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File: 1.65 MB, 1170x2006, D8130721-BFF7-4FEE-9813-72A608EF7827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54224018 No.54224018 [Reply] [Original]

I literally cannot fathom how people can live like this.

>> No.54224054

Is that a room in an apartment made into an apartment? NYC kikes are so fucking greedy it wouldn't surprise me that this is what they've done.

>> No.54224075

It’s 80 inches by 150 inches. Literally 100 square feet

>> No.54224090

they spend 16 hours a day wandering around outside of their apartment, consooming as a means to escape their cuckbox.

>> No.54224104

now for the low low price of $4000/month

>> No.54224120

The hunger for the hustle and bustle of the city is too strong

>> No.54224152
File: 14 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close to the dogpark!
and the barcade!
also doordash!

Take that rural retards!

>> No.54224154

>White woman's apt
>Pic of a muh black beauty black power female POC on the wall
Omg such brave
Fight the racist white misogynistic empire!

>> No.54224176

arent rentals required to have at least one window?

>> No.54224177

ITT: butthurt ruralfags who only care about having a Walmart and Applebees

>> No.54224190

its ze pod, unironically

>> No.54224200

>Putting up pictures of niggers on your walls
do americans really?

>> No.54224204

>Fry bacon
>Sprinkler goes off
>All your belongings ruined

>> No.54224206
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lmfao seething ruralcucks

>> No.54224209
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 928E1B88-AF36-4255-9F5E-07AEDE492A44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lives in an actual pod as a slave
>but this rich black lady is oppressed!

>> No.54224218

My bathroom is bigger than that. Incredibly undignified way to live.

>> No.54224230

these are the women that expect men to own/rent a top floor loft like in the hollywod movies. if you brought a girl home and your place looks like OPs pic you're getting the cops called on you. I hate hollywood and social media so god damn much its unreal.

>> No.54224234

let's be honest, that stove probably never gets used

>> No.54224242
File: 2.13 MB, 2017x2449, raskolnikov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell.

>> No.54224255

I take it you've never stayed in a college dorm for a semester?

>> No.54224269

Yeah I’m really fucking coping on my 15 acre lot in 100% white New Hampshire

>> No.54224309

shh the city cucks need to cope

>> No.54224337

T. Suburban zoomer npc bots with stockholm syndrome from years of abuse by the media and corpohomo into consoooooming

>> No.54224378

Fine with me. I’m pleased with being surrounded by people, tons of events, any type of food cuisine I want and the ability to not have to pay the carjew.

Dont see why we argue lmao

>> No.54224689
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>there are claustrophobes posting on this website
Gross! That's worse than racism!

>> No.54224720


>> No.54224953

jews, she probably is raking in millions from zoomers from the jew cartels, this way she can be in the middle of the goyim emporium and practice witch craft

>> No.54224992

Does she shit at Starbucks?

>> No.54225032

Human yeast
Read Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.54225070

>muh heckin based rural new hampshire
i bet your nearest neighbors are 60 something lesbians who drive matching subaru outbacks with bernie sanders bumper stickers.

>> No.54225077

I've lived in smaller

>> No.54225415

are you CDF pilled, fren?

>> No.54225546
File: 1.28 MB, 828x1792, B2D45027-2213-4891-8CA8-2B6CE75D241C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds better than living next to you know who

>> No.54225591

>paying more than $350 for a nyc apartment

>> No.54225632

most people out here repair their own vehicles

>> No.54225756
File: 163 KB, 960x1440, MV5BNGEyNDRjM2QtY2VlYy00OWRhLWI4N2UtZTM4NDc0MGM0YzBkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjk1Njg5NTA@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you get to live the dream of vibrant city life and fuck millionaire hedge fund managers like Samantha from SATC.

>> No.54225788

If its good enough for dwarfs in dwarf fortress it's good enough for this mischling

>> No.54225798

No fire?!?

>> No.54225799

Still a Jewish scam to own a motor vehicle, let alone finance one.

>> No.54225834

Kek'd and checked.
>t. sheboon enjoyer

>> No.54225835

haha we have these all over Canada. POD living is here

>> No.54225859

Hahaha, Americans hang pictures of blacks in their home.

>> No.54225869

Why is there a picture of Steve Urkle on the wall?

>> No.54225879

I'm remembering a PSA about credit card usage I would hear growing up where the landlady was saying "Welcome to Apartment 3A-A" implying the person could only afford a broom closet.

>> No.54225894

Yes rabbi private ownership of anything is a scam I agree.

>> No.54226027

Just depreciating assets like vehicles.

Sent from my iPhone

>> No.54226043
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The actual capsule tower was dismantled last year, but you used to be able to buy a capsule. Unfortunately nobody thought of "what if one in the middle needs repaired?" or "what if someone wants to move" without having to take the whole thing apart.

For some people, a bed, a place to shitpost, and a place to shit is all they need to live their life.

>> No.54226350

I'm one of them.
>t. Happy to own nothing bugman

>> No.54226371


>> No.54226397

Who the fuck are you kidding? You spend most of your time online and order pizza.

>> No.54226651

Yeah, Americans are pretty kiked.
By far the most popular is the geek and sportsball interior decorating schemes.
If they want to show off how cultured they are, it's either African or Asian art.
Car culture is big here so that's a popular choice as well.

>> No.54226876

just so they can get catcalled by dominicans and drink starbucks with their she/they coworkers

>> No.54227040 [DELETED] 

>New Hampshire
>100% white
You might think you are getting le “based pol social capital” or points for this post but anyone who knows anything about New Hampshire immediately knows you are a lying faggot. New Hampshire has a huge Mexican population.

Also btw trump lost

t. Black man in New Hampshire, have fucked multiple blonde snow bunnies this month.

>> No.54227075

It's closer to 10x better jobs and 10x better breedable high genetic women you fat fucking hick

>> No.54227296

lol yeah sure buddy and I'm obama and get fucked in the ass by my tranny wife 3x a day.

>> No.54227445

The purpose of the women who live in these types of shitboxes is to latch onto the richest person they can find

>> No.54227485

The cities are brown as mud, you think those are good genes?

>> No.54227546

In the video you won't link to she says she just came out of a luxury high-rise rental and found this 6mo lease. She wasn't sure if she was going to leave NYC or not. She's saving $2600/mo in comparison to her old rental and still in Midtown. I would unironically live in this. Bathroom situation is whatever, you can always go shit down the street, shower at the gym. No one cooks in NYC even 1/8 as much as normal people because grocery shopping is expensive and a pain in the ass. To be in a central location, no roommates, in an apartment she's probably only in to sleep, $650 is the best budget move.

Is NYC a complete shithole? Yes
Is this too expensive? Yes
Is she stupid for living in the unit? No. I know single rural friends who bitch about rent prices but need at least 2 bedrooms for just them and all their consumer shit. Props to her for choosing something cheap. If you're single, there's no reason you should be paying over $1k in rent.

>> No.54227565

Pretty cool, ngl. It even has a gas chamber for the inevitable suicide.

>> No.54227815

What is really that much fun to do in New York that you can’t do just going on vacation there a few times? Checkmate citycuck

>> No.54227828

>white woman
Look at her nose she ain’t white

>> No.54227880

haha I've used that branch of conversation as a sexo closer a lot of times.

>> No.54227901

big City is pretty much 24/7 horny, creative, network. Good for high libido capitalist and artists.

>> No.54227962

>get vague dude sex answer
And my point is proven

>> No.54227992

Name 3 events

>> No.54228192

It's 24/7 pretending their dream job is giving them dream pay, when in reality unless you're in a elite position, you're making a below average salary for the COL with an equal or worse commute. The only people I know in successful long term relationships were already in a relationship before relocating, or their partner relocated in to be with them. All of my single friends have remained single for over a decade in the NY dating scene. It is a very unique city for the U.S...well, Manhattan is...but there is absolutely nothing to pull you in and keep you unless you love complaining about being inconvenienced and nickle and dimed perpetually. It is all the gaudy of New Jersey, the hopelessness of Pennsylvania, and the wannabe Old Money of New England, converging in one smelly place.

>> No.54228200
File: 402 KB, 2400x1350, pepe apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own (and live in) a multifamily building in a major city. It's pretty nice - I can walk to 90% of the things I need on a daily basis
>grocery store
>train to work
>friends' apartments
I'll always trade space for proximity to amenities, at least at this stage of my life. Would I go for an apartment that small? Hell no. But it's a pretty good deal if you don't need/want all that space. Good hedge against property tax increases too.

>> No.54228211

I live on 5 acres and I hate that I'm such a landlet. I want at least 30 acres

>> No.54229070

>high genetic women

The cities are full of liberal women who have zero desire to have any kids

>> No.54229105

American culture

>> No.54229146

The Louis Vuitton checkout bag that she saved on the top shelf… priorities for women.

>> No.54229165

>It's closer to 10x better jobs and 10x better breedable high genetic women you fat fucking hick
this was maybe true 20 years ago.

>> No.54229187

You’re a sad worthless nigger boasting about fucking white trash.

>> No.54229217

kek seething, back to your cuck cage city wagie!
>better jobs
I work remotely
>better women
lol, lmao

>> No.54229232

No high genetic women are going to fuck you in a 100 sqft apartment

>> No.54229325

Who needs those over hyped, genetic women anyway?
>t. Meant wild meth smoking sheboons enjoyer, earlier

>> No.54229353
File: 2.72 MB, 576x1024, ny apartment.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54229454

it's weird that the oven is blocked by the fridge

>> No.54229465

everyone wants le big house mansion in le middle of nowhere

redpill: you sit 99% of the time in a chair or in bed and look at screen

>> No.54229470
File: 2.95 MB, 720x1280, wagie5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are NPC so obsessed with cities anyway? I can't wait to move out of my city into a nice quiet village

>> No.54229496

Kikes must pay.

>> No.54229559

easy to find prostitutes just get paid more lots of places you could go to but most likely won't extrovert meme average iq is fairly low so the average person thinks it's a worthwhile idea to live there at least one year of their life

>> No.54229567

Part of why anglosphere countries have horrific housing prices is that people have very unrealistic space demands even for just a single person. Look in pretty much any non-anglo country and you will find very reasonable housing costs. Maybe in the rest of western europe look outside of the capital city. Anywhere outside of the anglosphere you will find a plethora of ~20m^2 studio apartments for about a third of a local's monthly pay. Even in major cities like Tokyo and Beijing you can find accommodation for around $500/month (although there's usually initial one-time move-in fees equaling a month or two of rent at least for Japan). When I lived in a capital city in the Balkans I paid the equivalent of $200 a month. It's really only in anglo countries and maybe some other western capitals where you find absurd housing prices, in no small part because every city has to fit in 40m^2 for each member of the household.

>> No.54229636

>most high paying jobs are in the city so usually makes sense to live close
>outside of the US and some western capitals cities are actually nice and not infested with niggers and syrians
>plenty of stuff to do if you live in a functioning society (not a burger or a racially suiciding euro country)

>> No.54229645

>iShit phoneposter
lol OP sucks dicks

>> No.54229924

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.54229968
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>better food quality
>cheaper food
>exotic food for different things, including muh based japanese import food
>art galleries
etc. Food in particular isnt really something you do every month once. If i had to shop at walmart every day id go mad. They dont even have italian stuff besides basic corpo italian stuff.

>> No.54230037

It's the modern religion of the west

>> No.54230038

Hi Chang