australians because their culture is toxic. Westernized brown women act like retarded (white) Karens, adopting their Anglo accent, their hand waving gestures, their values.

When you think of virgin kissless incel, you're probably thinking of a mentally ill Anglo.

I feel sorry for people growing up in Anglo-centric countries.

>> No.54235165

white boy cope

>> No.54235210

White bros... I'm getting BLACKpilled. I'm pressured to stop being NEET but no one is replying to my applications. I saw on linkedIn and there's +200 applications in my small town. WTF it's fucking over.

>> No.54235220
File: 64 KB, 735x545, poojeeta3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000s of poojeets flooding your small town, bro.

>> No.54235242

Haha I'll just be a BWC mastiff to survive. Jokes aside. If it wasn't for crypto I'd be utterly fucked. I got enough to last me a year.

>> No.54235326

There is no greater cope than posts like these. You know being white is more preferred. I know it. White women know it, and so do Indian women. No amount of cope posting is going to change this.

>> No.54235342

Sometime around 1945 after winning the war, Jews thought it would be a good idea to allow these brown demon spawns to perform unlimited uncontrolled reproduction while culling the west.

>> No.54235463

holy fucking shit bros who

>> No.54236615



>> No.54236662
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Imagine how much worse it'll be in a decade
there's already way too fucking many poos everywhere

>> No.54236781

Feel free to leave Ranjesh
I for one dislike how needy and helpless Indians are, white people are expected to be self sufficient but every Indian will try to abuse any relationship to get everything done for them, this is what makes people behave in a “bitter sarcastic” way to you, because they know the cost of a relationship with you.

>> No.54236807

This skitzo paki immigrant has been posing the exact same “Canada Blackpill” thread for months now, with the exact same posts, simultaneously insulting Indians but ultimately just being bitter towards white people.
He is a muslim Pakistani who is massively butthurt.

>> No.54236823
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>The only reason Whites managed to gain a foothold in the Americas was simply via the diseases they carried

Yeah, that's gotta be it. It definitely couldn't have been European technology which was thousands of years ahead of the natives.

>> No.54236859

This is just the typical dead end argument they make to justify infinite migration or the creation of a slave class. Typical whataboutism as if it changes anything in the current day.

If anything we should look at the mistakes of the natives in order to not repeat them.

>> No.54236869

>I'm a Canadian
No you're not
Source: >>54234746
t. Canadian poojeet

>> No.54236883

Forgot my meme arrow
*>t. Canadian poojeet

>> No.54236897

Ironically this collapse in the West could see many of them return to their homelands and might be the best thing that could ever happen.
>hmm, I am poor and cold.
>being poor and warm was better.

>> No.54236914

He’s literally some muslim who makes this same thread daily.

The situation is Canada is no different from that in Republican Rome Italian countryside.
Masses of slaves take all the work and foreign freedmen undermine the hard earned rights of citizens.
The only solution in the end will be a dictatorship.

>> No.54236925

You know the whole world is in the state it is in because the US was a perfect society that handled immigration perfectly, and EVERYONE tried to copy them but did a fucking horrible job, collapsing and relying on the US to carry them all thus collapsing the US and thus the world in the process.

>> No.54236926

Consider that the people coming now are the lowest of the low, literal garbage heap dwellers so unironically living in a closet and freezing is better than that.

I think many will resort to crime and I’ve already seen how crime has drastically increased across Canada as has drug dealing and production.

>> No.54236927

I don't know, but if the people who run the West are as smart as they should be then it makes logical sense if this plan is a bit convoluted to say the least.
The problem is that I don't see any evidence of this intelligence.

>> No.54236937

Unlike Canada, the USA is not a colonial country, it used to be but canada and australia are still strictly colonial extraction economies ruled by the landed elite class