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54221182 No.54221182 [Reply] [Original]

I always hear people talking about the rights of getting shelter, food, water, electricity and everything that is basic sustenance as some sort of universal human rights.

But the same question always pops up in my head, what have you done to deserve basic sustenance? What will you do to repay what you consumed and used?

>> No.54221193

>what have you done to deserve basic sustenance
refrained from committing acts of [REDACTED] against [REDACTED].

>> No.54221253

Do you even have the balls for that?

>> No.54221257

We use those things + a bit of time to figure out what we are good at and then innovate that industry.

Individuals aren't given a right to be creative in corporate because the CEO isn't there to approve all 600k employee decisions. So a standard is created and innovation is stifled.

I didn't want to get a degree and go into debt because it was just a piece of paper and the information was on the internet. But then working to survive while studying was too exhausting. At least for me, maybe I'm weak, but I think I'm good at what I do and could be even better at it. Whether it's useful or not is up to the public and that should determine how much more i get on top of water, shelter etc. I wouldn't want much, couple of subscriptions and a few devices. Would cover my entertainment and work needs. Maybe how much electricity I consume is an issue but we can talk about that once I can buy healthy food with my income.

>> No.54221258

>What have you done to deserve basic sustenance?
mate I was the fastest sperm to reach the egg, you know I deserve this. I should also get government-mandated free young virgin pussy for free

>> No.54221290

i make decent money and have a comfortable existence. if i was pushed to the limit, i would have the balls to do that -- as people have done throughout the ages, countless times.

>Despite the violence of the suppression, the government and local lords were relatively circumspect in restoring order after the revolt, and continued to be worried about fresh revolts for several decades.[241] Few lords took revenge on their peasants except through the legal processes of the courts.[242] Low-level unrest continued for several more years.[243] In September 1382 there was trouble in Norfolk, involving an apparent plot against the Bishop of Norwich, and in March the following year there was an investigation into a plot to kill the sheriff of Devon.[244] When negotiating rents with their landlords, peasants alluded to the memory of the revolt and the threat of violence.[245]

>> No.54221491

So it's just you threatening with violence a system until you get what you want?

What happens if people stress the system too much because they think they can get everything they want with violence?

>> No.54221510
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What right does a landlord have to buy up more resources than he needs and to hoard them before selling them at an outrageous mark up?

Only taking what you need is fine, you dont have to give back to (((society))). Taking more of the earth and raping it all for profits in fiat should be punishable by death as it is one of the greatest evils

>> No.54221532

It's a legitimate question. Do humans have intrinsic value just for existing? In a post-religious society, they do not.

>> No.54221574

>What right does a landlord have to buy up more resources than he needs and to hoard them before selling them at an outrageous mark up?
Who decides what i need and what i don't need, when empires must stop growing and when i can't be more powerful than everyone else if my work is giving me so many resources?

>> No.54221589

He doesn’t even have the balls to type it lmfao

>> No.54221593

Everyone has the right to work and earn money to buy food, clothes, shelter etc. Suggesting that you have a right to these things without working for them, implies that someone else is forced to provide them for you. There's no logical scenario where I should be forced to provide someone with a house to live in.

>> No.54221602

>So it's just you threatening with violence a system until you get what you want?
yes, similar to how government threaten their citizens with violence until they get what they want.
>What happens if people stress the system too much because they think they can get everything they want with violence?
their lives stay shitty, but at least they get the satisfaction of destroying the lives of jews.

>> No.54221626

>rights of getting shelter, food, water, electricity and everything that is basic sustenance as some sort of universal human rights.
that's slavery. When you say "you owe me x" you're implying someone must work at gunpoint to give those things to you.

It's not a right.
this lmao

>> No.54221637

Having few options makes us take options that work us to death.

I think everyone is insane because 40 hours for X water, food, shelter, etc is simply not enough. I'd rather have nothing and die staring at a nice view. But they destroyed even that.

>> No.54221645

But working is not a right, it's more a duty.

Who the fuck wants to get up every morning and cool my ass outside if there is a get basic sustenance without doing shit?

>> No.54221652

what would anyone gain from doing what you suggest? do you think tetsuya yamagami telegraphed his actions with incessant e-bloggings?

>> No.54221677

Anon discovers the foundational understandings of right wing thought

>> No.54221688

>their lives stay shitty, but at least they get the satisfaction of destroying the lives of jews
Yes and ending up with other douchebags ruling over you with terror.

>> No.54221694


>> No.54221710
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>what have you done to deserve basic sustenance?
I'm a Cop.

>> No.54221719

You do realize we grow 10billion peoples worth of food a year and something like 4 billion peoples worth gets left to rot in the ground to raise the value of it. We have no problem actually feeding people. The monopoly is the only thing raising the price.

>> No.54221771

i know that when you claim something you must show the source.

>> No.54221773


Those are market based excesses that wouldn't exist without the demand and value. The moment things nationalize the industry suddenly runs on a slight to major shortage.

>> No.54221849

Who's going to provide you everything though? If you want a house, someone needs to build it. If you want food, someone needs to grow it. I think we should have the right to go live in the woods like wild animals if that's what we choose to do. But that's not possible in many countries.

>> No.54221868
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>But the same question always pops up in my head, what have you done to deserve basic sustenance?
Well what have you/they done to deserve to limit such things to the public? Basically the main point is for everyone to have a great life, that's why those "rights" are so important to us.
Also, it's funny how the elites feel so superior to us with all that mighty power and control when it is based on clear falsehood.
>What will you do to repay what you consumed and used?
What will you do to pay for establishing limitations on what other can consume and use?

>> No.54221881

>nationalize the industry
it's already nationalized. farmers wouldn't exist without government gibs (subsidies.)

>> No.54221896

>threatening people you don't like with death
Well you're a worthless piece of garbage that contributes nothing to society but violence, good luck surviving this next part of civilization.

>> No.54221947

We work as a community. Before trade we had a community source that was shared and freeloaders just existed.

What you don't see is that inflation has shifted control to governments to emulate evolution. But they are just creating their own demise.

>> No.54222002

The thing is, if you live in a system where you can choose to work and you get the same stuff regardless of it, would you work or not?

That's why work it's a duty, somethibg you're forced to do if you want your rights

>> No.54222055

>what have you done to deserve basic sustenance?
Be alive. A human right is somethig you get just by the fact of your mere existence. Your premise is faulty.

>> No.54222057

>The thing is, if you live in a system where you can choose to work and you get the same stuff regardless of it, would you work or not?
we don't need the shitty system, we never asked to be part of it anon
>That's why work it's a duty, something you're forced to do if you want your rights
We will work but not when we have 3rd parties consuming our energys blood and sweat while doing so

>> No.54222105

Then why did you bother to type >>54221193
at all? What are you trying to prove, cuck? You will do nothing except jerk off and go back to work until you expire gracelessly when the system has no more use for you. Thanks for playing.

>> No.54222118

>Well what have you/they done to deserve to limit such things to the public?
People already have a "limit" mentality of what others need and don't need, case in point "landlords shouldn't get more than 1 house" or "landlord should lower their rent to X price".
Asking someone who's farming why he doesn't give you a part of his food feels less legitimate than asking why do you deserve the food if you don't give the farmer something in exchange but just threat of violence.
>What will you do to pay for establishing limitations on what other can consume and use?
For something it is given to them? Not giving so much shit away anymore.

>> No.54222138


Why would that be the case? In terms of contribution vs. consumption some people are objectively, mathematically drains on society and worthless

>> No.54222152
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Farmers have existed since the agricultural revolution. It's basically the oldest human industry. Try again

>> No.54222158

see >>54221290

>> No.54222167

No, perhaps you don't understand what i say, would you work to get something that you can get even if you don't work?

I wouldn't, unless working gives me something more there is no reason to work, work is a duty you perform to get rights.

>> No.54222210

you don't understand the economics of farming in contemporary america. you can't make money with modern land costs, which is why farmers are corporations or inherited land that was paid off 5 decades ago.

>> No.54222219

You can't know that. Ideas are priceless and just because someone doesn't understand your concepts or society doesn't mean they don't have the potential for a thought valuable to the community.

And how hard is it really to contribute to society? Taking orders for peoples food is useful. Just because it might be easy they don't deserve a netflix subscription with their food, water and shelter?

and AI can orobably take care of a lot of that kind of work now, so what is the harm in letting a few freeloaders live? If they produce unviable offspring nature will take its course. They're not going to searm the population and doom our entire genome.

>> No.54222281


Farming has just consolidated, naturally, as we need far less hands to do it now and rich farmers naturally gobble up all of the neighbor lands. Saying we need the state to know how to farm is a fucking stupid assertion, anon.

>ideas are priceless

lmfao, this mass of poor retarded goblinos, the heart of our intellectual capital!!!!

It isn't hard to contribute to society, which is why it's reprehensible when someone is a sheer freeloader, which is becoming increasingly common. There will be a day of reckoning, there is no free lunch, eventually the megastate everyone asked for is going to go down its budget list and make some "cuts".

People who contribute nothing, depend for everything, in an increasingly irreligious society don't realize the peril they're putting themselves in.

>> No.54222291

I would work labour a couple hours a week to get a wow subscription and computer. Maybe netflix too. I would work to contribute to unfortunate people and in a balanced society they would only need my time and not my money. In my spare time I would make games and they would be free to play because who cares.

>> No.54222301
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NEETs will post smug threads all day about how they're scamming the system and living a baby mode life and then come in here and start waxing poetic about how their ideas are important and they're actually really valuable

>> No.54222314

I'm not worried. I've already resigned to that fate. But I'm still here for now so may as well warn you as much as I can. This attitude will destroy the genome.

>> No.54222367


This genome improved through death. Lots and lots of death. The strongest races (whites/asians) went through incredible bottleneck periods which led to a strong founder effect.

Humanity would objectively emerge superior if we found a good proxy for general worth/ability and sterilized the bottom 50%. It's not a point of contention that's just how evolution works. It's like a cleansing forest fire.

>> No.54222377

>I wouldn't, unless working gives me something more there is no reason to work, work is a duty you perform to get rights.
Here we go again, who decides the rights?
Who goes on to make them of his(or theirs) own advantage?
Why should i be involved in any of this, just because it was forced by those higher in the "hierarchy"?

Have you ever heard of freedom beyond any sort of rights anon?

>> No.54222420

Ideas can be pretty expensive whe you practice them, sometimes harmful as well.
>And how hard is it really to contribute to society?
How useful is the job you're doing seems more relevant, from this any market decide how much buying power you get, and therefore rights.
>and AI can orobably take care of a lot of that kind of work now, so what is the harm in letting a few freeloaders live?
The AI wastes more resources to sustain freeloaders which are not free, they depend from you, expecially from the point of view of an efficient AI

>> No.54222455
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>what have you done to deserve basic sustenance?
i don't know
>What will you do to repay what you consumed and used?
I didn't do it

>> No.54222511

The only rights that need to be guaranteed are the intrinsic qualities with which you come into this world - the right to be alive, the right to bodily autonomy and wholeness, and the right to freedom. Everything else, including food and shelter, you must fight for yourself because nobody owes you anything.

>> No.54222563

basic human rights means there is no condition to receive them other than being human you moron

>> No.54222565

Ask the niggers being pumped into western countries this.

>> No.54222592

>What have you done to deserve basic sustenance?
Pay taxes
>What will you do to repay what you consumed and used?
Pay taxes

>> No.54222652

>boo hoo that big meanie is hoarding resources
So are you, retard. You don’t need anything more than a hovel built out of sticks and your daily bread. Your standard of living is well past 99% of people who ever lived, including millions of literally starving niggers. You’re just mad that you’re a rentcuck and the landlord is slightly better at hoarding resources than you.

>> No.54222683

The amount of resources you consume is already greater than what you pay in via taxes. Giving you more free shit isn’t justified because you’re a net negative already.

>> No.54222685

>Here we go again, who decides the rights?
The interactions between parts of a social system.
>Who goes on to make them of his(or theirs) own advantage?
i don't think i got the question
>Why should i be involved in any of this, just because it was forced by those higher in the "hierarchy"?
Why those higher hierarchy is in that position? the social system asked them produce useful policies and improve the economy, so here they are the lower classes as tools like everything else to fullfill an evolutionary purpose.

>> No.54222750

Human rights are a communist psyop; they don’t exist in reality. The American forefathers thought about this extensively, clearly, and enumerated precisely the rights which are inalienable and God-given. Those are the only human rights and no where does it say food shelter or healthcare or any other bullshit that pathetic communists wish for.

>> No.54222859

A scarce resource can't be a right, it's a logical impossibility.

>> No.54223247
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you are literally not allowed to go into the woods, build a log cabin, and live like god intended. there needs to be some kind of compromise. all scaricity is manufactured anyways

>> No.54223741

Literally what is stopping you? Buy some land and go build your log cabin. Nobody cares. The government isn’t going to come stop you.

>> No.54223777

>Buy some land
how? become a debt slave?

>> No.54223878

You can’t save up $15k for a few acres in the mountains? Quit being a whiny faggot. The truth is, you easily do your trad survivor log cabin man larp in this country. Nothing is stopping you except your lack of willingness to try.

>> No.54223951

A right is generally a protection against having something taken from you or harm done to you. Free stuff can never be rights because it requires violations of others' rights to force them to supply it to you.

>> No.54224112

>im the hardest working nigger on the field, you guys are just lazy!
You literally arent allowed to buy bread without giving the government their cut.

>> No.54224807

>sales tax is stopping me from building my log cabin and living in the woods
Cope. You simply don’t want to leave the safety of your moms basement and learn to live how god intended.

>> No.54224990

Nothing and nothing. However, consider that we're all angry men in the 20-30 year range with nothing to lose. It's cheaper to pay us off than to risk it all.

>> No.54225029

>what have you done to deserve basic sustenance?
When I give 40% of my paycheck to the government I expect them to ensure that the cost of basic necessities stays within a reasonable limit

>> No.54227118

Why did he say that in english?