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File: 340 KB, 1170x2532, F56314F7-0761-4B0F-AF67-1617563BF1EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54212063 No.54212063 [Reply] [Original]

I basically made more links swinging than staking. Lmao

>> No.54212101
File: 103 KB, 1556x1261, linkbtclolzoomedout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only "basically"? I'm glad i sold this garbage before it started collapsing.

>> No.54212123
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54212141

NGMI for buying link in the first place

>> No.54212178


>> No.54212222

3k usd Holy fuck stop selling bro. You are gonna crash the market with that whale selling.

Nigger i hold more than 8 times that amount in something called Dont Buy Inu $DBI lead by a literal crackhead DEV.

>> No.54212244
File: 86 KB, 1170x317, EA9979B7-B435-4A57-8C10-EADCCB13DD17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes 3 grand. You retards spent at least 50k just so you can make 4% yearly rate on link meanwhile I dabbed you delusional retards in two months. So who’s laughing at who right now?

>> No.54212277

I’m laughing at you for bragging about a $3000 trade kek

>> No.54212285

This has got to bait. There is no way a sane person would create this thread to gloat about 3k.

>> No.54212328

even poorfags are dabbing on link bagholder niggers lol

>> No.54212329
File: 20 KB, 398x228, pepe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

617 LINK KEK. Fucking fudders are fudding link for 600 LINK LMAOING AT YOUR LIFE.

>> No.54212333

Checked and kekd

>> No.54213226

Nigger that’s 617 links from 500. In your delusional terms that’s 100k dollars.

>> No.54213491
File: 87 KB, 852x1256, 616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so fucking crazy to realize that all fudders are probably stacklets with less than 1000 link. and here we are with our 100k+ link trying to convince the fudders to stop fudding, but they are doing it for scraps...

>> No.54213871
File: 1.91 MB, 576x1024, 1674186315043854.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow one of you faggots actually listened. good for you. may you be blessed with a qt octoroon gal as your wife.

>> No.54214205

the fud makes sense when you realize they're all newfags. imagine learning about crypto, coming onto this board for the first time, seeing everyone talk about how chainlink is the greatest invention since sliced bread, going all in at $30-$50, then it crumbles to $6. now you're miserable, angry, and demoralized, but every day you come back to this board and you see linkies excitedly discussing things you can't even understand. i feel like im going insane with how people still don't understand how big chainlink will be despite all the evidence, the fudders are going insane with how people still don't understand how shit chainlink is despite all the "evidence".

>> No.54214244

all chainlinker holders are non english speaker and havent learn to use a toilet. They have a problem reading the mc menu and think this billion mc will pump 1x. Very bad investment and a lot of poo in the vindoloo

>> No.54214352

The things men will do for vagina

>> No.54214425

She's a good looking nigger

>> No.54214470


Me. I invest $3k/week. None of it goes to link.

lol I was like lmao.

>> No.54214532

bruh, she mogs 99.9999999% of white women

>> No.54215804

Ironically, the reason we fudded back in the day was to stop reddity retards from getting rich. aka, exactly the same people who fud it now.
Chainlink crashing was a good thing, because it burned all of the newfags who don't deserve to make it.

>> No.54215951

not nig, quatre arab 75% french white

>> No.54216052

100% nigger