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54216653 No.54216653 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Anons,
To anyone who knows someone with military experience are has gone to military.

I am going to join as an Officer to get a second chance at life. I have a Bachelors in Communications (what good that did for me) and I have been working in customer-service type jobs for about 5 years now.

I'm about to turn 27 and realize I need to change my options in career. What MOS/Job is best to get real world experience once I get out. I am hoping to work while i am in the reserves.

Logistics Officer?
Military Intelligence Officer?
Cyber Warfare Officer
Signal (Communications Equipment) Officer?

Which one of these jobs will set me up for the future once I get complete my 6 years in the reserves or even out of training from Officer School and my technical job? I need a second shot at life because I fucked up choosing a shitty major (the reason I am going officer is to become a manager due to leadership experience). Which one of these fields would translate best to a 6 figure job out of the military.

>> No.54216672

Op Again, also which of those fields would have the most abundance of job opportunities and least amount of competition when leveraging my military experience once im out

>> No.54216681

I did Cyber Security in the Air Force when Obama was president. I had useful certifications by the time I got out, so finding a decent job was easy

>> No.54216688

just pick any of them and then go for disability gibs.

>> No.54216693
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>> No.54216702

Not the army but AF, I did a short contract and quickly moved on, would not do it again but if so did it would absolutely be as an officer, us enlisted were treated like cattle in comparison.

>> No.54216704

fuck off, NAFO

>> No.54216782

This, they need more meat for the Jewkraine meat grinder

>> No.54216901

90% chance OP is a Chair Force troon. To all the suckers itt -- go join the Coast Guard and leech off Uncle Sam and his printers thousands of miles away from any frontlines. Avoid the Crayon-Munching Service or the army at all cost.

>> No.54217111
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For a host of reasons it doesn't matter in the way you think it does. BTW I'm going to give you a hint:
Space Force Officer>AF Officer>Coast Guard Officer>Naval Officer>Space Force Enlisted>AF Enlisted>Army Officer>Coast Guard Enlisted>Navy Enlisted>Army Enlisted>Crayon Eaters
Also the point is to get VA gibs.

>> No.54217240

Anything that requires secret clearance is good. Also make sure you go to medical and get all your damage/ills documented it's the only proof once you get out. Make copies of your medical records. Also get married or have a kid, pay is double for those with a dependent. Don't live on base, get a cheap apartment and pocket the difference. Get your masters while ur in using tuition assistance program (100% covered by ur service). Could be related to your field or something like an MBA is good too.
Honestly if you already have a bachelor's and stuck doing shit jobs it's your fault for not looking beyond your immediate environment. Sales jobs in the 80k range plus commission completely doable with comm undergrad. Don't give me the I don't like sales bs if you're asking for 100k. Worst case you're guaranteed $80k federal govt work when you get out as veterans have preference especially if you get VA disability for service connected injuries.

>> No.54217249

Thank you anon for the feedback, but I'm just curious what is the reasoning why the Space force and Coast guard would be better as an officer for me?

I was considering Army, because i want to be on the ground tracking terrorists. But what branch would best translate to the civilian corporate world the best as an officer in my listed jobs I wanted?

>> No.54217281

join the space force, its where all the high IQ people go, and alot of the jobs are glorified office jobs. bonus points if you can land a clearance which is more valuable than a docterate in any field.

Figure out what you want to do, study for the asfab and do good on it, choose a job that involves space, do your 4 years, leave (with disability if you can) and get a job as a contractor making over 100k a year, is that simple.

>> No.54217290
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I am currently enlisted in the USAF. The Space Force and the Air Force are the only branches of the military you can be in and maintain a life that remotely resembles something normal. Do not join any other branch, even if you commission it will not be worth it. In the AF we use the AFSC (Air Force Specialty Code) instead of an MOS. Right now the SF and AF are undergoing a huge career field merger so it's really confusing to determine which career to get into. Previously, compsci, networking, programming, or other "cyber" jobs were under the 3DXXX naming scheme, now those same jobs worth getting are under a new format that follows 1D7XXXX. I am currently "Cyber Transport Systems" and could get out making 130k starting very easily if I get my CCNA.

>> No.54217336

Anon, that is awesome, good for you m8. I would be gunho about becoming a Cyber Officer except I have a degree in a liberal arts field and very little IT knowledge, so would it still suit me?

Would going this route open up doors for me still once I get my clearance when compared to someone who actually got a degree in Cyber Security?

Thanks Anon, I will check out Space Force. Which field would you reccomend for someone open to any field that translates well into the civilian world? I have limited IT knowledge but am a quick learner and only have a communications degree?

>> No.54217411

>Which field would you reccomend for someone open to any field that translates well into the civilian world?

Anything to do with space or space operations is going to get you money, especially because getting a security clearance plus space experience will translate into a very high paying job when you are out.
It doesnt matter what you do, as long as you get a secret or better yet TS clearance you are garunteed a decent paying job.
If you are interested in more of the IT route, I would say go the cyber or intelligence route.

Also though, most space operations jobs are in colorado springs, which is truely a fantastic place to live, I dont care what anyone says. I ended up staying here after I got out, especially since I scored a house with that sweet VA loan.

If nothing else, I cannot reccomend enough to you to do it, I used to think mil people made shit money, but if you get to even e3-e4 pay, you will be doing fantastic.
Use the VA loan and buy a house with no down payment too ASAP, if you dont you are fucking up big time.
dont go to the dorms and buy a 2022 mustang like every other dumb enlisted, struggle for 2-3 years, save and then buy a house and move into a sweet ass civilian contractor job after 4 years

>> No.54217429

also sorry, little retarded, forgot you are going in as an officer, you will be set after 1-2 years, then just do your job, get out and get an even higher paying job

>> No.54217451
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Becoming an officer for cyber is very rewarding. You don't need a bachelors degree in X field to get X job. It certainly helps, but you don't need it. As long as you have a real bachelors degree in anything, you can more or less get into any officer position as long as they need people to fill said field. You will go to a trade school of sorts to learn the job in essence, and then you will be surrounded by old guard officers who have been roosting at the top of the chain of command in your SQ for years. Don't be scared to talk to a CMSgt. or Col. to learn things from them. A small portion of humility and a large portion of open minded effort and patience will take you places. You can start learning now if you want to. The world is your oyster. Military life can be rough at times, but as an officer you will be living on easy street nearly 100% of the time if you aren't a neanderthal and have decent stress management skills.

>> No.54217455

>Crayon Eaters
Marine Corps, I assume.

>> No.54217483

I would be going in as reserves though, from what i know the contract is about 6 years, do you think after 2 years of doing my work I can try to get a full time job while doing the reserves in that field?

>> No.54217511

Cant speak about the reserves personally, but I believe you can do a reserve contract for as little as three years.

And it depends what you want to do, but again, if you are able to aquire ANY kind of security clearance you are essentially garunteed a high paying contractor job

>> No.54217536

So if the army lets me do that, it doesn't exaclty matter what branch I join right? I wanted to do military intelligence becaue the highest security contract is guaranteed, while not so much for the others.

Also, what kind of jobs can I get with top clearance? Like other than working for FBI and government?

Thank you for all your help anon

>> No.54217591

>highest security contract is guaranteed, while not so much for the others.

So something you might not know, is that if you go into any branch and decide before hand what job you want, you will take the test to see if you qualify, tell them you want your desired job.
If they cannot offer your desired job to you, you are not required to take it and can try at another branch. you only need to sign and fully join if you are happy with the job you get.

>Also, what kind of jobs can I get with top clearance?
I have seen lots of different jobs, all of which pay very well, both private and gov jobs (private tends to pay more, but gov could allow you to get retirement)
>IT Security
>IT Admin
>operator (same job you were doing but as a contractor for a private company most likely)
>pencil pusher in a corperate office that manages or has a gov contract that requires clearance.
I cannot stress enough, a TS clearance is more valuable than ANY degree.
I have zero college experience and I make over 130k a year after tax after doing the airforce as an enlisted for 4 years and getting a clearance and good job with l3harris afterwards.

>> No.54217626

This is the real answer.

I left after 15 years with a full 100% disability, paycheck for life, full medical benefits for life.

Start documenting all your injuries and fuck ups early and keep doing it.

>> No.54217643

Why reserves if you have a shit job currently? Many of the bennies are less than 50% for reservists

>> No.54217681

I'm doing it for the experience not the money/benefits. I need more discipline, experience in something, and new purpose.

Also I already have decent benefits from my job actually

>> No.54217688

lol what the fuck is the UCK?

>> No.54217925

Albanian version of the ick

>> No.54218196

Anything "cyber" in it's name.
Fair warning, cyber school is moderately difficult and you'll be sent to the shit hole that is Fort Gordon for like 6 months after BCT

>> No.54218216

Don't do it, it's a complete waste of time...
You wont learn anything, and you'll just be wasting weekends sweeping and mopping floors because your leadership retards that won't know what to do with you.

Go active duty or don't bother joining at all.

>> No.54218239

How is it a waste of time? I mean I would still be getting all the benefits active get wont I? I want to join the military before I am too old, but I also want to maintain a family life back home.

>> No.54218249

You don't get to choose as officer.

t. Officer

>> No.54218277

Excellent time to join, not like the US is on the brink of geopolitical conflict with its two rivals and not like there is a war going on with one of them whereby the US is an unofficial ally. I don't see what could go wrong with this career move. Excellent timing. Please enlist as soon as possible and good luck, and I wish you really good luck genuinely.

>> No.54218344

what if I actually want legit military training out of it? The end goal is a comfy job but I don’t just want to sit in a chair all day, I wanna shoot shit and run around.

>> No.54218359

>joining the military right before ww3

have fun dying for kikes retard

>> No.54218472

Russia cant take a minor town 30km from its border, wouldnt call them a rival

>> No.54218474

Then start eating crayons so you can get turned into lasagna by an Iranian drone strike

>> No.54218621

i'm just not going to (fight Russia and China)

>> No.54218636

Kys, zogbot. You deserve nothing more than a bullet.

>> No.54218752

Go signal or logistics. Logistics is full of niggers though.